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j'svrw: i.o'.'.i.t or mr roi.iri.t I.I a . mr ruui.s,

ru nl llir Hi lw r Tlir lionet I, list nmlV. i n .lumen lii'llrt I In- - Mtrrvt tlcst l'i

llorrlart. timet, uuil Alil-- r.

inun llimliis llrittr l.orrs.Ilv fai tl o nrrnlcr of the bettliijr,

In tl, s din tr ih tT tnru.s of the American liiello.1til i h I hi nir mil the larct'-- t In Lotti e m.l;iuol.ti hi: I., tn New York Is that of Marshall AJ..' enn n TwntJ-elcnt- lrot mill tlroiilwav.T I liirr ,11) liue elm.n Join C'liamlierlaln soilout. lie was tlie Blitirlpal barker of the celo'jratedT t'mi"iwooil, the f.itlirr of vool rclllii, find

1 u lie depsrtr I t!m doctor's I'.itmnise departedaliiictt wholly lth him. About ti.e tame time luclimin as alorrlssey, tlenot, O'Oonnell, McClond,Joint McCormlc, and Ed. Cahlll bran Ireqnentltii31 lej't (now- - Marshall Jt Johnson's), and iho platesoon ttie to Its present prominence. Eren Dr.TJnderwooJ himself drops In fnquenlljr to btij apoul. It la the TattenaUa' of America,t On till arrow t a detailed Httorjr of the r

which took t!aie there durlm the tsoekto the last election w III prove both curious and

Interesting, as sliotlOK who are our lieaty bcttins111CU, w.ial the lot or dud on tbe election, theirrecnllar method of betting, the extent of each I ml I.

tl nal't foresight and nluck. how the chances war-tie-- l,

who were the favorite can lldatea, ondwiolleueakonre tn the estimation ol the posted, andthe tclal a nount bet. All this luformatlon Tm SuIs now en tided to lay before Its readera, Jta

and acenrae) can be relied on.

in iiusr tra.Hi.vo'a woua.The leltlnc started off nlth a pool ol f 15 Oil DraJ

ley and O'llrlen, Dradley'a baiker, James Uelle,If.e renowned bookseller on running races,

tnc flrt ciiolre for f :3. Jim McClond, thofaro banker, paid (3J for O'llrlen and won KelIo '4

!5. The Male ticket came neat In faror, and M-erloni won !S more from Senator Owen .Murphy in1 pool ol and 1 5 X) from Senator Harry GenetIn two pools, one ol 1100 and tho other or tlfl.riinry l'ost, the New f treet Iron mm, then pot npJ: ) nn I'radley In a pool ol JM, wl.lch wa wen byVr Thleraarj tut Poit Immediately nfierward beatllirry Oenet out of illO, In avocl ol 140 oil Snjal.?'li nnw iuvAroo the farerlte "lr.t,"ard Jnlii'on, krvlhrr of the proprietor, raked inl&iO rem Jim (.'union In two pools or - tl ta and fillreare'lttlr, and fUJO Iiom llo.l Lewis In twopoult of Jltd and one of 1 133. alt on Slset. I.eMsI icn turned round and aalted Johnson out ol f M Ina rool,o(!)5 on O'llrlen, and HcCoud followedsoil li the same amount, l'ol.owlnf np hls.uranUtt, Md load took J.V4 mora from Tom Land In apool ol also on u'llrleo, Old DoeLlndeeyoftheiTnoane no Tcame In and attempted to net 1 pool uan,:el Hit filled. Lew ll.rki look tloO from

Krater In a pool of J20O on O'llrlen. ThenE.lcck Llndarr got a anow at Kdseorin, t it raro

in a pol of tl0 on Mtel. and acraped InI loo by the operation. This Dtlsfied the bnalneaaof the first eyenlne. Things were naturally elow,the occasion being usually a tort or appetiser for I etnore ranting work ol the Rood lime comtur, aadthe ueitinj being more lor form's aake than for thelake 01 mi.lng a rortune.

TBI TUO Or 1TAI.On the Saturday ae enloR before the election tbt

teal lun began. Tbo mum was crowded, all theipuita being present. Trie ball was onrned byHarry Genet, who lost (100 la a pool of fllJ on theretisteiahlp, to Wilaoti, the well know aport. Jimfclcllood aa the next Tictlui In the same amountthe ame Issoe and to the same man, three timeabasdrunalag. Osnet tbouiht he naan't gettint aa lair than of tie lun ao he went at Ulloon again

nd lost annthcr 1100. Then llcCloud look a bandand lost 1 100 more. 11 en Oenet lolloned him againwild a aluillir result. A grntlemsn who would notglee hla name tbcught he'd like to make a pile tooon tjhandUy. lie now put up a hundred which MaaImniedlLtely eroopel In by Ke'ly. Kellj'a pluck. also secured him I'M uioie irou Oenet Anothernoolwnicube bad bean raising Was bought In byhimself, uobody bulag. Tlunza were listly wnliethta lasted 1 u pools wr 1,11 fli)0 to $10 Inlaor tl b' andiey. Hie Meieouli llndao more takem so the bettlag turned m the fereut

District.lieur.'e Uro n. trie merclnnt. led olf by lolni J 50

In a tool cf ItiO. Hie O'llii'n inn re'iisc l

'1 en Julinaon, biotcicr to tne riiner.toa l&O

r.111a pool ot flW fiuui I i.ii. Jojra, me

1 1m neat pool was a latge one 011 the Slat tie :eiMebrida. ti red esi nun. puum; up tSO mitirlouer 10 UJ;cwjiiL'aJ;a)OU union. ir. namIhen

eALTCU UAHUr OENETior anotter f 10J uu tne reelaterahlo sed Kelly didtl e B4Uie. At this rolnl Jlwl, the Lutchr. aalon1,1 e l etrryhndy hr oi l.e lwlth's t' t'.lucVt'syi mOoiity Kdeisurtu look i.iui u j nlti tsiuatiii miiq LilgeHorth w lu .ui'k for imnied a.ely

in poor An . nd. "io aelled , agul. i iemMnIn two t 1. a, one ol $7,5 and tl e of (TUj.

New J.-- e next atiracibd 11,0 atteunou of theb"is. J'uiter was tne (atorlte agiiuat W'aish at1 100 to :,y ,nd Kelly succeeded in scooping 111 twoI oils, one rom Lewis and one Iroin I'oet, at thoser tea. Iheutlentt n ade anotner sally on the Kig.Istership and lost luO to Kelly and 1 100 to l'oit, tneIron uan. Li. Canlll then loat I uu llradiei In aroot or f 93, and Mon'ieliuer, 01 Voung li.iioca.-- r, louk three almbar Iioo.a In eucccesion iromLewie, Tost, and V. Johnson, and one irom Snell,9e wi,ich S0 bad ben staked on Uraaley against I0Mtn O'ilnsn.

riLLi'a papa:.The Hrrenth Senatorial was again In the ascenl

am K'i y lnt ti)on llrnller t" sn ucknowa In aiool ol J W, ind 40 aiore to nrannlaa in a ntu.ljr

pool, lkiore they closed nun auoi.ier(W irom V. Johnaon. T.ils letting 0. Kelly's onllrndley was a neat dodge to rope lu lotue yreen-kum-

lo bad Jat entered, and who were llkrli10 follow hisex,mDle. How ne)l be succeeded "IIIle seaa lurtuer on.

Uenel bow eten made another brjiak 00 the regisCerahip, which appearea to be his lavoriie lasueHit ot antagonist, hti r, took another tVJU iromImnandfSOi from Jan et llarpl.y, a New Jerseyrobilcan, The oola were IHU and tIJO All rthis ti.e frierids ol Uradley lco O'Dritu railltd,flurphy won flO Irom Thompson, tie farobj Iter, and 4J more Irom Leander llili k.

1W Won elmrr too flO from Lewis and f 10 Irani lie.-I- t

on U'ilnen, ana SUO Irom, who had dn-a-in once n ore 011 I e register! Ip. In two pools ol

ISaJ and flU lesrectttely M Cloul was Jlon-U- i'

er't nut tlctm in JliiO on Si.ioilcy lu a poolPf $110. MtUri te fieu tton 17 Iiom Dean 111 uti.01 ol $4u on O'llrieu, nod New Jersey was oncemore tuktn up ior a chanc. 1 he, odds remiineu aaI fi'ii ef Jovu'oir v, en JTS tioin fust, and tleudi ictr-In-

tl e hi tie dealer, tl'3 from Kdgeor,h in twopooia ot $ns each 'Inen Kelly acoooed In twoioola on toe reTen!h henaturul $1,3 in on,. Iioiu anv .Lnuwn. an $9) tn the otu r IruJi EJe loru.

KELLT CLCXM.NQ IDE COTS,T lie. State ticket nuw caino in lor a. ahow. Logan

'''. Iii irom Wliunis lu a ool m $s0, aim $03I: ;u K.wewoitli In a pool "t $1CS, Ilv leitnuft iiaJ uu U Dnea Keily non $00 Irom Edreworln,xi . iii,uie.Uiei) alUrnurd adied tu Im nio iXJI re in ti.ree pools on the ltegistersulp, tno irui.iAninlii teller, lormerly miller at Crook 4liull-- , ut J5S0 and (SCO respectively, and ono irom


i o' i'oM. tie also nou (UU Iroiu Donovan, tlirt 'i mplina outcher, lua pool of $ltUuu tne

dapreiue Court Juilgeaoip. 1 lie nest Ino pool, ont i etentu reii'iiorul Disirict. were wou bt ilc--

vnii'i one (rom Oreen, the rontr.ietor, and one, li ui Kilnttsuitb, the gams being tiA) In each,

loli-- i i.uer tbeu won f lOJ 1.1 two loola 01 $J'l) eacaIroin Jliu .Murpny on tre lteinera .ip- - Kedy too1 Ai in Uii'en and illi 11 uu Drake, li.e llquuri.i.ier, on aiiiour poo a. Ureen loat unoti er $15 to1'itruii; tu i o ol 0 $173 on the New Jere (Ju-- t

noiarip IC utii v on anouiir 1125 lioia Illa.etu the Ik.isii'Mip lu a pool 01 Hw.

kfOMIEIMm OX THE IIAIE.Ifonhsln er was equally .ucicy, winumg (133 from

li ... C opeiiltr ti e 1. ce driver, ana 1A1 troui S

0' . roy audhirato.a ttro notorit-'- .

Kt.i) l.o went in agalu ou O'llneu and nunilo3 Iroji V. Johnaon lu a pool IM. It being'iunhi imer'a turn he won Hi." Irom John UcL'orKink in a tool 01 $IKi on the UeKlaterehip. Lo:auti.fc u,oi 3i irom an unknown, uu tne buitelkk.t,la a nooi 01 160. Kelly went in once more on theJx.muship and mul led I'atrick In (153. lie also

ok f,5 irom John lllalr, on Ite Huprems CourtI J nlrfoi n, m a pool of (173, and (7U Irom JnnraJ 0 f"U fioiu Garry, botu on the siiit iaaue. Doc.

'li.dnwud larklad him for (53 In a pool ol (13ain tbt hsventu benatoilal Diairict. and go) burned.

' inx URtrngssiDLE kelly.K'I'ttjiiii lu k llu .ciui jta to Hie lio;

1 'er j! iu end alt I llsloney. the linrae.uan, lorli''i 1. pool 0. J(10, Mtrse ior 11J5 In a pool f

Ana.- u.e for the eame umoui.t all onI i, t ;i vtortli lor o3 in u po il 01 (133 on the

"in,, a i,diiy..i and or (WinI . ff ,'i;J..':'-y!)j.,.v-

.u t.i,,,i:ui''jfci:iijrirfiis.wMlB.H'ia tbt. nixt poot tn O linen, beating

r, li... liuiae di aler, to the nine or (33 111 nSxn 01 tl Vt lievins lo'li wed suit and won $331 m r.n eviorth 111 a eiuu ar pool, Kelly again wui

I ," "i,l' lk ' 1 'ok $i from Buiiiian lu a pooltV , ' Ilnle, toe l.v ry aUtue kteper, tail

"1 hall 'a ejjinple and wan $00 from Mallon, a'J '" r, inaioolo (1S6. Killy In "k iie pelt.., ' "j.."' ua. lutmi mi .;

f' i'lMttcl. JTtlaenoiti. los' .1. a lil'ii, the boiae deu oi.tio, tun Lonry

if' "i 1 ' butren e Court Judgeship Kely a ao;. ,

po poo t, wiuuIdk 1US urn tho well known''-


.ili, ptrr, , ,,,. 1W and $7U Iro'll' '" a uiol ol 10. Illuj and l'airkk ti en

V ,utol'i tin .New Jir-e- Coveriiorahp,'"1 .'mi,. . iima poolof $170. HcCloud tlieit" ii')t 'he tune ol i'ji in a ' ool o llMuu

j 1,1 lo.'i Ut. Ooiuoi.i.e tii'tu.uit suiI' oi.ti aaiio' on Ai'itiui.ri .l Mti.iouul1.., t it, ta $,oo 01 a pool ol $3,3.

