Tinnitus Terminator.com 2015€¦ · Your natural, risk free solution is now HERE ......


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No part of this document or the related materials may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the

prior permission by the author/ publisher. The service and the materials contained in this

eBook are based on the author’s research and experience. The research has been done

through credible sources to the best of our knowledge.

In no event shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or

consequential damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the service, the materials

and the products contained within. This eBook is not intended to be a substitute to

professional medical advice.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 3

Table Of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................ 8

Chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 4 ...................................................................................................................... 32

Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................... 48

Chapter 6 ...................................................................................................................... 55

Chapter 7 ...................................................................................................................... 58

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 4

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Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 5


Shut your eyes and picture yourself in your most restful spot. Imagine yourself there, the sounds

you love all around you. The singing of birds, the laughter of children, the sounds of a waterfall

or the quiet stillness of life itself. Actually, don't close your eyes so you can keep reading about

how you can really enjoy the sounds of the world around you once more – even if you suffer

from tinnitus. By the time you have finished this book, you will no longer be yourself. This book

can help you find a better life for yourself, one where you can be more relaxed, more at peace,

more in tune with the world and, above all, completely and utterly happy. If this sounds like it is

all too good to be true, take heart because everyone has the potential within them to cure their

own tinnitus and to reclaim their hearing and their life!

According to the American Tinnitus Association, “people who experience tinnitus describe hearing

different and sometimes variably changing and intertwining sounds like ringing, hissing, static, crickets,

screeching, sirens, whooshing, roaring, pulsing, ocean waves, buzzing, clicking, dial tones, and even

music.” If you have experienced the stress of living with tinnitus for any length of time, then you

know how it can affect your life. It takes the joy out of the things you used to love doing, like

going out to dinner, visiting with friends and family, or going to the movies or theater.

The Tinnitus Terminator is a specially designed 30-day program that aims to help people

suffering from tinnitus stop the annoying, depressing sound they hear ringing in their ears each

and every day. In this guided program you will discover a series of audio files with fully

researched tracks and sounds that are meant to help ease and ultimately remove all symptoms of


The techniques used in this program are simple and easy to follow – and all represented in a

friendly format for anyone who wants to use them. There is no need for a medical background

and there will be no fancy words or complex medical jargon to struggle through. We want to

help you relieve your symptoms and get your life back! As a tinnitus patient you will have access


Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 6

An initial evaluation questionnaire to gauge severity on an individual level and to get

recommendation on which sound recording will work best for your unique needs and


An easy to follow schedule for the audio therapy that can be tailored and adjusted to fit

your personal schedule and routine, making it enjoyable instead of a hassle.

An individual progress sheet so you can track your progress and stay motivated each and

every day.

Categorized lists for the sound therapy sessions all based on the area of the brain they

work on and how you can maximize your results.

An FAQ list that describes how tinnitus disrupts the ear canals, as well as known causes

for the disease and suspected culprits.

A unique and specially destined “How To” section that provides you with valuable

resources and advice on how to protect your hearing.

This program uses sound therapy to physically re-train how your brain works – cutting off

tinnitus without the drawbacks of drugs, doctor visits or surgery. You’ll stimulate the parts of

your brain responsible for properly perceiving sound and even cure your tinnitus within 30


You have all the necessary tools to get your hearing back on track,

but you will also need to give yourself a push of optimism for the

program to work. You have nothing to lose but your tinnitus and

everything to gain in a clearer, more enjoyable world. So ask

yourself: are you a glass half full or half empty kind of person?

Because if you feel like the glass is always half empty, you’re

starting on the wrong foot. Keep your heart open and your mind

positive and let’s get started!

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 7

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Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 8

Chapter 1

The Undeserved Gift of Sensitivity

Many people compare tinnitus to the soaring sensation in the ear that feels like they are slowly

going deaf. Sounds are muffled and harder to distinguish. The buzzing and noises in the ear

drown out the true sound around, sending one into a disorienting place where sounds are

garbled and distorted. Severe or prolonged cases of tinnitus can lead to partial or complete

hearing loss over time. According to the Hear-It Association, a study based on self-reported data

from 2,800 participants showed that tinnitus affected almost 25 percent of the adults of the study,

with 9 percent suffering from moderate to severe tinnitus. The study also showed that the impact

of tinnitus on the quality of life increases with its severity.

This is the unfortunate and unfair curse of tinnitus. You may feel like you are alone in your

suffering and trials and struggles, but that is far from the truth. Many people suffer from tinnitus

each and every day; even some very famous people in history struggled with tinnitus and related

hearing loss. One of the most notable of these is famous musician Beethoven.

Beethoven was a man who possessed an

extraordinary gift for music. However, as fate would

have it, he was destined to suffer from gradual

deafness, which began early in his life around the age

of 26. All his life, Beethoven struggled with hearing

issues and gradual hearing loss, and by the end of his

life his hearing had completely deteriorated.

He suffered from a severe form of tinnitus that made it hard for him to fully perceive musical

sounds and distinguish noises and sounds from the clamor in his own ears. This caused him a

great deal of stress and trauma, and very early into his struggle with the disorder, he began to

retreat into himself and at times went out of his way to avoid conversations, crowds, and social

events. Beethoven kept to himself as much as possible and towards the worst years of his battle

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 9

with tinnitus he barely left his home or had any interaction with anyone. Amazingly enough, it

was not until after he began losing his hearing that Beethoven began to create some of his most

famous, inspirational, and moving pieces.

Beethoven fought the illness and tried to cope and overcome, but he struggled as his hearing

continued to deteriorate to the point where he was mostly deaf, save for the roar in his ears. His

determination to persevere and press on was strong and he continued to embrace the thing he

loved most in life – music. His music was his passion and his love, what made him feel whole. It

has been said that Beethoven felt the most frightening part of his hearing loss was that the

tinnitus threatened to take that music away. This is why he fought it and refused to let it steal

away his passion and his love in life. Even as his hearing continued to fail he kept doing what he

loved. There is a frequently told story that, when he held the premier event for his Ninth

Symphony, Beethoven had to be physically turned around by a member of the orchestra because

he could not hear the sound of the thunderous applause that the crowd was giving him. Even at

this stage of his hearing loss, he kept looking for the good things in his life.

Historians and those who were closest to the musical genius have reported that Beethoven used

a number of ingenious tricks and pieces of technology to help him overcome his tinnitus and

deal with his hearing loss. One thing Beethoven did was learn to recognize the note and tone of

every key on the piano based on its location. This allowed him to play the song in his head as he

remembered what the notes sounded like and then simply assign the right key on the piano to

that tone. It is also said that he would use a variety of ear horns to help him hear better; he even

had some specially made for him.

Another unique trick Beethoven came up with to help him overcome the communication barriers

that existed was a series of conversation books, many of which survived to this day. These

documents recorded his views on his own music, how it should be performed, along with many

other intimate thoughts on life and creation. These pieces of writing have been a source of

invaluable information and insight to historians. Only a handful of these books remain, although

some historians and experts think that as many as 400 such volumes were created and used. No

one really knows what became of hundreds of these books, but we do know that Beethoven used

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 10

his own creativity and genius to come up with a way to beat his tinnitus and continue living his


However, like any human who suffers from a devastating condition for long enough, Beethoven

began to sink into a depression. In late 1802, he became very depressed and even considered

committing suicide several times. Instead of taking his own life, he fortunately left Vienna and

went to stay in the small Austrian town Heiligenstadt. It was there that he wrote the

Heiligenstadt Testament, in which he promised himself that he would continue living through

his music and his artistic and creative goals. He kept on composing his music and doing what he

loved and what brought him joy, even as his hearing continued deteriorating to the point where

he was basically deaf. After a failed attempt in 1811 to perform his own Emperor Concerto, he

never performed in public again. Being the strong individual he was, Beethoven continued to

write music, creating some of his most famous and well-known pieces. One of his most

acclaimed symphonies, the 9th Symphony in D Minor, was actually written during the darkest

years of his struggle with hearing loss. Famous American author and political activist Helen

Keller was intensely touched by this bountiful piece, to which it addressed the following words:

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 11

Despite all his best efforts, Beethoven never cured himself of his tinnitus and left this world with

little hearing left. Fortunately, things have changed. Medical advances have brought us far in

time since Beethoven composed his last piece of music and we now have access to the best

medicine and research along with a better understanding of what tinnitus is, how it works, and

how to cure it. It truly is inspirational to see how one man embraced his circumstances and used

them to motivate himself to do better things and fight for and reach his goals and dreams. You

can do the same if you are willing to embrace your life and learn how to cure yourself from your

tinnitus. It can be challenging and frustrating at times, but it can be done and it can change your

life! Beethoven’s life story and struggle are the expression of the unrelenting drive to overcome

obstacles which we should possess and guide ourselves by. Let Beethoven be your inspiration as

you make your way through this protocol and discover how you can cure your tinnitus without

all the drugs and medication!

If there is one thing to take away from Beethoven's story and struggle is that this type of ailment

is never your fault and that you do not have to suffer alone. Tinnitus and hearing loss can hit

anyone; you could be rich or poor, a genius or a regular person popular or an outcast, it does not

matter and it comes as an undeserved gift. Why are we referring to this as a gift when many

would see it as a curse? It teaches one how to tackle the challenges that life brings along and,

more importantly, how to prevail over these challenges. With a little bit of help and

understanding, you can learn to look at your tinnitus as a blessing rather than a curse!

One very important thing you need to realize before we go any further is the importance of

overcoming your impediments, regardless of what everyone around might think. You likely have

heard it all from friends and family and well-meaning people time and time again. They say that

that it is hopeless, that tinnitus cannot be cured, that you’re overreacting. They tell you that you

need to just accept your fate or that you should get used to it and get on with your life in the best

way that you can. They most likely tell you to not get your hopes up and simply try to find a way

to make due day by day. You also get told time and time again that you should only do what

your doctor tells you and follow his prescriptions rigorously. They really do mean well and in

most cases they just don’t want you to get hurt or be disappointed, but what they do not

understand is that there is always hope and there is always a way.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 12

You do have the power to cure yourself. Something as simple and accessible as a set of audios

can make a difference and reverse the effects of tinnitus for good! Despite what everyone has

been telling you, there is something you can do about your tinnitus – cure it! It really can be that

easy and it can be that wonderful, so what have you got to lose?

