Timeline of Knight Templar


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  • 8/12/2019 Timeline of Knight Templar


    330 A.D. The mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, discovered the Holy Sepulchre and her son built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem330 - 637 Pilgrims throughout the Middle Ages made sacred pilgrimages to the Holy city of Jerusalem637 A.D. Jerusalem was surrendered to the Saracens637 The caliph of the Saracens called Omar gave guarantees for the safety of theChristian population - pilgrimages continued1065 Jerusalem was taken by the Turks - initiating the crusades of the Middle Ages.1099 Crusaders led by Godfrey of Bouillon took Jerusalem back from the Turks. The founding of the Knights Templar was initiated shortly after this date by Bernard of Clairvaux1118 King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, granted the Knights Templar a place to live within the sacred enclosure of the Temple on Mount Moriah.1118 Hugh de Payens was chosen by the knights as the first master of the order1127 Hugh De Payen and the Knights Templar returned to France1127 The first donation of land was given to the Templars by Count Thybaud1127 Hugh de Payens was granted the land for the first Temple Church in Holborn,London1128 The ecclesiastical Council of Troyes was instigated by Bernard of Clairvauxand gave the Knights Templar official recognition

    1130 Knights Templar order received privileges from Alfonso I of Spain1136 Knights Templar Hugh de Payen died and was succeeded by Robert de Craon asMaster of the Temple1136 The Knights Templar were awarded the wealthy manor of Cressing1139A Papal Bull was issued by Pope Innocent II stating that the Knights Templar should owe allegiance to none other than the Pope1146 Knights Templar Robert de Craon died and was succeeded by Everard des Barres as Master of the Temple1146 The Knights Templar order adopted the splayed red cross as their emblem1148 The Knights Templar order supported the second crusade and assembled at Acr

    e1149 Everard des Barres dies and is succeeded by Bernard de Tremelay (1149-1153)1153 Bernard de Tremelay dies and is succeeded by Andr de Montbard (1153-1156)1154 The Grand Master of Knights Templar, Andr de Montbard, superintended the Masons in England and built their Temple in Fleet Street, London1156 Andr de Montbard dies and is succeeded by Bertrand de Blanchefort (1156-1169)1169 Bertrand de Blanchefort dies and is succeeded by Philippe de Milly (1169-1171)1170Richard de Hastings, the Master of the English Templars, attempted to reconcilethe differences between King Henry II and Thomas Becket. Their attempts to reconcile the two parties failed and Thomas a Becket was murdered in Canterbury Cathe

    dral1171 Philippe de Milly dies and is succeeded by Odo de St Amand (1171-1179)1179 Odo de St Amand dies and is succeeded by Arnaud de Toroge (1179-1184)1184 The army of Jerusalem and Guy of Lusignan, the King of Jerusalem, was beaten by Turkish forces and all Knights Templar who survived the battle were executed afterwards1184 Arnaud de Toroge dies and is succeeded by Grard de Ridefort in 11851189 Grard de Ridefort dies and is succeeded by Robert de Sabl in 1191

  • 8/12/2019 Timeline of Knight Templar


    1191 The city of Acre was taken by the Crusaders and the Knights Templars1191 Robert de Sabl dies in 1191 and is succeeded by Gilbert Horal (1193-1200)1200 Gilbert Horal dies and is succeeded by Phillipe de Plessis (1201-1208)1208 Phillipe de Plessis dies and is succeeded by Guillaume de Chartres (1209-1219)1219 Guillaume de Chartres and is succeeded by Pedro de Montaigu (1219-1230)1230 Pedro de Montaigu dies and is succeeded by Armand de Prigord (1232-1244)1244 Armand de Prigord dies and is succeeded by Richard de Bures (1245-1247)1247 Richard de Bures dies and is succeeded by Guillaume de Sonnac (1247-1250)1250 Guillaume de Sonnac is succeeded by Renaud de Vichiers (1250-1256)1256 Renaud de Vichiers is succeeded by Thomas Brard (1256-1273)1263 Problems in England lead to the Baron's revolt led by Simon de Montford opposing the prince who becomes Edward I. Edward entered the Knights Templar Templein London and ransacked the treasury1271 Edward lead a crusade and was attacked by an assassin with a poisoned knife. He survived the attack and his life was saved with drugs sent by the Master ofthe Knights Templar, Thomas Brard1272 King Henry III of England died and the English Council met at the Temple inLondon and draft a letter to Prince Edward informing him of his accession to the throne, illustrating the political importance of the Knights Templar in England1272 Thomas Brard is succeeded by Guillaume de Beaujeu (1273-1291)

    1291 Guillaume de Beaujeu dies and is succeeded by Thibaud Gaudin (1291-1292)1291 The Knights Templar suffer a huge defeat at Acre and cease to be a strong fighting force1292 Thibaud Gaudin is succeeded by Jacques de Molay (1292-1314)

    1302 The Knights Templar recruited after the defeat at Acre are wiped out at Raud1307 King Philip IV of France (1268-1314) who was already heavily in debt to theKnights Templar requested a further loan. The request was refused and King Philip ordered the arrest of all Knight Templars in France1307 11 October Templar ships left La Rochelle, heading to Scotland with much of

    their wealth1307On Friday the 13th, in October , Jacques de Molay, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and 60 of his senior knights were arrested in Paris, France and charged with heresy. Many confessed under torture1307Pope Clement V initiated enquiries into the order and thousands of Knights Templar were arrested across Europe1312 The Medieval order of the Knights Templar become extinct when the order isdissolved by the Council of Vienne.1312 All the property owned by the Templars is transferred to the Knights of St.

    John ( The Hospitallers )1314Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charney were burnt at the stake on March 18th for rescinding their former admission of heresy
