Thriller films similar to our main task


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Thriller films similar to our main task

By Pav Contomichalos

The Godfather

• This is a crime thriller which shares many conventions with out main task. For example the themes of murder, theft and organised crime are also portrayed in our film as well. They also have a certain way of setting a tense dramatic mood and this is what we have tried to achieve in our final task.

The Untouchables

• Another film that’s in the film noir style. The untouchables is again based around organised crime and has hints of corruption and murder. Our film is meant to be a modern take on the same sort of ideas and moralities mobsters shared back then. Also the same sort of tension created in this film is similar to ours


• Scarface is another film about organised crime and one that I think is probably more similar to ours due to the time at which Scarface is set. However although murder is involved in this film its more to do with drugs in the organised crime industry still there are very tense scenes which we can relate to our task