, it ti rait up mrMS.'i II ,1 w ntn iu.. 1, iu ii,,. tlni unt

L, V '' ''' t'W3 or ,,t ((mi.., r.., "' at d ''It'll l'i' Mol Hi lOt

,,1' ' " "' '' """li. 111 a i.o'.l "i on I t" ' j m , ' V rifiid hie I01 Mi.i,'3 tj o'T"I. ,

' 0(,ai, urn in a s.ol 01 $li.i, the nest tieliiii. raaliig ii edt l " i a mi 1 Vrllrole's $10; 11:1 u'llrmn.1 1, '' "a 11, 'ion I rank in j pool ot $moiltxiti'""' tmoin .i"iiio, mid i"i more 11 tn". I eTwtutislh Ward liolsl kfc'ir tini


i 1 msammmmmmmm

VoMllelan, I.alM did trae same to Patrick, thoimn'nt rn bel"g $R0, In a I1..0I ol $110 lie lo I(fl.'i to Hdi, wuit , In nooi ol Jl-f- t on Hie lieilsler-Hun- .

but win (.1 and $7" Irmn to uiiknowiia onHo St ia Ji im . t.uvi n o 11111 In tunl I (k05 mijSl'fi. i: Auli rtnnn 'I ii' im y then r.n.lit Ke Iv 'or$ Ml in a I,, nl ui (') l'i, the il in the Kl I1II1-- I'd nil J)sirlel nf'.-- which Kt ily wnn S 11In, l' ti'M. w h tiacKi tl M nmllev in pol o J'JIiO,audi.. 1, iii on $A1 lio.ii II iutim, 111 a pool ol $201on t it .Ni ,v Jer-t-- y tlutcr.i

JOHN MORtlti'tT A TICTtH,Join O'Doniu'l. the o'lcbratut tnrlman, next

made a eictlni ol L"tv irr lo alt.- amount ol $03 ontr.c utile tic .ft, t .0 ool being $ Sw, mid I. "2 hi o.ilthe aamo to 'Ion Carpenter tor $,5 111 it pool tr$115. Owen Mnrp'iy pll 111 another oppeirsnce,and lost J73 mine Uifki Kellv, In a pool 01 $!3otithe npreine (' urt Jmigesalii. litrd then victim-ize Jo'm M nr $'1K) worlh. in a pool 01 (Pel1 it tie New Jeiaey tinerno . ,liiini als iot (UoMlo Juhii O'Donnel, In a piol of ( IVI anil $211 moreto In a loot ol $l0 on I e sHinc Acood at.ift oil with IWi nut lor t ie g eat c an bier I

He was Koaiiolberppol, but mire wj, uulakert. Owen Mnrplir then came near nt iktn $tiOon bcrlbner, but the W'lilcrs mau luce out. I."

I ere lonnd an admirer in a Mr. Knnls. nl.nlost (113 In apol which K Ilv w 111 ; lis ,laanot.i-- r of (m In which MclliMe lost JIO; andailll anotner ol $1, In which Mc loud lost (ii3Nor d.d Kelly nail until he look (60 more Irom MrDaley, in a pool 01 (1.13 on Hie Movemb Hen Hon il

Then Ulclliiilo alepped In and won (70Irom .Mallon a similar pool of ()- - Kellt looanotner ban 1, writing R5 mure Irom ICIIey. lormerproprietor cf the pi ice 111 a pool ol ( lo3. He wentlor another but ooponent crawled.

A niinot.T.v aratET mMMissinNRi a srt'PtPlTT.Itob I'urej now pnt nu (TJ on LeJwlth In a pool

of $17j whlL'ii Conian acoopel tn. Owuu llremi.titas guild as a i n 1 ully, the Jeraov horaeiutn, (70 Ina toulol (.Ml by ba aitig lira .lc j Mcllrnla g.inhi li3 in a pool of (kDft. and Jones gave him $10more in a poo or (210. la Ihu samo nai. Iltu'luuyInnncoiaiole a trrwaid lost $33U on Hnandley In upool n' $613. Kelli t euig Ine ,'ickt one Kellf lao'son ( luva irom Dewey. W 10 bacaied LditU to thatamount In a pool or (310. Keliy Uiieel ilmiinganother hundred br a aber aicund tiiouht of nlsopnpnent ili'iy Oalligher. tne will known M. 1L1 . Lutti l'i, now lutned 1111 as bidder.Ali'r rlrs' ip he siiiel I'u'loy lor (it) lu a poolol $413on I ie ri'ilralnp

KiLLT ;.ol:u:l0 ETcnTtniMO,The Irrepros hie Kebr then caujht W. Johnson

lor $110 111 a 11011I 01 (aw on the nutlie ol O'li i.'ii. ud iirndlea, while puor Doc. Llrdsav fell a victlailo Wallv l'.t.rltk in (ton 111 a pool of on Dieliegist'iahin. Join llrsdhart took (li'n mi Aimr-t- i

an lie .Mil len 011 the ntu ti e poolbeing $'11D, afier w'dcli Kelly cut Mt Carney lor$110 In a ;pool or $1.--3 oil Miiuidlct and Plsel.1'indbi ry went at II igim 00 the New Jeis , qn --lion ami raked In llOJIroni Lev Cjrr In a pool of(IA. I- - Ot'ing Ketiv'a turn ho fliat aaltej Laird lor

V!HJ In a po. ui $ IO. t.ien Tully 'or the stmoh, Um Jlin laCDj dial Tor lo.a ooo. o(lOJ.andthen llrannigan lor (S3 tn a pool ol (ilsi.inetli-t- e Drat oeint on the Ke IHi rs.Hp, and ipclast on the Vuprrme Court Jndeeslilp. Kelly t,.eurrsied while lnompson took (73 Irum 1'rizor la atool ol (173 ou Mew Jersey,

KELLT S MM I II IXXINO.Kellt again returned to the ri) and won (130 on

htgel In a pool ol (333, Wuldron belug the viciit..llouielaier next scrape I In (IX) Irum .McHrlde niltl'llilon In a pool ol irTCI. and W. Johnson made(130 on flgel In pool 01 (130, tMiell backing Biund-ley- .

Waldron again It'll u ncilni to lua taltti InWalsh's chances lor Uovernor ol New Jersey, Ilee-ee- l

winning i'O in a pool of 11JJ. Waldrou being loa bumor to be plucked, Kellr took a back at liim tothe tune of (ltd on the Keglsierstilp In a pool ol(IM. Kelly lao got $S0 Iroui ltiler in a pool ol'i on Supreme lourt Jodre.aod (ISO Irom Axis-uu- l

AUeriuau Hughes In a pool of (slit on Hegitler.owl's McitrnT tcasrin.

Hsrs a ftntleman who refused tu give Ills namebid (130 tlut O'Dnen would base 3,, 00 majorityOwen aturpny bid (110 agaluat him, and lost. TuenDoc. Llndaey wa mulcted anut'ier f IdO on MnanaleyIn a pool ol (ISO, Aleck Wells, the faio banker. Isainrthe stamps. Kelly came In for another (123 Iromlltg iileuaon, tne reveuue man, la a pool ol $230.Alec Heua also woo (130 mole lu a pool of (HJ3Irum Snell, also on the Itelstershla. and Kelly

for still an itner (110 irota H er, In a rool of(233 on the Fame laiue, fr.ell then won (73 in apool or 1400. on the New Jersey tlovernor. fro--

1'raier. anJ Mcr'lond lost JU to O'Doane'.l lu a oolof (133 oa the 'uprenie. Court Judie, Kent win-ning $.U from Ca.ti, too race driter(ii Brat ap-pearance). In a p ol of i:il on lie atmo. Wellswon (li 6 In a pool ol $l.i5 Iioiu lluhea, who bet onShand.ev, ntnl Kellt touk another turn. In q iusuccession he r. on the loiloning eeven poo s: UUuui o'$2M Iror.i ibt Hon. Mlcaey l'ay (,n II. $1 n,,i).

(13 111 (111 front II il ill - on (0) m( iroin lliuLe'. and C0 111 (1KI irom llao (aii'iI o'i'rt lo hi l iaei uu supreme court JuJtre; 310 $'.U1 rom llu:hes on tnerievciituuatorul; and

in (l'SJ ,,0111 llrUrjtn,tuc cli'e an tat vav,

.nd (f0 f'Ci more irom Hughe agiln on Hellua Us lust lltO 111 11 1 001 HI ; 11 on

He. later hi Ji.J ileviae, uaJ Koanu (oeuute lui ue- he, .) (lJu 111 n ttuiuar pool 01 f 17o lo tne loiiuu.leKeliy.

I'oor Asalsttnt Alderman Hughes ngsli beetme atlctlm to Lis Ijii In Lfdwi.u, tirav win in; $33Irum Mm lu a pool of 111); 4UJ unco m ire to olfsitb In Nurtou, Ous NuOle viU.mxi 14 hi 11 out 01(100 1.1 iwi I , I riien. I01 tho Ural lime, the1 urttt :eulur..i District turns') up. .Met uibo'i.-.'-it Lirnul. l.tiJcj.c-- i u--.$1T3. It if unit-rtu-- wet ,er ne nat won 'I cullugnea went $1W on Norlun in po I u'$1), Uus Nob e being again the wtnuer.

male tne next net. by way ol Varicti, iulatur o: 13.0.0 voles being poile In Merli,. liebscaed lua uolilou witn (ltai and won (5.1 IromLdtcwort Ldaeworin aau loat ($J to iiray lu upool o' (j5 on New Jcr-e- but won (1113 'romllugura in a pool 01 $J3 on Ite:ister. TneuHugo's Hires' away anotner (3d on'ey lu upuui of (103. Gregory wou (10 iroin Johnson in apool of $110 oa huprei.e Conn Julie. Hilly Ualla-kke- r

lookA iv dace at iironrs

Tor auitber $1W in a poot 01 (til on Register,and Wise salted Jo. in Morrlssey lur (0) In a poolof (100 on New Jersey. Tnvn I'od Jon.a wou (ii3iroin bJeeworm in a slmlltr pool ol 1 lit, and H.ilUgi er eased tuinn, a polltlctl janitor il lu 11 areriy,of$Jln a pool of (IHJ on Ileinier 'then Knitweut lor lluibet ugalu ant ennr. eJ blmaeir by (soIn a tike pool ol (laO. Kuaop i 10 k (G3 liumI'd ewurtn in a pool ol $113 ou Nr ar Jel aey.

Kept auaced Huraes once more and loilevedhim ol (."al in a beventh henatnri 11 po d of (170 and$UC In a ltistership pool of (13. Owen slurp iythen lol $3) to a stranger In a pool 01 (13'J ou SuPreme Coui' Judge, un.l poor llnhvs bei'ainea viciln. tu ie 11, (100 ia u pom of (121 on Nor-ton'-

olstnct i Ke.iV aiau winiiiua Irom hiui $101 roul ut (170 un Doc. tried ids hsnd onre mure, and lost (13 In apool ol (113 on the 2. lie

kellt ooisa in aattx.Psn'.itarn, the leal estate mn, now entered the

room, .nd K ,li went lor til ni aiunc to 'he atnoniitor $43 111 :t pool ot $113. 11 U'Rrien'. Uatrlit. Oi t.ieann.e laane look $40 Iiom eter)bo..'avictim, Hughes, lu a pool 01 1IJ. the next betwas an even one (iho fi at) ou Mi .11 Her and bigel.

-- timroot cr (3J irnt(Cooley , Vols Liudaer courage to at-

tempt a 1.1 dge on Miel witn not.ikers In the nexttool Sigel stock went to the iruut witn a dis atrous

all lu, who loit (11 lu Groin p, a pool ol$'.i0 UorJun also won (10 iroin Snider la a puul oltislon tie same temia, as iiaewim did iiaio toOrem. bitel continue to adrane. ant. Doc. Linn-ae-

won (?13 Irom Ham In a pool 01 (S3Kelly tumed up again at t.ili point and slgna'lzed

the etcnt bv duin; Owen Murphv out ol (01 lo apuul ol (100 on llcglater, Slgei'a chances luting bytins t. me turned a complete someisiuii In tue cellmallon ol Ue bute, Kellr alao took (00 Irom bor-der In a am. liar way. T en Murpny wou ntca $03trom Lewis 11 a pool 01 $1(13 untae htate ticket,

A ITKA.1CERlollowlnr tull In (33 111 a pooi ol (163. Then Lewlietgedon He.'ister 0 nlunlug (53 irom .fuhuton

lu a pool ol $135, bdacdley stocK still golog down,A rumor must Imsu ruarjied tno ruuin uf tue oust-

ing avalauc ie lur the next bet w is on S.000 majori-ty ior U'llneu Heir sjJ yea with $13.i, anchojdtrnu with (l'i3. t.eia coulinued Co pat laith la t,.e'riumpb of the Demociatlc fttato ticket, and lost (15

a pool of (115, bm he Immediately wun (70 Iromllarlon in u poolof (1J0 ou New Jersey, willlamatook (10 from Wa,-- in a pool of $U1 on the lame

w.,eiedpon the slraugtra had a little lun a'l byliiemaeltes in t (I'll pool ou tbo .New York Staleticket. This being the go WaLson weut 111 on Gage,11.0 well known loorliag man, lor $50 In a poo ol(130, and look to around for mora without lakert.Ti.e coiilesltnta In ti.e belt dni, ol 1100 on NewJersey, were lilauvelt and Charley Kanaoin. lllau-it,- t

won (;5 O.ten Murphy and Logan then bada bout lor till on New Jersey, Owea losing (30,Oatrander tl on victimized Vtalttion Hsiiedict.w noseton lud gone up to (51 against (03 un .Norton.

kellt's weak point,Oeorge Hill now loat (30 10 Quluu m an (60 pool

cn tne Iteglateranlp, and New Jirany wit ouio moreput UP, Jonia beating Frager out 01 (10 lu a pool oi(JO. Anotucf utlempt to lell New Jersey lultd, aalin lar uie siiiiaequuntli fading to New Vuik -- tale,llien the favoiile Iteglalertlup was laaeu 111 band.Lews won (30 irom Jonnsoii in a pool 01 (150 andDraae $SS liou Whilo In a pool of (75, Mgei'sciarcet nri g hot two to one. Then the hi.htlibcii.tonai Diatnci came III lur a ibow, und r -

der won (Ibo In a poul or '.UI fro'n .Mc llride. (123. 11 nf,.i a Aiuui.,

o (173 Irom Hi llride. (123 in a pool in (li3 from, and anotner 11. (123 In a pool 01 (173 fromKetlt. 'ihla v as Kellv'a greatest and ala.oat biaout. weak point. w.s In luck,

htniCK T A TUt'SOSIlDOLT.The exciie'iieui m r sL.ft.d to .totioii a tllitrlct.