As a tinnitus sufferer you have been given the undeserved gift of sensitivity, just like the solitary

genius Beethoven. Instead of taking it and letting it control you, why not take back control over

your life? Instead of seeing it as a curse, why not take it as a blessing and a gift that can show and

teach you things about yourself you never were aware of? Instead of seeing it as a failure on your

part, why not look at it as a life lesson of survival and self-preservation? This guide book will

teach you how to heal your ears and keep other possible ear afflictions at bay.

Tinnitus is a serious affliction, but that doesn’t mean curing it cannot be a fun process! Keep your eyes

peeled for the wonders of the world: the amusing, the intriguing, the insightful. It will help divert your

thoughts from your condition easier. Keep your eyes peeled for the fun facts from each chapter. You’ll

discover snippets of cool information that will surely put a smile on your face!

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 13

Chapter 2

Tinnitus: Where From and Why?

In World War I parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower in Paris because of their

remarkable sense of hearing. When the parrots heard enemy aircraft,

they warned everyone of the approaching danger long before

any human ear would hear it.

When someone is first diagnosed with tinnitus they want to know what it is, how it manifests,

and how they can live with this disorder. Tinnitus is a very common condition- it's not a disease

or an illness, and it affects an estimated 50 million in the US alone. People want to know what

their condition is because naming it and understanding it makes it seem real and less of an

intangible thing. In order to fight against something, you have to be able to see it, touch it, and

understand- difficult to do when you are fighting a disease that has no obvious exterior

symptoms. By naming and understanding your condition you can be better prepared to fight

against it.

The roots of this condition are not exactly known but we can start with a basic understanding of

the condition and its symptoms. Tinnitus derives from the Latin word tinnitus which means


The medical definition for the condition is the perception of sound within the human ear

commonly referred to as a ringing of the ears when there is in fact no external sound at all.

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Medical experts stress that tinnitus is not a disease, but rather it is a condition that can be caused

by or made worse because of a wide range of underlying causes or stimuli.

Though tinnitus means "ringing," that is only one of many sounds that a person can hear when they are

suffering from this condition.

So far, two distinct forms of tinnitus have been discovered. Mayo Clinic specialists discuss these

two versions of tinnitus as subjective and objective. Subjective tinnitus refers to the sounds only

you can hear. This is the most common type of tinnitus. It can be caused by ear problems in your

outer, middle or inner ear. It can also be caused by problems with the hearing (auditory) nerves

or the part of your brain that interprets nerve signals as sound (auditory pathways).

Objective tinnitus refers to the sounds your doctor can hear as well, upon examination. This

rare type of tinnitus may be caused by a blood vessel problem, an inner ear bone condition or

muscle contractions.

Tinnitus Factors

There are several possible causes and factors that can make someone prone to developing this

disorder. A number of health conditions can cause or worsen tinnitus, but in many cases, an

exact cause is never found or conclusively diagnosed.

One of the most commonly cited causes of tinnitus is inner ear cell damage. Tiny, delicate hairs

line the inner ear and these hairs move in relation to the pressure and movement of sound waves

as they pass through the ear. This triggers the cells to send out electrical signal by means of the

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 15

auditory nerve directly to your brain.

Your brain interprets these signals as sound and then processes them. If these hairs inside

become damaged, bent, or broken, they can misfire the nerve impulses, thus sending random

electrical impulses to your brain- causing the noises, ringing, and sounds associated with

tinnitus. Other causes of tinnitus are closely associated with other ear problems, chronic health

problems or diseases, and injuries or conditions that involve the nerves and the brain.

The human year confines an intricate mechanism in which every single element plays an integral role in

the process of your hearing. Just think about the fact that the eardrum moves less than a billionth of an

inch in response to sound. The precision and fragility of our hearing system is astounding.

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Common Causes for Tinnitus

In a good number of cases diagnosed, tinnitus is caused by these main conditions:

Age-related hearing loss. It is very common for hearing to worsen as you age, and with

most people this begins somewhere around age 60 if there are not other factors or conditions to

make age hearing loss start sooner. Hearing loss can cause tinnitus as the brain tries to

overcompensate for the loss of sound receptions. The medical term for this type of hearing loss is


Exposure to loud noise. Being exposed to loud noises like gun fire, loud music, or

equipment over an extended period of time is a common source of noise-related hearing loss.

Sitting nearby loudspeakers at concerts (which can reach about 120 decibels) can damage your

hearing in just 7.5 minutes! This is also why many people report a ringing or a muffled feeling in

the ears after attending a loud concert or being close to firework displays. Tinnitus caused by

short-term exposure like this usually goes away; long-term exposure will often lead to

permanent and irreversible damage.

Earwax blockage. As a naturally produced substance, earwax helps to protect your ear canal

by trapping dirt and serving as a barrier against bacteria. When too much earwax accumulates

and becomes hard to wash out and clean away, it can lead to hearing loss or irritation of the

eardrum. This irritation can oftentimes lead to varying degrees of tinnitus.

Ear bone changes. Stiffening of the middle ear bones can happen over time and this may

affect your hearing. If the bones stiffen and twist into an odd position this can affect your hearing

and cause tinnitus. Tinnitus caused by abnormal bone growth tends to run in families and can

start at any age.

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Other Causes of Tinnitus

Some less common causes of tinnitus have also been noted and these include:

Meniere's disease. Tinnitus is thought to possibly be an indicator of Meniere's disease, a

disorder that affects the inner ear and may be caused by an imbalance in the ear fluid pressure

and flow. This condition can lead to tinnitus developing or it can make existing tinnitus even


TMJ disorders. Problems that are associated with the joint on either side of your head –the

temporomandibular joint – is where your jawbone meets your skull. Stiffness, grinding, and

misalignment of this joint can cause tinnitus and noise disturbances. This condition, combined

with tinnitus, can be very draining as the noise of tinnitus is combined with the popping and

grinding of the jaw with each and every movement.

Head and neck injuries. Trauma to the neck or head can affect the inner ear or the centers

of the brain that control hearing. These injuries are usually caused by impacts such as trips and

falls, accidents, or other injuries where the head is hit hard. Injuries like these generally cause

tinnitus in only one ear on the side of impact but severe head trauma can result in symptoms in

both ears. It is important to note that a head or neck injury can have immediate symptoms as

well as ones that take longer to show up, which means tinnitus can develop long after the injury.

Acoustic neuroma. This is a benign tumor that develops on the cranial nerve that connects

the brain and ears and controls volume sensitivity and processing of sound waves. It is not fully

understood what causes the tumor to form but it is known that the pressure it puts on the nerves

and blood vessels can impact the auditory receptors. Also called vestibular schwannoma, tinnitus

in this situation is usually limited to just one ear.

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Blood Vessel Disorders Linked to Tinnitus

In very rare cases, tinnitus is caused by a blood vessel disorder. The medical profession is still

trying to understand this apparent correlation and understand how the two are connected. This

type of tinnitus is called pulsatile tinnitus and it is thought to be caused by:

Tumors in the head or neck. A tumor in the head or neck can press on blood

vessels and compress them, causing a change in blood flow in the neck and head. That change

in pressure and flow can cause tinnitus as well as other symptoms to occur.

Atherosclerosis. With age and the impact of bad cholesterol, major blood vessels near

the middle and inner ear can stiffen and lose the ability to flex or expand with each heartbeat.

That causes more pressure with every heart beat and greater pressure on your inner ear. You

can usually hear your heartbeat all the time, not just after a lot of strenuous activity – this

makes people hyper sensitive and more prone to other tinnitus symptoms.

High blood pressure. Any condition that increases blood pressure can make tinnitus

more noticeable and pronounced. Things such as stress, alcohol, and caffeine will increase the

power, intensity, and duration of tinnitus symptoms. Both ears are usually affected by this

type of tinnitus unless there is blockage or some other condition also at work.

Malformation of capillaries. A condition called arteriovenous malformation

(AVM) can lead to odd blood flow and inner ear noises. This type of tinnitus most often is

detected in only one ear.

Medication that May Determine the Emergence of Tinnitus

Many people are surprised to hear that their tinnitus might be caused or greatly affected by the

medications that they are taking. There are several medications that are thought to be linked to

tinnitus and as a general rule, the higher the dose of medication, the worse tinnitus becomes.

Often the symptoms disappear or subside greatly when you stop using these drugs. Medications

known to cause or worsen tinnitus include:

Antibiotics like polymyxin B, erythromycin, vancomycin and neomycin

Cancer medications such as mechlorethamine and vincristine

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 19

Water pills (diuretics) such as bumetanide, ethacrynic acid or furosemide

Quinine medications used for malaria or other health conditions

Certain antidepressants

Aspirin taken in uncommonly high doses (usually 12 or more a day)

Foods That Impact Tinnitus

The food you eat, what you drink, and other lifestyle habits can impact your tinnitus symptoms.

In order to help you manage and ultimately cure your tinnitus, you must find out if there are

some food triggers that might be affecting the severity of your tinnitus. Here are some food and

drink culprits that can lead to a worsening of tinnitus symptoms.


Caffeine has a wide range of stimulant and other effects on the body,

many of which can aggravate and worsen any underlying health

conditions. Research studies have shown that caffeine can actually

make tinnitus worse in people who already suffer from the

condition as one of its main consequences is related to hyper activity

of the central nervous system. This in turn can make tinnitus symptoms significantly worse, more

noticeable and more prolonged. Avoiding or reducing the intake of caffeine by carefully

considering what food and drink is consumed is an important step to take in treating tinnitus.


Sugar, another very common stimulant, may also need to be cut back or eliminated from your

diet in order to help lessen your tinnitus symptoms. Sugar can aggravate health conditions like

diabetes and blood pressure, causing a direct impact on the severity and duration of your

tinnitus flare-ups.

