Thursday, February 26, 2015 Edition



Thursday, February 26, 2015 Edition

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pg 9Ü Ü County New News Extra




These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.

Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department,

Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1


L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1




Law & Order- pg.5

p 5 p 7Ü Ü








World Bank gives Liberia 3 Million for psychosocial support





“I was drunk on the Friday that people say I raped this girl, I could not remember everything that I did, I have nothing to say because I am already inside this trouble”



Page 2 | Frontpage Thursday, February 26, 2015


As prosecution begins for indicted officials; Criminal Court C at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia was busy Wednesday as indictees frantically fought to get temporary freedom. Lawyers were seen filing

bonds to secure freedom of movement for their clients until they face their days in court to answer to allegations of bribery.Ten individuals are the first big batch to be indicted by the current regime after 10 years of inaction against corruption, which President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in her inaugural speech in 2006 declared as public enemy number one with a vow to fight the menace which has been deeply rooted in the country for years.Commemorating 10 years of going to bed with corruption, 10 individuals have now turned out to be the sacrificial lamb as they prepare to appear in court in an indictment drawn by the Ministry of Justice a few days ago. On Tuesday, FrontPageAfrica gathered that the bailiff of the Court was frustrated after going all day in search of the indictees to unseal the indictment without getting a glimpse of any of the 10 individuals.Defendants Cllr. Stephen B. Dunbar, Jr., Peter B. Jallah, Jr.,D. Evelyn Kandakai, Albert T. Chie, all former , members Board of Directors, NOCAL, Dr. Fodee Kromah, former President/CEO, NOCAL, Fulton Reeves, Comptroller, NOCAL, Timothy G. Wiaplah, former Senior Accountant, NOCAL, Alomiza Ennos Barr, former member, 52nd Legislature and J. Nanborlor F. Singbeh, Sr., Secretary of the Liberian Senate were indicted by the Government of Liberia on criminal Conspiracy, bribery and Economic sabotage.Judicial sources have confirmed that legal counsels for some of the indictees Wednesday filed Criminal appearance bonds on behalf of their clients, giving them some space as legal proceedings continue.According to highly placed sources defendant Urey is being represented by Cllr. Emmanuel James; Dunbar also represented by Pierre & Tweh law firm while Tuan Wleh law

firm is serving as legal counsel for Senator Chie.Former Education Minister Dr. Kandakai is being represented by Cllr. Viama Blama and Senate Secretary, Singbeh is represented by Tugbor law firm.The court source also said the indictees filed their criminal appearance bond which is in line with the Liberian constitution after a warrant of arrest was issued against them.

Missing in action

Prior to filling the criminal appearance bond, the defendants were nowhere to be seen Tuesday to be served the writ of arrest that was issued by the presiding judge of criminal Court C’ Peter Gbeneweleh.Accordingly, the defendants have been in hiding following the issuing of an indictment issued against them by the Ministry of justice.Judicial sources have told FPA that the defendants were missing after they saw the publication of the indictment by

the Government against them.The indictment states that the individuals committed the crime of Economic Sabotage, a felony of the first degree in violation of chapter 15, subchapter F, section 15.80(a) (b) (c) (e) of the new penal law of Liberia, title 26 of the Liberian code of laws.Defendants Urey, Dunbar, Kandakai, Chie all then members board of directors, NOCAL, Dr. Kromah, president/CEO, NOCAL and the other indictees knowingly, willfully, purposely and intentionally collude to defraud the Government of Liberia of US$120,400 by engaging themselves into the solicitation, payment and or receipt of money for the alleged purpose of ratification by the 52nd Legislature of oil contracts entered into by and between NOCAL and several companies.

How much did they file?

Per the legal procedure the defendants are to file a bond with a value twice the amount for which they were indicted.The defendants are jointly held for an amount of US$120,400 representing amount transacted in total in the chain of bribery payments. Defendants Urey, Dunbar, Jallah, Kandakai, Chie, all then members Board of Directors, NOCAL, Kromah, Reeves, Wiaplah, are indicted for allegedly for US$50,000 payment. Again Defendants, Kromah, Reeves, Wiaplah, are also indicted for US$25,000 and US$15,000 respectively totaling US$40,000.With the defendants being indicted for amounts in different sections of the indictment it remains unclear how the bond were filled especially the dollar value.A legal expert told FPA that the indictees will face trial (May) next term of court because they were indicted after the opening of court. It is not known when the defendants through the insurance companies will pay the money into government coffers.

Defendants Cllr. Stephen B. Dunbar, Jr., Peter B. Jallah, Jr.,D. Evelyn Kandakai, Albert T. Chie, all former , members Board of Directors, NOCAL,

Dr. Fodee Kromah, former President/CEO, NOCAL, Fulton Reeves, Comptroller, NOCAL, Timothy G. Wiaplah, former Senior Accountant, NOCAL, Alomiza Ennos Barr, former member, 52nd Legislature and J. Nanborlor F. Singbeh,

Sr., Secretary of the Liberian Senate were indicted by the Government of Liberia on criminal

Conspiracy, bribery and Economic sabotage.

Bettie Johnson /

FrontpageThursday, February 26, 2015 Page 3



AFTER 10 YEARS in power and a professed fight against corruption now a mere pretense, the regime of Nobel Laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Monday drew out an indictment against several individuals for their alleged role played in a bribery saga at the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL).AT HER 10TH State of the Nation Address, President Sirleaf confessed that corruption which she vowed in 2006 to fight head-on still lingers, describing it as a vampire stalling the growth and development of Liberia.SINCE HER PRONOUNCEMENT describing corruption as a vampire little changed until late Monday when an indictment was drawn against 10 individuals.THE INDICTMENT COINCIDES with a visit to the United States of America by President Sirleaf and a planned meeting with United States President Barrack Obama and other members of the United States Congress.BEFORE HER DEPARTURE, the President who is making her first trip to the United States in nearly a year took major decisions some of which have been described as hasty in what appears an attempt to pave the way ahead of a meeting with President Obama.THE LIFTING OF the curfew has been hailed while the reopening of the border amid upsurge of Ebola cases in neighboring Sierra Leone and Guinea has been described as hasty decision.SIERRA LEONE HAS since refused to allow movement across its borders from the Liberian side, a slap in the face of President Sirleaf’s decision and is also an indication that it was not a decision taken after consultations with leaders of neighboring countries.TO FURTHER ADD to the two decisions, the talk of the regime of President Sirleaf inability to fight corruption has always been on the center of discussion and a sticky issue hindering the image of the Sirleaf’s led regime internationally.INTERNATIONAL REPORTS SOME from the watchdog group Transparency International and other organizations have all rated Liberia as poorly performing in terms of fighting corruption.WITH DOZENS OF investigation reports from the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and the General Auditing Commission, presidential committees and other commissions all stockpiled and getting dusty, the government latest indictment seems a Public Rations stunt to give President Sirleaf something to talk about as she meets President Obama.WITH THE INDICTMENT now drawn and accordingly served on some of the indictees, the trial will be a long one to watch especially with some of those indicted all people who once worked at the National Oil Company of Liberia, an entity that was recently headed by the son of the President, Robert Sirleaf.THE MINISTRY OF Justice which has long been criticized for failure to prosecute has at last drawn out an indictment and how the proceedings go will be the beginning of a landmark achievement for the Sirleaf regime and will go a long way in helping with her long contemplated legacy.WHILE ALL IS not rosy at home, the regime of Madam Sirleaf has scored some marks in areas such as infrastructure, amongst others but fighting corruption has been pitfall number one, thus making the current indictment a massive undertaking.AS GOOD AS the indictment sounds; getting something out of the proceedings in a country where the court process is easily manipulated is a big odd. ALREADY, AS SMALL a country as Liberia, there are indications that the Ministry of Justice is yet to gain access to some of the indictees to serve them the warrant. Four days after the news of the indictment went public at least three individuals are said to have filed bond with the court leaving the others whereabouts still unknown.THE PUBLIC VIEW on the indictment has been good and this is why the government must not issue the indictment just for the sake of a good Publicity stunt to help President Sirleaf say something during her meeting with President Obama.WE CHALLENGE THE government to genuinely prosecute the 10 indicted officials to serve as a good start in the fight against corruption; the indictment must not be a mere publicity stunt.


INDICTMENT MUST NOT BE A PR STUNT Ivor S. Moore, Contributing Writer


The true state of the nation in terms of the economic welfare of the masses can be indisputably summed up as a people living the irony of having abundance in resources but sadly floundering in the cesspool of poverty. This Grain Coast of West Africa,

changed to Liberia by freed slaves under the euphemism of pioneers or settlers from the United States of America, with its suitable climate, its vast tropical rain forest and rich soil, its varied wildlife, and its abundant rivers and mineral resources, has been in history the attraction of so many from lands afar in their quest for the acquisition of wealth. To its earlier inhabitants from across Africa, the aborigines, this land became a safe haven from war, pestilence, and hunger, which influenced their migration here. The settlers, too, sought freedom from slavery in a land that would provide them the basic necessities of life which they have been deprived of in America. Yet, after 168 years of independence in the midst of this known wealth, the people are living one of the poorest lives known to humankind.This is the irony of Liberia! A tragic irony one may say. The cause of this sad state of affairs can be attributed predominantly to bigotry, corruption and bad governance which have defined the modus operandi of the country from time in memorial. Liberia has been a nation rivaled over the several divides and fights for opportunism and power dominance by few elites. This even led to the brutal civil war that rent the country apart. Instead of consolidating the divides and harnessing the resources of the state to seek economic liberty for all Liberians, the leaders have resorted to wholesale looting of the national covers; hence, leaving the masses of people to waddle in the wrenches of poverty. What makes this situation pathetic is that, our leaders, blinded in the lust of greed, make millionaires and billionaires of foreign concessionaires except their own people. The Open Door Policy of President Tubman is a classic example. The agreements entered by the government did not create means that would have made Liberians shareholders and thus become rich as well. The nation and people, save the corrupt few, are always shortchanged in these processes. In consequence also, the millions of investments of LAMCO, Bong Mines, Firestone and other companies seem almost non-realizable in relations to the building of a vibrant economy that would project the people out of their poor state. The exploitation of resources and their accompanying disappearance from the country with no wealth creation of the people have got a proportional economic trigger down effect on the ordinary citizens despite the huge investments in a country of a very small population. The present state of the masses of people under the auspices of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf cannot be divorced from this irony of poverty in abundance syndrome. To the contrary, it is in full affirmation. With over 16 billion of direct investment in the economy which the government boasts of, poverty still beclouds the masses of people. The emergence of multi-national companies cannot be felt in the lives of the masses that live in the gutters of poverty. Liberia is still at the tail of the poorest nations on earth, second next to D.R. Congo with a per capital income of $ 490.41 according to report. More than 60 percent of the population lives below the poverty line of $1.00 per day. Diseases and hunger are masquerading in every quarter. Available electricity and pipe borne water across the country are a mirage. The lists take on infinity. However perishing, the people’s yearning for a better future remains high.Consequently, when Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a lady bearing scars from the social activism of the Progressives that had its genesis in the ’70s, a Harvard-trained economist and an international development expert, was elected Liberia and Africa’s first female president and proclaimed in her first inaugural address in 2006 that “corruption will be my public enemy number one”, it was a message of optimism and a clarion call from the Commander-in-Chief for all to ready for the long awaited battle of Armageddon where good subdues evil. For a masses of people long forlorn in the depth of poverty, ignorance and underdevelopment fueled by the menaces of corruption and bad governance and worsened by the pangs of a gruesome fourteen-year civil war, the come of a messiah-leader to bring freedom from their captivity was a dream come true. Therefore, the statement from the president was a message of hope told to a nation whose coming into being was foundationed on the pledge of liberty and justice for all, but, after 168 years of independence, is yet to rise up to the true meaning of this creed. Here was an assurance to individuals who have to live in poverty because of a system of greed, corruption and bad governance. Alas, here was a battle cry for all to “meet the foe with valor unpretending.” Hence, many a person, drawn from all walks of life, cladded in the armor of war, and labeling as contemptuous those who kept reserved, formed a jubilant marching band in readiness to redeem the state.The counting of nine years of leadership and its review especially on the fight against corruption and the state of the masses of Liberians has made fleeting the excitement. At her ninth State of the Nation Address in January 2015, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf lamented to the nation and international community that “corruption is a vampire to development.” The Nation’s first enemy, according to the president, has morphed into a deadly blood- sucker despite the many fights against it! Sadly, this genetic alteration took place in the face of the General Auditing Commission, Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and other policing agencies. What then could be the problem when millions of public funds have been spent on preventing this chaotic transfiguration? Has the messiah-leader become a collaborator in a high-core scheme of draining the wealth of the nation through permissibility and or direct involvement? Or are there other explanations? These constitute the puzzling questions so

far. A careful inquest of the prevailing statuses surrounding this tragic announcement would be the only means to ascertain answers to these questions.The present government, as in the case of others before it, promotes attributes that give way for corruption to permeate and break the economy down. It begins with the absence of passion of leaders to seek the interest of the state. To these leaders, self-preservation supersedes collective preservation. This out-of -context notion has caused our public servants to see government as the deposit of fortune for those holding power.The uncompassionate nature of our leaders are glaring through the unjust ways they handle laws that are meant to protect the wealth of the nation. In Liberia, the irony is that these laws have not been written to elevate the economy or are not being implemented simply because the pursuit of self-aggrandizement by the leadership is in foothold. The report of 68 concessions entered by the government with only two in conformity with existing laws places passing stamp on this accusation. We can see that the boastful billions of foreign direct investment are caught by the trump of greed and opportunism by micro nationalists masquerading as leaders. The sense of humanity to building a sustainable economy to better the lives of the masses of people and posterity is far from their reach. Another tragedy of this irony is that the entire market economy is also controlled by foreigners while the citizens are the gate keepers, store boys, sweepers, and house maids. The laws that were created to protect the Liberian entrepreneur are nothing but dusty theories inscribed on paper and kept in the recycle bin of history. Thus, businesses that should only be controlled by Liberians are dominated by the Lebanese, Indians, Fulas, and Nigerians. The president has only gotten to know this of recent. Whether the issue will be addressed is another thing seemingly impossible so far as her records on such a commitment can prove. These ills can only be permitted under a system that prides itself in chronic corruption. In the case of the present administration of President Sirleaf, corruption is truly a “vampire to development.” The culture of compromising the general welfare for those of the personal and elite clique is the order of the day. The blood-sucker, rather than being public enemy number one, has made a pact with the elite to expedite the greatest exploitation of the wealth of the people. This draconian act is premised on the assertion that, when the people are poor and left as ordinary beggars, they will have no alternative but to submit to the whims and caprices of the leadership. The masses of people live in insufficiency amidst abundant resources because the government has failed to do proper budgetary allocation to areas that would elevate their station. The purchasing of luxury cars and the hosting of extravagant gatherings are but some of the places huge millions of tax payer’s money go. The 20,000 per annual pledge on employment is far from reality. And we are yet to know how the $15 million youth a development fund was spent. Today market women work for their life time paying back high interest loans to banks.With the prospect of huge revenue generation from the oil and gas industries, the nation’s last and extractive frontier, the political trickeries are interplaying over control of the sector. The issue of state equity and citizen’s equity, means of making the sector greatly beneficial to Liberians and the government, is compromised in a high scheme of corruption and camouflaged in the justification that whatever is being done is in the best interest of the state. The state’s equity is sold out for crumbs. The citizen’s equity is in hiding and so far, only few elites, including the gurus of the legislatures, under the creature of a new oil company, have got this share in recent oil bids. The government would deny other Liberians building a logistic base to promote local content in the oil industry aim at creating wealth for the people.The state of the Liberian economy is backward and poverty parades every quarter of the nation because the permissibility of corruption by the leadership is high. The system can be described in the statement of PLO Lumumba of Kenya that we celebrate thieves and demonize saints. This permissibility creates a paradise refuge for thieves. Today, over hundreds of corrupt cases involving cronies of the president and other top officials are laying in the dark shelves of GAC, LACC, Justice Ministry and the court. These are cronies given stewardship over the resources of the nation but are siphoning them to foreign banks.As a result of this sheer corruption, the “vampire to development,” and bad governance, the masses of this little population of over 3 million people are dying by the wounds of poverty, disease and ignorance. Health care is poor and costly, thus amounting to many deaths from curable diseases. Education, even though is a mess, is unaffordable for many. The state of the economy is afflicted with deep ulcer and the blood sucker is ever prepared to unleash his venomous bite to drain the remnants of the nation’s wealth. Thus, the lamentation of the messiah-leader that corruption is a vampire to development even though she has pronounced it her number one enemy is a pitiful but serious confession that she cannot bear the cross of liberation so as to close probation on this wide scale blood sucking spree and establish the basis for sustainable development. The burden of betraying the syndicate of corrupt cronies and family cannot be bore by the president! The creation of a criminal court to address corruption can hence be rightly considered another image white-washing.What will soon befall Liberia in time to come, if nothing is done to save the looming danger this present state of the economy poses to the masses now and posterity tomorrow, only the dark pages of history can tell!

Page 4 | Frontpage Thursday, February 26, 2015

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The Reader's Page

GEORGE ABOU GONTOR · SENIOR GEOLOGIST AT NATIONAL OIL COMPANY OF LIBERIA Another poor political anatomy from Rodney Sieh; how will a journalist weights one's popularity over his potential electorates. In no way, except for Weah and the Vice President, that these three gentlemen can defeat a personality like Sen. Prince Johnson and Sen. Varney Sherman in any national elections. Please go back and rewrite a piece that opinion poll will buy.Top of Form

SARR ABDULAI VANDI · TOP COMMENTER · WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAThere is absolutely no correlation and/or possible endorsement of the OBAMA administration of Madame President's corrupt and incompetent administration simply because of the Ebola threat and/or success. The international comity admonished and encouraged the U.S. to take the lead in combating the Ebola pandemic in Liberia. The U.S. had no interest in pumping up and salvaging the dictator and plutocrat.FrontPage Africa's assessment is disingenuous and a paid PR stunt at best. Liberia remains a corrupt, an unaccountable and in transparent nation-state, under the grand old warmonger and queen of the apocalyptic mushroom cloud. With regards to the transition and the suggested succession lineups, none of the above is up to the task. Besides, the choice shall be made by the U.S., and neither of the FrontPage Africa's presently anointed wannabees is on the U.S. preferred radar.

LAR-YOME Z. GOBAH · AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL UNIVERSITYVP Boakai should do the honorable thing by not contesting. Liberians are tired with the stench smell of Unity Party. Urey is doing great but he and Jones could be the new cash cows like Sherman in 2005. Therefore the possibility of either Weah or Brumskine becoming president is evident. However, in Liberia, anything is possible so do not rule out Kofi Woods or Augustine Ngafuan. No cussing, more dialoguing!

SAMPSON BLOH MONGER · TOP COMMENTER · HOLY FAMILY UNIVERSITY, PENNSYLVANIAWeah will do pretty well in the Senate and as President of Liberia. He is an unquestionable patriot who loves Liberia from the depth of his heart.


Brumskine is the best for the presidency .


Front Page Africa is an market media house, That ’ s only lookout for payment before selling ur CV, Urey can even sleep in the streets of Nimba and Bong until 2017 Presidency election and, With his so called international connection, Urey can never and ever win Representative Acarous Gray in any category of election in Liberia, Mills Jones is a good man but Front Page Africa should understand that ’ s Mills Jones is working for the Liberian people and he ’ s should be only grateful to the Liberian people, And wait on his best chance for Runningmate only, All this analysis from Front Page Africa just to involve Mills Jones for underward cut, But Mills Jones is aware and very careful, For Charles walker Brumskine, No issue in There to discuss, He ’ s will never cross fourth place, Liberty Party succeeds in Lofa and Bassa including... See More


Sen. Weah's main challenge is for him to convince the vote rich counties like Bong, Nimba, Margibi, Bassa and Lofa that CDc can make better leadership for liberia. CDC has not succeeded in doing that, this was clearly shown in the just ended senatorial elections which CDC succeeded in winning montserrado and grand gedeh counties; if the variable remains the same as shown in the just ended elections, then, Weah's chances in 2017 may be undermined. Lofa county featuring a candidate in 2017 may have some uphill battle; strategic post in govt now are manned by them from foreign affairs, defense, maritime, finance, etc including the VP - lofans should begin image building as a way to diffuse things and help the current VP. Urey link to the Taylor's sentiment and the NPP could pay off for him, take Bong county for example.



Dear Mr. Dillon:

In 1912, former United States President Woodrow Wilson, in support of the concept of constitutions being “living and breathing documents,” said, “Society is a living organism and must obey the laws of life, not of mechanics; it must develop. All that

progressives ask or desire is permission…to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.” Ninety years later in Atkins v. Virginia, the United States Supreme Court, using the “evolving standard of decency” measurement, ruled that it was in violation of the Eighth Amendment to execute a mentally retarded person. This “evolving standard of decency” and the understanding that constitutions are living and breathing documents have served as the foundation for fundamental constitutional interpretations ranging from the overturning of Pleasant v. Ferguson to the adaptation and expansion of the Exclusionary Rule and major Fourth Amendment rulings.Now, it is worth noting that while this article deserves uncompromising due diligence as far as contextualization is concern, it is also necessary to note that the doctrines being discussed are not ancient to Liberia. As a matter of fact, at least one of them –constitution as a living and breathing document- served as the arguable foundation for the Liberia Supreme Court’s decision in ruling against Simeon Freeman’s Writ of Prohibition during the 2011 electoral period. With such understanding, it is perfectly justified to use those arguably interchangeable concepts to counter the arguments of opponents of Dual Citizenship, of which you are the ring leader.Speaking of the 2011 Supreme Court decision, the late Chief Justice Johnnie Lewis, writing for the majority in that ruling stated, “on account of the civil war and its devastating impact on the lives of the Liberian people at different periods of the nation’s history, which necessitated the flight of citizens from the country, it is our opinion that the framers of the 1986 constitution could neither have contemplated nor intended that Liberians faced with the state civil crisis be 'resident' because at some point in the future they may want to run for the office of president.” Mr. Dillon, you have consistently argued that the only way in which the constitution can be changed is through a national referendum. Do you know that the decision in 2011 was a legal change to the constitution that did not require ANY referendum? Moreover, the deceased Chief Justice’s statement reflects an understanding, acceptance and situational application of the “living and breathing document” doctrine. In addition to not only accepting the doctrine, the decision established a solid precedent upon which the Liberian Supreme Court can rely to rule in favor of Dual citizenship. Knowing you, you may want to limit the ruling to just the issue it dealt with. Unfortunately, doing such would not only deprive you the opportunity to expand your understanding of the mobility of constitutions. It would amount to a total disregard for the very constitution and laws of Liberia- a country you “LOVE” dearly.On the issue of disregarding the laws of Liberia, it is difficult to categorize this second argument from opponents of Dual citizenship, which is: Liberians with foreign citizenships can still invest in Liberia (i.e., build house and establish businesses, etc.). What is difficult to understand is the fact that on one end, you are advocating for adherence to the constitution and laws of Liberia yet, on the other end, you are encouraging people to violate these laws by virtue of your claim. According to Chapter III, Article 22A of the Liberian Constitution, “Every person shall have the right to own property alone as well as in association with others; provided that only Liberian citizens shall have the right to own real property within the Republic.” Now, to avoid argument, let us agree that given the construct of this section, every person has the right to own some kind of “property” in Liberia. But what we cannot argue is the fact that ONLY Liberians can own REAL PROPERTY. And, by definition, “REAL PROPERTY” means lands, houses, business establishments (not leased but built) and a host of other “tangible properties” within the context of the law. So, based on that indisputable fact, it is accurate to conclude that such disregard for the law as being pushed by you and your cohorts is highly clandestine and not nationalistic. The most plausible reason

is to eventually lay national claim to these individuals' properties in the near future, which is not entirely impossible judging from the manner in which the country’s affairs are being conducted. As if this contradiction is not enough, you and your fellow opponents of Dual citizenship decided it is OK to project yourselves as defenders of the constitution while at the same time using the Alien and Nationality Law to argue against Dual Citizenship. The issue here is that the Alien and Nationality Law contradicts the constitution in many ways, two of which include: the Due Process provision and the citizenship definition.According to Article 20A of the Liberian Constitution, due process is required before one can be deprived of their right to "life, liberty, security of the person or property or ANY OTHER RIGHT..." Now, according to Section 22.2 of your beloved Alien and Nationality Law, "the loss of Citizenship under Section 22.1 of this title (I.e., Alien and Nationality Law) shall result solely from the performance by a citizen of the acts or fulfillment of the conditions specified in such section, and WITHOUT THE INSTITUTION BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ANY PROCEEDINGS TO NULLIFY OR CANCEL SUCH CITIZENSHIP." On one end, you have the constitution calling for DUE PROCESS and, on the other end, you have a title calling for AUTOMATIC loss of citizenship. What is even more disturbing is the fact that Section 22.1A of the Alien and Nationality Law states that "voting in a political election in a foreign state..." are grounds for AUTOMATIC loss of Liberian citizenship. This means, a LIBERIAN , WITHOUT naturalization, can lose his/her Liberian citizenship since it is on the verge of becoming possible to vote in some state and local elections in these UNITED STATES with just a GREEN CARD. In furtherance of highlighting the contradictions and the loss of Citizenship without naturalization, it is necessary to draw your attention to Section 20.1B of the Alien and Nationality Law. According to this section, citizenship by birth extends to "a person born outside (of) Liberia whose father (i) was born a citizen of Liberia; (ii) at the time of the birth of such child, and (iii) has resided in Liberia prior to the birth of such child." Now, of the three conditions, the last one is interesting given the history of our nation over the last two decades plus; this is why. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, two CURRENT Liberians, who were born in Liberia, had a son (Kofa) while in exile in Ghana. Kofa is a Liberian by virtue of the laws of Liberia. But because of the war, Kofa was unable to go to Liberia or establish residency in Liberia before immigrating to Australia. Now, Kofa, who is seventeen years old, has a daughter. Based on the construct of Section 20.1B, that daughter is not a Liberian by birth and, by extension, not a Liberian at all because her father did not satisfy the third requirement. This provision directly contradicts Article 28 of the Liberian Constitution, which states that “Any person, at least one of whose parents was citizen of Liberia at the time of the person's birth, shall be a citizen of Liberia…” If Kofa decides to challenge this law, he has the Late Chief Justice’s argument to back him. Now, it is common knowledge that constitutional provisions take precedent over any law/legislation that contradicts those provisions. Given such, there is a clear need for the repealing of the Alien and Nationality Law. Sadly, such need will not hold water with you because you are fully cognizant of the fact that repealing the Alien and Nationality Law would deal a serious blow to your ANTI dual citizenship position given the construct of Article 27A of the Liberian Constitution. Be as it is, we know the argument continues beyond this article. We also know that despite the inarguable contradictions, the chances of you recognizing these constitutional violations are slim because such recognition DOES NOT serve your interest and argument. But what this article intends to do is to expose the lack of reconciliation in your defense of the Constitution and your support of the Alien and Nationality Law. The reality is we ALL are Liberians; it is a fact that you cannot deny. We all understand the issues at stake and the risk and rewards associated with them. We also understand that come what may, DUAL CITIZENSHIP will become the law of the land. As always, stay safe and be blessed. Sincerely,Alfred J. Johnson, a staunch proponent of DUAL


FrontpageThursday, February 26, 2015 Page 5


Bettie Johnson /

Defendant Victor Jah On His Way To Jail

Kennedy L. Yangian 0777296781


“I was drunk on the Friday that people say I raped this girl, I could not remember everything that I did, I have nothing to say because I am already inside this trouble”


The Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice Wednesday was a scene of

disbelief as many onlookers watched a man believed to be in his late 70 dragged to court on allegations of rape.The man allegedly raped an eight year-old girl in the Key-Hole Community in Sinkor.Defendant Victor Jah was briefly arraigned before the court Wednesday and after few hours of interrogation escorted out by court officer to the Monrovia Central Prison pending prosecution.Court record in possession of FrontPage Africa says that defendant Jah was accused of the crime after it was reported that he was allegedly caught in the room after sexually abusing the victim on Friday, February 21, 2015.A charge sheet from the Liberia National Police (LNP) stated in an interview, that the victim told investigators that she had come from school and after washing dishes she carried them inside the house and while on her way out, the defendant called her to go to him.The victim told the police that the defendant asked her to kiss him but she refused. She stated that he called her for the second time asking her to kiss him and again she refused, but the elderly man old enough

to be her great grandfather knocked her down and put his finger in her private part. She said it was at this time that the other children in the house entered the room and saw her naked according to the police

charge sheet. The police also stated that in an interview with the defendant, he stated that on Friday, he came from a party from Central Monrovia and went home at 19:50 pm drunk

and was taken straight into his room, by one of his daughters and on the next day, he was informed by his daughter that he had sexually abused the eight-year-old girl.The police say evidence

gathered from the crime scene did link the defendant to the crime, leaving it with no alternative, but to charge the man with the commission of the crime of statutory rape in violation of section 14.70 of the new penal law of Liberia.Sitting on the prisoner’s bench pondering over his fate, defendant Jah denied ever raping the eight-year-old girl, but stated that at the time of the incident on Friday, he was drunk and was not aware of what was happening. “I was drunk on the Friday that people say I raped this girl, I could not remember everything that I did. I have nothing to say because I am already inside this trouble,” he said.Jah claims he is the father of eight children and would not do such a thing, but the child’s family believes otherwise.Marcia Hodges the mother of the victim who claimed to be a nurse stated that she was very surprised to see this older man doing such a despicable thing to a child.

“What he did to my little daughter is bad. When he was caught in the act he acted like he was sleeping,” she said.“Information gathered since the incident is that this man has been carrying out this act so many times, until last Friday when he was booked by the children in the house. When the incident occurred I took my daughter to a local hospital, but the people there refused her on grounds that they don’t treat rape victims.” She said when her daughter was refused on the first medical stop; she was taken to another nearby clinic, where medical report established that the child was raped.The mother said the medical report stated that the man used both his finger and his penis. “My daughter is gradually responding to treatment but what she is suffering from now is the trauma, whenever she sees this old man,” said Madam Hodges.This incident comes barely a month after a 42-year-old man in the Brewerville area raped a 12-yr old girl to death.


One of Liberia’s leading pharmacies the Abeer Pharmacy has been ranked the

top pharmacy that imports and sells fake drugs in Liberia.The head of the Liberia Medicine and Health Products regulatory authority, David Sumo said the pharmacy usually brings in anti-malaria pills, such as lonart, quinine and painkillers. He added that Abeer Pharmacy has repeatedly failed to abide by the standard of the regulatory agency.“I know most of you will be surprised to hear this, the pharmacy has failed our test many times, and we’ve put this particular pharmacy in the high risk zone,” Mr. Sumo said.He advised people dealing in fake drugs to desist and called on everyone especially those who have mini drug stores to look at the expiration date properly before purchasing the drugs.LMHRA was set up in 2001 to register all medicines that are locally manufactured, imported, distributed, sold and used in Liberia. It also has mandate to prepare and keep the registry of medicines used in both the private and public sector in Liberia and to remove from the registry and prohibit manufacture, importation, distribution sale and use of any medicine which quality, safety or efficacy is

brought to question. The body also has the power to set up a quality control laboratory to undertake laboratory analysis of all medicines imported and used in Liberia.Ebola and fake drugsSince the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus and the closure of many major medical facilities, many Liberians became their own doctors, purchasing and administering drugs to themselves and their family members without the advice from medical practitioners.During the closure of many major hospitals, many people bought drugs so that they could not be suspected of the deadly Ebola virus.But even smaller health centers that remained open to the

public were largely deserted by those who feared being quarantined as suspected Ebola cases, if they showed symptoms relating to diarrhea, bleeding, malaria or physical weakness.It can be recalled that many health practitioners and health regulatory authorities, were informing the public to have anti malaria, diarrhea drugs including pains killers in their homes.Anthony Dweh believes that there was a need to purchase drugs for themselves and keep them at home.He travelled a long distance to central Monrovia's Abeer Pharmacy to purchase drugs for her family.“I am taking precautions so

that if any of my children come down with an illness I would be able to handle the problem at home,” he said at the time.Not many people are aware of the dangers associated with purchasing drugs without the advice of doctors, but many feel that it is the best course of action. In Liberia a great number of people self-medicate when they fall sick especially with common diseases such as malaria. Some doctors fear Liberians risk serious medical complications by taking medication without professional medical advice."Even though the situation of Ebola in the country has scared us all, the consumption of drugs without the advice of a professional physician is life- threatening," Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, administrator of Hope for Women International, a major hospital that provides medical services to women throughout Liberia said.Judging from the pastIt can be recalled September that in 2014, the LMHRA confiscated several substandard drugs from Abeer Pharmacy.The action was carried out by the agency in the wake of concerns about fake, expired and substandard drugs on the Liberian market. The agency took the action days after it warned against the sale of fake drugs to the public.Making the statement at a press conference Mr. Sumo said the LMHRA has been invited to play a role in the

Ebola outbreak in the country, but being a government entity, it would continue playing its role and keep engaging other institutions most especially the Ministry of Health to ensure that drugs that are coming into the country are secure for the benefit of all.The pharmacy was also booked in 2006 when it imported huge quantity of fake and expired painkillers into the country.

Law enforcement agency to act The LMHRA said as part of effort to crackdown on fake drug sellers and importers, the Liberia National Police as well as other law enforcement agencies have started to disallow the opening of new medicine stores and clinics in the country.Though Mr. Sumo did not disclose the number of unauthorized medical facilities in Liberia, but said the law enforcement agencies are working to curb on them.He disclosed that the regulatory entity has arrested one violator a woman who came from Guinea, with huge quantity of fake drugs. He said the woman is presently undergoing investigation pending court proceedings.

Abeer pharmacy Legal counsel usual responseCllr. Mattias Omejia Jr, who has been serving the pharmacy for over 10 years continues to give the same response to the media whenever a question is raised with the entity over these alleged illegal dealings. “"I do not run my Pharmacy in the Press. You can publish anything you want to publish,"

stated the legal counsel.From a FPA investigation, Mr. Omejia has always boasted that his client’s business will not be shut down on grounds that it is one of the leading pharmacies in Liberia.Some legal profession described the constant response to the press by the pharmacy legal counsel as an unethical and a bridge to the law practice.“As it is known, 'laws are made to guide our conduct and behavior. And those punishments are prescribed for any violation thereof. These punishments, among other things are there to serve as deterrence to would-be violators,” stated a legal expert that does not want to be named.“It is from these laws that regulations and rules are made by some institutions to govern the activities of those institutions and those connected with it. It is in this light that the agency has exposed such unwholesome act by this pharmacy.”Mr. Omejia speaking to FPA via mobile phone based on an FPA inquest said: “Leave me alone. I don’t have time for fake drug story. You people can carry anything your want. Let them take the action they want take, because of one fake drug business that’s why the press can’t give me chance?”He continued: “I am not giving interview to anybody because I don’t care what they say, if they feel they have the power, let them show it. But I can say Abeer will prevail; I don’t know anything about their report and all they have to say they can say.”