Tompkins woi fro.i Casein a ool of tsS;Jvtlli-ttiiBjj-

W i!L2. Poolj;! ( 'oi.I'j'" ".""iiSw ta fill' 'iu H Jones in a pool ui (loo: ai.d 1,0'auw in 170 In 1 pool of (100. TV11 Barton stuck1' n"boro 'or $13 in a pool or $73 011 Keglater,Tuen ilcllndo took (30 Iron Moulay, the

in a pool ol (83 011 New itaet', and Wilsonwon (23truin Damn a pool of $75 on Mgel, andJames $30 imm Krager In en (t'O pool on Now Jtr-sty- .

New Vurk blito would '' sell, uor wouldany one bile, although UrCiuud made two atiemattlo trta o on O'llrlen. u was had tot e lli'gi-teith- and Uw.a o.. $i .no puulu.(1b6; Ntut'on $73 ill a pinl o! $l'i3 i llollonl (idla a pi ol o.' (I7J ; and Loa.t (;o m a ,ui 1. (lid,(jU,ucisou bt'lu in even lust nice the victim.

Etui's nopcis TAILS.

Tlie boys lui picked up a Ha', bill le tum'leln, .111,1 the dod'e ol tnrnliu a av

m:f frne rtxmnrxm mrTmr iir-- T. ing 11. a oi n.'l work, however, the next pud bolug "i (l 011 the H't Iatersliip, In which Har.untook (aO irom Hill. Ilei O'ltojrke, the liquordean- Del ('.0 tut tho lie nocr die in J inly on toobine He. si w ui t reuch 3S,lH la tae cliv in I coun-

ty, Login payiui U on Hie uloer alJe and winning

Ihn -- rnl Than Dnko won (50 'rom Itilcy In poolol 1 130 on Mi. e!. ami then Mi l loud bet (100 t at1 lO.Vki votes would be Polled In the city aim counts,Jo, n- -i n s.,1 there wouldu't lur (CO, and lo t

'I he r' utlli benato.ld tin net 1,01V su dihtybei' mo the favorit", allor Tompkins hid caiiglilll.rli),i lor (Ci'l in a pool ol (75. and Johns. m li.nlcaughi nj.enorth lor $10 in ,1 pool of (l.'!3,

kellt's noiioa si i'ci'ssri l.Ke I) rls,ed another uf Ins 11 tty dodges, this

tin e aueiefs, tie piirthnstii n pool on NorumI r$lll lo liiM'lio conddeiiee, and tniMi bon rht inHi'iietiict under an airne n ims for (SO The

w us Inslniilani'Oiis, I'tvlre ho beat K Ige.ortli101 5100 111 p ols ol f 131, then he won 1 e tamea oulil limn Tiiouipsu ', an I then look no lest Hi ,11

flte in ie Mint Imm, wonb (100 eacrl, ar proill, he stooped Logan turn ' cutlor tiuuieisuii t Hie tunn ol (fk) In A mil of (10) 011

Kotlat r. au.l K l yaoiiiol l in annlher (13d fromII rtun lu a pi t i (l id 11,'ain on Norton's let

Tnen the M.ite mket came Into favor, causingHl.t'enrtt a lo,s ol $13 In a pool ol'J 111. whichwas won b a r, .ml Mjllon a lots ot (15 In .1

aim I ir pool, whl' h w a won b Kelly nowwent lor li esnoil again lor J3a) In three pools orJI.1i) mi .Virion. Oa tie amio isane Ciulf,Uracil, and Kellv eirh beat McClond out or (10J Ins, inline tm s. li it .McCInu I sriernir 1 woa (33 Irom

aaiiei 111 .1 (153 p on on Iho ItoliiT lo.upalisa so moii $i'i iu a (13 puul noui Law Haker ou thesame iaue, (igvti'a rniEios knocked oven.Th.'n the Highin Hnintorlal District c at Wilson

ftl win '11 Diiii'comb wmi In a poul ol 1130. a .JltLinvell look (13 Irom Ilincbni on the buprenieConn Ji.dgeshlp tn a pool or f 123. flus No le won(Mliii.ti M rote lu a pool of $76 ,n Oenet, and flint-l- i

mi again lot (Id on Ledwith In a puul ol ti mligan Jtiey then toal two pools on Mi.andleyi mone (n) 10 Logan out uf (133, and In the other thoami amount to Drake, men 1''olI r won (10loin McCioud in a (bd pool 0.1 IlenoJict ; Drakewon (3d Irom flrieu In a (73 pool 011 Tieai nn; andUieen won two p nils op Itenedlrt, (30 In one of $73from Illy, and (LI In another 01 $53 irom WilliamsW iner o tooa ID Irom Jaim e In a similar poul' f $4.1 .McllrlJe tun tut down liron's prullta o.(riO in a pl on the bsn.itoriai. and'loiupkins took (45 fioni Mcllrlde In a (70 pool 0.1I ie l'i 1

aiMMn.ui's atsT0Rll. reir..sns sup niiTrnr.n.Tne Ilegisters ilj once mure looic the itttetttio.i

of the betters. t'rjAer woo (."i0 'rom L1 Hi er 111

a D 111 IflJl; i)ne all etrilCK Hiker fur (5) uia poi I ii (103. Mc lou I did t ie Fame lor 450 luoroIn a pool to (lid ; .is dl 1 also Krager sz.tit) III a oooln Jllo, On the sa e Issue Mic.cyKay lost (jo toKv ns in a pool or (llo. l'i r. r t .en too fj"tro 11 .1 siranzer In a ao-- ol (73 on the Mite, nodtwo nth' r atnnjers lul a (1l,i .i at tho l'llt.ibentturtil, o e ol i wlinuo. ('0. HillI. ian.i iur 1111,11 (Mc e. J c in of f."0 al o,an a sir.m.ei strdLA Wi.soi lur $2) In a a. JO p 01on New J

Again w ie Mel and S landiey the nrler of t edav. Kelli wmi $53 iroin Dr In a p ". u SWA iand Kt iiy d 1 e me In quirk succession for Mlun, llalonei, Junes, und Juhnaun, Ins sgiieaateg.v,n bk.vii l. Htrmiilm? then wan t'WTrernj '

Cae In a rool o." (73: and llnr .on won $50 in inValnrKf In u pe of 570,- tiol'i Hhhhi- - tlienJ mes struck a elr.-n.- 'or $50 In a (100 poul onNew Jt'l-e- i and title Cue, Coourn's b.icker, bi atKted beater, the Alouit loabrisi, tor (23 In a (7.1pool 011 Miandlev, Cae lost (30, howeter. riutafttrwaid 10 Mcllrldo in a pool 01 (03 un Usual.

A MB IX SIUS1, STOII.flgel aloek had by this time cone up amulnjly

Rigcwmih bet even $103 on 3 OX) mijir.iy overMi ndley and won. Tnen Krater took (30 Ho.nWilaou on New Jeiaej In a pool ot (IOJ. A gentle-ma- n

won refo-e- -l his name stuck Hall for (51 ni a(CJ pool on Norton. Then McClond bet (IWuuiO.uO)maj irlty for llarrelt; III ey put op $103 against hiuiand lust, McCiond made unother (100 bet of toosame kind lu whicii Maloney lost $1'J0. Owen Mur-phy naked (AO and llrogan (too on similar bets,C.rrand Idler being the victims, t hen thelteglt-leranl- p

turned up once more. Tangborn wou (GOImm llreen In a pool of $133 ; llrof an won (VO iromlireen In a pool 01 (115 ; ao did a stranger In a poolol (l'JUj aud to ulao did Knapn in a pool ot (113.Ihrnllarrn Murphy came out with anotner (100 beton 21,000 msjonty for turret!, winning (HI 1ro.11Jones. Then t'aurborn won on Ilenediei (loo fromUeilk In a (130, ami $03 from llirton tit (145. I'. 11:burn was ni lmg tu go it acini but could not fluu avictim. KraXer jnd Caleb Dunn each Deal a s. ran-ger out $51 In (100 po'ds on New Jersey an I J

pitted up Anderson lor (() In a(13Jpoolon lleiitdiet, Ine unfortunite siraticer who aadsuch an auillng laltn in tVals.t's ci tnra for tloter-noro- l

New Jersey here lost anothei $5nto Ma, ionIn u poul ol $U3 Porter tnen slues Uasu Murp y

$50 wonti in a ( poolot fie 'Ifii!. r and t) tenlink (.vi r nu lljr on 111 .1 0 IOJ pi 01 uu New Jersey,laus luaklug I iu.s aijuare,

b'ewj rnou a scoct.acnit mu-- t lute bruutiu In news from the

I'll Ui District, lor It here btcauie al ther je. O'lt urke won fs3 iron I'ost 111 a pual 01$133; Clud wou (so Irom tlus J lale in a poo, ul(131; Mi i .odd al 1 aalted Noble or $41 map ol inJ 1,10; 01 u II w 011 f .SI Iroui U aiio.i In a oool ol J l.'i ,.tlctioud won lloMroin Malune 111 a pool of ,oe alvt won (ItaJ irom Laird 111 asiuultr pool; It tn

App eoy wou $1(0 iroin Lord lo a poul ui (".10;II irt nu $5) lrm lcu Slurp,.! map ' 01 $11,,It een won j5J irom I'oat lu a pool of $115. Luis , won too lion llootn in a pool 01 (llli; D .

Gordon wun $n from AlcHrlde In a pool 01 tlai;($nlon won (23 rom a kreennorn ai a pool ol (75;ana 4,reen wu (to In a pool o' (14J 'loin tbo s.t 01greenhorn, tl I curious 10 wstc lie tjcrmuineti-- r

ol ilnejiets tliti c'js as anown by the puwia 1

mu-- i hat oai-- Mtir)"nT wnttevi-- r it ssiuw y ui surely lleue let ro-- e frmn tilt fl vj at-T zzrr-- . .r.rrrfTrrr nrt .1 : I it --r.lkti "

c.uae. '1 ntias were ver livly w n 11 lsiea.SURD HHmiK's tUMKSSa WISHING.

bl.ed bi 00k aus dropped in and attempted toget a bet aialnsi (loO on acitiner, out aiu-d- IhenHindman, tae ol bursa sharp, look (50 'loin Johnson in a pool of (133 ou Itegiater. He aiso won (30It .111 Uairt In a similar pool, I'rngborn Iig..lene0Jones of tl) In a 1130 p ol on Denediei. OaenMurphy tried to get a pieco ol the sa ne, but Isillnx,bet (lot on 23.000 nisjortly for Barren, wolcb Hrowncapitil with (33 Owen also won (35 on anotherbat 01 the same kind Irom McCaoe, tne contractor.Tnen Heiidncaaon won (50 Gos Ihomp-o-I ,e soort. In a pool ol (113 on New Jersey; HillyII l.ln 111. tie borse deaier. took (23 In $'S0 tromMinimis 00 a snnil.r bet; and Hrndnc&soa didjam out 01 (20 in (50 iu tue tame tu inner. OweuMuipny thiu gut

A 1VIIICK AT JODOS PORTER,of Harlem, ami laid n.m out for ti) ia a (10) poolon Keiier. At U la tout bhook lonnd s man torap Ins $10 bet on Scrlbner, thus wtnnint (VI iro nKuiiis. Ou ine sio. llartie Jaokntan, latepart owner of Uoldsmita Slald, to k (10lro.ii llrownin a bom ul (GO. As nnisb. Own Miiroht bet (50on 20,001 majority lur So el. whmi Saund ra ruce,or tue lur 'in I. anil ',int, aaw to.-- $50 and tun.I'tits closed the pooi so iin

