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Talent/Performance Preferences May 2020

Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Table of ContentsTalent/Performance Preferences Overview.........................................................................................................1

Career Center Preferences.............................................................................................................................. 2

Development Plan Preferences (Redesign) - Overview...................................................................................8

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Categories...............................................................15

Development Plan Preferences - Manager Allowances.............................................................................16

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Default Target/Due Date..........................................18

Development Plan Preferences - User Allowances....................................................................................19

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Page Instructions.....................................................22

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Custom Fields.........................................................23

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Objective Categories...............................................24

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Activity Types..........................................................26

Goal Preferences........................................................................................................................................... 28

Goal Preferences - General.......................................................................................................................29

Goal Preferences - Tasks and Targets.......................................................................................................32

Goal Preferences - Visibility and Alignment...............................................................................................35

Goal Preferences - Time Periods...............................................................................................................38

Goals Configuration Overview....................................................................................................................... 40

Goals Configuration - Fields Administration...............................................................................................42

Goals Configuration - Status Administration...............................................................................................46

Goals Configuration - Success Descriptors................................................................................................49

Goals Configuration - Goal Creation Administration...................................................................................51

My Team/Talent Profile Preferences.............................................................................................................52

My Team Preferences - User Fields...........................................................................................................54

My Team Preferences - Tabs and Sublinks...............................................................................................56

My Team Preferences - Succession..........................................................................................................57

My Team Preferences - Successors..........................................................................................................58

My Team Preferences - Successor Information.........................................................................................59

My Team Preferences - Color Code...........................................................................................................60

Set Printable View......................................................................................................................................... 61


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Talent/Performance Preferences OverviewTalent/Performance Preferences allow you to configure settings according to the needs of your organization. The preferences cover settings for Development Plans, Goals, Career Center, My Team, Talent Profile, and Performance Review Printable Version.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Career Center PreferencesCareer Center Preferences allow administrators to configure certain options for the Career Center by OU.

To access the Career Center Preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > CAREER CENTER.




Career Center Preferences - Manage

Grants access to set preferences for Career Center. This is an administrator permission.

Talent/Succession - Administration

Competency Assessment Model Admin - Edit

Grants ability to edit competency models. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Competency Assessment Model Admin - Manage

Grants ability to create, edit, delete, and view competency models. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Competency Assessment Model Admin - View

Grants ability to view competency models. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

TabsAt the top of the page, administrators can customize the tab names within the Career Center or Universal Profile - Bio page.

o Tab Name - In this field, set the tab names as necessary. The character limit for this field is 25.

o Active - Select this option to make the tab active and available. If the tab is inactive, it does not appear to users. At least one tab must be active.

o Translate - If multiple languages are available for your portal, click this icon to localize the tab name into other available languages.

Applications TabFor portals with the Recruiting module enabled, an Applications tab is available for Career Center. When the Applications tab is active in Career Center Preferences, the tab displays in Career Center, enabling internal applicants to manage tasks associated with their applications and view the status of their applications.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

The tab can be renamed in the Tab column, up to 25 characters. The Active box can be checked or unchecked to activate or inactivate the tab. For portals with multiple languages enabled, click the Translate icon to translate the tab name into other available languages.

ResumeThis section enables the administrator to determine which sections on the Resume will be active for users in the OU. Each section defined in Resume Administration will appear in the list of sections, including custom sections. See Resume for additional information.

o Active - Select this option to make the Resume section active. If this section is inactive, it does not appear on the Resume page.

o Read Only - Select this option to make the section read-only. Read only sections cannot be modified by the user. By default, the Current Position and Internal Positions sections are read-only. If the administrator enabled the Allow users to enter their own position description option for the Current Position Section, then this section will not default to read-only. The read-only setting for the Internal Positions section cannot be modified.

o Admin Read Only - If this option is selected for a resume section, the corresponding Resume section cannot be modified by administrators. Because these preferences are set at the OU level, the Admin Read Only option applies to administrators within the corresponding OU.

o Order - To reorder the sections within the Resume page, drag and drop the sections into the desired order.

Depending on the Admin Read Only and Read Only option selections, the following scenarios are possible:




Yes Yes No user can update the corresponding resume section.

No Yes Only the end user can update the corresponding resume section.

Yes No Only the administrator can update the corresponding resume section.

No No The end user and administrator can update the


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview




corresponding resume section.