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Alcohol is another substance that you can cut back on or eliminate from your diet to improve

tinnitus symptoms. Alcohol increases blood pressure, which increases the force of the blood as it

is pumped throughout the body. Alcohol can also lead to a dilation of the blood vessels, causing

an increase in the amount of pressure near the ears. This increase in pressure causes a more

pronounced heart beat and rushing sound in the ears.


Nicotine, while it is not technically a food or drink, is another common trigger for tinnitus. This

presents another reason to quit smoking as soon as possible in order to reduce and limit your

symptoms. A reduction of your tinnitus is just one more health benefit you can gain from

kicking the habit. If you are not ready to totally give up the cigarettes yet, then try and cut back

on the amount that you smoke each day and wean yourself down as much as you can. Cutting

back your nicotine intake by half or more could do wonders for your tinnitus and your overall

health too.

Battling Tinnitus and Staying Healthy

This is a common and frustrating condition that can significantly affect your

quality of life, especially if you deal with it on an ongoing basis for a long

period of time. Although it will affect you differently than it will others, if

you have tinnitus you also likely have experienced:

Fatigue – being tired and worn out mentally and physically from the

strain of living life with a hearing impairment. You can fight this by keeping

a moderate exercise routine and making sure you get out and do things you

enjoy as often as you can.

Stress – the worry, fear, and uneasiness that comes from having one of your senses limited and

feeling alone. Fighting stress is a big part of dealing with tinnitus. An easy way to stay calm and

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 21

relaxed is to meditate, practice yoga, and do things you enjoy that help you relax.

Sleep problems – due to discomfort, noises, pressure, pain, and the symptoms associated

with most cases of tinnitus. Look for triggers that may be making sleep difficult and make

changes to your routine and lifestyle to help promote good sleep habits.

Trouble concentrating – attention disorders, lack of focus, and mental lapses are common.

It can be hard to focus when you are in pain, but an easy way to combat this is to try and exercise

your brain every day. Work on puzzles, play word games, and try to learn something new each

and every day.

Memory problems – recollection and recall can be slowed and it can be harder to remember

things, even after just being told because it is difficult to hear. Memory can improve as your

attitude and outlook changes so try and look for the silver lining each day and find something

you can be thankful for. When you have a positive outlook your brain can function better and

your memory will improve.

Depression – feeling helpless, alone, and forgotten is common for those who feel isolated by

their hearing problems. Spending time with people you love and staying involved with hobbies

and activities that you enjoy is one of the best ways to fight depression. Even if you might not

feel like it, making yourself try to keep up with your hobbies and activities can be a huge help.

Anxiety and irritability – being stressed by sounds and noises in your

head can affect your mind and focus and make you feel on edge all the time.

Utilizing all the tips offered so far can be a big help and can make it easier to

get through the tinnitus flare ups and can help make you less anxious and

irritable during those difficult moments. Treating these linked conditions may

not affect tinnitus directly, but it can help you feel better and get back the

quality of life you want and deserve. That is one of the main focuses of this

program – to help you cure your tinnitus and get back to enjoying life once more.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 22


Getting the diagnosis with tinnitus can be a real blow to some people and everyone reacts to it

differently. It is important to remember everyone handles news like this differently and everyone

needs time to adjust and accept that their life is changing. Having to discover, all of a sudden,

that you are suffering from what appears to be a permanent condition can sometimes be

perceived as dramatically as the loss of a dear one. In which case, it is advised to look for a

coping method that will enable you to move on as fast and as healthy as possible. However, in

order to actually get better and not just feel better, you need to understand the hullaballoo of

thoughts and emotions you are experiencing now with reference to your tinnitus.

A highly popular theory, mostly used in cases of loss and grief and in the implementation of

change management strategies, is DABDA – the grief cycle developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth

Kubler-Ross, which stands for Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. You

surely must have heard about it, but have you ever considered applying it in your own, real-life

situations? This grief cycle is used nowadays in various situations, not only in those of coping

with a loved one’s death.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 23

The stages of acceptance start with denial. This is where you tell yourself that there really is

nothing wrong with you. That it will soon come to pass, that it’s just “a thing”. At this stage,

after getting the diagnosis, it is common to try and ignore it, deny it, and tell yourself that the

doctor is wrong and that you are not really in that bad of a condition. This is a common phase

and it is a very emotional time for people since they are still in shock over their diagnosis.

It then progresses to anger and the feelings of betrayal, fear and unfairness that come with a

medical diagnosis. You may feel angry at yourself, others, God, the doctors, or just the world at

large. It is okay to feel these things. If a loved one is working through this stage, you need to be

there for them but understand they have to cope on their own terms. There is no set time period

for how long someone should stay in this stage, but it should not disturb their normal activities

and life for an extended period of time.

Next is bargaining. This is the point where you try to make deals with yourself or some

higher power to take away your condition. You can try to bargain with yourself, saying that

you’ll change another aspect of your life if you can only get through this one. But many people

try to bargain with a higher authority, promising God that they will change their ways and

become better persons if He takes their condition away.

This all proceeds to the next stage, which is the inevitable feeling of hopelessness, often

followed by depression. This can be one of the hardest stages to work through and it usually

takes place when you are in need of help the most. At this point, it is very important to have

someone by your side and truly understand that you are not struggling with tinnitus by yourself.

If you have few relatives and friends or none, make sure to go through the solutions presented

below this section. Make sure to constantly talk to your friends and family, express your feelings

on a constant basis and reach out for every helping hand. You never know which kind word or

inspiring advice might do the trick!

The last stage is acceptance. This is where you finally come to terms with your diagnosis. You

are no longer trying to deny it or fight it, but rather decide to live your life to the fullest and do

anything you can to endure and to beat the diagnosis, rather than letting it beat or control you.

These stages may happen all at the same time, within a few days or weeks, or each stage may

take months to get through. It is only after you have accepted your diagnosis that you can begin

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 24

to take steps to actually make a difference and take back control of your life


There are plenty of ways in which you can successfully cope with the shock and dismay of your

diagnosis. No matter if you are facing this by yourself or with the help of close ones, taking extra

measures for your own well-being is always a good idea.

Meditation. The practice of meditation has been known to provide effective results for

hundreds upon hundreds of years. And it’s such an uncomplicated and handy task for

you! There are plenty of meditating techniques and breathing exercises which you only

need to perform once a day, for five minutes, to get your dark thoughts cleared out and

your mind back in peaceful balance. Here’s a quick starting guide for you, which you can

later on explore and enhance your meditative skills:


Get comfortable, close your eyes and start observing your own breathing: how it feels to

draw air in through your nose, down into your lungs and back out again through your

mouth. No need to control your breathing in any way. Simply watch. And Listen. Soon

enough, you will experience a soothing feeling as you acknowledge the rhythm and

substance of your own breathing.


This type of meditation enables you to be fully present in the

moment by bringing your attention to the sensations within

your body. You’ve already focused on your breath. Now it is

time to allow yourself to become aware of other sensations –

how you’re sitting, where you experience tension, tingling or

ease. The goal is to become a neutral observer of the

processes related to your own body. Try not to analyze

anything you experience or any thought that passes through

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 25

your mind. Simply observe, feel and listen.

Empty Mind

This technique is meant to enable you to become aware of the happenings around you

without any specific focus. Sit quietly and comfortably with your eyes closed and allow

thoughts to float freely in and out of your mind. As they come and go, observe them with

no judgment, no pondering and no lingering. You are a silent watcher; see where the trail

of thoughts leads you. Five minutes per day of each and/or one single technique will

positively impact your well-being and, consequently, your recovery process.

Support groups. One of the hardest things about tinnitus is there is no obvious

external symptoms and those coping with the condition often feel alone and isolated.

Being able to share your experience with others who have tinnitus may be helpful and

you can choose either face to face or online support groups.

Keeping a diary. Not only is it good practice and a nice past time, keeping a regular

diary helps you overcome more issues in your life than you might possibly imagine.

It has been scientifically proven that by writing down each night, for a whole month, ten

things that made you happy in the course of the day, you stand great chances of

becoming happier. This happens because your subconscious starts becoming more aware

of the positive things occurring in your life. You can start by general things, such as:

1) My parents are alive and well.

2) I live in a beautiful home.

And then progressively dive deeper, into particular events or details, things that you

wouldn’t usually bother recollecting, such as:

1) I found an empty parking space right across my workplace, where it’s usually packed by the

time I get to the office.

2) I helped an old lady cross the street and her touching smile of gratitude filled me with


You are soon to discover that the path towards healing is paved with many small,

apparently insignificant things, which put all together make for all the change in the


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Chapter 3

Choosing the Right Solution

The ear’s malleus, incus and stapes (otherwise known as the hammer, anvil and

stirrup) are the smallest bones in the human body. All three together could fit

together on a penny.

There are many options out there if you were to search for treatments

and cures for tinnitus, each one promising to offer the best results. One of the most commonly

recommended treatments is a system called Neuromonics. While it sounds promising when you

first start reading about it, there are many drawbacks to this system that makes it unavailable to

many people.

Neuromonics has been a genuine breakthrough in terms of treating tinnitus and its related

symptoms. Generally speaking, it is one of the leading hearing impairment treatments on the

market. The Neuromonics device, oftentimes called a Neuromonics Processor, is a small medical

device accompanied by earphones, which delivers a complex series of acoustic signals embedded

in music at a comfortable listening level. The sound stimulates a wide range of hearing and

emotional pathways, as well as sending impulses to the autonomic nervous system of the brain –

which in turn, decreases disturbance from tinnitus over the course of the treatment.

Neuromonics Fees and Costs

Upon entering the market, Neuromonics devices were commercialized by a large number of

providers; however, they were sold at an expensive price. As if that was not enough, you had to

pay for more than just the device itself. There are an abundant supply of accessories and

additional pieces that the device can’t work without and this all adds to the costs. It is quite

possible to end up paying thousands of dollars to be able to simply give the Neuromonics

treatment a try.