Il ma) seem strange that the names of O'Dannell,Momt-e- r, lleenan. ind Hanom do not appearofteuer 111 the bidding. This is due to the uct thattn oil most ol tnelr betting inrougli prorleiT eir example was lonowed by a low others. Oneor tw o w no iret heavilv did not giveiaslr names atail; lur Insiai ve, leusiall, alias llertv whobit. alwajs under Hie pseudonym 01 Cash. The

in. care oily piepared table will s.iuw at a biancotn aujouut ot eacn uin's gains and )osua:

the losers amp wis.Ncns."Xa'lera. TTYii. Lwil IMnn. " K"eiT. lttf

AudeiKon $ ta-.- Jaihion t IIAo e .1 lii .lara.iinn 10A, p M HO - J uui). 10 AO

llii.or - SIS Jo.iai m lloIUiju.o 13 Junes In) IoII iter 1 - Jounaoa ......... K'j iiII. n .s jr.. 1; ,11, . . st.n o..lie. .el 71 - Knapp in llijHetln- - 133 l,ir.i ia tilln.nli. - It l.,nd 50II. an 71,1.. wia Ma S'Olllauteit '3 - Ul u11. y U 1U0 1. man oil ;nalughan 133 Lowrv OD McBilde 701 7a111 il - to Jloi anc - ii,11 a mm y 1C0 McUiou'l II.'S 21m.-

ltianugaa HO M aitL'or.iilek 1J1II nan 7o douralb 1 ollr.wn tft McMulicu tilluruce im I fkey ,sHoc, 130 19 dailoo ta 840I auill ) 'laluuey M3Caiuey !io Monday toi at enter 20t Uoiuiu.mer 1310tarr w do.iiasey MOCaie 2J ty Mono...,. 1ftt.'aaey 30 UUrphy.J K0 CIO

lull. iil'l - dmiiuy iaiC.111 in II) !'X sat lug lolieau 17 u de SOI JiajIie.rliig 73 -.- O'Hrku nolligiiaii 70 O'Junnell tUJ 110lionovau co.O'llourkc 105Dorr '0 23 Oxtrauder B.nKraie IM Mvl'angborn ....... a",s 700:l;v )W I'alrick UU IOJIiaun 91 I'eiert 171

liuuaromoe Ml l'ortrr NI it)Idaewonn i 2103 l'uat , 233 CMKmi'a ia I ructor 10Lvau 51 QuinD 53 100

far 17a Ita.iaoluKeiu ti iieto 1311

Krang 73 Itilev , mo("rarer 513 SIC -- eater 21rurey en Stiuoa 20Hage - 113 nell 73 S10tiaiiigiei 450 murder noli .riy so 1:0 teller S30lleoei HSj Ihiemar 61lileaio l)j 1101111 sou 7 I'.fJOoiduu. 410 ruirpkina 17o'nay lis - lolly ko) bJjUieen 470 Mr ruuiuey 2u0llleaoiy to oucerwuod 33utiiiKr uu. i iVaaner so iHall i.t italdrou suUan 2(0 V V u 111,

--Ut'l'.'Ul,. ..,-.l'- U- rll"UHUka, I! 271 - itflll taml no up t lulu ,5II in, .01 loll ITilna .. j ,1,1lloi'tinn tll.oj 8.'3 imlid. lie ,, 17oll Wlie iwilluuiimi ) CO . nT'J 1,11

total amouut bet fl,7ltub won.r or all.- LLUiiu wlvatii, lintl 111 ,r. ill rn.irati limbing liUaa

tori ct ui li lt' .1 unt cnuid poaaUi'ir im irci itMa, liuiiit'r, undoubtedly vatuy l", ag

.niiouut alaked th ill the pool aeiliu . l'i nois an amusing stoi v except 10 the p ru-'- ilnot i'yHiieiesie now gnlijg tlie rounoa Wiin' t. makea Citing clo-- o In this article. Four gentlemen of tnelhgli conn Waul, ttlu wero wirni Iriuinl" of Mr.lli adlev, hnd lialened to otl'i rt ol large odds 011

u'ilnen wit out t ikers mini mo beraino 1 ."roughIy viasirrited. In convrraanon on tue ru ijeciytiorttv oclnre elecuon, they conclddu imtsiKi u

tiate ol otl.ui a ctiuiil not but ue most ilanignu tol.ielr hopes und that ot their irii'tid. W ith a viewlow nd reinsuring public confl Itnce lulutor of Mr.llridley, trey lorn ed a no il mid went arom d thedistrict btlline ag ilust O'Hr.en w mrcver tneroweiepleint ol lookers on, I hey lonnd no end ol .icroin- -

.w4i--K"-t,J ia.4)-lJ- . at .auiuldujAl'i..siiiount theninlves, taey vailedolher parts or tne cl,y and wagered baavily onbiaudley agdnai blgll, giving largo odds to thelleiorio rt. for fur, her Inlormutlon aoply la H II

Ham J. O O'tlrles, Clerk of the Hulh DinrltlCourU



Kosa-rolnrr- d l'lrlnrrs of Itrngiiny Tfcol ur ous ol it lUtiii-nr- t'lilllnrnlnu

Ins 1'rcp.trrd In dm bill Hid ni I'ussl-lil- y

H 11 rdi red lu Hie Minns ol Notv Vnrlt,On Iho tnornlng of llic Ctli iusl, tlosuionl

arrived tn this cur from California, and putnp at tho Temperanre Hail boardipg house. 40.1

(Ireenwlcii etrret, of which John W, Jones, 1Wilshtuan, Is proprietor. Mr, Homa"o"i, a Norwcstlan by birth, Lad teen lor a nun Sir of leirsexttr.siTely and snccisstnllv rnghKcd In farming

operations In the Sonoma Vulley, netr Napa,In Hit latter part of Octoocr ho sold his

rurcl.e, and bating nn family Ilea came to NewYork. A Wolsiman, calling litnualf U. J,,was a boarder at Temperance Hall, Ha;hei hadbeen boarding there about two weeks prior to thearrival ol Honiaaion, Ad was formed.


dailies said that bt was fro'n Santa Fit, in Uru-guay, and that Le was tho owner of savcnl thou-sand octee of land In tho Argentine Itjjubllc. Itepictured lo Hom.iasen In glowing terms the iorlilltrof the countri, and showed hi 01 prospectively bow-ti- e

couU amasa a fortnue In the shortest posslhlotime, lie added that bit wile tod family were tocro,and that Iho Gottiomtiit afforded protection andhell out alluring Inducements to lonafili sntlcrs,.Mr. Itomaesen was at length prevailed noon to ac-

company liugoes to 11 Wall t.reet and purci ise apassive llcket lor the ea'lliK vessel Ua Orej, whichwas announce 10 rail l.isl Friday.

til a conversatloa Willi Jones, the pmrrlctor of thohotel, Ifomisa.M) sild, "I' made eunlderabietnonev In I a.liornlt. 1 tjfend lo go tn Niutl Amer-ica. I will I' ay a largo tract 01 land -- lid see whetuerthe ground l suit n e for Iho see Is ate brought

ltd tno Iron Californl 1 I' it mauls my eipectanous 1 propose to' J'omi' it wmi biycoiutiyuien."

l'llLPaillMI TO SAIL.Oi' Po Dili nt e mun'ti. Iionu-se- n vllled the

store if 1'itklu & I o.,.u IP) I natnbers atruet, nn I

piircbsM-- two caddie-- , .t br-- , m it pair of titan-ki-

Tne bill amounte I to (3.1. and Honiassrnod red topi,-- in sold. Mr. Wl'n nn M. Vi r.nnnck,the attorney lor III'- - haul. advi"Jhln ti sell thegod, and acc'imotiiied hint tj Iho I'ark Nationaln ink I ir that a. use. At the bin' be opened elspuise unit dWi.aved a large iinuiuilo' goio. prlucl'p,l,y In (2J uivcet, but ,.e exc langod oaly $ lj. Hethen ri'diine 10 si ire and paid hit hill. Alterthe goods na.l been mcked and 01 irked he theI a"ii' ruteeiTllioin afsViW'S "Ji7r.a! ""J1Vihlplmottet ready to sail, and, Il tnoy are not In

Mir waT, I will CiVtanu et tatsn ta t lew daye."--ie good were le I In Ine store, ind llomassen

Tho llr. 11 did nut see II r. Hon is. en againII ta f t t ie 21t of tne month, when I." and Hug esw.ilnel in together. Hughes purchase I (ino wormol gooJr, undtoese also were leit In tn. .

ANOTtica cillroKNiAX rag cbi-ca- t.

Last Thursday William Itees arrived la tSIs cityfrom Bieramenlo, and aio put op si t'einreranrnHail, lifts bad been a sheep raiser, and had told. He deposited bis inonei w n ine landlordIlia; night Hufhes mud' the utqnalntaiice or itees,and, at In tae case of H 'Uias-e- retailed uponhim to accompany him to boutu Auerica. OnFilday morning, uller breaklast, Kemassen wen'Irom ibt bolsl and lui sol been seta or beard oftl ce.

Litt Monday morning llngfies, atromcinle,! byItees, called at toe t.ore of I'likln A Co. lor bisgood. A trackman wss wlta them. After Ihocase of goods hsd been piacad 0.1 the Irnrk, llujlielssked Mr.Verplaak wbeUier bo bad seen an thiol olHomasseu, telling ti n ol his die ip.saraace. MrVerolank told him last ltoni.s ea a go di weresti I Mere, but that be hsd Lot saen luin sicca becat ed luerv witn Hughes.


llnrhet then ssld, " I am very torrr, beetuse thevessel is alHinl lo sail, and 1 can't ll lur nlai."Hughes returned to bis boardinchod-- e to tlinurr.Tne Ids llrry did not t II until yesterday site moon,ltouiaisen was not 01 burl Ills lrn, a tine

one. Is still at the hotel an t unlockedlie landlord nil th it Itomissrn oavJ him .orseventeen days' boar t. bin last lie had on, open 1

t ie IruiK, d Itniuassen leave u,iy luonet witnhim. i llii.u.'o he is s ed t.iat no na.l t pieuiv.

llomtsssn Is It'iout lorty years 01 1, lig itolue ete, stndy or near!) red ba.r, end

w ns ir.,n sh tvo . As i.e w t known to be s rpet ,ie 11 In ills nablts, teir are t m

mil Il t ne His been mil dered. Kir. Verpln.l .'ci.nd jester i.t at tue I n a Ceutr, Office andniaau kauwu till mysteri ids il.aappesr ,i,ca

JiiKtuKLr.ys i.Asr jicuvKit.Wlinl ttlerman -- I r it an Mild In 1'ir llaatr

ul llie iloinent und ttltiit lie .ii,l Vi'nritny IV - I it lliirinonil 'sireei ,1 1I1,

Aldcruiui David rt. Stonart uf llrjuk.yn, tthowas slmt at Malilei.'a l,quaru.M. niMiiitia 011

I u'day mornli: Is tt.ll a'lve al nit mlii'l ii,) it J lu'..)lr, .H4.UC...11D . .f j I . i

C. r. uer Junes kiid jeierdy ttiai nan .

ait could not po'tibly livo loa;. Dr, C lass reoottathat 1', ere It no he norrhag.'. The bad Is slid inthe Hash and Its removal w.mld rendor 1 starycutting Into the ItelT about two Inc lei a d .1 lull,an operation wLIch the patient coaid not at prtseulencure. Justice Walsh was willing to ad nit Kail)to ban, but Alderman Stewart sent a reqnatt tnatKelly slioold be held until lie was ab'.e to get downto the City Hall and make a complaint agnait htm.He beiletes thit the mooting was malicious, andsatstnst It was dons when tbt pirty were on t esidewalk. He denies l.lal he a Iviaed Kellr not toai rrinder Mtnae!:. Kei.v anil a Inerei lo the turitnat the Allerm in potillve.y ite I him to keepaway tro'n tue police, as ne balloted the woundingw s the leault ot accident .

Yeeterlat mornltg Kelly was taken blore Jutlife Wnlah for examination. Tne cotut room wascrodeii with the mutual irlerds o' Uie AHera anaud Wbei the Prisoner apoear-- d witn InsC'U'iol, V J. D'lnu, Eq , tbo pn ttlclana gal.'cred aruund anxioas to klean sometMug rom irtrlvsver. I'n-- tl ested their sorroiv tor the pnsuutr 1') ptiuiii!!!.' to do all that la) iu llmr puwerto clear nini 01 the charge ol wiliullv atoo'nu theAlderman. Kelly ma tea Creqtiaat jal . f ; con-cerning the cui.ditioii 01 the Aidciuian. Tuolliatwitness examined w is Mr. Hugh Madden, bruluerol Hie pro,' i' tar 01 Uor.' whkti was tuc sceneol l..e uotinir Ilia tea.i ,.o..y was artpi .lion 01 the uistory ot the case printed 111 IiieSl'N.

Mr. Charlra II Morrcll testified that he heardKellt ask Mr. ISiew.irt taru'e snetner be Hijugnthe tne ml to shoo. Li 11. ana lit it Mr blewuri

Ud, " lr I dn-- 1 would exonerate"ui ruin "37nnx7tF.'

Justice Will wool I not adalit F. lit ta ball, butsent 1 patera ta tne District Atloi m v. M. M

B'o reiuaed to assume I.e res uusihiMj. Mr.Diin'.y w.nted aa ettuiuaiioti, ant Ki y was evnilu ti e It.auiuiiJ street jail tu await tao ac.lou of HieUrandJury.