Competency ModelThis section enables the administrator to attach a competency model to the Competencies section of the Resume for the OU. Users then have the option to add competencies from the selected model to their Resume. A different competency model can be attached for each OU. If the Competencies section is active for the Resume, then a competency model is required in order to save the preferences.

1. Click Search icon to select competency model. When selecting a competency model, administrators can only view and select a competency model if they are within the Admin Visibility settings for the competency model and if they have permission to view, edit, or manage competency models.

2. Search for competency model.3. Click Add icon to add the competency model. If a behavior competency model is

selected for the OU, then the option Display selected behaviors will appear and will be checked by default. If checked, the selected behavior will appear on the user view of the resume when a behavior competency is added.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Career PreferencesAll available questions, including custom questions will appear. Newly added custom questions will not be set to active by default.

o Active - Select this option to determine which questions are active and appear on the Career Center for users in this OU. If a question is set to inactive, then that question does not appear to the end user on the Career Center under Career Preferences. If any one of the standard relocation questions is checked, then the other standard relocation questions are checked automatically. If any one of the standard relocation questions is unchecked, then the other standard relocation questions are unchecked automatically.

o Order - To reorder the questions within the Career Preferences page, drag and drop the question titles into the desired order.

Job Interest CategoriesThis section displays all of the available job interest categories that have been created on the Job Interest Categories page. In order for the category to be active and available for users, it must be selected as Active on the Career Center Preferences page. Categories that are active on this page are available for selection by users.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

o Because the Job Interest Categories are activated at the OU level, only users within the affected OUs have access to the selected job interest categories.

Career Center Search FieldsThis section enables administrators to determine which additional fields are available as search criteria when searching for jobs within the Career Center.

To make a field available as a search criterion when searching for jobs within the Career Center, select the Active checkbox for the field.

This section is currently only available to organizations using the Recruiting module.

Overwrite Settings

Choose whether to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you choose to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

If this option is unselected, then only the child OUs that do not have customized settings will be updated, as well as any OUs that are added in the future.

A child OU that has not been customized always inherits from the parent, regardless of whether this option is selected.

An OU is considered customized if its preferences or settings have been changed.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Submit or CancelAfter selecting the appropriate preferences, click SUBMIT so save the changes, or click CANCEL to discard any unsaved changes.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences (Redesign) - OverviewNote: This page applies if the Redesigned Development Plans functionality is enabled.

Development Plan Preferences enable administrators to configure the Development Plan functionality, including user and manager allowances, default settings, and custom fields.

To manage Development Plan Preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES. These preferences are managed by division.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration



Development Plan Approval Requested

This email is triggered when a development plan that requires approval has been submitted. The user in the approver role receives the email stating that a new development plan now exists in their list of development plans to approve. If the "Plans must be approved by" preference is not selected, this email is not triggered.

Performance Management


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Page instructions for creating development plansIn this field, enter the instructions you want users to see when creating a development plan. The character limit for this field is 10,000 characters. This field does not accept HTML code, so any HTML code is automatically removed when the preferences are saved. This field is required.

If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages. A Localization flyout opens in which you can provide localized content for all available languages.

Manager AllowancesThe following options are available in the Manager Allowances section:

o Allow managers to create and assign development plans for their subordinates - Select this option to enable the Assignment Selection Criteria option on the Create Development Plan page, enabling managers to create and assign development plans to their subordinates.

o Allow managers to edit their development plans for their subordinates - Select this option to allow managers to edit development plans from the Approve Development Plan page. Deselect this option to prevent managers from modifying their subordinate's plans.

o Allow managers to approve/deny multiple development plans at once - Select this option to allow managers with the appropriate permission to approve or deny more than one development plan at a time via the Bulk Approval page. Selecting this option also enables the Check All/Uncheck All option on the Approve Development Plans page. If this option is not selected, managers must approve or deny development plans one at a time.

o Allow managers to cancel development plans for their subordinates - Select this option to allow managers to cancel development plans for their subordinates when necessary. This option is unchecked by default. If this option is selected, Managers will see a "View Development Plan"

o option when managing a user's development plan. o Plans must be approved by - Select this option if approval is required for new

development plans, edits to existing plans, or to cancel plans. Select the role that is responsible for approving these development plan actions. This person receives an email alert (if the corresponding email is active) when one of these events occurs and an item appears in their Actions > Requests page. This can be set to the user's Manager, Approver, or a custom relationship. If manager or approver is selected, this is the manager or approver that is specified in the user's user record. If no one is assigned to this role, these actions are automatically approved. See Create Role and Permissions for additional information. If this option is not selected, then development plans do not need approval and no emails are triggered and sent to the approver role.o If this setting is changed, then this immediately impacts existing plans when the

changes are saved. For example, if this setting is changed from requiring approval