Abeer pharmacy Under Scrutiny By Liberian Medicine Regulatory Body


Page 6 | Frontpage Thursday, February 26, 2015

Danesius Marteh,


The Search for Common Ground (SFCG) and Security Sector Reform

Working Group (SSRWG) have launched an SMS hotline to enhance public trust and strengthen citizens-police relations. The professional standards division (PSD) of the Liberia National Police (LNP) will track complaints, investigate and provide adequate response from the public against professional misconducts by police officers. The project, in consonance with cellphone companies, is an internet platform called police accountability mechanism. SFCG executive director Oscar Bloh said the project is aimed at giving the people a stronger voice in ensuring accountability and professionalism in the LNP.“SSR [security sector reform] is a police-civilian relationship issue. The police, having been the first point of contact within our criminal justice system, plays a very important role in maintaining internal peace and security. “And in the reform process, one of the ways we measure effective reform within the police is the quality of civilian-police relationship. We commend the government and its international partners for the investment that has been put into the reforming of the Liberia National Police, from training to logistics,” Bloh said. According to him, the project is being funded by the Swedish government and other international integrity institutions. This, he said, will further enhance the police, which have gone through a number of challenges.“You will agree with me, if you were here between 1980-89 and from 1996 to 2002, that this police force is a different police force. There has been


significant improvement made with respect to the quality of the training and the behavior of the police, [all in line] with the institutional and capacity building efforts.“At the same time, we do know that there are some bad fruits within the force. There are many many good police officers but there are challenges with some of them crossing the lines. We have had series of reports that we conducted since 2009. One was conducted last year by Human Rights Watch that flagged some misconduct on the part of the police,” attorney-at-law Bloh added. Launching the US$100,000 project, Thomas Jaye of the Ghana-based Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT) said the project constitutes a modest but significant contribution to the SSR process. Jaye, who headed the International Center for Transitional Justice in Liberia before returning to Accra, said the police has been at the forefront of the

SSR process since 2003. “A security sector reform process is not just an event; it is a very long term project. Every little thing that you contribute to it will go a long way in strengthening specific institution. And it is within that light that I see what the different organizations have sought to do here. “In my view, this mechanism will also go a long way in ensuring civilian oversight over an institution that someone correctly said, that if you go back to the late 1960s, early 1970s and 1980s, you will have seen that there was an image problem and there was a very negative public perception problem also but you can see that with time, things have improved. “And just by having this, I think it will go a long way in an incremental way in trying to ensure that the integrity of this institution is ensured. The other point has to do with the fact that this project also illustrates the sort of concerns that civil society has about

security in this country. And it also illustrates that civil society can certainly play a big role in promoting accountability in our security institutions,” Jaye asserted.He said it was good that the groups started with the police, which Jaye believes, is on the front line of internal security.Last year, the PSD received 566 cases: theft of property (81); action of debts (75); simple assault (73); extortion/harassment (71); persistent nonsupport (47) and misuse of power and authority (29). It submitted 303 investigative reports to police director Chris Massaquoi of which 125 is under probe, 91 pending and 47 abandoned. Of the cases reported, 48 were acquitted, 80 given written reprimands, 78 made restitutions, 65 were given indefinite suspensions and two were dismissed. And police chief Chris Massaquoi said the project has been accepted by the leadership of the police. Massaquoi commended the

groups for such a project that will enhance citizens’ trust and confidence in the police, which is still challenged.“This project is very important and it focuses and borders the functions of the professional standards division. And as you rightly know, I have always said that the professional standards division is my police [Holy Bible]. And that is the division that I hold to my heart and sometimes other units feel jealous,” he said.


SFCG, SSRWG and the LNP, recognizing the importance of increasing confidence and public trust in the LNP, propose to establish the Cold Water Hotline (CWH)—a reporting and monitoring system to track complaints of police misconduct. Working directly with the LNP’s PSD, the system, which will focus on Grand Bassa, Bong, Nimba, Grand Gedeh and Montserrado Counties, will rely on the use of SMS reporting. SFCG is establishing this system with technical support from iLab Liberia—an NGO with technical expertise in internet based-SMS tracking systems and data mapping platforms and SSRWG.


The overall goal of the CWH

project is to increase trust in the LNP and by extension impact the SSR process. To accomplish this, the project seeks to achieve three specific objectives. They are to increase citizens’ platform for holding LNP accountable, to increase the PSD’s access to information about alleged abuses and to increase public awareness of the PSD and actions that are being taken to combat misconduct.

Source of funding

The CWH: promoting police accountability through SMS-based complaint and report system is being funded by HIVOS to Making All Voice Count (MAVC) through SCFG. MAVC is a multi-donor initiative leveraging web and mobile technology to promote open governance, transparency and accountability. The Swedish Development Corporation is also a major funding partner.

Time frame

The project will last for six months.

Expected outcome

At the end of this intervention, impunity of police misconduct will be reduced and citizens’ trust in the LNP will increase.

SCFG, SSRWG launch SMS hotline service for police’s misconduct

A cross section of the gathering

Thomas Jaye and Chris Massaquoi

J. Kortu Nyandibo, MOL director of communications

DISCLAIMERLabor Ministry denies issuing aliens work permits;

fines several employers for violations

The Ministry of Labor announces the denial of several applications

for the issuance of alien work permits from employers seeking employment for non-Liberians for various positions in their institutions.In a February 24 release, the ministry wishes to inform the public and employing entities specifically that it has begun the vigorous enforcement of its renewed commitment to grant preferential treatment to Liberians for certain positions at work places in line with the labor law.During several consultative meetings held in the last quarter of 2014

with stakeholders in the agricultural, forestry, telecommunications and mining sectors, as well as with the leaderships of the Indian and Lebanese communities and other major stakeholders, Labor Minister Neto Zarzar Lighe informed employers that beginning January 1, the ministry will not be issuing work permits to non-Liberians seeking employment for positions such as accountants, human resource managers and administrative managers.The ministry, at the time, called on all employers to advertise vacancies for those positions in the local media and on their respective

websites to allow qualified Liberians at home and abroad to compete for said positions. In another development, the ministry has also imposed fines on several institutions for employing non-Liberians without valid work permit and their failure to submit statistical reports in keeping with regulation #17, section 3(a) and section 4(b) of the labor laws.Those fined for employing non-Liberians without valid work permit and failure to submit their statistical reports are Arcelor Mittal, China Union, Western Cluster and PIOM. Others are CRC/MOPP, Nimba Rubber Inc., Morris

American Farm, Firestone Liberia, Sime Darby, Lee Groups of Companies, APM Terminal, Fuzion Inc. and LIB_24 Radio and TV, among others.Meanwhile, the ministry mandates all employing entities to adhere to the labor laws and cautions them that it will not relent in ensuring compliance. As part of effort in ensuring the prioritization of Liberian employment interest at work places, the ministry further announces that it will continue to adopt and implement measures toward this end.

FrontpageThursday, February 26, 2015 Page 7

Henry Karmo (0886522495)


World Bank gives Liberia 3 Million for psychosocial supportSUPPORTING PSYCHO-SOCIAL HEALTH AND RESILIENCE


The government of Liberia and the World Bank Group in partnership with the

government of Japan, Wednesday signed a 3 million grant intended to address the psychological effects of Liberia’s Ebola crisis and to promote psychosocial health in the country.