DclJrool's Mniue ol our I nrllrr I'rnnktlnGiiirgt .itn't Joirht-n- t. Ciiriupuriltncs 111 ll.i

CAIiOtft ftlS'tntiTin other day, when I was in .Vet' York, ncaid

was sent 10 ine with tne n,me ol Capt D Uruot uouIt. and was loilowed by a sluroy, hna sji..rlooking man with nu an nolo lace, nit a ve. y igh'or. 110 d, and a propensity lur ainiaala dis uurse.I ma was th'i gentlvin n who lisd execu eJ 01 orderultnat Uliiiiiiit group ol statuart wnicr )nnimen a tnoVauuerliilt deput, wneru tl 0 Coaimoaoie, evulopedlu an overtoil willed mustliavo rosiotti nuudri--do. tars, is aeeu etriding barenrauvd tue lumaol it ireiint cay w hie uas on Itery n .e anchors, models or ship, cualus, r nil nad trucks, andfiery of Junk, lieUrooi, 1 soon acer-lame-

owed a debt of gratitude tu tauderblit orearly eniplojine'it In ins ships, and suotrqneiiiaid to11, .1 e uioueyju stccka. He bad come onii' lo exhibitII rawnw ol tne great alatua 01 llonj iuiii Frank 111

wiiion .r his Juit prutenie I lo t ie my, uui Incldunla Iy lo the newaoapiis. It la ulnad cut. andwill be placed lu position la front ol ,be .Van? FontJliiut ofaco od tho unu.vo s.iry of 1 riukliu'a bin..-nay- ,

in Jouu.rr neil. 'Iho plut 01 giouad la ai-

rs id y etakel out aud unlkod, and a bg banquet wl.lensue upon the Inalallallon, Cauia.n Deliroot wasa. coniderable pains 10 give me the relieving inforoiation tbil ti ls time be Had nolmodelleu bitstatue, but had entrusted It to a Mr. l'rosaman, atulr scu ptor. It rcpreseuta Old I'onjtimln with abrnlrn tnt luce, nut unlike that of lloirca Ureeley.Franklin holds In one hand a rumo'ed copy ol li.sown pater, and witn tue olher makes a qu e'. .

The whole thing will est $01,000, Itonginaied, tbate been told, Willi a Jtb primer oilFilming House equate, who pointed oil 01 bis winduw une day to ti.e spot w ore toe statue Is loBland, aud soil: "Capt Dell not, 1 !i ill iuut leetontented until somoooly pdta a tiatue ut i rankiiu

"iigut out tune" Do you waul It t" atid DjOmot. "Do all tlu-- o

lewtisier people want ill 'I'.ien iua ahall pat.,,u',a!e.sfUn.3'KAu yMPjt, Wiw.aud Iheie it win ue.

if ii'.i l n.irA it; m) rv.u t.xi.s.

At the Hicliange Halstroom jesterday Mr. NoOuiic 10I1I U10 lot and tiable, lHoxM', on lui' north wealcorn rolLcxiigton nvenuc and Twenti-uin- slrcel.

anJ nalng on Lciinj'.o i aveaue, weiu alto knockuldowu 10 Mr. Itala f ir I8.SI1 and l'J.123.

The thr;t-to- i b lek honte aul lot WiWO. No. 515

Klitabcih urcel. near Houatou, waie bought by JohnI.. ruerl ior $l3n.

Ulut'o me O'iraliiig of Uie Ill'ig and the eiotemnto.iliiL'nut'Ul llll )U I'lO election, lie market un- - asiu lied11 Ihea. liner nine, and .1 ooitei lee.mj a em.te.i py

In .it r. ands,H'i'iil.,i oa Id lact. itenli .ty i.uie ledin it t. i iitia now .eels moie Co' rldi'Ui 0111 tin' I'tbiI V or 11 ico. 11 411 1,1' ill a 111011 li or i aju Iirkltreal ia ale ia tlal.aiio III no f l niniiiolt oe no mi-- I

nif 'ni ni in Ihats. en ni uii.lleaeii meal ui.nsqu 'illuui. 11 tne 1I1. covery ui ine Hi ig uau li hsa auuanlulI'uiiboai'r. u'cui rally IU' Ino 'II mil 0 y any moie

otu ni' ; in II d 'Ut wliV pr .1 irimu ol theij'. prop-ri-

will pi Lobolnd np the tt ut i lOuod lur i ,.'M;.aaiaav.aai.,t.".a'V-.taIi.',i.-o ,'i.nJ(nn. ih.. 1 aai Itlver orl iao nai ihefo ia ample 1 ne iortl e.'iilal iuii iu lull regain w.ion tue o.ldg approach,com, ll'ltOII

Met ie. Jr. A llrolher hate doit ve y well In NewJeraet piupe iv InU'iy but theuM, k. t ia not ao codlaall waa a nuutuaio, and Ilia dcuaud lor uouroaulula It lloHlwi.


A. -- Knox a been Very snceossfal In his winterbftti, wmcb are mad- - to confir to tae requitema taof the aea-o- n as inucU as n.ti posioly do. Ilia finc is iioitcver aioju-tth- tin g. and. oelng taanfnl yd tinned and well Ptrnt'lod, its wed as nirluruao.nonnd comfortable, aro tapidly oeeoiniiu pinnlai . aad.It wo m.iao not, wii aooo Po on every bean liltcoil.tra coiiipo'i.l wun hla rata aud logt'il.o.-lortil-

thflrtvi ir ri ng.tint iho lariu tjin uf 11 nets. w..ncann .1 a. and any ciiano uraiiiit Hit tactlca of Kaox,


"There Is a tide whlct., laken at tbo flood,lads on lo P rtnne." If ton wlh t.i he conv1"i'cl t.finn r urr liae a llckal in the sou C'arniiua land mil1 Aisoeiat'nn dl.ttln: J tu K ; tl remei tmirr A.n.r , quarter ck 'IS 11 'I ; $301' ono In prune i. ot'caealn aixti two or nta n i r t for parucdiais ,,ciuciituiar allot Ilioatl'vay..lde.

Fnrnllnre, cirpais, .ml holding. An Immenseit. 'OK and low p lei at 4 M. i: iwperintvati's. IllL.iatha u street, it ecly and luoothly p tyiueatj taken.

jjits'mcss nol'tteS;Tlirnnt Anerllnns nntl llnarar nraa.-A- ll

ruirrrtna trim trrltnllmntthe Jhioal and tloirunrttwill be agree iblv urpr'se I at Iho almost Immediaterelief anordca by tbo nso of "Ifoitn't llronthtatTi oche "

Tu llollii-re.- - l'"i- - leip-rl- nl llrnntini. llieine i.e .1,1 ro'i.c, cc il v ii'l.iDlud lor 111 fa a,

and a 11 0 ' v ilitih! - r "ii Iy Id ail cat e of alanine 1,cti'deri infatt'iitit, a d entery. 001 or an iirut!

la, and Hi Me wh'ictl' ileool ol CAULK tabliluMl, 103 ttatcr t., e nii"r Mallon lano.

Hull's Vcailiiblt! M Ulan tlitlr Itpnoworlor the sciln. tod for rcttormg the hair aad Its color,has no equal.

.Tlir b- -l plno.o In Notv York to bur rcll-t- -

blc ws'ch'-- , li 10 di nml . rn 1, f.ts.n na i'n Icv-- e

irr, aid'ieriinir nlvr ivc Imtr ,ir Hants, It ,i(UIllL'!),'J7 lultuutt. Diainouda a eneclaily.

Ilntv lo liiiv I'lnn 1'iiriillitrr, lllrrnrfi f'nr-pp- t.Iieldln ,&c l'av nv Hi ' muntn. at ilKiilidft A

I LAKKL'anouauluriiiahiua wireiooaia, 717 Uroa0wa

lliiv your riirnlinre md". at vsry lowrrcoslnr cati. or p it n .ve .'tiv nr mm ilv II, M CU iVrKU I II 1VA1 f, 131 Chaihtin st

Sptttnl iatit.I'o it i itr.Nt 11 china


Fine ij'islli) Froncn c iln 1 dit t (ar tl.,117 01Flmqiisiit. F e icti elil.i 1 1 'a ets 11 pioa 330l'rrrt-1- ihliiit gold and coi red land tea sets. II

pi ce- , ,, ., a MFreneu uuld la id inner service, for 12.... 33 00Vine per Cut n 101Fine 'i till. ainaer acrv.cj ar li 10 ''0

corutajri Fiu'iei ehl a chi nitr aai, II lueoea.. K Mli. coined Kuglisa china cn n.tUar teat, 11 pieces.. 4 30




r.tl2-..i'i- ..FL'lwKIM


TKN litll.i.MH,WOimi KItllirKKS ! it.'.ATIV

A Ml A VAItlKPr (IFHIENC11 Oi'ltMAM SNI1 e.N'O'.lall

F.NfY Ainiri,KFOll llnlllllV I'ltlSKN'TS,

CONHNTIN'O dF lll!tlN.F, CLOCKS. Pr.IAVSiMl'AIIY. CilINA VAh. Pllll'ltl b,1ADLL I0L.133. CC.I.KKY, PLAIKO tVAUli, 4C.

WiluI.EtVI.K AMIJ. MilliTON fIliK.Nl il AllCAIlK.ta nnn dtva y. iim i.ttn mil asdiitiists,

M'H I.M'K'S t't'l.MIIMI' KrlbKMVfcKIl ItiNIC A MASHr.SKK 1I.L3

Th-- e ae tlie only uiemctne t',at will cure pulmi-nai- y

ruoum.'ttuii Dr li.,s been In 'u.ieikntpracllt-- over blrty tears, continually cxa iilnigI'tnaa. and knowa tits uied nronetlr taen, willeii'e e.iiisn.iiuii .1. lis MANiiutK : PILL, elaaa othe nv l .fid tlom leli ul a VII Kbil ION ILthe od s niul.tlet tn ' c.attug of ine s'uinach.undmak-t- ii digett. Ilia n.ti imc stlidl' rlpmt themailer, aud uaiuri ir it orrw'thoui aay exeitlon.

.lull F III.M.l,ILnl'I pie. New l ork,

It'll le I. Ai'tit.Till'. 7.1,11 Wild II Clll.l, AH

sanovelty. It la In on I edre. fine clnra enrfacaand o at lining i- lisrret maJe. Ir, II. Furta e a a'l 'teiii' rnriil-niu- ir 'orus"llltFNKKNNF.-- -. , tnp il u -- Ilr HrlKK- -,

10, 4 li uv u i a iic u t tent .01 1 nariia cir e fur nut 1s. ltiuuat.i la aiod. Cail or a fur

ti I uce

itov 1 iitt n T,i7ti'k1jFrtres calied and o 'icttnin ae t. Orleri

proniit.t 11 lea. TA 1 Lull A . tso-tj. ymk

it 11 y i, 11 vt vi i.irrrr.iti..1. II M V'il IN .& A. ' I , I1 11

10 IV II t tl e.1 etf Y 'l'i I' t ntlce.

jpuUic Jlotitcs.

CTTI..I1I:N I'HF IF-- Iltlltl III-- ' I'lll'N..7 II I nl l Sclit uh 111, Cm Nri" OF MillMi'.K in ou 10 t itet gtteu Im Inspector 01l.lccimn.

"In- - HniiM or Coiintt Ctivara of ihe county orNow u.k. Iiavi ii me' at u d t ol llie ( lark or ft!d

iiini'lith I'l.i. 'a n Uui. laili, a id 40lh ditsor oenioer, lit;i in euiva-- t id t I oats the voleslliteil l.l llie at ver I I' li i Iusl let III clctl or til 'wards ul sal I cm an ' c . 1.1 iti- general electloabe il on the nvoi Nut,n.tier, in the year ceitlf) at lolloiv.

llM'.l.t'TII V. rpronos pienieT.

Thai It anpctrs oti sue est, t'e and La.ivat-- . that bew 1.01 num.ier or tot" g ven for the urines or In.

ii of (lit Flrat H e tl m District uitne raitrth ard iho .sand una nuiuire.iandnny-nv- 14,1(5

Or wlucn ittcutni tteln inreathousand four ban irt-- and tt..a,le$

Of whoh dohti llradi rei eivod threetho isiiid lour huii li d an eikhlt-al- t ...3.419

O' wheh Itunert litiuhine rs. dved o.ie1, 1011, and aevn d tnli'iir v.aix...,l,706

Of which itilltam lliuortai reeu.vod ouettioiia ind ven nnn Irnd and Hurt, fimr. .t.tll

Oi wioch Wl.l. am II. l'i tiler ou.thoi-.t- id I, uau hun'!r"d anl Ihll't . six.,., 1,806

or which Lawon N. Fill cr receive I onethniiaand in,. linn Ire I and ri'tr 1,501

Of wlncn Iheie we e deieJlltu fo ir 4

ill loch in, e wi re 01 ... 2aAu I whieii t..erc were ifauriiug twenty- -

uiue I..i ili. no.v mstkiot.