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

to not requiring approval, then a plan that was previously awaiting completion approval would become Completed.

o If the selected approver role changed (e.g., from manager to a custom relationship) and there are existing plans pending approval, the new approver is responsible for approving the plan. If there is no user in the new approver role, then the plan is automatically approved.

o If the user gets a new manager or if a new person moves into the approver role, the new approver receives an email for any plans still pending approval. The old approver no longer has the ability to approve or deny the plans.

User AllowancesThe following options are available in the User Allowances section:

o Allow users to select a development plan template - Select this option to enable the Create Plan from Template option when creating a development plan. This option appears in the Options menu on the Development Plans Snapshot page. Development plan templates can be created by administrators from the Development Plan Templates page. See Development Plan Templates (Redesign).

o Allow users to participate in a threaded discussion about the development plan - Deselect this option to disable the ability to participate in a threaded discussion within a development plan. This option applies to all development plans of any users within the selected OU. When this option is deselected, all development plans within the selected OU appear without the comment control.o If a development plan is assigned, the ability to comment within that development

plan is determined by the assignee's OU settings, not those of the assigning user.o Allow users to edit and attach files to completed development plans - When this

option is selected, users can edit and attach files to a development plan that is in a Completed or Pending Completion Approval status. If approvals are required, then editing a plan in Completed status puts the plan in Pending Acceptance Approval or Pending Completion Approval status. Any appropriate emails that are enabled are triggered when the plan is resubmitted.

o Allow file attachments on development plans - When this option is selected, users and managers can attach files to a development plan. If this option is unselected after being selected, any existing attachments are no longer visible on development plans.

Include Recommended Trainings FromSelect each source from which you'd like to include training recommendations. The following options are available:

o Competency Models - When this option is selected, users who are creating a development plan have the option to view development recommendations based on a specific competency model. Users can select a competency model that is available to them, and the system displays recommended training items and development actions based on that competency model. End-user's will see an option to toggle the display to show recommendation carousels informed by the competency defined in the model.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

When this option is unchecked, the course recommendations will be summarized in one carousel.

o Machine Learning - When this option is selected, users who are creating or editing their own development plan have the option to view training recommendations based on machine learning, such as training based on the user's position, training the user has saved for later, or recommendations based on the user's learning history. These carousels mirror the functionality that is available in Learner Home. See Learner Home - Training and Banner Carousels.

o Continue Learning - When this option is selected, users will see a separate Continue Learning carousel that contains trainings that were started but not completed.

o Competency Assessment - When this option is selected, users who are creating a development plan have the option to view training recommendations based on the results of the user's five most recently completed competency assessments that contain recommendations.

If no recommendation sources are enabled, then the Add Recommended option is not available on the Create Development Plan and Create Development Plan Template page and the Browse Recommended option is not available on the Add Development Objective page.

Default Target/Due DateSelect a default target due date for action steps or learning objects within an objective. The due dates for the individual action steps and training will determine the overall due date for each plan objective. The due dates for an objective are defined as the latest due date of any action step or learning objective within that objective. The due date for the entire plan is the latest due date for any objective in the plan.

The following options are available in the first drop-down menu:

o Date - Select this option to select a due date that is relative to the development plan creation date (e.g., 3 months after development plan creation date).

o End of the year - Select this option to set the due date to the end of the calendar year.o The following date - Select this option to select a specific date (e.g., 06/15/2018).

Note: Due dates for objectives are defined as the latest due date for any action step or learning object within that objective. Due dates for development plans are defined as the latest due date for any objective within that development plan.

Custom FieldsThe Custom Fields section allows you to add custom fields to development plans. The selected custom fields are included in development plans that are created by clicking the CREATE NEW PLAN button from the Development Plans Snapshot page. Note: This does not apply to development plans created from a template. The fields must be created first from the Custom Fields area of the system. See Custom Field Admin - Development Plans.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

To add a custom field, select the ADD CUSTOM FIELD button within the Custom Fields section. The Add Custom Field flyout opens. Select the desired custom fields, and select the SAVE button.

