THIS IS Welcome Contestants... Today ’ s 100 200 300 400 500 Amendments 1Amendments 2 Supreme...


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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Amendments 1 Amendments 2 SupremeCourt

Citizenship Vocabulary Grab Bag

Which amendment protects the rights of Americans to

express themselves symbolically?

A 100


A 100

The 8th amendment protects citizens from

A 200

Cruel and unusual punishment

A 200

This amendment protects citizens from self-incrimination

A 300


A 300

Which amendment have African Americans, women and other

minority groups used to fight for equality?

A 400

14th Amendment

A 400

Which amendment officially ended Jim Crow laws and

granted African Americans full opportunities to vote?

A 500

24th Amendment

A 500

This amendment set the voting age to 18 in all 50


B 100


B 100

The 19th amendment did what?

B 200

Gave women suffrage (voting rights)

B 200

Which amendment guarantees all citizens equal protection under the law?

B 300


B 300

This amendment guarantees everyone the right to a speedy and public trial and right to a lawyer

B 400


B 400

This amendment guarantees all those accused of a crime to due process of law

& protects against double jeopardy.

B 500


B 500

This Supreme Court case established everyone’s right to an


C 100

Gideon v. Wainright

C 100

Which Supreme Court case established the right to remain


C 200

Miranda v. Arizona

C 200

What were the two outcomes of New Jersey vs. TLO?

C 300

-Established more lenient procedures for schools to search students

-Reduced students right to privacy

C 300


C 400


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What was the outcome of Texas v. Johnson?

C 400

Protected ones right to burn the American Flag as a demonstration of freedom of

expression (speech)

C 400

How does the Supreme Court protect the rights of all


C 500

They determine if laws are unconstitutional and violate

the rights of Americans

C 500

What can’t an alien do that an American citizen can? 2 things

D 100

Vote and run for public office

D 100

What must one do/be to become a naturalized citizen?

D 200

-18 years old

-Live in the U.S. for a certain # of years

-Pass test with 60% correct

D 200

Do aliens have the same protections under law as citizens? Explain

D 300

YES! Still protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights

D 300

List three responsibilities of a citizen

D 400

-Jury Duty


-Promote common good


-Serve in military

-Pledge allegiance to U.S.

-Obtain an education D 400

What’s the difference between a citizen right and responsibility?

D 500

Right is guaranteed by law and a responsibility is an expectation of citizens

D 500

The act of breaking a law based on ones morals

E 100

Civil disobedience

E 100

What is the exclusionary rule?

E 200

Evidence that is obtained in an illegal search by police may not be used as

evidence in court.

E 200

What is double jeopardy?

E 300

Being charged with the exact same crime twice

E 300

Amendment: Protects citizens from unreasonable searches by police…

E 400


E 400

What does it mean to plead the 5th?

E 500

That you are refusing to speak, you are remaining silent based on your

5th amendment rights

E 500

What was the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case?

F 100

Stated that slaves are property and are not free in a free state. 1st time the Constitution was used to uphold


F 100

Someone’s right to peacefully protest the government is

protected by what?

F 200

1st Amendment: Freedom of Assembly

F 200

What is an example of civil disobedience?

F 300

Answers will vary:

F 300

When is Freedom of Speech limited?

F 400

When it violates someone else’s rights.

F 400

Why is citizen participation essential to the success of


F 500

The more citizens that vote and run for office will help make sure the best

candidate is elected.

F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Constitution Principles

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How does the Supreme Court protect the rights and liberties of citizens?

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Answers Will Vary

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Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT