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Here's how the fees can stack up: First, in order to get a Neuromonics system, you will have to

secure an appointment at an audiology clinic or someplace that specializes in Neuromonics so

you can be diagnosed. Once the diagnosis has been given, which does not take much at all as far

as testing and review, you and the audiologist will sit down and discuss the various treatment

options that are available. This will cost you a pretty penny and you can easily expect to spend

somewhere in the hundreds for this initial appointment depending on your insurance plan and


The next step is to get the physical evaluation to determine the extent of your condition, the

severity of your symptoms, and to begin planning a specific treatment plan for your tinnitus. For

this part of the process they will likely place you in a special sound proof audio booth where you

will be subjected to a range of sounds, tones, pitches, and wave lengths in order to localize your

tinnitus and pinpoint the cause and seriousness of your condition. This phase alone can cost $500

or more and you have not even started any actual treatment yet. You have already potentially

paid close to a thousand dollars<and it's only getting started.

The Neuromonics device on its own can costs anywhere between $3000 and $4000. As if that was

not painful enough on the bank account, the device alone will not do you any good without the

audio files, a treatment plan, therapy schedule, and follow-up check-ups. All of this is by no

means cheap and will add more to your Neuromonics treatment cost – this part alone will

probably cost you another thousand, if not more!

At this stage of the treatment, when they finally start to get to the actual treatment stage, many

patients end up wondering:

How much of this expense will be covered by the plan and

insurance I currently have? What happens if the Neuromonics

device doesn’t work for me? Will I get a refund or will I have to eat

the cost?

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These are all very good questions and unfortunately the answers are usually not the best of news

for someone looking at Neuromonics as a treatment option. Despite the huge leap of faith and

financial investment required, a Neuromonics device does not have a 100% success rate. 90% yes,

but what happens if you fall into that 10% yourself? And these are only the recorded statistics we

have so far. Not everyone can be helped and not all patients are satisfied with the treatment.

Worst of all, far too few doctors will acknowledge this sensible fact and many seem to downplay

the drawbacks and to focus only on the perks and benefits without giving it a second thought to

the fact that the patient is about to invest serious money, perhaps his life savings, into a device

that may or may not work on him.

As Dr. Barbara Jenkins from Advanced Audiology Inc. says it herself: “Sometimes not all patients

are going to benefit from the Neuromonics device... If you have a patient with a specific type of hearing loss

that is outside the typical range, that is another time to talk to the audiologist at Neuromonics and give

them the specific details. It may or may not be a precluding factor for that patient, and if it is, then you

need to sort out different treatments that that patient may use.”

This statement undoubtedly makes room for the question: “What if I am one of the patients for

whom the Neuromonics will not work? What else is there?”

Finding the Sun after the Storm

When considering the possible tinnitus treatment options, you may well feel like giving up and

accepting that it is hopeless to try and cure yourself. However, there’s no reason to panic. Many

people have dealt with their tinnitus, found relief, and have been able to enjoy a fairly normal

and satisfying life.

The Tinnitus Terminator program has been designed to help you defeat the condition and take

back control of your life: responsibly, easy and as fast as possible. Although you have it all laid

out for you in this very book, one of the most important barriers you need to conquer is the

psychological one, the main factor that compounds the symptoms and is thought to possibly

even trigger tinnitus. Without it, your efforts will be in vain.

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In your shoes there have been others. Just like you, they have sought high and low for a cure and

they have prevailed. Just like you will too. You can be like one of these brave souls who took a

stand against tinnitus and fought it until the end. These are genuine stories, recounted by

genuine tinnitus warriors.

Joan, 49 – Asheville, North Carolina.

Although I’ve spent most of my adult life working in a loud, crowded old diner, it would be wrong of me to

say I haven’t had an enjoyable, eventful life. For over twenty years I have spent 12 or more hours a day in a

noisy kitchen. I also have two Cocker Spaniels that I love, however they bark all the time – so much so that

at times they give me a headache. It was about five years ago that I experienced the first major tinnitus

episode. It started as the dogs were doing their normal barking welcoming me home from a long day at

work, and for the first time in the seven years I have had them, the sound of their barking seemed

unbearable! Ever since that experience, it was physically painful to have the dogs around anymore because

their barking hurt my ears so much. I loved them so much and it killed me to even consider that I was

getting to the point of facing the option of having to give them away, which was as unbearable as the

thought of having to live with the horrible sound and the barking. But it wasn’t just the dogs; every once in

a while, especially in the evenings, the regular, muffled outdoor sounds would stab like a hot knife right

into my head. And sounds like loud police cars or ambulance sirens brought me to tears.

I went to a number of audiology clinics and specialists, but to no avail. Some of the doctors told me to try

the Neuromonics device, but there was no way I could afford it, and the other half of experts I talked to

suggested some therapies to help ease the tinnitus symptoms but that could not serve as a remedy. I didn’t

know what to do, it was like everyone was telling me to just deal with it – but I didn’t want to deal with it,

I wanted it to be gone. I was feeling so depressed and downtrodden until one day I heard a client in the

diner talking about the same type of problem and a miraculous program he’d found on the internet. Of

course I had to strike up a conversation and ask him about the treatment. Within a week I had started the

audio sessions and, to my utter surprise and joy, it worked! The insufferable noises stopped and now I am

back to enjoying life and making the most of the time I have with my dogs. I wanted to let others know that

this audio program does work and it does cure tinnitus!

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Charles, 57 – Cotulla, Texas.

I have always been a very busy person. I work in the life insurance business and have a beautiful home in

an active neighborhood. I enjoy being active with my wife and two kids. About three years ago, I had to

take my 15 year-old boy to an out of town rock concert since he did not have his license and could not

attend the event by himself. I wasn't thrilled with the idea because rock’n’roll isn’t exactly my thing, but I

wanted to make my son happy so off we went. Sitting in the front row, far too close to the giant speakers, I

was doing okay aside for the typical ringing and numbness from the noise, but then at a particular guitar

riff, it felt like something broke inside my year. A little pop and a twinge of pain shot through my ear,

followed by a powerful ringing that persisted even after the concert. For three days the ringing and

tingling were always there and I knew I needed to have it looked at. I went to the urgent care center, got

the diagnosis, and was recommended to visit a tinnitus center where I was told I could get proper care.

Of course I did as I was told, but after just two evaluations and no real treatments, and definitely no relief

from the tinnitus, I was shocked to find out that the final bill was $2000! Then they told me I would have

to spend another couple of grand on the Neuromonics device alone to be able to just try the treatment to see

if it worked for me! Of course I was frustrated and upset and refused to pay any of it and gave up on the

treatment – I resigned myself to a life of ringing ears and discomfort. Thankfully, just a couple of weeks

after the visit at the clinic, I met a man on a tinnitus forum who told me about something called the

Tinnitus Terminator program. So I got a copy of the program and started in on it and, in less than a

month, my symptoms were gone. I’m proud and happy to say I am now tinnitus free!

Zoey, 62 – Batavia, Genesee County, New York

My name is Zoey and I work as a manicurist in a beauty parlor in the downtown community square of my

town. My life was good and things were going well, or so I thought, but then I suffered the shock of my life

after my husband of 25 years left me for another woman. That was two years ago and at that moment I was

facing, at a not-so-young age, adjusting to a life of complete solitude since my ex and I didn’t have any

children or pets. Right after he delivered the shocking news to me I went into a deep depression and fell

very ill. During those months while we filed for divorce and right after he left me, I was in and out of the

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 31

hospital. It was during that time that I had developed a severe form of tinnitus. As if the constant,

annoying ringing in my ears was not enough punishment, I would wake up in the middle of the night

because of vague and annoying sounds I heard in my sleep, which to me sounded like explosions and sent

pain stabbing through my inner ear and head.

After tinnitus had been plaguing me for a few months and the realization that my husband had left me for

another woman sunk in, I fell into another bout of deep depression and anxiety attacks quickly ensued. I

felt so bad I didn’t even have the strength to go see a doctor and I refused psychological therapy because I

did not want someone to tell me I was crazy or insane. Finally, after about six months of this, a close friend

of mine intervened and helped me search for a cure. Just when we were about to give up, we finally

stumbled upon the Tinnitus Terminator program and I was glad to try it out and follow the procedure – I

was desperate for relief and was willing to give anything a try that didn’t cost me a fortune or involve

countless doctor visits.

One month later, I felt like a different person – it was absolutely amazing! Not only was my tinnitus gone,

but the depression was not as intense and I decide to get help to deal with the emotional trauma of my

husband leaving me – it has helped me so much. I finished my last Tinnitus Terminator therapy sessions 3

months ago and everything is great! I can enjoy my life again; I love being out and about, and spending

time doing the things I love! You can cure your tinnitus, just as I did, with this amazing program. Give it

a try and get your life back!

Pull your inspiration from these people and write your own success story! You can be free from the

burden of tinnitus and you have all the power you need. The Tinnitus Terminator has been

conceived with care and precision so as to provide you with the best solution. Trust this fact and

trust yourself, for this is all you need in the upcoming journey of healing.

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Chapter 4

Assess Yourself

At 115 dB, a baby’s cry is louder than a car horn. Also,

since we’re talking about babies, did you know that at birth,

the human ear can hear sounds as low as 20 Hertz (lower

than the lowest note on a piano) and as high as 20,000

Hertz (higher than the highest note on a piccolo)?

Now that you have read about the difference the Tinnitus Terminator treatment program has

made in the lives of people just like you, you are likely very excited to get started on the path to

curing your tinnitus. This is the point where you need to take a self-evaluation quiz to determine

the extent of your tinnitus and symptoms. After you have assessed your own tinnitus level, you

can then take a self-motivation test (also included here), which will help you discover more

about yourself and your sources of inspiration for making improvements in your health.

In most cases, the self-motivation test scores are rather low, which is why this program also

contains a set of self-motivation techniques that are meant to help you get started, help you feel

confident in your abilities and be assured that this program can work for you. We understand

how important it is for you to be able to trust the program you are putting your faith in and that

is the first and most essential step towards actual healing.

For this reason, the self-evaluation and motivation reviews are very important. Thomas J.