Note: When adding development plan custom fields to development plans, the custom fields are displayed in the order in which they are created in Custom Field Administration. Because of this, it is important to take consideration when creating custom fields.

To remove a custom field, select the Remove icon next to the field. If a custom field is removed that exists in a user's development plan, that custom field remains in that development plan.

Select the Required option next to a custom field to require users to enter information for that field to submit the development plan. If the Required option is not selected, the custom field is optional and users do not have to complete the field.

Objective CategoriesThe Objective Categories section allows you to add categories that will be available for users to select for their development plan objectives. The categories must be created first from the Objective Categories administration page. See Development Plan Objective Categories (Redesign).

To add an objective category, select the ADD OBJECTIVE CATEGORY button within the Objective Categories section. The Add Objective Category flyout opens. Select the desired categories, and select the SELECT button.

To remove an objective category, select the Remove icon next to the category. If an objective category is removed that is used in a user's development plan, that category remains in that development plan. If the default category is removed, the first category in the table is automatically selected as the new default.

The Default category is the category that is automatically selected for new development plan objectives. Users can change the category, as needed. To change the Default category, select the Make Default link next to the appropriate category. This change is applied to new objectives that are added after the change is saved.

Activity TypeThe Activity Type section allows you to add activity types that will be available for users to select for their development plan activities. The activity types must be created first from the Activity Types administration page. See Development Plan Activity Types (Redesign).

To add an activity type, select the ADD ACTIVITY TYPE button within the Activity Type section. The Add Activity Type flyout opens. Select the desired activity types, and select the SELECT button.

To remove an activity type, select the Remove icon next to the activity type. If an activity type is removed that is used in a user's development plan, that activity type remains in that development plan. If the default activity type is removed, the first activity type in the table is automatically selected as the new default.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

The Default activity type is the activity type that is automatically selected for new development plan activities. Users can change the type, as needed. To change the Default activity type, select the Make Default link next to the appropriate activity type. This change is applied to new activities that are added after the change is saved.

Development Plan CategoriesThe Development Plan Categories section allows you to add development plan categories that will be available for users to select for their development plan. The development plan categories must be created first from the Development Plan Categories administration page. See Development Plan Categories (Redesign).

To add a development plan category, select the ADD DEVELOPMENT PLAN CATEGORY button within the Development Plan Categories section. The Add Development Plan Category flyout opens. Select the desired categories, and select the SELECT button.

To remove a category, select the Remove icon next to the category. If a category is removed that is used in a user's development plan, that category remains associated with that development plan. If the default category is removed, the first category in the table is automatically selected as the new default.

The Default category is the category that is automatically selected for new development plans. Users can change the category, as needed. To change the Default category, select the Make Default link next to the appropriate category. This change is applied to new development plans that are created after the change is saved.

Overwrite Settings

Choose whether to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you choose to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

If this option is unselected, then only the child OUs that do not have customized settings will be updated, as well as any OUs that are added in the future.

A child OU that has not been customized always inherits from the parent, regardless of whether this option is selected.

An OU is considered customized if its preferences or settings have been changed.

Save/CancelSelect the SAVE button to save all changes to the page. Or, select the CANCEL button to discard any unsaved changes.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan CategoriesThe Development Plan Categories section allows you to manage the administrator-created development plan categories for development plans.

To modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Click the plus icon to the right of the Development Plan Categories heading. For new categories, you can set the title.

For each category, you can click the Delete icon next it to remove it from the list. If a category is removed that is used in a user's development plan, that category remains in that development plan. If the default category is deleted, the first category in the table is selected as the default.

In the Default column, you can select which category is the default.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Manager AllowancesTo modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

The following options are available in the Manager Allowances section:

o Allow managers to create and assign Development Plans for their subordinates - Select this option to enable the Assignment Selection Criteria option on the Create Development Plan page, enabling managers to create and assign development plans to their subordinates.

o Allow managers to edit their Development Plans for their subordinates - Select this option to allow managers to edit development plans from the Approve Development Plan page. Deselect this option to prevent managers from modifying their subordinate's plans.

o Allow managers to approve/deny multiple development plans at once - Select this option to allow managers to approve or deny more than one development plan at a time. Selecting this option also enables the Check All/Uncheck All option on the Approve Development Plans page. If this option is not selected, managers must approve or deny development plans one at a time.

o Plans must be approved by - Select this option if approval is required for new development plans, edits to existing plans, or to cancel plans. Select the role that is responsible for approving these development plan actions. This person receives an email alert (if the corresponding email is active) when one of these events occurs and an item appears in their Approve Development Plan page. This can be set to the user's Manager, Approver, or a custom role. If manager or approver is selected, this is the manager or approver that is specified in the user's user record. If no one is assigned to


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

this role, these actions are automatically approved. See Create Role and Permissions for additional information. If this option is not selected, then development plans do not need approval and no emails are triggered and sent to the approver role.o If this setting is changed (e.g., from manager to a custom role) and there are

existing plans pending approval, the old approver is still responsible for approving the plan. The new approver has no knowledge of existing plans pending approval.

o If the user gets a new manager or if a new person moves into the approver role, the new approver receives an email for any plans still pending approval. The old approver no longer has the ability to approve or deny the plans.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Default Target/Due DateTo modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Auto-populate target date with - Select this option to set a default target due date for action steps or learning objects within an objective. When this option is selected, select an option for the default due date. The due dates for the individual action steps and training will determine the overall due date for each plan objective. The due dates for an objective are defined as the latest due date of any action step or learning objective within that objective. The due date for the entire plan is the latest due date for any objective in the plan.

You can select a date relative to the development plan creation date (e.g., 3 months after development plan creation date), the end of the calendar or fiscal year (your system's end of year), or select a specific date (e.g., 06/15/2011).

Note: Due dates for objectives are defined as the latest due date for any action step or learning object within that objective. Due dates for development plans are defined as the latest due date for any objective within that development plan.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - User AllowancesTo modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

The following options are available in the User Allowances section:

o Allow users to select a Development Plan Template - Select this option to enable the Use a template link when creating a development plan. This link appears on the Manage Development Plan page. Development plan templates can be created by administrators from the Development Plan Templates page.

o Allow users to view their current transcript learning objects while viewing merged development plans - Select this option to display training items from a user's transcript as learning objects in merged view.

o Display merged view of user's individual development plans - Select this option to allow users to view a merged view of their development plan. When selected, a View Merged Development Plan link appears on the Manage Development Plans page. The merged view displays all of the user's development plans in a single view.

o Allow users to participate in a threaded discussion about the development plan - Deselect this option to disable the ability to participate in a threaded discussion within a development plan. This option applies to all development plans of any users within the


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

selected OU. When this option is deselected, all development plans within the selected OU appear without the comment control.o If a development plan is assigned, the ability to comment within that development

plan is determined by the assignee's OU settings, not those of the assigning user.o Note: Existing development plans are affected by the enhancement. If this option

is selected for an OU, commenting is disabled for all existing development plans that are created by or assigned to users within the selected OUs.

o Permanently delete all comments from development plans XX Days/Weeks/Months after the following events (whichever event occurs first will be used):o Completion Dateo Target/Due Date

The numeric field has a default value of 1 and accepts up to three digits between 0 and 9. The drop-down field has a default value of Day(s) and allows you to choose when comments will be deleted, either within a period of days, weeks, or months following the plan's completion date or target/due date. Both the numeric field and drop-down are editable prior to activating the Permanently delete all comments from development plans box.

The Completion Date and Target/Due Date checkboxes below the field are grayed out and checked by default. When both date options are selected, the system uses the first occuring event to schedule comment deletion. Comment deletion is permanent. They are not editable until the Permanently delete all comments from development plans option is checked. Checking the Permanently delete all comments from development plans option opens the following confirmation pop-up:

Clicking YES enables the Completion Date and Target/Due Date checkboxes to be selectable. You can then choose to keep both boxes checked or uncheck one. If you uncheck both boxes, then the checkmark in the "Permanently delete all comments from development plans" box is also removed. In this case, in order for the Completion Date and Target / Due Date boxes to be selectable again, you must recheck the Permanently delete all comments from development plans box and select YES in the confirmation pop-up.

Clicking NO in the confirmation pop-up cancels the action, leaving the Permanently delete all comments from development plans box unchecked and the Completion Date and Target/Due Date checkboxes grayed out.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Upon clicking Submit, the preference changes take effect. Clicking Cancel cancels the changes.