The project, supporting Psychosocial Health and Resilience in Liberia, is funded by Japan through the Japanese social Development fund (JSDF), a trust fund administered by the World Bank implemented by the Carter beneficiaries in Montserrado and Margibi Counties.Making remark at the signing

ceremony World Bank Country Manager Inguna Dobraja said the projects will address the Psychosocial and mental health needs of the Ebola crisis, and will contribute to building psychosocial resilience at the individual and community level. The World Bank country manager thanked the people and government of Japan for

supporting the project and expressed optimism for smooth working relations with the Ministry of Health and the Carter Center during implementation of the project.Dobraja said: “Today’s launch represents an important milestone in our joint Ebola response effort as Liberia experiences reduction in new cases. Although we continue to focus intensely on getting and staying at zero case, we are also working closely with Liberia to plan for recovery.”She also said addressing psychosocial effects of Liberia’s Ebola crisis and enhancing psychosocial health in Liberia, will be an important milestone in a joint Ebola response effort as Liberia experiences a reduction of new cases. Also speaking at the signing ceremony, Dr. Bernice Dahn, chief Medical officer and deputy minister of health said, she recognized the contribution of the Carter Center in training over 100 metal health clinicians who are currently providing services in the counties.“I want to thank the government of Japan and the World Bank for their support to help ease the

psychosocial impact of Ebola outbreak in Liberia,” she said.For his part Japan Ambassador to Liberia, Kaoru Youshimura, underscored his Government’s continued commitment in responding to the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Liberia.He said, the 3 million provided for the project is provided from the Japanese’s social development Trust Fund (JSDF). He said the project is aimed at promoting long-term psychosocial health and resilience at the individual and community level as a way of responding to the psychosocial and metal health impact of the deadly Ebola crisis that has hit Liberia and neighboring countries.The Japanese diplomat described as heart-breaking news for everyone especially japan, the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia at a time when the country was steadily achieving economic growth and post conflict recovery.He promised his country’s commitment to continue to support ‘Post Ebola’ initiatives based on its understanding that recovery in the society from the damage is significant for resilience. “We would like to contribute to “post Ebola’ matters together with the government

and people of Liberia,” he said.“To the government of Liberia, I wish to assure you that Japan will continuously support Liberian efforts especially in the areas of infrastructure building such as power and roads, health, education, food security as well as capacity building of the people.” The Ebola outbreak increased mental health and psychosocial issues of individuals and communities according to the World Bank, stating that the project represents an opportunity to help heal the psychosocial consequences it left.The JSDF project incorporates a particular innovative intervention- the creation of a new cadre of child mental health clinicians that will be deployed to schools. The project will also support capacity building and training for existing cadres of mental health providers.JSDF was established in 2000 by the government of japan and the World Bank Group as a mechanism to provide direct assistance to the poorest and most vulnerable groups in eligible World Bank countries.

The result from preliminary investigation into the January 19 blast

at the Liberian Agricultural Company (LAC) rubber factory is expected to be released to the Ministry of Labor in 10 days, according to the head of the investigation board, Attorney Joseph Kollie.Att. Kollie, Labor Solicitor at MOL heads a team of investigators comprising of over 20 persons from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Ministries of Agriculture and Internal Affairs, the Liberia National Police, National Fire Service and the workers’ union as well as representatives of the District #3 University Student Union and others.The two days preliminary investigation was concluded on Tuesday, February 24. Day one involved visual inspection by seeing what happened, how the factory is laid-out and the capacity of the factory among other things while day two concentrated on interviewing workers, eyewitnesses and manufacturers of the rubber factory dryer which exploded.Following Tuesday’s investigation, Att. Kollie told FrontPage Africa: “Investigation still continues, we’ve done the preliminary and we will put our facts together and send it to the relevant authority (the Ministry of Labor).” The pending report to the MOL for implementation is crucial to the outcome of the investigation already viewed by many observer as ‘very open’, some members of the team hinted that the report will definitely reflect the views of all the investigation board members. Att. Kollie disclosed that they were able to gathered


sufficient evidence to support whatever report that will be released in the next ten days.“When it (report) gets to the authority, I don’t know, they will have to look at it but we will be in defense of whatever we will put down,” Att. Kollie stressed.The General Agriculture and Allied Workers Union (GAWUL) severed as advisors on the board of investigation and its two representatives were ever-present during the two days probe. According to GAWUL Secretary General,

Alfred Summerville, GAWUL is disappointment with the role the experts from Indonesia and Malaysia played during the investigation.“They (experts) did not do well; it seems like they only came to sabotage this investigation. They just came on behalf of the management – to defend management – but thank God we have experts, people with experience on the investigating team,” the GAWUL Secretary General asserted.Mr. Summerville claims that the foreign experts from

Malaysia and Indonesia – who reportedly supplied materials and built the rubber factory dryer – did not provide significant information to help the investigation. The GAWUL executive disclosed to reporters that the investigators were keen on knowing from the experts how the dryer was built and the probable cause of the explosion but according to him, they were unable to provide useful information.“At last they told us that they only came to take pictures of the debris and report to

their headquarters and clients aboard,” Mr. Summerville said. “This means that the LAC management deceived us and the government because they said they were sending for experts and this is why we said government should send for international experts to investigate the incident.”Nevertheless, GAWUL Secretary General said they are quite satisfied with the team of experts from the MOL and the manner in which the preliminary investigation was conducted. They are now

awaiting the draft report which may approved by the entire investigation board and send to the government. Meanwhile, the President of the Liberian Agricultural Workers Union (LAWU) said he’s confident that the investigation report will be credible adding that he’s sure it will be ‘free, fair and transparent.’“This investigation is open, nothing is done behind closed doors…, everybody who is part of this investigation team gave their input and openly witness what happened,” Jeremiah Dahn told FPA.Like GAWUL, the LAC workers union called on the workers to remain claim and focus on their job pending the release of the report. It can be recalled that 17 persons were serious injured during the blast out of which six have died. The explosion sparked an outrage among workers which prompted a go-slow that lasted for almost two weeks and had to go back to work after the intervention of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.The workers had earlier demanded the resignation of the company’s General Manger and the Human Resource and Administration Manager, alleging that their administration is responsible for the accident.



Page 8 | Frontpage Thursday, February 26, 2015

1. The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has received funds from the Government of Liberia through budgetary allocations and intends to apply part of it to fund eligible payments under the contract for Repairs &Maintenance of its fleet of light, heavy-duty motor vehicles and bikes for its FY 2014/2015 operations.

2. This procurement covers Regular Servicing, Maintenance & Repairs of motor vehicles and bikes as fully detailed under Section V – Schedule of Requirements for use by the Liberia Revenue Authority. The items are categorized under two (2) procurement lots as indicated below.

All interested bidders and service providers must indicate a current business address where the physical location of their premises can be found.

A bidder may bid for more than one lot but must cover the full quantities for each lot bidded for. Any incomplete items for any lot would be deemed to be unresponsive and the bid may be rejected.

3. The Liberia Revenue Authority now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for regular repair & maintenance of motor vehicles and bikes.

4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the PPCA and approved by the PPCC, and is open to all eligible bidders.

5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the below address within the hours of 9:30 am to 4:00pmAlfred Sellu, Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Ministry of Finance & Development Planning Building1stFloorLogistics Management SectionBroad & Mechlin Street-Monrovia, LiberiaTel: 231-(0886)

6. Qualification requirements include the following:

• Signed Bid or Tender Form• A bid security (Manager’s Check)• A valid tax clearance Certificate• Valid Business Registration• Company profile• Names of current past/clients and their contact details• List of administrative and technical staff,• List of mechanical equipment• Workshop or garage space• Proof of similar services provided

7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before March 18, 2015 at 12:00pm

8. All bids must be clearly marked with the address indicated below. Repair &Maintenance of motor vehicles and bikesRef: IFB No. LRA/NCB/009/014-015Liberia Revenue Authority NASSCORP HouseELWA JunctionPaynesville, LiberiaTel: 231-(0886)

9. Bids will be opened on March 18, 2015 12:00pm, in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address below:

5. A complete set of Bidding Document in English may be obtained by interested bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 50.00 USD to the LRA Budget Office, First Floor at the Ministry of Finance, between 9:00 am & 4:00 pm daily.

13. Electronic and late bids will be rejected

Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) HeadquartersNASSCORP HouseELWA JunctionPaynesville, Liberia

Oliver N. Rogers, II Alfred SelluDeputy Commissioner General Adm. Affairs Act. Procurement Manager

National Competitive BiddingRepair & Maintenance of Motor Vehicles & Bikes

IFB No. LRA/NCB/009/014-015

Lot Item Description Quantity

Repairs& maintenance of Vehicles


1 Nissan 23 2 Hyundai 4

3 Toyota 29

4 Ford 9

5 Mitsubishi 1

Total 66

Repairs& maintenance of motor cycles 2










Total 93


The Ministry of Education wishes to thank all parents, guardians, teachers, school administrators, stakeholders including the Legislature, and our ‘partners in education’ for supporting efforts leading to the re-opening of schools on February 16, 2015.

The Ministry of Education is aware that a lot more has to be done to achieve better and safer school environment which the Ministry is working towards.

The Ministry along with partners have distributed Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) materials to most of the public and private schools within the Republic of Liberia. Together, our partners have and are still conducting training workshops across the country on the protocols for safe school environment.

The Ministry is pleased to note that most of the schools are in compliance with the requirements of the protocols regarding washing hands, and use of thermometers to monitor the temperature of students, teachers and those visiting the campuses. The Ministry wishes to commend all school authorities for a job well done thus far.

The Ministry wishes to assure all students, parents, and school authorities that in keeping with the Academic Calendar, all schools are required to complete 187 instructional days based on the curriculum. Schools opening after 16th February will have to adjust activities to meet the instructional days. Schools opening on March 2, 2015 will adjust their activities to meet the 187 instructional days. All schools must meet the stipulated instructional days.


