Thriving Dec.Jan.pdf


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Neighbor to Neighbor


Barbara Barrett is a Celebration resident who is also a published author. Her romance novels include Saved by the Salsa, The Sleepover Clause, and Tough Enough to Tango.

Her fourth and most recent book, Seduction on Wheels is now available through Following is a recent summary:

Seduction on Wheels

The Wild Rose Press, August 2015 by Barbara Barrett

When her ex-husband calls her frigid, Jenna DiFranco takes some incredible risks to prove her sexuality, including picking up men in bars. Realizing her behavior is unsafe and irrational and finding herself facing several days on the road alone with Gray McKenna, she makes him prom-ise not to respond to her overtures.

Years ago, Gray swore off serious relationships with women, but that hasn’t kept him from casu-al hook-ups. From the moment he meets her, he recognizes Jenna as trouble, the kind of wom-an who wants permanence in a relationship. The kind of woman to avoid.

But the promise and Gray’s resolve don’t stand a chance when close confinement, personal revelations, and Jenna’s need to prove she still has it ignite their mutual attraction.

Visit or to learn more!

TIPS for Functional Core Conditioning :

Suggested Activities provided by Alexis Saire ( People-watching: Observe posture online, in magazines and real life Observe the belly breathing of babies and pets Blow up a balloon: observe your breath and core engagement “Smell the coffee”: deep breathing Bean-bag breathing: Lie down, place a bag of dry beans on your belly and feel the bag rise

and fall gently with your breath

Thought for the Day

“Everyone who lives in this world takes something from it, and should add something to it. And if we become aware of that responsibility, it will greatly enrich our lives and our souls.” --Dorothy Johnson

Do you have something you’d like to share with us? We are always on the lookout for news as it pertains to you, including: Recipes Exercise/ fitness ideas Favorite vacation and travel spots Book and Movie reviews Favorite restaurants Celebrators news Stetson Lifelong Learning Nutrition and health

News items may be submitted to the Foundation directly, or to Lori Bruno at

Thriving In Place


Our First Issue!


Tips from TIP!


In 1994 Disney created the town of Celebration, hoping to create the feel of small town America, with New Urban-ism walkability and a sense of community in the forefront. In 1996 the Celebration Foundation was established with the purpose of promoting community engagement in hu-man services, education and the arts. It was a broad mandate, and I don’t have room in this column to list all of the successful programs the Foundation has developed over the years. You can see for yourself at

However, even with all of these efforts, the Executive Director and the Foundation Board felt there was some-thing lacking. They had heard anecdotal stories of folks needing to leave the community due to situations most of us take for granted.

Some of these folks had become unable to drive to the doctor’s office or to the hospital, or go grocery shopping, run errands, or perform simple household chores, neces-sitating a move back near their family for support! Even if they had friends or family nearby, it sometimes became a burden for the folks they relied on as they often had their own busy schedules.

The board conducted an outreach for volunteers. The result of this outreach was stunning! Offers for volun-teers poured in from the community, and Thriving in Place was born! On October 15th, Thriving in Place offi-cially launched with the ability to offer Companion Visits, Errand Assistance, Transportation within Celebration, Handyperson services, and a varied array of social events and recreation services to our members.

The membership has vaulted to 50 since October 15th, and the Thriving in Place program has 75 dedicated volun-teers, who understand that what they do every day is affecting the community! We have provided multiple services, and are always looking for more opportunities to provide our “Members” with services or social functions.


Thriving In

Place Is Born!





Remembering Dorothy Marion Northrup and her grand-daughter recently baked holiday cookies in memory of beloved TIP and community member Dorothy Johnson. Their thoughtful kindness was shared with Stetson’s Lifelong Learners in early November. We thank them sincerely.

The Ship - Henry Van Dyke

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.

She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch her until at length she is only a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky meet and mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side exclaims, “There, she’s gone!”

Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large in hull and mast and spar as she was when she left my side, and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of her destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

And just at the moment when someone at my side says, “She’s gone,” there are oth-er eyes watching for her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, “There, she comes!”

And that is dying.

Birthday Surprise

Our own Helen Cardenuto was surprised and honored with a family gathering in early September. The reunion was actually a birthday party, beautifully organized

by her daughters, to celebrate Helen’s 90 years of life. The special event took place at her Celebration home during the Labor Day weekend. “Everyone was there,”

says Helen, “my daughters and their husbands, my grandchildren and great

grandchildren. My daughter even arranged to have a professional photographer there to take pictures.”

Helen was especially touched when presented with an album containing a

compilation of photographs taken throughout her life, from girlhood through adulthood. She cherishes this special gift so much that she eagerly shared it with

her friends during a TIP Lunch Bunch meeting. When asked to reflect on the

weekend and what it meant to her, Helen says simply, “It was an amazing


The Thriving in Place staff wish you a belated Happy Birthday, Helen,

and many more!