Notes:o Comments deleted from a development plan cannot be restored. As soon as you

save the preference change, all comments in plans that have a Complete or Past Due status are removed and cannot be restored.

o Comments are only deleted from development plans that have a status of Complete or Past Due. However, if a learning object or action step is added to the plan and comments have been configured to delete but have not yet been deleted, the comment deletion date is reset.

o Comments within the same development plan can be deleted multiple times. For example, if a plan is configured to have its comments deleted upon completion and the plan's status is Complete, the comments are deleted. However, if the plan is 1) appended, and 2) the status changed to In Progress, and 3) completed at a later date, then any comments entered during the new In Progress status are deleted when the plan meets the deletion criteria.

o If the numeric field is set to "0," comments are deleted the moment the plan's status changes to Complete or upon approval of completion, if required. If the numeric field is set to greater than "0," deletion of comments occurs roughly that number of days, weeks, or months after the deletion is triggered.

o The preference "Allow users to participate in a threaded discussion about the development plan" is unaffected. This preference setting only hides or displays comments; it does not delete them. If comment are configured not to display and the plan is set to have comments deleted, the comments are permanently deleted.

o Include recommended training from: Competency Models, Competency Assessment, Past Plans - Select each source from which you'd like to include recommendations. For example, if you select Competency Assessment, the system allows users to view recommendations based on their competency assessment. The recommendations appear on the View Recommended Training page.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Page InstructionsIn the Page Instructions for Creating Dev Plans field, enter the instructions you want users to see on the Create a Development Plan page. These instructions are displayed to users as they create development plans. The character limit for this field is 2000 characters. This field also accepts HTML code. This field is required.

To modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Custom FieldsThe Custom Fields section allows you to add custom fields to development plans. The selected custom fields are included in development plans that are created by clicking the CREATE button from the Development Plan Management screen. Note: This does not apply to development plans created from a template. The fields must be created first from the Custom Fields area of the system.

To modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Click the plus icon to the right of the Custom Fields heading to add a custom field to the development plan.

Note: When adding development plan custom fields to development plans, the custom fields are displayed in the order in which they are created in Custom Field Administration. Because of this, it is important to take consideration when creating custom fields.

For each custom field, you can click the Delete icon next to the field to remove it from the list. If a custom field is removed that exists in a user's development plan, that custom field remains in that development plan.

Select the Required option next to a custom field to require users to enter information for that field in order to submit the development plan. If the Required option is not selected, the custom field is optional and users do not have to complete the field.

See Custom Field Admin - Development Plans.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Objective CategoriesThe Objective Categories section allows you to add categories to the list users have to select from for their objectives. The categories must be created first from the Objective Categories area of the system.

To modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Click the plus icon to the right of the Objective Categories heading to add an objective category to be available to users.

For each objective category, you can click the Delete icon next to the category to remove it from the list. If an objective category is removed that is used in a user's development plan, that category remains in that development plan. If the default category is deleted, the first category in the table is selected as the default.

In the Default column, you can select which objective category is the default category that displays.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Activity TypesThe Activity Types section allows you to manage the administrator-created activity types for development plans. Once an administrator creates activity types on the Activity Types page, they must be added within Development Plan Preferences to make them available within a development plan. See Activity Types for additional information.

To modify development plan preferences, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREFERENCES.




Development Plan Preferences - Manage

Grants the ability to manage Development Plan Preferences, where various Development Plan features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Click the plus icon to the right of the Activity Types heading to add an activity type from the list of administrator-created activity types.

For each activity type, you can click the Trash Can icon next to the type to remove it from the list. If an activity type is removed that is used in a user's development plan, the removed type remains in that development plan. If the default type is removed, the first type in the table is selected as the default.

In the Default column, you can select which activity type is the default. The default activity type is the default type when creating action steps for development plans.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goal PreferencesThe Goal Preferences page allows you to modify various goal settings to match your organization's needs.





Goal Preferences - Manage

Grants ability to manage Goal Preferences, where various goal features can be enabled or disabled according to the needs of the organization. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Modifying Goal Preferences by Division1. Select the appropriate preferences in the following sections. Click the section links to

view detailed information about each preference, including ramifications and best practices. Some sections are collapsed by default; click the arrow to the right of the section heading to expand the section.o Generalo Tasks and Targetso Visibility and Alignmento Time Periods

2. Choose whether or not to overwrite custom settings for child Divisions.3. Click SUBMIT.

Overwrite Settings

Choose whether to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you choose to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

If this option is unselected, then only the child OUs that do not have customized settings will be updated, as well as any OUs that are added in the future.

A child OU that has not been customized always inherits from the parent, regardless of whether this option is selected.

An OU is considered customized if its preferences or settings have been changed.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goal Preferences - General

Allow users to create shared goalsSelect this option to allow a user to create shared goals. Shared goals are goals that are assigned and visible to multiple users, a group, a division, or the entire company, indicating a shared responsibility, but shared goals can only be edited and managed by the designated goal owner. Shared goals are dynamically assigned to new users who meet the assignment criteria after the initial creation of the goal and are dynamically removed from users who no longer meet the criteria. Shared Company goals and Division goals are visible to users, but they do not appear in performance reviews. A potential use for allowing shared goals is to assign a shared goal to a group of users working as a team on a project. In this type of situation, the team leader might be designated as the goal owner and is responsible for updating the goal progress and making necessary edits to the goal. The other team members can see the shared goal and view goal progress, but cannot make changes to the goal.

Allow goals to be edited after creationThis option is selected by default. Deselect this option to prevent goals from being edited after they have been created. If this option is deselected, goals can still be managed and new goals can still be added. A potential use for deselecting this option is to temporarily prevent goals from being edited during a performance review task.

Allow managers/approvers to edit an employee's goalThis option is selected by default. Deselect this option to prevent managers or approvers from modifying their subordinate's goals. When this option is selected, managers can edit all aspects of an employee's goal, including tasks, targets, and goal progress. For example, if a user submits a goal for approval, their manager or approver can modify the goal before approving it.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goal creation and cancellation approval is required fromSelect this option if approval is required for new goals, edits to existing goals, or to cancel goals. Select the role that will be responsible for approving a goal creation or goal cancellation, as well as any modifications made to an approved goal. This person will receive an email alert (if the corresponding email is active) when one of these events occurs, and an item will appear in their Pending Goals list. This can be set to the user's Manager, Approver, or a custom role. If no one is assigned to this role, these actions will be automatically approved. See Create Role and Permissions for additional information.

If this setting is changed (e.g., from manager to a custom role) and there are existing goals pending approval, the old approver is still responsible for approving the goal. The new approver will have no knowledge of existing goals pending approval.

If the user gets a new manager or if a new person moves into the approver role, the new approver will receive an email for any goals still pending approval. The old approver will no longer have the ability to approve or deny the goals.

Allow goal progress to exceed 100%This option is selected by default. While selected, overall goal progress can exceed 100%, which means that the following is also true:

o Overall progress can exceed 100%o Manual progress can be set higher than 100%o Target progress can exceed 100%, but cannot exceed the Stretch valueo Tasks cannot exceed 100%

Deselect this option to prevent goal progress from exceeding 100%, regardless of target progress. Allowing goal progress to exceed 100% allows users to record progress above and beyond their target progress. This may encourage employees to continue working on a goal even after the target is reached.

Allow users to import goals from the goal librarySelect this option to enable the Goals Library when creating goals. The Goals Library can be populated with goal templates that can assist users when creating goals. When enabled, the Library button appears on the Create Goal - Set page. See Using the Goals Library for additional information.

If this functionality is disabled, be sure to remove references to it in your goal creation instructions, which can be changed in the Set field in the Goal Creation Administration section of the Goals Configuration page.

Allow users to create a goal using the SMART WizardThis option is unselected by default. Select this option to enable the SMART Wizard when creating goals. When enabled, the Wizard button appears on the Create Goal - Set page. See Using the SMART Wizard for additional information.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

If not all features in the SMART Wizard are enabled (e.g., tasks, targets, weights, perspectives), some sections of the SMART Wizard will appear blank with no action to complete. If this is the case, you may wish to disable the SMART Wizard.

The SMART Wizard can be turned on or off, but its labels and instructions cannot be configured.

If this functionality is disabled, be sure to remove references to it in your goal creation instructions, which can be changed in the Set field in the Goal Creation Administration section of the Goals Configuration page.

Allow users to edit Success Descriptors after goal is approvedThis option is unselected by default. Select this option to allow users to edit Success Descriptors for a goal after the goal is approved. See Goals Overview for additional information. Success Descriptors enable employees to define how they deem success in their own words in relation to a goal. Success Descriptors can be edited during goal creation, but once the goals are approved, the Success Descriptors can only be edited if the "Allow users to edit Success Descriptors after goal is approved" preference is selected. If goal approval is required for a goal and a user edits the success descriptors for their goal, the goal must be approved again, as with any other goal change.