Brozoski, a tinnitus researcher at the Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine in

Springfield affirms that “tinnitus is not so much ringing in the ears as ringing in the brain.” That

is exactly what you need to understand – that tinnitus involves multiple parts of your mind and

body. Each part must be addressed and all needs met in order for you to fully restore your


Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 33


This questionnaire was created by reputed audiologists in order to find out the effects of tinnitus

on an individual’s lifestyle and general well-being. Some of the effects below may apply to you

and your unique situation and others may not. You will be able to assess your own answers.

You can start by answering every question by circling the number that best reflects how your

tinnitus and related symptoms have impacted you over the past week.

Make sure to print it out and complete it thoroughly.

Be honest with yourself as you work through these so you can get a true and accurate

result to base your treatment on.

Read each question and answer quickly. It is important to not take too long to think about

an answer because you do not want to second guess yourself and end up with false

responses. Try to get through this quiz as quickly as you can.


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Thank you for taking the time to honestly read through and answer these questions.

We understand it can be difficult to think about your tinnitus and examine how it has impacted

and changed your life. It is difficult but you are taking the first steps towards curing your

tinnitus and taking back control of your life.

A score higher than 17 is considered to be clinically significant for the condition. However,

regardless of the score, there are certain factors that indicate a more prominent necessity for the

audio therapy presented in the Tinnitus Terminator program, such as the indicators of

depression (questions 5, 8, 16, 19, 22, 24, 25 and 26) and the one connected to sleep issues

(question 23).

These depression indicators note a problem with depression. While your tinnitus can be a

serious issue you have to deal with, depression can be an even more severe problem. This is why

it is helpful and also very important to know how bad your depression is. Dealing with the

depression and getting relief from that will be a huge help too. It is recommended that you pay

special attention to the depression indicators and seriously look at your scores and figure out the

best way to deal with any depression that might be holding you back. In a similar way, the

indicator of sleep problems also needs to be carefully noted and considered. Lack of sleep can

impact every aspect of your life and can have a negative effect on every major system of your

body – including mental processes, nerve communication, hormone levels, and oxygen flow, all

of these can impact your tinnitus!

So, even if you have not scored more than 17 on the test, but you have circled a 4 or 5 on these

specific questions, it is necessary that you perform the audio therapy outlined in this program

every single day of the treatment schedule in order to see the results you want and need. The

personalized treatment scheme, based on this score, will be detailed in chapter 5 – The Healing


For now, we will continue on to the next quiz.

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Self-Motivation Quiz

Here is your self-motivation quiz. Make sure to print it out below before you start.

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For each statement, make your selection in the column that best describes you. You have the

corresponding scoring point for each type of answer.

Please answer the questions based on how you actually feel/are instead of how you want to feel.

Don't worry about your answers; there is no right or wrong score. The purpose of this quiz is to

help you understand better what motivates you and how you can maximize your motivation and

commitment to the Tinnitus Terminator program once you start. Answer each question quickly

and honestly, just as you did with the self-evaluation quiz. When you are finished, we will work

on the Score Interpretation, displayed below.


You’ve achieved 44-60 points

That’s great! You get things done and you don't let anything stand in your way. You make a

conscious effort to stay self-motivated and you spend significant time and effort on setting goals

and acting to achieve those goals.

You’ve achieved 28-43 points

You're doing OK on self-motivation. However, you could achieve much more. To be able to obtain

what you want, you will need to increase the motivation factors in all aspects of your life.

You’ve achieved 12-27 points

You allow your personal doubts and fears to keep you from succeeding. You need to break this

harmful pattern as soon as possible and start believing in yourself again.

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Mastering the Art of Motivation

Abraham Harold Maslow lived from 1908 to

1970 and was one of the most reputed

American psychologists. He was a professor

at Brandeis University, Brooklyn College, New School

for Social Research and Columbia University. He is

best known for developing the famous Hierarchy of

Needs. This theory of development and psychological

health says that true fulfillment of human potential comes from fulfilling innate human needs

from basic to the highest level of self-actualization. He stressed the importance of focusing on

the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as nothing more than their

symptoms and conditions. His hierarchy of needs has come to play an important role in

motivation, development, and human growth.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, every one of us has unsatisfied needs and desires

(from basic to complex ones) that influence behavior. Once basic needs, such as hunger and thirst

have been met, we are then able to focus on other needs and work towards the satisfaction of the

next level of needs. The higher levels of need include safety and health and this is followed by

friendship and love. These levels continue to build until the highest level is achieved – self-

actualization. Maslow’s hierarchy consists of the following five needs, listed from the most

complex to basic:

1. Self-actualization (morality, creativity)

2. Self-esteem (achievement, confidence)

3. Love/Belonging (friendship, partnership, family)

4. Safety (security of oneself, the family, property)

5. Physiological (food, water, breathing)

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 39

Motivate Yourself

A key part of building a strong sense of self-motivation is to maintain a strong focus, set goals and

look at each day on its own. The path to overcoming your tinnitus and building your motivation is

a journey, with ups and downs, small victories and hardships, and not something that happens

overnight, so it is important to take things one day at a time. When you approach things this way,

it gives you focus, a clear sense of direction and the self-confidence that comes from recognizing

your own achievement and the satisfaction you get from reaching your goals. Sounds tough but it

can be a lot easier if you know how to start and how to stay motivated. So here is what’s in store

for you, to begin your journey and become a much more self-motivated person.

1. Maintain a Strong Motivation Day In and Day Out

Much of the inner strength you gain from being motivated allows you to be focused and you a

clear direction day in and day out. Motivation comes from inside yourself as well as from outside

sources like family and friends. Internal motivation comes from the desire you have within

yourself to accomplish something. External motivation comes from the desire you have to make

others happy or proud. Many people struggle with remaining motivated during the course of

tinnitus treatment simply because it is something new and it may be difficult at first. But you can

use the internal and external motivation to help you get through it.

Your goals and aspirations are what motivate you – to be tinnitus free, to be able to spend time

with friends and family again, and to enjoy life as you once were able to.

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These are the motivating goals that will help you get through any challenge you face in this

program and elsewhere in life. This has to be your journey and the results will only be as good as

the effort you put into it. It can be challenging but it is all well worth it and that is what you have

to focus on day in and day out, especially on the days won’t feel like doing the audio treatments.

2. Focus on Setting Only Positive Goals

Human nature tends to focus on the negative, on what you don't want. It's simple to know what

you want to avoid, what you are afraid of, and what you don't like. But it is much harder to

pinpoint exactly what makes you happy or motivated, and it is hard at times to be able to clearly

define your goals in life. To get anything done, you have to start thinking in terms of positive

goals instead of negative fears. This is especially important when working on something life-

changing like curing yourself of tinnitus. The way you form your goals can make all the

difference in the world.

Instead of the goal being "I don't want to deal with tinnitus anymore", a better goal is "I'd like

to be able to enjoy watching TV with my family again." The latter is much more realistic and

more doable. And it is also a lot less intimidating and overwhelming!

Also, when you have more than one goal set in mind, try to schedule your time and resources as

effectively as possible. You can achieve the “focus” element of self-motivation by prioritizing

your tasks and setting up a schedule that will help you accomplish your goals in a productive

and less stressful way. Working up to exhaustion or giving up on one goal for another is not the

way to do it, so if you have the tendency to work this way, try to control your habits and always

keep in mind that a balanced schedule and organization work wonders. Remember, it’s all about


Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 41

3. Start Off at a Good Pace

To help you maintain a forward progress on your

tinnitus treatment, consider these important aspects:

Clarity – Effective goals are the ones that are specific

and based on you rather than your surroundings or

outcomes. A goal for the tinnitus treatment would be

to see a reduction in your tinnitus symptoms.

Challenge – Goals need to present enough of a challenge to be interesting but no so difficult that

you get discouraged. A goal for tinnitus treatment would be to get all the audio files done by the

end of the program.

Commitment – Goals should be attainable and should be relevant to where you are in life rather

than where you want to be a long time from now. A goal for tinnitus treatment would be to see

improvement every day, rather than expecting to get to where you were before tinnitus affected


Feedback – It is important to monitor your progress and reward yourself with good feedback

and incentives as you progress towards those goals. This book contains a tracking sheet of your

progress, however you can always turn for feedback to a loved one, someone who is always close

to you and can assess your progress objectively.

Understand Goal Complexity – If the goal you are reaching towards involves complex work or

something that is really challenging for you, make sure that you are not too hard on yourself.

When something is hard it is easy to make mistakes and get discouraged. A goal for tinnitus

treatment would be to do the daily audio files, even when you do not feel like it – acknowledge

the challenge and do it anyway

4. Keep Track of Your Progress

As humans we have to have purpose and direction in order to feel like our lives matter. And this

doesn't just apply to our own self-actualization – we seek purpose and meaning in our jobs, in

every one of our relationships, and even in our hobbies. If something is not filling a need, we

don't want to do it. So when it comes to fighting your tinnitus and working towards the goal of

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 42

being tinnitus free, you need to keep track of your behavior and your progress. It will give you

purpose and motivation!

Remember that you need to track your behaviors as well as the results. The results will give you

a way to look back and see how much progress you have made and how far you have come. The

results will also help you see what methods, lifestyle and habit changes work best for you.

Tracking your behaviors can also help you identify triggers and warning signs. It is easy to keep

track of things with a notebook or with a simple tracking form. Record your thoughts, feelings,

and activities as well as how your tinnitus was at that time.

This written track record will help you identify patterns and problem areas you need to watch

for. If your tinnitus is usually worse when you are angry or upset then you can look for those

feeling and try to prepare for them and minimize the impact it can have on your tinnitus.