J. Maxime BleetahnDirector of Communications



FrontpageThursday, February 26, 2015 Page 9











The Marteh family announces the death of Genevieve Queen Marteh, who was a junior student at the University of Liberia. Genevieve died on Monday after a combination of illnesses, including typhoid. She was born on November 27, 1987 and leaves to mourn her parents, maternal grandmother, two sisters, six brothers, several nieces, nephews, uncles, aunties and a host of relatives and friends at home and abroad.

Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Signed byDanesius MartehBrother of the deceased









Liberians in Germany and their friends, organized under the umbrella of the

Liberian-German Association (ROOTS) e.V. completed the European phase of a relief project that they iniated late last year. This project is our quota in the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus ravashing our homeland - Liberia.The project brought together a healthy sum that enabled ROOTS e.V. to purchase diverse medical goods, at a total value of approx. 31,000 USD. The consignment

was loaded into a 20-foot container yesterday to be shipped to Liberia in the coming days. On arrival in Liberia, the

consignment will be received and distributed by our official local liaison, the NGO, Developement Education Network - Liberia (DEN-L).

The shipment includes, among others, high risk protective garments, OP room gears, scrub suits, gauntlet and surgical gloves, thermoflash digital thermometers, blood pressure measurement equipment, lab testing utensils, handwash and sanitizers, surgical gowns, gallons of ultrasound gel, blood transfusion bags, shoes covers, etc. The shipment also includes 18 state-of-the-art Sony digital recorders for 18 local FM Radio stations that are spread around the country. The recorders are intended to provide the stations with vital production instruments for their (Ebola)awareness programing.While we continue to pray for our country and people, we in Germany are resolved to continue seeking and providing some tangible material assistance that we in the diaspora can easily acquire, if we are willing to invest time and energy. We hope that the Ebola virus will sooner than later become a footnote in our rich national history.

Ebola Relief shipment from Liberians on the Way





The House of Representatives has passed the Draft AXLE LOAD LAW

sent to that body in December 2014. The House passed on the draft bill on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 during its regular plenary session at the capitol building in Monrovia.The Bill would shortly be sent to the Senate for its concurrence after which it will be forwarded to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for executive Approval and subsequent printing into Handbill.A Ministry of Transport Press Release issued in Monrovia on Wednesday, February 25,

2015, stated that this new law is intended to enact certain measures that would control the usage of Liberia’s streets and highways to avoid the fast destruction of country’s road infrastructure. It will control certain kind of vehicles from using certain roads, and will restrict the amount of load a vehicle can carry based on the number of axels the vehicle has.The Ministry of transport will promulgate regulations after the final passage to make the provisions of the law more effective. A nationwide public awareness would be undertaken to educate the populace about the new law.

Page 10 |Frontpage Thursday, February 26, 2015






Erath County District Court Judge Jason Cashon sentenced Eddie Ray Routh to life

in prison without the possibility of parole then turned the floor over to the families of the two men the defendant had just been found guilty of murdering.Relatives of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle did not speak. But the brother and father of victim Chad Littlefield wanted their say. Each stood to somberly and sternly address Routh.“You took the lives of two heroes — men who tried to be a friend to you,” said Jerry Richardson, Littlefield's brother. “You became an American disgrace.”



Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan has said the tide has "definitely turned"

against militant Islamists as regional forces recapture territory.His comments came hours after Boko Haram militants were blamed for killing 27 people in bombings in two commercial centres in the north on Tuesday.Boko Haram had hit "soft targets" because of the setbacks it had suffered in battle, Mr Jonathan said.Regional forces have recaptured eight major towns in recent weeks.So Mr Jonathan's comments appear to have some credence, even if he made similar remarks last year, says the BBC's Bashir Sa'ad Abdullahi in the capital, Abuja.

The government's annual budget outlined a 1% increase in personal income tax

and spending cuts of 25bn rand (£1.4bn; $2.2bn) over the next two yearsProjected economic growth for 2015 is 2%, down from 2.5% forecast last year.Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene warned the economy would suffer from another three years of power disruptions.Economic growth could even halve again down to just 1% this year if power constraints worsened.He said state-owned power group Eskom faced a 200bn rand funding gap up to 2017.Eskom will receive a capital injection of 23bn rand this year, to be raised through the sale of non-strategic government shareholdings in some state-owned companies.






Kiev (AFP) -

The United States expressed fury at Russia's "lies" over Ukraine after

European powers urged a frayed ceasefire be respected, while a rare overnight calm was reported in the war zone on Wednesday.But the crisis still simmered dangerously. Britain said it was dispatching a team of soldiers to Ukraine for "training" and warned Russia could be cut off from the SWIFT international banking network, while Russia's Gazprom is threatening to stop gas supplies to Ukraine.The United States has not yet said whether it favours sending US weapons to Kiev, as some officials have been suggesting.But US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday launched his most scathing accusation to date over Russia's alleged involvement in the conflict."They have been persisting in their misrepresentations -- lies -- whatever you want to call them -- about their activities there to my face, to the face of others, on many different occasions," he told US lawmakers.- British troops -He said Russia was also engaging in "a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that I've seen since the very height of the Cold War".British Prime Minister David Cameron announced separately that his country was sending up to 75 soldiers to Ukraine on a training mission, with some leaving for Kiev this week. He said they would not be sent to the conflict zone.Cameron urged the EU to look at wide-ranging sanctions on Russia's economy, which is already toppling into recession because of a drop in oil prices."We should look at other avenues as well -- obviously looking at the SWIFT banking issues is a big decision but there is a logic for it," he said.SWIFT refers to the international financial

industry's secure messaging system that facilitates transactions. Western sanctions in 2012 cutting Iran off from the system for defying UN resolutions over its nuclear programme dealt a severe blow to the Islamic republic's economy.- No arms pull-back -The developments revealed deep Western exasperation with the violence in Ukraine, which is continuing albeit at a lower level since a February 15 ceasefire negotiated in the Belarus capital Minsk came into effect.The United States and EU nations blame Russia for fomenting the 10-month-old insurgency in east Ukraine, accusing Moscow of sending intelligence officers, troops, tanks and missiles to back it.Moscow's denials have been dismissed. The United States says it has evidence of Russian military deployments, and pointed

to similar denials -- later renounced -- over Russian troop involvement ahead of last year's annexation of Crimea.Russia has flexed its muscles in return. Its state-owned gas giant Gazprom has threatened to cut off supplies to Ukraine this week, disputing Kiev's claim that the gas needed was paid for. Much of the gas that flows through Ukraine goes on to supply the EU market.A meeting Tuesday in Paris between the foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France failed to procure any breakthrough. The diplomats simply said they wanted to see the ceasefire fully observed and heavy weapons pulled back from the frontline.The ceasefire has been broken regularly. The worst violation was last week when the rebels overran Debaltseve, a strategic

transport hub located between their strongholds of Donetsk and Lugansk.Fighting has also been continuing near the port city of Mariupol, which represents one of the main obstacles to the pro-Russian forces creating a land corridor from the Russian border to Crimea.Ukraine's army and rebels both said on Wednesday that, unusually, no combat was reported overnight.But there was still no confirmation of any arms withdrawal from the frontline.Kiev says it will not carry out a pull back until a full and "comprehensive" ceasefire is observed.On Wednesday, the insurgents took journalists to Obilne, a village 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Donetsk, to witness movements of artillery canon and trucks.They said it was an arms

withdrawal, but there was no way of verifying where the material was going or if it would return."We are applying the Minsk accords," a rebel commander known by the nickname "Khorochi" told AFP. "Yesterday (Tuesday), we pulled back Grad rocket launchers and the day before, tanks."He added: "We are following orders to pull back heavy weapons, but the Ukrainians aren't."The Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Europe tasked with verifying implementation of the Minsk truce has not confirmed any arms withdrawal.The head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine, Ertugrul Apakan, said in a statement that the warring sides "still have not provided" information needed to determine what, if any, arms withdrawals have occurred.

Tokyo (AFP) -

A Nigerian woman who has campaigned against Islamist

extremists Boko Haram was on Tuesday awarded a Japanese peace prize worth $170,000.Esther Ibanga, a pastor and activist in Nigeria, has kept up a vocal protest against the kidnappings that Boko Haram has made almost routine, the Niwano Peace Foundation said.The foundation said it had awarded her its 20 million yen annual prize because of the way she has tirelessly pressured central and local governing officials in her efforts to fight back against extremists.

"Esther has worked extensively to foster and facilitate reconciliation between conflicting religious and tribal groups," setting up an organisation that has all tribal women leaders on its membership, the Buddhist group-backed foundation said.Boko Haram fighters have kidnapped hundreds of schoolg irls, causing global outrage and a social media campaign to release them.Over 13,000 have been killed while more than one million people have been left homeless since 2009 as the extremist militants try to carve out an Islamic state in Nigeria's northeast.