That It appears 011 tuen eiiuiuto anl rairata, that mtwnne nuniiier uf vaiea give for t.i omee of la-riccto'- f 1' ct ui id theitcoiul l.ieciluu Districtor ihe tiv.) .11 IVa'.l was tliltttuu th uttudouu hueIred i.nd inticia-nin- e'O

or wi ,th lounia- - leniiu rec .tid tnree ibout ma e'l a ni eleven 1,311

Ol which tllcliaoi .1 li'ii t recite I inreetnoiiasitd our liuudie I a' d elgtiii-r- i hi .8 4t

HI w tilcii Julio Mc M illua rt ei.' d one tn ni- -

aand sev-'i- i bundled an I o 1.J3JOf w itch An aa.i ley V Li t rec, ivul ooe

I aev n handro.t and fori ...l,7ltOf wnlch J din 1' (I rati recei ted nue tno -

Df wnicii Idwaid I'zen- - receitig oil"limutai d ittoliundr.o a'"l nioeiv 1HC0

of tviilci tneie ,gre de'ei'iive luui , 4

Of ahi'-i- i mare el. ink evil .., 2sAn ' ol acre ui , atiejinn t... e

IlllltU ILe'TlOV PIBTICT.That it anpeai uu anoii en naie and canvafi. lhat

H!S.77lHft .nY'Wia01 the I . 11 .i t,ir, wni tfi uw

(ite a (I il.ilU.t'i ir 1 1

Ol wl.tili II my Miehv u iu'. ivul nif.ttIhoilt Hirt Ittiti hi.n1 ''I i in iiitf .3. ALU

Ul ii'i'ii (iitji iui-- l' ii Ii v iv "I tin tietnuuiaiK. (our lun. 'i J (.lid m

Of uii.v'i (ii)rrfn U Hiuiu i iiii'tf iM u.iath tu.uiil ft'e'( luiii ! ,nn inn (sis)

Ol ttici Kra.n. ii Uai'jui.i mi'ivmUi)inou-ui- ii ft'vun I un r ! tin i' 1,11

01 mic i Uli4iii II 0s ir r rr.vttl 0411

ltlUllt4lt l Mil till III) l U'I IWi li .s .1,4,' I

ll ultu'li II ixli I'. V kit ).(. tut ullfiiu4i)ii ...Mi ti,r, ir."t mi nut!-...- ...l.'sWO

Ami it wti'fit iliei.-if- t ciitKr.ij t'lniyill in

Kt)I .111 Kt.t. ' I ON KHIHI' 1'.

Tint It r.rv,,tr Hiim'ii'sinu c ulci u-'- i, tnttl th

Uf ir u' I.Uu'TTTus. ui utw T i.ioiJiiviu T)i4if litCtr it W f ' ur-- l A (till h tlit'Ui-Ui- uuu miJu t 4iiJ IU 1 13,1V

Ol w "isvli I'oiler rfccfil tmraluuui'isul 1'iur t.uH'irrJ unt cuitiv.mln J,iH$

i)i wlnui ilt'iiimiu II II rrv I UJ.e

Of wn'ch Jnlm Iltmlm rfccir4 tfcrtflUiq inutl nn I fcriy n 1 S.0U IHOf nlucli ilwiiml) lioliiin rfcairttd oat EHthoiaii.l hctfii huniicJ imt nftj"Olnp....l,75i y IHOf wii.crt Auunfj c. Iirolhvrf a rec j tv ' if jHor.i' lionvnnd mini linoni il aiiil (wouir..l)st) lHOf which t irr were lcJfi!Tlonr 4 Ha il r w ue it infio were kcnicrin uurcrnvu tHnrni nrsTmcr. H

That It iftp(Nti on tnen rstlniiln ad I cjnviM, thlt th Hwii- le uuinh- r of voips irjver Tur ilia oUlOt-- i of Ittnpfo Hl r Klt'c.lo i i i ie Finn Kl cioit iinlnri of mo jH1 h ait wiithineeu U o.UfluJ juq hnnlrtrt and . Hicvrti u 11 IHOf nli U .r.u.n II V, n Val.-- r l i:,r ja tH

O wiurh Mich! MrDormolf re PiieS ihrV- -Of w.itcu fticrreiiiitii I" M.'incn re weti nno isHOi wi.h.1. ttilliftm i MllnnitrrclvM oneihuUMu.l hjnt rut mij tii(rtf.iwu...l,W5 fMOf whlr.i Jonn It r sirilnutoii re- -i ttt-t- nn liilt iouh I tnrcc !ic KtnH aid Dir,,t.iij.. ,,( sis iHOl w.i If li arjlwnr.l Ktrtitiiti toc;ivtj oj H

thou ftbfl lists Qundterl un-- i)ineticn,.,,,l 319 HOt wlilcri inera wei tie rocntero ir 4 HOf wlurn therUwflfe blank nx 4 iHAn 01 w mc ft taerc wero iCAtierttK iwrntr- - H

flueunit election ntirntOT ' H

Ttiitt It Appears on tuch eMlnata and cmim tliattbo whole mm her of rotoi KiTSri lor llm on.: of Hlimieciorior Gle't'oncrthi nitlh hlsjcilnn incinct Hc' inc TvrHnu vVari van tnirleen tbooaud ono un Hrlred a u fiftr-nln- e 13,i:l H

Ol wii tli Juku J. aMfilonrr ioeieu imoa Hts. uind loor Itun Ire 1 awl uinely-- f Unt, fl,491 HOl wiiltli r iicenu Icunioi rctrmd ihrn iHib.jiiRAOd tmir hundred and mnett.cltzfit. .8,433 HOf which John Hresvl rrcrivrrt on ttioiuaoa H

bctuu nandre aoi thirirlx,,,, 1,701 HOt nlicti 'Itioma 1. 1 re elrcd ono it'T 11 htinlrr il td Uilriy two, ,1731 HOi wtiic i.lolin lnct received ono luotUAQd HUiic.j haiDir. l a id i..rir MVt wnlcn Jonu II. Witsn reunvo I rnig H

tlioiiMiid t.irr h jn Jrod ano tur HAn l or Ahicti tucro wvro kuit emu ttitrtr

three' .., 53- -1 3.1MfrTTN-- M KLPCriON MTBIOT.

,! H

Ttiv ft on iucIi eiUnmic anJrmvi'i. that tfa I I Hwlitilo iiij;iL!,rr ut rjtoi fc'lTJU tic til 3 offlc.'i of In H

of f.lrrtiou of U Suvo ul. Mccilun Olitr rt H01 ti Twelfth W ir wi nirtdtfii UiuU'atud out lain v Htired and Mity-uin- o U,iU H

Of wliicii.I'JtricK i rei'e Vd 1 red Hiiioura id nve uoiidfd mid Uire 3,331 H

Oi wlilcu MhiitJi l. Murkily icceivcd tin Htl.01it.111d 'nor immlrel tuitl iilnctjr-elib- i. 8,(53 H

Ol Jaint'i H Uile rrc ired ono ttiou. Hfind liven .tun died jnd 1.7M H

Ot Cruwioru reevttred uuo , Hthuu-.m- lev n nu.icted ani two,twtwo. 1,773 H

Ct wairh .lam c Oar. a itcep 9 I 010 thou- - Hanattiro tiuucu'U an 1 tY '..irflrc 1,35 H

Of wutcli Job urmitu rciifju ono tnuu- - Hisifad ni 1.0 nnnnrro ui.U iK. ntr.. tl1) H

Aud tticro wcio Kiitcrluz mitcoi,- - HTcn

BlUItril KL t(?f ION MAIfllOT.That It ofpnr on finn eithnatn und oaartM. thit wlioi, nun r uf vntu ivcii for t'to omen of t HiDfp clort ojjlt t'on of r.i htn Klcctio Olittlft

"CT iTT6"TTriTnsT"Tlfl' Tl 3"tnTTrCll tSMlRILIlVI OTi'f"'" IMT'Hliiindii'd inn) lime 13,IW HOf Huirit Jjwrfi $im rrvci-ire- ttirn?

tli n and mr nundred nd mnetff 1.49) HOf wmr.1 Il!itry toeaia ttC.iV d id rea liiHthotHaml ioar nnudrM aud HOr win en James Miller reeeivod oiu H

thonnand eTen hunlre1 and twjifd 1,712 HOi wtnciiJji .Mnner received une inouund ' H

even hund e1 ana tweivo 1,713 it HOl uhlcn hra4U4 P. llrown ie ivrd ono 1 'Hthoimnd tur-- nuitttred and lorirtlTe....ls3U I HOf wh uii nli tin 1'ioi'liet reretred o 10 H

thiupd tlucu liunuicd anitiweitr tflv i. HOf whim there were olanK twenty i!x 'it II HAnd 01 wmcn ttierowrreec Ileum 7 I H

H2JI... , I

M1KTU KtCCTlOX DIBTEICT. .HTbat It appeart on aurh otimate and that thawhole uumnerol Tout rir u for the offinjj or In Hkpt!Ctora of kiection ot the Ninth Kloeiion Umtrlct of Htho rwelftl Ward waa ihlrioco thouaand ono nun Hdred an t aeTentrlz , 13,1.4 H

Of wntscj Cornelin Cailalun rocivod tnreo Hboutand Ovo nuodrwi und tnrer,,...t....3t33S H

Of wn.eii Hatnusi W. i'otnjkin recivad Mthree ihoutitua four tuadred ind nuetr-in ...vm

Of Mblch llortiT It, ftelved oue Hftoii'ind rTon Im- nred andfon)iwo....l.7U H

Of w.iirh Jnn J. Valentine receif o ono 1inoaiuud ttrtn hunotvrl aad lorlf 1,140 H

Of which K K raze trrrtved one latai-ain- Hthree hahdred mul aten.enn. ....1,31" tHOf Mhlf h A. J Mtnor rccelrvd one thomaud Hthrtte buudrea and un ,U10 1

Ant of wik'U invre wero ocatturioK itxlr- -

ciai iTt'

TE.itn CaVKcriiN btHinurr.Thit It appears on mcli t'rn 4c and cidim tint tbo

wnoif miui tier of tote- - ziveti for tho oiDce of In- - Hcto ui tt'4'iloit 01 thi' h Klecllou .J.'trict of H

the lucl.tti daiit na tti.rU'O-- tuouiaad one tiun Hdrid uutlv- U.ltt .HOf wincn Julio n fhrea HthouMii ' four huiiurc't tuit .Ht whicn Ocnnli t n.iuik'li roi-- ved turui Htlioui ...d Hair It n i ."J ii.mtv- - our,,K?i iHOf walflt tuv.d H Miidi'jrd is'ce.ftd uittlUoii fAuti evc hundred mid .

Ol l.lcn It brt Wnu'iit rceiipl onu lithou-uii'- i "v 11 unti'ltol una tnlriytwj .1.733 I'llOi wii cu ilitaiu 1.. ndiur t tcceivM 01.0 '1tlioMuiui 11 tee huudroJ .iud lss)Oiiy.,,,,,l,3sD

Of wtni-i- i U mo Jr . icceni-- u.iot'luu-Mii- tl tluvu hU4dred uud "liaUsfU ...1.313 4

Ofhif Uicia wt'n It fl 7

Ad 01 Tmcli tluru were M'atienju n.ti- -utTCU

ni.rvrTii rLt.Ttox iHiTCttT.That It a unci on ucli vttltiuiu avl t'anra. that tho

tio iiuiu mi of votfct- iiiv-ji- i fjr ia offljr of lo Mtcti t. Kl lu. u ol liio h.avftii.i Kleossi n f ) t net ,

ot tiir ws.thti ard nai LiurtCiiii uiaand uao hun- -me rt'd xi & v e lS.i&J '

Of w cn Juoii M urj uceivjj tiueiiiott. a f ui nu d.e I .ui' I ni ietix 3.4PS .rTttrTtr.-ei- -t.iott t li a .If h l't--- i u- . .1... i- - oi...,.c,m

Or All i ll Mltl itl t nrd rt'1'f..t.a o.m laou- 'NiiU-f- v nil I md 1,733

Ol wlni ii IVo-o- l)0.'hi ii'r.'Meaoiiol .ou- -isand .1 loiitih-- tud tint t ei2ln . . I.T3H

ill wu tu 1 uvii III ton rev Ite iu.iutltouiidtnrcunUQ red and TiiivUi 1.7K

td winch (itoice (' Hinnlunt rt'i nod oue HItauu-iia- ii ilni'O tiuuilri'il un il.trt'n 1,313

Au 0. whlc Uurc wtMcicaittn.itfevJuiy- -tno


That it aprcart on turii vaiimatc and cm Tin. that IhotvMe uiunufi of toieKiveu ior the ofllcei ol In- -

fp t to. l Kieclion ol tne wrath Kiee.lon Dmtrict01 the l welfih ard w 111 thirteen tboiiiaao one hundrod and kikiv Uvu 1,1W

OI which slotcih Me.epu rw;-i- d threeth'iuiaiid ti.e hundred an 1 one 3 Ml

Of nnrli 'Ihoiuii t. aXirgmdJ rrcelTOdthrtu tiioufaud nvi huuilrol an1on 8,201

OI which McnoUa .1. t' uicll reci'ivraone tktjuvtud toten hunird and iblrlTnine 1,70