Tracking and writing things down is one of the best ways you can record your experience with

Tinnitus Terminator and to get the maximum benefit from it. Here is a simple tracking form you

can use for your own tracking:

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Date Time Activity Feelings/Emotions Tinnitus

01/01/15 Morning Drinking coffee and reading


Frustrated 45 min flare


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5. Take Breaks When Needed

Human beings are not designed to be machines. Even if they were, machines need breaks now

and then too, or they wear out. Studies have shown that taking breaks throughout the course of

working on a difficult task helps improve focus, drive, motivation and results. Specifically,

according to Psych Central specialists, “new findings overturn traditional theory about the

nature of attention and demonstrate that even brief diversions from a task can dramatically

improve one’s ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods. The brain gradually stops

registering a sight, sound or feeling if that stimulus remains constant over time. For example,

most people are not aware of the sensation of clothing touching their skin. The body becomes

‘habituated’ to the feeling and the stimulus no longer registers in any meaningful way in the


Just as our computers need to be rebooted or put to 'sleep' when not in use, our brains need

downtime too.

Breaks are not for the lazy – far from it! They're for those who understand that downtime can

help keep the mind going. It's up to you to gauge when those breaks need to be – when you start

to feel stressed, frazzled, frustrated, bored, depressed or agitated, just stepping away from what

you are doing and taking on something different can make all the difference in the world.

For instance, say you were working on your tinnitus protocol and you were having a really bad

flare-up and the day's session was not going well. After ten minutes you had to stop and were

feeling frustrated, so you decided to take a walk. On your walk, you noticed that your tinnitus

was not as noticeable when you walked by your neighbor's house while their sprinklers were

going. In this case, taking a break led to a huge revelation for you! This is one random example;

you may experience other different happenings that will bring about serendipity moments in

your life, all due to a well—deserved break taken on perfect timing.

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6. Use Rewards to Stay Motivated

While it is true that rewards can be a powerful motivator, this is a step that must be considered

carefully. The last thing you want to do is start associating every success, milestone, or

achievement with things like expensive shopping trips, candy bars, ice cream, or other unhealthy

and unwise activities. However, rewards can be powerful and when they are used sparingly and

efficiently they can prove very helpful for motivating yourself.

When you've completed something, especially something that was a big challenge for you, it is

okay to do something to reward yourself. Was it tough getting through that 15 minute tinnitus

session today? Then reward yourself with a special treat at dinner. Did you manage to ignore the

tinnitus and push it aside during that meeting at work? Reward yourself for a job well done with

a cup of coffee the next morning.

Small rewards can be just as powerful as the big expensive ones. You know your likes, wishes,

and desires better than anyone else so tailor your rewards to the things you enjoy. Love

gardening? Make one of the rewards some new plants for the flower bed. Enjoy swimming?

Have one of your rewards be a trip to the beach on the weekend. Be creative and look to the

things you love and the things that bring you the most pleasure in life. You do not want to go

overboard or you will just be switching out the problem of your tinnitus for a problem of

overindulgence, but done in moderation and in the right way, rewards can be a positive way to

motivate yourself each and every day!

7. Don't be Afraid of Making Mistakes

The journey to success if oftentimes a journey into the unknown, and that means things may not

always go smoothly or according to plan. Mistakes will happen so long as you are moving,

growing, and improving. If you do not let them get you down and if you do not let them get you

off track, mistakes are actually a good thing. They do indeed serve a purpose – they are a great

teaching opportunity for you to see where your strengths and weaknesses are and where you

need to work a little more. Do not fear mistakes. They will happen, so make the best of them and

try to learn from them.

One of the biggest concerns people who start tinnitus treatments have is the fear of being

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 46

embarrassed by friends and family members. They worry about what people will think when

they find out about their tinnitus or when someone sees them working on their audio sessions.

They worry about making a mistake of slipping up and others finding out. The fear of “looking

stupid” has haunted each and every one of us at a certain stage in our lives and has kept us from

trying new things. It is in our nature to stay put in our comfort zone. But for effective results to

show up, you sometimes need to do things you don’t always feel comfortable doing. And this

applies to healing yourself from tinnitus as well.

When it comes to your time working through the Tinnitus Terminator protocol, you will need to

remember that you may make mistakes, you may not stay on track, you may not be able to do as

much as you want at first, but that does not mean you are weak or a failure. You have the power

to cure your tinnitus; you just have to keep pressing on, even when mistakes happen.

8. Control Your Environment

Many of the tips and advice given on staying motivated stem from internal sources – your own

thoughts, desires, attitude, and goals. There is one very important external factor that affects

your motivation, and it is one you actually have some degree of control over: your social

environment. This refers to the people you surround yourself with and that you associate with.

All these people can have an effect on your mood and your motivation.

Think about the people you are around – when your nearby co-worker is always complaining to

you, you tend to start feeling irritated and pessimistic too. On the flip side, if your co-worker is

optimistic, polite and cheerful, that attitude tends to rub off on you to some extent.

While you cannot control who you work with or who is in your family, you can, to some extent,

choose who you spend time with and who you invest your feelings in. Try, as much as you can,

not to associate with pessimistic people at work beyond what is needed at your job.

Attend family events and gatherings, but try to spend your time with positive people if your

family doesn’t always provide the comfort and good vibes you’re looking after.

Your living environment has a direct influence on your motivation levels. Any place that you

spend your day – the bedroom, home, car, office, and any places you go and visit – these are all

part of your living environment.

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Distractions, negative influences and other factors can have a huge impact on your motivation

and your overall success at any task you undertake. The less distractions there are, the more

likely you are to become motivated. The less negative influence you have to endure day in and

day out, the more likely you will be to find success at the tasks at hand. Avoid TV if it makes you

feel depressed. Stop going to the club if you always suffer mentally and physically in the

morning. Make conscious choices about the way you live life, the places you go, and the things

you do to make a positive impact. You are working to cure your tinnitus so make choices that

compliment that goal rather than sabotage it.

The path to overcoming your tinnitus hinges on your ability to keep and maintain motivation.

This is a journey that you are embarking on. It is not something that will come about overnight,

so it is important to take things as they come and keep pressing on. You will have good days

and bad days. That is normal and to be expected. The thing to remember is that you will need

to keep pressing on each and every day. When you approach things this way, it gives you focus,

a clear sense of direction, and the self-confidence that comes from recognizing your own

achievement and the satisfaction you get from reaching your goals. Some days it will be easy and

others days it will be tough, but it can be a lot easier when you know how to get yourself

motivated and stay motivated. So just keep in mind that, no matter, how hard things get a little

faith and a drop of enthusiasm will take you all the way!

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Chapter 5

The Healing Program

Did you know that crickets have hearing organs in their knees?

This chapter is what you have been waiting for! Now is the time that

we start digging into the meat of the Tinnitus Terminator program and we can now present the

structure of the audio therapy and walk you through how each audio works.

How It Works

The auditory cortex of the brain is the area

responsible for processing sounds in the brain by

receiving, interpreting, and processing those

signals into the unique and distinguishable sounds

we hear. Music activates far more than just that one

area in the brain such as regions associated with

emotions, movement and memory. This is why

audio therapy is a complex and scientifically

proven technique used in improving and healing

various conditions that have to do with hearing and

minor mental difficulties such as memory, stress,

and focusing ability.

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The American Tinnitus Association affirms that ‚there are two related reasons for the success of

sound therapy. First, environmental sounds make tinnitus less noticeable. Second, we perceive

sound in relative terms. We have all experienced that our tinnitus is more noticeable in very

quiet environments. It’s like a candle in a dark room. A dim candle flame is relatively bright in a

dark room. In a brightly lit room, however, the candle flame is relatively ‘dimmer.’ And because

we perceive in relative terms, it is perceptually a different light.‛

What this means is that by having nothing else around to distract and divert attention, tinnitus is

what gets the full focus and attention and it becomes hard to ignore. An easy way to overcome

this is to add other distractions to reduce the obviousness of the tinnitus sounds. Just as a candle

in a dark room is very noticeable, when there is another light source, the candle is not as bright.

Audio treatments for tinnitus work to mask and hide the tinnitus sounds among other normal

sounds we hear throughout the day so it is not as noticeable. ‚If we manipulate the sound

surrounding the tinnitus, then the tinnitus becomes less noticeable. And because we hear in

relative terms, while the tinnitus is objectively the same, it is a relatively ‚dimmer‛ sound in a

carefully controlled sound environment” (American Tinnitus Association). This is the basis for

the Tinnitus Terminator program and why sounds on audio files and training the ear is an

integral part of the treatment for tinnitus. This is where this program differs so greatly from

many other sound treatment plans that are out there on the market today.

Unlike many other treatments that profess to cure tinnitus, there is no need to take any

medication during the course of this healing process. You have everything you need to cure your

tinnitus already; you just need the plan and the reduction to bring it all together. There are no

medications or drugs involved in the Tinnitus Terminator program. In fact, you should avoid the

following medication, as they have been proven to interfere with tinnitus treatment and can even

make it worse:



antimalarial drugs

large doses of aspirin

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 50

During the course of this 30-day program, we recommend you not to take any of the medication

above if it is at all possible. If you are currently taking antibiotics or any other drugs mentioned

above, please complete your treatment before you start the tinnitus relief plan.

It can also be very beneficial to limit your intake of alcohol, coffee, nicotine and any other

stimulants or caffeinated substances. This program is designed to help experience a sensation of

cleansing, healing and renewal, both in the physical and psychological sense.

The Tinnitus Terminator Treatment Plan


What sets this plan apart from all the others out there is that the way you go about treating your

tinnitus is dependent on how severe your case is. We offer a personalized treatment plan based

on your score from the self-evaluation test. So, before anything, make sure you’ve taken the

self-evaluation test on page 32. After that, check out your score and see, based on the

information below, which test score group you fit in.

- If you scored under 17:

Week 1

Choose 2 days of the week (Monday to Sunday), and listen to the tracks listed on the Balanced

Therapy CD 1, for Week 1, according to the audio instructions.

You can listen to the tracks on whichever 2 days are best suited for you, from Monday to Sunday.

Click HERE for quick access to the Balanced Therapy CD for Week 1.

Week 2

Choose 4 days of the week (Monday to Sunday), and listen to the tracks listed on the Balanced

Therapy CD 1, for Week 2, according to the audio instructions.

You can listen to the tracks on whichever 4 days are best suited for you, from Monday to Sunday.