FrontpageThursday, February 26, 2015 Page 11

Danesius Marteh,




Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini dismissed

suggestions he had left his team open to exploitation by Barcelona with his decision to pick two strikers in Sergio Aguero and Edin Dzeko.The theory, according to Pellegrini, was that City's good second-half performance proved this was the way to go against Barcelona. The flaw, a significant one, was that the good of the second 45 minutes was heavily outweighed by the bad of the first.

Manchester City are not alone in failing to survive against quality

such as Messi, Neymar and Suarez - but there were worrying signs as Barcelona ran their defence ragged in the first half.The biggest concern will be the form of Kompany. He was unfortunate when Messi's cross rebounded off him for Suarez to open the scoring, but his positioning was poor for the second as the 28-year-old was a shadow of the figure of authority that has led City to two Premier League titles in the last three seasons.




Barcelona's new international sporting director Ariedo Braida

will watch Juventus take on Borussia Dortmundin the Champions League on Tuesday as the Catalan club keep tabs on midfielder Paul Pogba and wingerMarco Reus. Banned by Fifa from signing players in 2015 due to irregularities in the recruitment of youngsters, Barca are studying the possibility of registering footballers in the summer and playing them when the sanction ends in January 2016.




The Liberia National Olympics Committee (LNOC) Monday began

its Ebola awareness with schools in seven counties. According to LNOC president Philipbert Brown, the awareness is being funded by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) through its solidarity movement. On Monday, the LNOC distributed 200 facet-buckets, 40 cartoons of chloride (90 pieces per

cartoon), five thermometers and several cartoons of Klein tie-soap in Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties respectively.The same donation was made on Tuesday in Grand Bassa and on Wednesday in Margibi and Bong Counties respectively. Nimba and Grand Gedeh Counties are expected to benefit on Thursday respectively.“The Olympic committee is about culture; it is about

education and it is also about sports,” Brown said. According to him, 80-percent of the donation goes to the schools and 20-percent goes to sporting organizations in the counties. “So at least when you go play football or basketball, you can have something [a bucket full of chlorinated water] there to wash your hands and a thermometer to check your temperature,” he said.Brown downplayed comments that the LNOC’s

Last season's Champions League runners-up have it all to do in the second

leg after a disastrous night at the BayArenaHakan Calhanoglu's second half stunner rocked 10-man Atletico Madrid and gave Bayer Leverkusen a 1-0 first leg lead in the last-16 of the Champions League.The Turkey international's wonderful strike proved enough to separate the sides at the BayArena, with Karim Bellarabi instrumental in the build-up.Leverkusen threatened in the first half and saw Emir Spahic denied on two occasions, but they were grateful to Bernd Leno for making two late saves to keep the score level.Tiago was sent off for two bookable offences late on to heap more misery on Atletico, who failed to score for their second successive Champions League game.Roger Schmidt's side will take a narrow advantage to Spain for the second leg on March 17, knowing another

awareness was belated as he referenced the Mano River Union’s extraordinary summit in Conakry, Guinea on February 15. “I don’t understand what you called late because if you look at the Mano River Union’s summit, they just put 60 days to see if they can eradicate Ebola. So I don’t think it is late and even if it is late; it is better late than never. I think the greatest danger is that our kids are going back to schools,” Brown explained. Explain further, LNOC vice president Malcolm Joseph said the campaign was crucial because a single case of Ebola could lead to an outbreak. “If a kid is infected [with Ebola] and goes to school. He or she gets in contact with 15-20 kids. Do you know what will happen when those kids returned home? The fact that we are not Ebola free tells us that we need to press on to eradicate Ebola completely. “All of us know that we are not free yet but because, in our case, we have been sitting down idle for six to eight months and we think they [children] should go to school. So that is why we are trying to buttress whatsoever national effort, from our own sporting perspective, to see


LNOC goes to seven counties with Ebola awareness; to shortly launch a newspaper project.

how we can be able to lend some support to the process,” Joseph added. Brown said the counties were chosen based on their proximity to Monrovia, leaving out Montserrado County, which he said, has benefited from ‘so much awareness’. “Montserrado can take care of itself. Our worry is about the leeward counties. There is just so much awareness; there is just so much happening in Montserrado County. All the ETUs [Ebola Treatment Units] are in Montserrado County. [The ratio] is 10 to one,” he stressed.Brown, who refused to put a value to the donation, said it followed an appeal made to OIC president Thomas Bach during the Thailand congress last year. “This is just the president of the IOC [who has made his contribution to the fight against Ebola in Liberia]. You still have ANOCA [Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa] and you still have ANOC [Association of National Olympic Committees]. So we are still going to be doing a lot of talking to these various continental bodies to see how they can still reach out to Liberians, he concluded. Meanwhile, Brown has announced that the LNOC will shortly begin a 24-page all color newspaper, which will be managed by Joseph. “It’s going to free [to the public]. You people can make contribution. I am sure he will be generous to pay you for your articles,” he added.


clean sheet will see them through to the quarter-finals.Leverkusen came out of the blocks quickly, dominating possession, but were unable to find a way through before half-time, with Lars Bender wasting the first opening in the seventh minute.Bellarabi led a swift counter-attack for the hosts, but, when the ball found Bender

he dragged his effort wide from the edge of the area.The visitors were grateful to Mario Mandzukic five minutes later as he cleared Spahic's effort off the line after the Bosnia defender had diverted Wendell's shot towards goal.Spahic's attempts to score a first Champions League goal continued as the half hour

approached, with his long-range strike cannoning back off Moya's crossbar. Atleti had been quiet in the final third inside the opening 40 minutes, but Leno needed to be alert to make two saves before the break.Having pushed away Arda Turan's lob before Antoine Griezmann could head home, the goalkeeper made

a superb reaction save in stoppage time to keep Tiago's acrobatic volley out.The deadlock was finally broken in the 57th minute as Calhanoglu collected a sumptuous backheel from Bellarabi, before lashing the ball high into Moya's net.Calhanoglu nearly had a second after 71 minutes, as the forward's long-range free-kick took a wicked deflection, but Moya was able to adjust and make the save.As the game opened up in the final 20 minutes both sides had chances to score, with Torres - on for Turan just past the hour - putting the ball into the net in the 75th minute, only for referee Pavel Kralovec to rule it out.Atletico finished the game, which saw nine bookings in total, with 10 men when Tiago was shown a second yellow for a foul on Bellarabi.His dismissal added to the Liga side's frustrations as they suffered their first Champions League defeat since the opening group game.





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ARSENAL SINKArsene Wenger's reunion

with his former club ended in disappointment for the Gunners despite Alex Oxlade-

Chamberlain's late consolationArsenal's Champions League hopes were dealt a huge blow as Monaco secured a deserved victory at the Emirates Stadium.The Gunners were frustrated for much of the first half and fell behind shortly before the break as Geoffrey Kondogbia's long-range effort deflected off Per Mertesacker and past David Ospina.Olivier Giroud missed two big chances to equalise shortly after half-time, and the hosts were made to pay for wasting their opportunities as Dimitar Berbatov ended a Monaco counterattack with a controlled finish.Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain came off the bench to pull a goal back late on with a curled finish before Yannick Ferreira-Carrasco broke free of the home defence to score with an angled drive.Monaco conceded just once as they topped Group C, but were under pressure early on as Danny Welbeck was among those to threaten Danijel Subasic's goal with an effort that was narrowly off targetHowever, the resurgent visitors - beaten just once since the start of December - seemed to grow in confidence with Joao Moutinho pulling the strings in midfield.As Monaco frustrated Arsenal's array of playmaking talent, chances were few and far between in the opening half an hour, although Alexis Sanchez angled a shot just over the crossbar soon after.However, Monaco broke the deadlock seven minutes before the break with the help of a sizeable deflection, as Kondogbia's long-range strike hit

Mertesacker and beat a wrong-footed Ospina.Having failed to register a shot on target in the first half, Arsenal were made to pay for their profligacy after the break when Anthony Martial punished slack defending from Mertesacker to burst forward and find Berbatov.The Bulgarian made no mistake in giving Monaco a two-goal lead - much to the home fans' consternation - as Wenger's men continued to waste chances, with Sanchez's effort saved by Subasic before Giroud fired over with the goal at his mercy.Subasic saved well from substitute Theo Walcott after the hour and Welbeck's follow-up deflected off the England international before Oxlade-Chamberlain curled home a loose ball.If Arsenal thought they had grabbed hold of a lifeline, it was quickly ripped from their grasp as Ferreira-Carrasco raced away to fire past Ospina and put the visitors in the driving seat ahead of next month's return meeting.

Gunners on the Brink after shock Collapse