Oi when Itchara Oarla d ictCli-- nnotnoLuud tfe hu Hired and e, 17J9

uf wine Alueii I., ll.otiiis leceiveJ oueth'iijti'i t'irtehii ie and idhtrrn .. 1.319

Ot mtirli HoOfr' I'o l r rived tii ihonttid li.r u (niiiurLM and u piueei 1.319 H

01 w.ix-- tmrc wir." tr ank t x 6n t wli.r ii,re cic tvcat.ei 111 toitr- - iHtluee


That It nispciut ti cn ekt .tuie and ranvai. that tho iHhule iiutnhi'i 01 voict cHrn for the oUIlcm of liiiec- -

lotf- 01 ! liont.1 thi lul ifcUti KIC4 I in Oicirict ofth w 'ilh i ard wu thuut u iiioiu4ud one hundredai t.u'l-n- ,i li.115

Or U1 n Maurh Oatey I'mt'io nt lid tmir hun tM and ei :m wi?irbl .3 4

Oi uhlcn ai l.'iiteiuUlu rti.Uett t.atiotlt"Uiiii Knr iiutf ''".lit nmy.i'i 3 4tt

OI m n ch llenu t liont-Mi- t ii' utteu nnjtuou- - ti'i fi'Vtii ttuii'ii 1' aii'l I'jiIt iw.',,.WIJ

.l.i.'h I i -- . i j 1. li, t- sHt.. 'Ufa.ul h'in nd tnt li ,, .1,74201 if l.lnuit It t)tuon s'C 'tri! one

ilinU i uiiir Ii lu ui iwvit.T... IrtCOOf w filch K tS. t i li ill nrelvjtl one

t ous.iiul ti,rt Ituii fi'tl t dtutii 1 ,8Sil

in u cn tele wi'te hiuuk te 1)

nvc r. 13,143

rot'RTitKNrii KLfriov in ir riotI ha' It on tacit tt aa t ciivi, ttiat tho

Im im ln 0' otot tfivv for tno 'iHJf . ot IncpflClur o i;uri.tin ol the t'ouriinth KIm. ion Otitrntofth iwiMriii vard hji tuuteau thuunuj one hun- -tire I and u 1J.1M

Ol whicii An tit w Mi'U mii ruojuu tur titnoiu-tn- lour hun Ire . and n'.uu i,in

Ot W 'l ''Il t lull it t ill i 40 lsi'P,ftl t,rttluianuiid i.'iir l.und c I anl inm-- i.:.e 4 101

ufuuti-- l'i. ip V O 1 tin, ipc ivt'd imiu lHtliiniiii l it sn hun ufi nu I r riy live .. .1.715Of n i h tintjf H. li.i ret., iv.Ht Vtflthouui'd v.'ii hiiiitTt-- and foitf Ihro .1.74J MMd wlni h I.. I) It iui rc. vail ouu inou

Rtid nundre ant twenty oue l,tjlOl whiCsi la II isr wu rTi ivi'd on.! thous. tMn ihii'e li'ititlu t tnd n ue eon 1,31901 vt u ikt'- iTt! it. tut ivAi'ntv.nve. ... 3ft.Sudor Hli.ih iavt' vvtv icaiurlns tlilrtf 30 -1- 3, ICS


Thit lt anpeur on uch ettimate aad eanvat. that tho (wnoie uuuiDei- of v.hpi tvim Mr uie ohlu-'- 01 In.

ir- - nf i 'i hf Pi!tetnih Kl'C.liu Ijtti ct of the fwi'ifiit War w u thlrucn HiounaJ n,mhu trt t and nut fivv 13,1(4

or w.i.c Juhn t'uman r (') u I Utro. ttiau.aud hur hutidrt'd a id u ety ono ,Ul

HI wnich lleury .M Jenulni," receivod iliroatlnusand Tour huuaitd ai.d uii.ctTooe,. 5,431

Of nhK'n Mliiiuu II ttooro. Ji ,on ihoiuajd euu i and Jo..)- -two 1,743

Ol wuic iiroiai" II. Vi'iiuiiiim ifcmvt--one thouiand eevvu huud od midfoiiy.two 1,743

or whi 1, Jonn IMit re cued one lUukiuitur e nui.dre ind tAt-nt- 1,323

OMthtriS Hilt received ono tbotttandtn vc nuudrcd aud tweuiy

And ot wuicu thtjrt) eiu bcattcnuiC Alt)- -liuo it'Oear on ncti eiuute ant ofait Out tho HHh iioiu niiitiiiT of vuUi ifivvu I r tuioiAo tof Ins.It io( Huii r id- - ' Ei.tjmul KlwttOii Ilm

trict l the 1'aed'h Wra wai uir c ttumaad ouoli nu I ftii- , U,H

or h i f itwani A Vnori i im ve I ihrojtl o i is't ur 'im idi'd an ci ;htvnfr. . .3.4-- H

t un ul to ti h iui. fd tn di. uty. live ...S.l'iAOf .cm MlVsiinib turri'ii ri'.fl ouo

Oinuiand V'i'ii li'iud"'i uui forty stou. ,1,74?(if hit' .1 oi n ti lei tu im'h ifii onn ihuu-

H4U't hat.dio I and I r'yevtn 1,741o mi. cii Hani M .V ottt

llio md t no huuilrt l r id lsjityiwu..l ttt01 k c ail-- ! Clm in -f m lu.x Mr

tliuuta .d ih. ft' huu ui'd d I my two ,I,3N fAAUiOJ wHHh.JJi?ri't;r itiofijljiL. r

feuu ...

'Ihot tl V'pe'irii in irii on nttv ttii t", thai Iliawh h- ti a 1. Our oi w i lontio utttcnor liuprp- - ?turn ol Met I oil ol thi! bi htli Kt dtioil O Vtrit.t Xf,t, Uu I v,tWtu rtttro Hft lliu ,ve Uioiitsind on una V,dtrtl ' YA

OI u un .1 Jot.ti il I'oiritit tufeivMi iiuoe fy,tnnu-t- ill Iniu Ini.nJi 1 nnd t' 3.U4 Kt

Ol w.i t'h U.itr I ow e.v d ilnvoihou-r- t ul lour hurdle ti d ti ci 1 3,148 fits

(' ttiirh Janict I. at i' tec m o.. QJih"U-aiut- n'U Ii a dtd ami ion Uiioe,, 1,713 yv.

otvvhith 'Ihaddiui M k niaii ivc-lv- fjnm- t.n UMhd nun. ire and (u - fitlife.... ... 1.14

Oi w di it Jo'm II ir ' n ucf.viU u u vf'ihoiiuiid three hu tli d an t"ii - w t,l43j) yv

01 h 'i cu A ri hur r .1 ii.ou r ft Ivod j o ftJMJVW'iaUldrv fcJl'Uttd. M'tlXVVeUJXW.iW-ttJ-lw- .

Tu ih it'll mere a a .lei fiivo f ... . Iv yiAnd nf whieii then-wtr- aiti t ! ,y f'liiai.' 1J 1M :

linilCKFNill II HTU)S i.Ht.ti.. WTJiRt it nptett ou tin ii ci 111 no id c t it tin yj

rtuolc nuulv'r of Tott Jivi. ninnu ) r


tJAyci.u. AM COM&IJtrtClAU

Weonespst, Nov, 2 I', M. affalrapretty much til aiound bate been doll, and businessof very Utile moment. Indeed, trade was tnsotndedat a very eatty hour, an! operators and epeeniatoitled the street to put the Thanksgiving festival Inaudi manner at they might elect. Tomorrow willbe closely observed at a holiday, and no leiltlmilebnstnesa will bo transacted In or about Wall strtst.Huyond a tlliht yield In tne prices ot rail way sharesabout midday, Iho market presenled coaslderablefirmness all day, lliongli the fluctuations were anusti ,lf narrow. Toward the close the market againwaa tubjected to a slight depression, but finallywound up steady, but Terr dulL The market wasunusually destitute of gossip, and the position ofspeculation It as heretofore noted. A oreity actlvotrade was remarAed In Likt Shore, Olnos, HoccIsland, and Wabatli, while a moderate movementwas shown In New Yom Central, Western Uoinr,Fsetfie Mall, and Union l'.icidc. The rest of the liltwas practically negleclud.

Tim gold market waa wlibont any special move-ment, l'i ujh all the salts were at the low range of110',-ipj- Uf, a condition of things duo to the re-

ceipt of $8,000,000 checks trom too Treasure,representing tho redemption ofthatnmonat ol licitexamined nt tie department nn.l retired. Ill lb aemou'it of g' cheo.s here,w a iu paid lu .lay by the bub-- roasurv. and tne

(wnlch Is arunsly estlnntil at 4 10 10mi lion) will probably come In In much smalleramnui i, and I ig overa considerableCash g, II was In good plenty an 1 lent ti 3. 2. 3 V '4. and fl for ferrying. The tntsl clearings at tho(.old L' llink were (I13II.0JI ; gn d hti ti

s et TtWrTrnrtP'ir-t- f tntCTr?r.--tTTSSt.TJ-

1 i.e fodo a iua w ere tho quotation i :

M.. . llo 11 IIP M llOtj S ! M 1101,A.M.. WOK, M ll,3r. M UOSUl

Forrign exchange has neen dull and iionlnil.itrates quoted yes'er ia . Iho lreatirr sold(l.fMlfay) o.d ar IIO.V to 113 U on total otTerlugsol $1,003,000 at 111 to 110.10.

1 nn concurrei t c lUsrs of an approaching holllayand the cusequrnt desire of leaders to tmotovthetr balances, and the expected gain by the banksIn reserve from the gold le.Jlltel here iroin Was

nave uoeraltd In tarortil eaay moneyai d all call loans wero done at 6 and 0 V tent.I'rlnte dlscounis were unchan e I.

tlovernment bonds were heavy and lower at theFirst Hoard. nut when the foitlgn bsnkert sppraiedas buyers ( r the continental markets, priest

and the market heeame aliong.Henry Clews A. Co., 31 tVall tl.. report at 4 F. M.:

IM. dalMI IM, Alttd.I'P.cnr.Ba ill ,isv trua rej J. J.hj iCstlti.reg net.' nasi' Dt, a-- oup.,,113 liass 1SV1 loop .,. ill's il'SI '."l. 'C. tonu...,H, 4U

Ksrer.. M. N.ti), lit !ia. sm. eoap . ml,' lilt,trie M. i ono . II in oji luvt .s. rcg 10

ti. coon ..I1014 11114 couo tot( lit',au ut couo ..IIIH lll-s- l ta.l. void n ii.ush lo"iVThe Interest la Mate bonds still centres chiefly In

Sautn Caronn.s, t .e new Jaly coupor. Issue sail-ing down lo 31 as sgslnst 34 yesterday, wnlle theApril lnea wenl off 4 W cent to3.V Mlasourlswere firm ai PI, and lennesaers, old and ue--


siead tl W.SiLial, wnlle old North Caro Inas wentoil lu. rCrii . lo Tii--, Metr.1p0111.1n llink tharassul ul IHi, aid Hank of Commonwealth at UT. Hal.-tou- t

bonds were Irong an I In good reque-t- , Cen-tral Fa illes selling at Idlt,' : X'mon (lists. 6I14 ;liieal WVirn SHfoiids. and Morns sml Kes x(lists at 102. Messrs. ti ,t Hatch, nanketsol laatrom"any, report an active Inqunv 'or toeCi.esapenke an O.1I0 cold II V cents, al Ul anJ

from N' ve utaer 1

I.e lui 11 nta etowa me hignist. loiteit. su5tou . t, il..-1- ui teat ol st ' : '',,n.-- .

1ltfAas loftl. 1,11 .laj.N Y 1'. V llndon con y;Y m'f 9IH fittN Y.l'.a. llud.oa s, s s7' e?- -II. in us lis nn nasiI r.v :' av'( Jt'l1. aim; Iia-- t 11. rl II. t llsI. jk snore 0 4 IM , xiv ao.a.e nliore aer.o ., Sli 8at tl

ahl Bit (M's ft', 61I'lllao .r.-.-l 141 lll Ul 111'.

u 1,1 .!.--. H i Lt 01 Cl,.oriitwu-ler- prel ao;, K))4 J PO

I IM losv 111-lost Wayne fltl hM sulci I'attl srr. ista-- 5i SJ Msuan. ru .11 ' .s-- 7t rsninnaad i nu" . t' 41 i.- - lit

-- Hr k

lh'l la.'k inltt,i-r- n 'f l,.- - pa, JHTMli'n.e tu t'i'iiirai u7'4 110' .. ill),' 1 u( 110. nIniuu I'aciOi , 27 2,, all' t . aim lad. Centra. ... - 1st, laII nun iai and nt. Juij . 31 Fl 14 MsII. auuei Joaetnpret (a.Veaiern llniuu letegrpn . . cs CIS Cm 6,'faciilc Man 17 suJ tt 4;Cjuiek.iiter 5S 'i,S l't Kllaripoiaprelerred - 1

1 autuu tju 7uCnalul.uallon Coal 01 Md lit 4.1S lay 44Adaoi Kspreaa toK Ml' Milvt ells, I'arao A Co Kipre".. it 671,Anur eatt Mtr. Union f.x. ... .',' uut cited btaita Kspreaa - i,v; n.

