Time: Wed. 2:30 PM, Nov. 1st Location: A601 NAOC...


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2017 年 第 30 次 / No.30 2017

Time: Wed. 2:30 PM, Nov. 1st Location: A601 NAOC

Introduction to Insight-HXMT: China’s first X-ray Astronomy Satellite

Prof. Shuang-Nan Zhang Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

Prof. Shuang-Nan Zhang obtained bachelor degree from Tsinghua

University and PhD Degree from University of Southampton (UK).

Now, he is the director of Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics

and Division for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy

Physics, and Chief Scientist of the Division for Space Science

Research, NAOC, CAS. He has won Zhao-Jiu-Zhang “Space

Science Award”, National Distinguished Young Investigator of

NSFC, Copernicus Distinguished Scientist Award of University of

Ferrara (Italy), Yangtze Scholar Distinguished Professorship of the Ministry of Education of China, and has been

selected into the National “Thousand Talents” Program. He is the PI of the gamma-ray polarimetry POLAR

experiment onboard China’s TG-2 Spacelab (launched in Sept. 2016), and the Insight-HXMT astronomy

satellite (launched in June 2017). He is also leading two future large missions, the enhanced X-ray Timing and

Polarimetry (eXTP) Observatory and High Energy cosmic-Ray Detector (HERD) onboard China’s future space

station. He has made more than 200 refereed publications with more than 6500 citations.

Abstract Insight-HXMT is China’s first X-ray Astronomy Satellite

launched on June 15th, 2017. It carries three sets of

collimated X-ray instruments, covering energy ranges of

1-15 keV, 5-30 keV, and 20-250 keV, respectively. In

addition, it can serve as a nearly all-sky monitor for high

energy sources between 0.2 to 3 MeV, such as bright pulsars

and gamma-ray bursts. The performance verification (PV)

and calibration program will finish in early November 2017 and the regular science observation program will be

followed afterwards. In this talk, I will describe the instrumentation of Insight-HXMT, its in-orbit performance

and some preliminary results from the PV and calibration observations, including the Galactic plane scanning

survey, black holes, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts and some peculiar phenomena. The Chinese and international

astronomy communities are welcome to use Insight-HXMT and analyze its rich data.
