Thüringer bier FMCG



Best imported beer from Germany, following the German Purity Law of 1516

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Deutsches Hefeweizen-Bier 纯正德国享受


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Thüringer 特汀格浑浊型小麦啤酒是德国 OETTINGEr brauerei 公司研制的新产品,是全欧洲最畅销的啤酒品牌之一,是我们根据国人口味选择而进口的产品。其色泽浑浊亮黄,泡沫丰富细腻,味道醇厚甘爽,洋溢着鲜麦芽的清香。所有的特汀格啤酒均不含防腐剂,为纯天然的绿色食品。特汀格啤酒质量标准符合国际食品(IFS)标准,通过了 ISO

9001-2000-12 认证及中国出入境检验检疫总局食品检测证书。最新的技术,最佳的质量成份,严密的质量管理在保持巴伐利亚啤酒的基础上持续发展新产品。特汀格啤酒,真正为啤酒爱好者酿造。






包装:易拉罐保质期:14 个月(最佳饮用日期請見罐底)

贮藏方法:置于阴凉处特殊说明: 提倡健康理性饮酒


◦ 特汀格啤酒泡沫洁白细腻,具有牛奶般的绵软感觉;拥有上品啤酒的特征--泡沫挂杯能保持在 5 分钟左右,落去后能够在杯壁上留下明显痕迹。

◦ 特汀格啤酒属于小麦啤酒即白啤酒,是把小麦麦芽和大麦麦芽混合后酿制的,其麦香味纯正独特、不太苦、口感润滑,具有典型的”液体面包”之称。

◦ 浑浊型啤酒在全世界只有德国有如此的酿造工艺即二次发酵型啤酒,属于真正的环保绿色饮品!


◦ 听装的特汀格啤酒碳酸气的压力很高,倒的时候要注意泡沫,使用的杯子必须非常干净,

饮用前要冷藏到 2℃到 7℃之间,风味才会完全发挥。

◦ 喝特汀格啤酒时不可一口喝完,这是饮用浑浊型啤酒特有的习惯和文化表现。碰杯时从杯子下方碰一下让酵母浮起再放回桌面,充分感受特汀格啤酒特有的风味。

◦ 特汀格啤酒跟各种料理都很搭配,尤其适合当开胃酒。

◦ 在饮此酒时,先倒出 90%,再将剩余的 10%轻轻摇匀顺杯壁倒下去,就会看到二次发酵的过程(10%的部分如云雾般慢慢沉淀,啤酒颜色逐渐变浑浊),2~3 分钟后再饮用就会有一种鲜酒的味道, 在全世界最受成功人士的欢迎。

特汀格啤酒具有“小麦王”之称, 我们精心挑选悉心将最完美最真实的

Thüringer 特汀格浑浊型小麦啤酒呈现给大家,用真诚专业的服务精神为您带


Brewing Tradition since 1731

Oettinger Brauerei is a brewery group in Germany which roots can be traced back to the 14th century. The home brewery and headquarters are in Oettingen in Bayern, but there are also Oettinger breweries in Gotha, Schwerin, Mönchengladbach and Braunschweig which to achieve short haul transport to Oettinger's customers all over Germany.

All Oettinger Group beer is brewed in accordance to the <Reinheitsgebot>, the German purity law of 1516, one of the oldest and strictest food standards in the world maintained up to the present day.

The full range of top-quality products includes 14 different types of beer, beer mixtures and different types of non-alcoholic beverages. The Oettinger Group has gained a prominent position among the top 50 German food trading concerns and is currently providing its products to about 13,000 outlets throughout Germany.

Each brewery produces its own regional brands and special beers, Thüringer beer is produced in Gotha Brewery and the best one in the state of Thüringen which was known by the nickname of “the green heart of Germany”.

The latest in technology, best quality ingredients, strict quality controls and rich brewing tradition ensure the continuous production of beer in each of the breweries.

Through OETTINGER INTERNATIONAL, the Oettinger Group coordinates its trade relationships outside Germany as well as the production for the expanding global market.