4I.I.V If i.VO .I.Vll l'i .Y.l.VC i.l U

Orrict or Hatch F01TE.IlIWaLLartitT V.iuk. (

We ray at our cauner t.n-- bulla: nriej " fo,- - i,oid,nsaeliai tne "oa.'ntg priaa," si ladica'.ed by mc

tio.d I.xcLa&-- ltagiter

Nets Ytti-- tlnrker.tYETINTfiAT. Nov 20 FLOl R AND ?gAL-T- be

flour luaikut was sieadt, tv.ui soiu at.ti'pina duaitit'l.not iho local, u ads was quiut aud pnees suaiennaltitlul. Kyu flour udd e rii man alvadt,sou Durkwheat flour a rtila aimer. Moqiintoi I'luiir 'tr oil Sunrrriae fiae and Weal,cm, 3.'AUfri.2a. extra Male, eve, lo.WIC.HJitteitcru Hiring wiunt 11 ui. f, 10 J to .u do.rtoub.e ext as 17, tf-i- l; on winiri w.ieat exlies ano rpunte extras, lld$923 Ocueate ex-tras $0. co'ilhsrit baker' a .1 faaiil. oianoa,Ivtlt'JJO. ro. sti.iping rx.ra. Ilv llnnr.i.iil and tu erttoe. fi.tiKoio Lorn in 'Ul. Wiaieri ,Ac.l37-.ill.i- l nr uidvw nn, Ac , $ i.Sdll ao. Ilni

nr. t HW fd I5ji8ai.I uTTiiv-1111- I1. with laiea re 'eipie.and wcav- - seronni

limn , sales i.,a . oa e of wtimi 01- - ior , x--vmnis tj t siiti; j nii337nvmrTirii 3., iw rnr 7rn.r

I'oi t. lure d I e,t price weretali t G31 bae-- . e otiiiir nt is fur 11 , uaoi ,isii-H- lor Jauo tr.t , is'c ior Prima a. ''Jc. toMnren ; i'v;c 101 A .ri. and la I r May

Oaorrnirs-l- ii i enffee ai nte. and ihe lale alranctteii. -j ii .nn. he I ; invoices Ivg.'O'.i e la.dull aid , sal iU.gOo pat a u.i soul tu arr.vt,

ait a. hou.b t ouita al 1, not previous y rupor )U3.3IJ0 bt. a ttaracaibo. pur la Into-- , lice dull. ba.I r n ss.ea 0 tc. ar dins a ,11V '30 tug lit in.t, alike. S'oliaa iinetiuaie dit .'S rt s I'm oHi. ii.ll.ilV , I 0 bhlt. Niw tl I 'ant. ; ie, i.j.uadull and weak, quoted a pe.ure y AJKc fur la-- locuud refin.ii.', 001 to tell I lower, ealoaejO iiltl.. niIIS for Hfiueiarn. Ve ior Man niqtie aud V4ctor Cuba alt SIO nxa . private terrua. iteao.'d tulianlwcak, nsr -- , U' tfl.'f,e.

bi'MiKigs -- I'eir 1l1u.11 so.d al Ke for refine! for theflist nr. f of Decent xri cru e. Hiim ted rotln

ui I al $0 7X1 $4 .1 nut aiiei warn e- - . a d bid ittai I'ein.tie cu ni f 4efl C a .o,v aoid t . th ext 111 1

uioai.iajo I., inline, vitatt-i- packer, ai vkc. Wnietoid ul 11. Fielgnti dull aud raietlor grm UttAil

niuiiiual.nital.t Wheal a shade firmer hut qnlei , sslea M.otal

I'li-- o hi $ ' ll. .1 V. aeiirn; $1 ntor no ICli.eig.l,li lwi.i41.ui f.r prune red wniicr an' tl ef I 70 lorprima tu inuice win e. Ityedal Itarle firmer ; sales40.000 ous 1., I'lu-in- al 1 1. 07 Hil 1 1. lor Cam ds l.aslmin iYet l;li 115 lo. No 2 western, aud le ii lor

Mat, tlaia artivo und firmer tHir 75.00bum. at Sllc tor b'aek Wet"rn, 3dS$0lc. for mixedWeaiern a id fiste. and Kt'tw for wuite do. LornAC ve ano cioa.t.g liruicr. sa e K) 'toot a.et7sa76V lor new W.atei n utile liat'Ou luroiddo.,bic tur old vtllnw, aitdSl.sSV lor winia

1'uoviaio.Ns 1'urk luodeiatci actlvo and &

a bota. at tlJ.:s caali, Kri lay IliJJ,eller J tniiari, ant Illuj , teller Hart-- ; j a Jos-

hing Ii ade at 111 2.Vtll 3) fur oil IV "t-- oi.nirincaa, liaior new city iu aa, and SlU.'iriji 11.1 for o .1meaa Heel unchansel aud quirt. Cut me ,i ratheriiregulai In price aro ju si'judets lr jiu Inc mock3t,c. slid hsmaUHC. liacoil firmer es'ei I 013 oxa at7'ar. ior abort rear, toiler Jicci'iuacr, 7c. lor ,iiortrio uu the aoot,7tC. fur city Camber 1.11J. Il.c. luraimri rln lormt half of Decem cr aud first half of.isiiuaiy. and 7 . for Ci'iitbcriitU'l do Hicisud bigtlrnior at3ViatC'c Laid was fr)v active aul nrnisra ilea 01 3,!Oj i' a ipis? mr prime n ea.eru a camon ,p it auil Im liacru.bil llsUki'. lur Jauttsit 10c. to.Mauu. aad V), aUu. I r city, tluitci auj cnn'ao were


I.tre hlot-- llnrUrl.New Yoiik We.ine-da- N .v 20 -- There nert uo

lecuipia ul betvei, and no ie wali.ea, at t" iv ouenut (tely n, a rien I l uitiieil "in lu in .1 a k

givtik turker It itli uo tianiaonnua, pi.oa--I'lrrMi.':-' ., . .

Hint bit ahf ti aud lam arri . '0, an I wnlle Ihema gat. tin cooler wcihe. aul tee mua.te

r oi't'ir la favored in a tvanio in r fa, a .d the uurk 'Icloaed a elude fl iu,r.

Unit vol io eara of lugs an veil, nif lit ting 2 car forcommit un tuiumtito. 'inc irsnaacii'iiia yeter y

t,eic ai. at l',uic aud loditlvi waa m lill,C. 0urod. ll.eiio.I Uoa .tdvauo 'd to 5','Jli,'i.'. V D.

tt.tltt.Vli" t.XTKI.-Ir- t ttttXCIt.

aUXtiTt'Sg AI.MASIlO-riJ- IS DIT.uo ntct.. t sun eia 4 n Muon r ial.. 7 ii

mill 'V ran- ,- r lis n if.wtBdy Hook.. ol tiov. Itoiiid .10 0) ilell data .. It 43

Arrtved-- M rnnrsnaT. Nov. v.huamililp llaliiras Norr. U.tiil-o- . til niiabl tliillll oloi id 1, l.i.eriiool lie it I pass.

Uaiu.u.p !i...g i'oii.aiid 1. ul 111 pasa blur. A'pinwali. mlae. and pa--

Meaiutlili' 11 ni oiug, in ie, aim ..ifbn 1 n liiiiiiuiild . 1 01 iiitiageii, mdtu. auu aaa,hliio ,,li sue, i.'vci.iu 0, .1, laj.Iitt-- uiio bin fuck 111 hi nt- - . lleia'd 01 iho Moidiug. 'jI. hltti lugar, turn,ra a .1

Ai a ut t iiicv, C 11"rny'rrTi'i'i"r,'.7m'',-r.'7-b'amrmr'ti''T.- tr -bun IU111111. e. .loin S I.k.hrJ.l' Aojii Jatiuel. cut! and lo; wood.Aio tut- uuai ntor aid isKaileo bleannhloa tscoi a and luaho rot l.iferno.Mi

Inn a, liaiiuwi Ovsau Uktou, Av.uvall lClwI .New Utieaus.

.1. 1 (;;.Moa.ltTT-.lnN- i:? -- In .lorsev Cltv, on Krldsy even-

ing, November .it Iho v Dr. darkness, Mr, Chas,II vc trie in Mm Annie Jones. No card..HTllCKINU-MII.i.l'.'l.- -ln fVasnington. D. C onTncsoav. Notemo-- r I', isil nv the Itev. Dr. Winter, ofI'liiaour h, Col. 'V F Moe.kuic. or .New Tnru, t 01 asI'alilo Miller, nanahierot OiMge Samuel F. ililler, oftne United mates ba.ireioe coun. ty .ludro Lomnia, Oelnher Term. Sure,rlort nun Now Hat. .1 onn.. Ilenlamia FowlcruomMaraicii Fjwlcr. Marnol Jaly I, U34. C'auao, una.

CO'ldtHlllll.I..-1- 'v Judge Lonmts, Oetob-- r Term, Bnpenor

finirt, New llivi, (nun. Ilauie l it. or NewHaven, ton Curies II 'III1, of llarfforl. Marriedjliiiril. is;o. lui-- , nin.con.ldci. Nn,.io chaageJ loliatiie L. i' rktut

jn:n.ntlOwr.v -- t 1 M. on Welnfttiav, 29th, JamsItrutvn, on o i mi .m 11 vn. n ie parlih 01 lieltv

ctilh n, couiiiv lien . lr .1.1. 111 Uu Jim year 01

I he Iriend or the lam ilv sif rcqoaate'l to ntteid t irom In oil.' (Id" ie 131 Hm St., at I ,o'cock. o iinir-iii- i, S..V.'

I I.AHIIALK. On Tuei lav, Nnv.inber W, Mrs. tl.rttn ni" 7ith t u nrhoraj..The r taiires nut 1. eudi or Hi" fanllr are livl'cltn a'tend h, r lilneral 001 her late re.lde.ic". 31' Me t

21lh at . nn F1ld.1v, Decern o r I, at I o'clock I". M

. KMHItktiN'.-- ln Wacscld, Mass.. on cdndily.ote nhei 21 ism Tiioma- - KincVsoTi I'n-id- i ut

ul ihe ItcMiii.itr .Nannim' bank, ugei ! yojrs.Illttls unite:,,' i... iii,i.,iity. ,1 k.dsnghiei ol 1. in nir 11 i.r OStoais t.dlodat.Ihe Iiini'i.,1 w lui', ' " iioiu llie c ice ,. h rjyrnts.ii. 1.

ui Tock r. I.KblllN AN. -- On VteWsJar. Novemh r 71, Thomas

Ii-l- i h t. ve-l JJ 11 r.tufttna. iwvl ltd -His Irlenda a id reborns, 10einer with the tnemaers

01 Lie J. O'llr.rn' Aaocl.t' 10U. alao lliu lueulbeia01 the Ocnilrme-.'-- S hi's 01 1 ie lliu IYrJ are rea,

invited I j .men I ine luseral Iron hi late res-ided- st ,nn Friliy. Ilecoiubir I. at 1

u'cloc, I'. M.Notice- .- rue members of th Ooi.tlctnen'a Jon's As.

locution 01 the Inn tVsid, nie requtaied to meet at en t Inn Ih otns 1.' 'Colon Its:, at l.'s o'olocia 011I rmay, Dcrrmi cr 1. lu Htirn tae fniii'ral uf our Intobrotneamem' r I In . Keunin. J C. ItAlT. I'm.L')MI"l'!IKKr.-A- l Yuna-ri- . on M mday, Novo

27, l7i, Mrs Mirtt.a II. Lomratieet, relict of Deacod llnrnei tl. Lonrtlreet. aged il rear.

Funeral will take i.lae.-- Krllay, at 1

o'c ock. from the Wamnrton Av. luuliat cinirrh.1 rains leave OOlh I . Mr Yon .era at 10 30 a. id 17:15. andfrom 4M st. at 10:13. Fur ta and re.atlvtaara Invitedto allcud williuut lurt'ie, u lie.

LYII iH. Aller a auori ant ti'vera !lines, Johna nattte 0 Ituacommoi', trci.tnd. aire 3, eiri.I I c (tler.ttl nt Ine ramilv are pscilollv Invited lo

attend tits rune. a . fioni ills Isle done tol llaal S'bai . at I o'clock. II I miliums will oe .nitrred in fairs, vCemcierv

PAYI1KS -- At Jsmalca. I. I . November 2!, s'ltr abriel lllu-i- a. Mart ll.'.-- i . - d .aoalit r ul Gtloeriand Anna L bavrc. aa ij ,

Kuneial on Sitinrdt at "'c .. P M 11 IhrcMCe ire or ner p ir 11 j 1 M . ai nraciClnlrcn. Jalin'c I, , dlt t i.,vi ed w b "Jtlnrthe- - notice

h.Miril -- M .lerev 1 fv n .r )vnitnr .!. HowardP.. only son ot IUu..'i I. mil ilurnoi J. fin.l.u aged 10yeaie. 2 mo-it- and - day- -

Kuneia. services at M Maihew's F.plteoptl Church,nV."0a. F lav aPeinoin. r'rleodi 01

the lamliv i ca 10 the rel lence ol lilt par nil,Nu.lVlrua x t a. i o'eio k ni 111.