Click HERE for quick access to the Balanced Therapy CD for week 2.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 51

Week 3

Choose 4 days of the week (Monday to Sunday), and listen to the tracks listed on the Balanced

Therapy CDs 2 and 3, for Week 3, according to audio instructions.

You can listen to the tracks on whichever 4 days are best suited for you, from Monday to Sunday.

Click HERE for quick access to the Balanced Therapy CD for the first part of week 3.

Click HERE for quick access to the Balanced Therapy CD for the second part of week 3.

- If you scored 17 or above:

First 10 Days

Listen for the following 10 days to the tracks listed on the Intense Therapy CD 1, for Week 1,

according to the audio instructions.

Click HERE for quick access to the Intense Therapy CD for the first 10 days.

Next 10 Days

Listen for the following 10 days to the tracks listed on the Intense Therapy CD, 2 for Week 2,

according to the audio instructions.

Click HERE for quick access to the Intense Therapy CD for the following 10 days.

Final 10 Days

Listen for following 10 days to the tracks listed on the Intense Therapy CD 3, for Week 3,

according to the audio instructions.

Click HERE for quick access to the Intense Therapy CD for the final 10 days.

Alright! Now you know what category you fit in and what audios you need to listen to, based on

the breakdown above. Make sure you write down your audio listening schedule and keep it

somewhere visible, so as to not get confused.

The quality of the noise and its spectrum has been adjusted to maximize efficacy. However,

before starting the program, take a few moments to check your computer or digital player and

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 52

make sure the speakers are set to a comfortable volume. The sound therapy treatment is meant to

help your hearing, not damage it.

Have your system set to a level that you can hear the audio at a comfortable level.

This is a very important step and you need to make sure you check the volume levels before you

start every session, just in case someone adjusted the volume or you are particularly more

sensitive in a given day.

As you prepare to start your first session, you are most likely wondering why this type of

therapy works and what it will do for you. For many people, the goal of audio tinnitus

treatments is to help them learn to cope with their condition and help with habituation. The

Hearing Health Foundation defines habituation as “a reduction in your perception of the

tinnitus even in the presence of it, and it is often the goal of sound therapy programs. The

exception may be when using an external sound to mask the tinnitus, during which the goal is

immediate relief rather than habituation.‛

With the Tinnitus Terminator program, the goal is to actually cure your tinnitus, getting to the

point where it is gone or no longer noticeable over the sounds you experience day in and day


Those who have tinnitus that seems to flare up when there are other noises present can benefit

greatly from this type of program. That is because sound therapy actually works by making the

perception of the tinnitus less noticeable in relation to the background sound that is delivered

through the sound therapy device.

This is where Tinnitus Terminator starts, but it goes much further than simply masking your

tinnitus and making it easier to ignore.


I’m going to share with you my own personal secret for staying healthy and in great shape. It is

something that I’ve started using during the Tinnitus Terminator program and I’ve made it a

daily habit ever since.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 53

My secret is a powerful superdrink called . It’s the best thing I’ve done for Organifi Green Juice

the health of my body in years and it actually put a speed on my tinnitus recovery! It’s been

recommended to me by a doctor friend and, believe me, it’s 100% natural, free of those nonsense

ingredients most superdrinks advertise on the market today.

I’m willing to share this with you if you promise to use it with the Tinnitus Terminator Audio


All you need to do is . It’s that simple! Plus, you drink one glass of Organifi green juice a day

won’t need a blender, or any expensive ingredients to prepare it. It’s ready made for you in

powder shape. You just mix it with fresh water and it’s ready to drink!

Just click the image below and you’ll be taken straight to the , presentation webpage of Organifi

where you will find out everything you need to know about this product.

Trust me, it works!


Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 54

So let’s get started!

! You are free to choose the time of day that best suits your schedule, but you should keep in

mind that morning hours between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. are the most effective. You can drink

the Organifi green juice at any hour of the day, before or after your meals.

During your sessions you will listen to the recorded audio files and follow the schedule that will

be explained below. Each audio piece lasts for 15 minutes and contains different sounds, tones,

and pieces that are designed to help you adjust and correct your tinnitus issues naturally.

The reason these audio tracks and the Tinnitus Terminator therapy plan work is because it

focuses on correcting issues with the communication between the brain and the ear. It works to

improve the auditory mapping and correct gaps and misfires between the nerves that receive

and transmit signals to the brain. According to Sound Therapy Perth, auditory mappings are the

patterns we learn to recognize through repeated firing or certain groups of neurons in our

auditory cortex. Sound only makes sense to the degree that the brain can perceive the sounds it

receives, and this is strictly connected to our auditory mapping patterns. When our auditory

system is injured or disturbed in any way, the parts of the brain responsible for hearing re-map

themselves. This is how wonderful our brains work!

It is with this desire in mind, to help people like you overcome their tinnitus and take back

control of their lives, that the Tinnitus Terminator program has been created. There is no need to

suffer another day, wishing you could enjoy the things you miss the most. Control your life and

beat tinnitus!

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 55

Chapter 6

Track Your Progress

Did you know that ears are not only for hearing, they also aid in balance?

In order to track your progress and see the great gains you are making in your tinnitus

treatment, you will need to fill out a custom-made tracking sheet for each day of the program.

The track sheet will be completed in the evening, preferably before going to bed. We recommend

that you give yourself five to ten minutes to fill the daily record out so you can spend a few

minutes pondering over the day’s events and reflecting on how intense your tinnitus was and

how you were feeling.

The track sheet has a row for each day of the program and the following columns:

AUDIO SESSION: Mark the day's space with an “X” if you have not performed the exercise that

day. If you do listen to the day's audio session you will need to write down how much time you

spent listening to the audio track.

MOOD: Use a few words to describe how you were feeling that day. Use a few adjectives and

record your overall mood – happy, nervous, sad, depressed, frustrated, and so forth. This is an

important step as it can help you see how your overall mood impacts your tinnitus.

NUMBER OF TINNITUS EPISODES: Here is the place for you to write down the exact number

of tinnitus episodes you had for that particular day. Be sure you make note of the exact time

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 56

frame, duration, and severity of each episode for that day.


Day 1 – About 15 minutes before bed, begin filling out your track sheet. Find the column for

Day 1 and mark whether or not you did the audio session that morning, along with how long

you did the session for. In the following column, jot down a few words to describe your mood

during the day. Was it a rough day at work? Then you can write down frustrating, annoying, hard.

Was it a good day at work, with friends or family? Then you might write down instead exciting,

fun, uplifting, rewarding. These are only examples, but you should write exactly how that day felt

for you, in your own words.

The next three columns are for recording your tinnitus episodes – make note of the time,

frequency, and severity of each episode you’ve had during the day. Once everything is filled

out spend the last few minutes reflecting over the day and how you felt physically, mentally, and


If the day was good, spend some time focusing on those positive aspects and see what you can

carry over to tomorrow. If the day could have been better, then find something positive to focus

on and resolve to make tomorrow better. End the day on a positive note and go to bed resolved

to make the most of what the morning will bring.

Here is the full Tinnitus Terminator track sheet that you will need to use during the entire 30 day

treatment course. Make sure to print it out beforehand.

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Chapter 7

Keep Up The Good Work!

Did you know that fish do not have ears, but they can “hear”

pressure changes through ridges on their bodies?

Once you have started on the path to curing your tinnitus and living a life free of the buzzing,

whirling, clicking and annoying sounds of the condition, you will want to protect your hearing.

For many people, their tinnitus is caused by external factors and damage is caused by external

stimulants such as noise. After living with tinnitus you will value clarity in your ears much more

so you should do everything in your power to protect your hearing. There are simple but

important steps you can take each and every day to help prevent tinnitus from coming back.

Start implementing these now, even as you start to work through the Tinnitus Terminator

program and especially once you have cured your tinnitus.

Avoid Loud Noises as Much as Possible

Loud noises can wreak havoc on your ears and destroy your hearing. Rock concerts are an

obvious culprit as it is almost impossible to attend one and not leave with ringing in the ears.

Many people are surprised to learn that many other things are actually too loud for long term

exposure. Would you believe that you can damage your hearing by not protecting your ears

while mowing the lawn, listening to music, watching a car race, or attending an outdoor

community event? It’s true!

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 59

According to the Hearing Health Foundation, any sound above 80 decibels can damage your ears

– that includes things like traffic, lawn equipment, power tools, concerts, sirens, planes taking

off, and fireworks.

It is of course not practical to try to avoid loud noises all of the time, but you can limit your

exposure. Hearing an ambulance drive by won't damage your hearing but if you work as an

ambulance driver you might have something to worry about. Listening to music is fine but if it’s

too loud for too long it will cause damage. The key is to avoid loud noises when possible and

limit your exposure to them when they are unavoidable.

Turn the Volume Down

“Teenagers might disagree, but louder isn’t better. Just ask any factory worker, rock musician, or coal

miner who suffers from hearing loss or deafness in their later years. The louder the music, the more likely it

will become distorted. In fact, music sounds better at lower levels that don’t harm your ears. So drop the

volume on your TV, cell phone, iPod, and car stereo and give your ears the break they deserve.” (House of


Music is a wonderful gift, and as shown with the Tinnitus Terminator protocol, it can even help

cure tinnitus. However, when you listen to music for too long at too high a decibel, it will

damage your hearing. A ringing sound afterward is common but over time it gets worse, takes

longer to go away, and ultimately can lead to a full blown case of tinnitus.

If you have had tinnitus and are working at curing it and restoring your hearing, you will want

to be even more conscientious about the volume of the music you listen to.

The Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at Northwestern University

recommends following the 60 percent/30 minute rule, meaning listeners should set their MP3

players and the like to a sound level no more than 60 percent of the maximum volume – just over

halfway between off and maximum – and use ear buds or headphones no more than 30 minutes

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 60

a day. You have to make a conscious effort to protect your hearing by reducing the impact loud

music has on your ears.

