This term we are talking about LOVE in 1 Corinthians 13. Last


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Hello boys and girls!

This term we are talking about LOVE in 1 Corinthians 13. Last

week we spoke about how love always trusts and always

hopes. This week we are talking about faith in Love, through

the story of the paralytic man.

Faith is believing in Jesus and knowing that He will do what’s

best for us. Hebrews 11 verse 1 defines faith as follows, “Now

faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about

what we do not see…” Sometimes we tend to believe in things

we haven’t seen yet or come to fully understand; that is called

faith. We haven’t seen Jesus, but we believe in Him, because

there is enough evidence for us to believe in Him and not only

so, He’s left us with the Holy Spirit and His Word, the Bible, and

the Holy Spirit helps us understand the Word of God. Here is a

story about a man who needed healing and His friends had

heard about Jesus and His miraculous works and had faith that

He can and will heal their friend.

Read this story in LUKE 5: 17 – 39 | ROMANS 10: 9 – 10

Watch the story:

All my love


Craft Corner


Templates (Printed on cardboard


Straws (Cut to desired sizes)


Pritt / Glue / Tape

Crayons/Pencil Crayons/ Kokis


Colour in the flowers and flower pot

as desired. On each flower, write

down how you can show faith and

kindness to others.

Cut out the flowers and glue onto

the straw, the straw is your stem.

Tape or glue the stem onto the

flower pot.

Put your faith flower pot

somewhere that will remind

you/challenge your faith always.

Flower Template

Colour in and cut out as desired.

Hebrews 11 verse 1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about

what we do not see

Love is…

1 Corinthians 13 Colour in the picture below

Loving each

other well

What is faith?



How was faith exercised in today’s story?



What healed the paralytic man? Explain



What hope did the paralytic man have that he

would be healed?



Hebrews 11 verse 1 explains what faith is. What

does it teach you about faith?


