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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Missouri Compromise

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Compromise of 1850

Mexican War

Misc. Slavery Review

Petitioned for admission to the Union in 1818

A 100

What is Missouri?

A 100

The number of states the Union had before the

Missouri Compromise

A 200

What is 22?

A 200

The free state created as a result of the Missouri


A 300

What is Maine?

A 300

The Line that divided free territories from slave as a result of the Compromise

A 400

What is the 36º 30’ Line?

A 400

Area of land that was divided between slave and free in the

Missouri Compromise

A 500

What is the Louisiana Purchase?

A 500

She penned the book

B 100

Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe

B 100

The author grew up along the banks of this river

B 200

What is the Ohio River

B 200

This was the general reaction to the book in the South

B 300

What is outrage

B 300

This movement grew exponentially as a result of

the work

B 400

What is the Abolitionist Movement

B 400

This is the original title of the book

B 500

What is Life Among the Lowly

B 500

This state joined the Union as a result of the compromise

C 100

What is California

C 100

The South was granted this concession as a result of the


C 200

Fugitive Slave Act

C 200

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 changed the

responsibility of returning slaves to their owners from

this group to the Federal Government

C 300

What is the State Government

C 300


C 400


This former Vice-President from South Carolina was one

of the authors of the compromise

C 400

Who is John C. Calhoun

C 400

Slaves could not be brought into this area to be bought or

sold as a result of the compromise

C 500

What is Washington D.C.

C 500

The United States gained more territory under this President than any other

president other than Thomas Jefferson

D 100

Who is James K. Polk

D 100

The number of territories gained as a result of the

Mexican War

D 200

What is 5

D 200

This treaty ended the Mexican War

D 300

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

D 300

The name given to the territories taken from Mexico

during the war

D 400

What is the Mexican Cession

D 400

The proviso proposed to deal with slavery in the new

territories was named for this man

D 500

David Wilmot

D 500

This is the “comic book” reason we fight wars

E 100

What is Moral (good v. evil)

E 100

The percentage of the 3 million immigrants that

settled in non-slave states between 1846-1855

E 200

What is 90%

E 200

In the House of Representatives, seats are

apportioned by this

E 300

What is population

E 300

In the Senate, there are this many seats for each state

E 400

What is 2

E 400

The definition of a Civil War

E 500

What is a war between two sections of the same group

with differing views

E 500

This invention made producing cotton easier

F 100

What is the Cotton Gin

F 100

He invented the Cotton Gin

F 200

Who is Eli Whitney

F 200

These codes governed slaves even more

F 300

What are slave codes

F 300

This slave preacher lead a slave revolt and was

eventually hanged and skinned

F 400

Who is Nat Turner

F 400

The Underground Railroad was started by this religious


F 500

Who are the Quakers

F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Civil War Geography

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These two territories were given the freedom to choose between being a free or slave state as a

result of the Compromise of 1850

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What is Utah and Nevada

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