Use Earplugs Around Loud Noises

If you look closely at people who work in noisy environments such as construction sites,

landscape crews and auto shops, chances are you will spy something small but very important:

earplugs in just about everyone’s ears. If you go to a gun range you will notice that the serious

gunmen all have some sort of ear protection. At a concert you’ll likely see the crew members and

stage hands wearing earplugs too. Landscapers also make use of these protective devices when

they are using mowers, trimmers, leaf blowers and other loud pieces of equipment. Earplugs are

inexpensive and can be found at any hardware store or supply store and they fit comfortably

inside your ear and keep noise to a safe level.

Use Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Many people prefer the comfort of noise canceling headphones over standard ear plugs. There

are many different types and styles but they all function in the same basic way – shielding the

entire ear from sound waves and vibrations. “Noise canceling headphones reduce ambient noise.

Simply flip a switch and the noise around you decreases, which means you can reduce the volume of your

music, which is great for your ears” (House of Hearing). Many people use these headphones when

listening to music but there are also models available that are just for wearing during noisy

activities such as operating power tools or watching a firework show. These headphones are also

good to use while mowing the lawn, riding in airplanes, or in any situation where you may be

exposed to loud noise for an extended period of time. People who have suffered from tinnitus or

who are at an increased risk for developing the condition often find that noise canceling

headphones are a great options for protecting their hearing.

Get Regular Hearing Checkups

One of this best things you can do to help protect your hearing is to make sure you get regular

checkups and that you are open and upfront with friends, family members, and your doctor

about any issues or concerns you have. It is surprising that most people wait for years and

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 61

suffering with hearing disorders or hearing loss before they every start to seek help and

treatment. If you have been suffering with tinnitus for a long time, this might have been you

years ago. After completing this program, be sure to guard it closely.

If you ever have concerns about your hearing, do not put off trying to find a solution.

That is a big part of what makes the Tinnitus Terminator program so wonderful and so effective.

You can use it time and time again whenever you need. The majority of people who cure their

tinnitus with this protocol have lasting results, but a handful will see their hearing start to slip

again because of lifestyle choices or other factors. The Tinnitus Terminator program is designed

to be used any time you may need it. If you continue to protect your hearing your tinnitus will

become a thing of the past, but if you do find that you need help again, simply repeat the


Practice Routine Hearing Detox

Just like your muscles need a break after a rigorous workout routine, you need to give your ears

some recovery time after they’ve been exposed to loud noise. It is recommended that you give

your ears at least 12- 18 hours of rest for every two hours spent at a noise level above 90-100

decibels. Reducing this recovery time increases the risk of permanent injury to the delicate inner

ear. This rest and recovery period means you need to try and limit your exposure to music that is

much louder than conversations or moderate traffic noise as much as possible.

Reduce Stress

Stress has been shown time and time again to make us unhealthy and have an effect on every

organ and system of the body. It causes hormonal imbalances, increased blood pressure, blood

and oxygen depletion, and a host of other serious health conditions. For some people, their

tinnitus is tied to internal factors such as blood pressure, hormones, muscle tension, mental focus

and similar factors. All of these can be directly impacted by stress. Stress happens, there is no

avoiding it, but you can learn to reduce stress and change the way you react to it.

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Practice yoga, meditate, go for a walk, listen to some soothing music, talk to an accountability

buddy, or find something to help you deal with the stress in a healthy way.

Avoid Using Cotton Swabs When Cleaning Your Ears

For years you most likely have been using cotton swabs to clean out your ears. Your mother and

her mother used them, so why shouldn't you? Unfortunately, cotton swabs can damage your

ears and hurt your hearing, especially if you have been suffering from tinnitus or are prone to

developing tinnitus symptoms. Cotton swabs can damage the delicate hairs in your ear that

trigger the nerves to pick upon sound waves. They can also damage the ear drum if the swabs

are pushed too far into the ear.

And finally, cotton swabs can spread bacteria, making you more prone to ear infections.

Help Others with Their Tinnitus

Few things can bring as much joy and satisfaction to an individual as helping someone else in

their time of great need. As someone who has suffered with tinnitus and now found a way to

cure it, you can help others who are also suffering from the effects of this condition. Talk to

others you know who have tinnitus and tell them about Tinnitus Terminator and what it has

done for you. Be a part of a support group so you can help others find ways to conquer their

tinnitus and get their lives back. Share your own success story so you can motivate and inspire

others, just as you were inspired by the stories shared in this guidebook. You may be surprised

where you find a fellow tinnitus sufferer – at work, school, church, the gym, or even in your own

family! When you invest time into the lives of others you help them feel better and you also feel

better about yourself. Take time to look around and see who else may need a word of

encouragement or a shoulder to lean on.

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Questions and Answers

Whether you have been recently diagnosed with tinnitus or you have been dealing with the

condition for years now, you likely have many questions. Fear of the unknown is one of the most

paralyzing fears, so we want to help you overcome tinnitus and the fear it often brings by

answering some of the most commonly asked questions.

What causes tinnitus? The roots of this condition are not exactly known. A number of

health conditions can cause or worsen tinnitus, but in many cases an exact cause is never found

or conclusively diagnosed. One of the most commonly cited causes of tinnitus is inner ear cell

damage. Other causes of tinnitus are closely associated with other ear problems, chronic health

problems and diseases, and injuries or conditions that involve the nerves and the brain. Though

it is difficult to definitively give a cause for the tinnitus symptoms that you are experiencing

there are ways to minimize their effect and even cure it!

Can tinnitus be prevented or cured? The best way to prevent tinnitus is to protect

your ears and guard your hearing. Avoid long term exposure to loud noises and wear earphones

or earplugs whenever you are going to be in a loud enthronement. Once you have tinnitus many

people find it hard to cure but there is a way, and that is what the Tinnitus Terminator program

is all about! You can cure your tinnitus!

How does the Tinnitus Terminator program work? The Tinnitus Terminator

program is specially designed to retrain the brain an auditory pathways so hearing can be

restored to a normal healthy state. It works by training your ear and brain to hear sounds at a

normal level and to develop new connections and associations within the brain when it comes to

the sounds that are heard. It goes beyond simply masking the tinnitus sounds or making you less

sensitive to them. The Tinnitus Terminator program is designed to help cure your tinnitus and

give you back your life and your hearing!

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Can I do the audio sessions for Tinnitus Terminator anytime during the

day? This cure is designed to be easy to use and as minimally invasive into your normal routine

as possible. That being said, it is highly recommended that you do the daily audio sessions in the

morning before you head out and start your daily activities. The reason for this is that it can help

get your system prepared for the day and can help minimize the severity and frequency of your

tinnitus episodes throughout the day. It is important to do the audio sessions every day and they

need to be done at the same time every day to form a strong mental and physical connection and

network within the body.

Should I do the Tinnitus Terminator sessions inside or outside? The beauty

of the tinnitus program is that you can do the audio sessions anywhere since they are digital

files. You can download them on your smart phone and use headphones to play back the tracts

while you are at the park or enjoying some sun in your back yard. As long as there are no

distractions and a minimal amount of audio interferences in the environment you can use the

Tinnitus Terminator program anywhere. Most people opt to do it at home simply because of the

comfort and privacy factor.

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 66


You are starting off on a journey to beat your tinnitus and take back your life. You are taking the

necessary steps towards beating tinnitus so you can enjoy life again. It is not always easy and it is

not always fun but when you stay motivated and committed you can reach your goals and be


You can be a hero and you can accomplish great things!

Remember back at the start, when we talked about Beethoven and the struggle he had with

tinnitus? The reason he is seen as a hero and such an inspiration to many is that he did not give

up. He did not let his hearing loss defeat him and he kept on living his life.

You might not be Beethoven, but you are at this point in your life and you have reached an

unprecedented moment where you can make a huge change to better your life.

This is all the result of your hard work, discipline, and tenacity. You did not accept the sentence

tinnitus handed to you and you have used the power hidden inside your own brain to cure

yourself and find the answers.

With your own strength and motivation you have been able to improve the quality of your life!

Beethoven, despite his inability to hear many of the very sounds he strung together, managed to

create some of the most beautiful compositions the world has ever known. He is hailed as a hero

and an inspirational person. In today’s troubled world, it is more than enough to be your own

hero and to give yourself that pat on the back and to feel like you’ve accomplished something

grand. You are well worth it!

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 67

Haven’t you been struggling with your weight, your low energy

levels and that feeling of discontent for far too long?

Organifi is a fresh, USDA organic juice, with a minty flavor, dedicated to those who want


detoxify their body

increase mental clarity

increase energy levels

improve the health and aspect of skin, hair and nails

boost their immune system

Product endorsed by the Tinnitus Terminator Program

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 68

Special announcement for

the Tinnitus Terminator Community members only!

Natural solutions have always been available to us, we didn’t know about it. Medicine

evolved mostly in the 20th century. We have pills that claim you will lose weight. We have

gyms at every street corner, we have magical, yet restrictive, diets. Still, according to the

Food Research and Action Center, two thirds of the Americans are overweight or obese. If

you are one of the Americans who confronted such weight problems, here is your solution:

The Pound Melter.

I don’t know about you, but I hate going to the gym and I also hate giving up my

favorite foods. This is where the Pound Melter comes in as a perfect solution: this protocol

will help you lose weight, without yo-yo dieting, without going to the gym and without

giving up on the sweet or creamy rich foods we love so much.

Too good to be true?

Give it a try!

Check out this incredible product right here!

Tinnitus-Terminator.com 2015 69

Tinnitus Terminator is based on a safe, verified and effortless audio therapy

system, designed to bring comfort to your ears and release you from the

anguishing buzzing and ringing in your ears.

Inside this protocol you will discover a 30-Day Kick Start Program consisting in

special audio tracks and written guidance meant to help you beat tinnitus


The techniques inside this program are represented in a simple and easy format

for anyone who might want to use them. You’ll fill out an initial evaluation

questionnaire for tinnitus, to gauge severity for an individual recommendation

on which sound recordings work best.

You’ll also receive a general FAQ list for tinnitus and how it disrupts the ear

canals, as well as known causes for the disease and suspected culprits… plus a

general “How To” section to help you protect your hearing.

Combined altogether, the techniques inside this program “unplug” your brain

from its internal loud speakers just by listening—simply and with no effort on

your part.