If this option is enabled or disabled after a goal is created, the goal maintains the settings that were in place when the goal was created.

If a manager is able to edit a user's goal, they can always edit a goal's success descriptors. This is controlled by the "Allow managers/approvers to edit an employee's goal" preference.

Allow users to see Progress, Comments and Attachments of manager goals and alignable goalsThis option is unselected by default. Select this option to allow users to view Progress, Comments, and Attachments for any of the user's manager's goals and all goals with which the user can align. For example, an organization may choose to prevent users from viewing this information in order to preserve privacy in some higher-level objectives as well as any private status comments that may be added to a goal.

When this option is not selected, users are not able to view goal progress and any comments or attachments that are added to their manager's goals and any available goal with which the user is able to align.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goal Preferences - Tasks and Targets

For targets, allow users to includeSelect this option to allow users to include Threshold, Target, and Stretch values when creating goals. If Targets are enabled in Goal Configuration, this option is selected, allowing you to also select the sub options. Targets allow users to create specific numeric measures of goal achievement, such as "Increase sales by $500,000" or "Reduce employee turnover by 10%."

If the Threshold option is selected, thresholds are enabled and a threshold value must be entered for each target added in a user's goal. A threshold value is used to indicate a target is on track, but not yet complete. For example, if the threshold is set at 50%, when a user accomplishes 50% of their target, their target status will indicate they have reached the threshold. It is important to note that target progress is not updated until the target threshold is reached. For example, if your target is to open 10 accounts and the threshold is set to 5, if you open four accounts, your target progress is still 0%. It will not update until you open five accounts (and then it reflects 50% since you have opened five accounts and your target is 10). Keep this in mind as you implement a threshold percentage.

If targets are enabled, a Target value must be entered for each target added in a user's goal. A target progress for achievement percentage is entered here to indicate how much progress credit the user receives for achieving the goal target. Usually, this is set at 100%, meaning that if a target is set to increase sales by $100,000, the user receives 100% target progress credit when the target progress reaches $100,000. Alternatively, if this percentage is set to 80%, the user receives only 80% target progress upon reaching the target of $100,000.

Select Stretch to allow users to include a Stretch value when creating goals. The Stretch value allows users to exceed 100% completion for a target and is the maximum percentage


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

that can be tracked. This functionality will not be utilized if Allow goal progress to exceed 100% is not also selected.

You can also set default percentages for these milestones, which can be manually adjusted when a target is created.

When setting target values, depending on the backend setting, the percentage fields may accept up to two decimal places.

Allow tasks and targets to be individually weighted inside of a goalThis option is selected by default. Deselect this option to prevent tasks and targets from being individually weighted inside a goal. Weighting allows you to place a greater value towards goal completion on certain tasks or targets. For example, if I have four targets within a goal and they are valued equally, I can assign them each a weight of 25%. Instead, if one target is more important than the others, I can give that target a weight of 40% and assign the other three a weight of 20%. The heavier weighted target will count more towards my goal completion than the other three.

When enabled, the Weight field appears when creating Tasks and Targets.

When disabled, the Weight field does not appear. If progress is calculated by both tasks and targets, all are weighted equally. If progress is calculated by only tasks, tasks will carry equal weight and targets will carry zero weight. If progress is calculated by only targets, the opposite applies.

Automatically inherit tasks when aligning with a goalThis option is selected by default. When this option is selected and a goal is aligned, all tasks are copied from the parent goal to the child goal. For example, when a user aligns with their manager's goal, all of the tasks from their manager's goal will now exist within their goal. The tasks can then be modified once they are copied. This serves as a starting point when aligning with a goal. When the user completes this task, it may affect the status of tasks from aligned goals. Even if this option is selected, goals that are aligned after creation (from the Related Goal section of the Edit Goal screen) will not inherit tasks when aligned.

Automatically inherit targets when aligning with a goalThis option is selected by default. When this option is selected and a goal is aligned, all targets are copied from the parent goal to the child goal. For example, when a user aligns with their manager's goal, all of the targets from their manager's goal will now exist within their goal. All aspects of the targets can then be modified except for the target type once they are copied. This serves as a starting point when aligning with a goal. Even if this option is selected, goals that are aligned after creation (from the Related Goal section of the Edit Goal screen, rather than the Create Goal - Align screen) will not inherit targets when aligned.

Select Allow progress of targets to roll up into aligned goals to allow progress made towards targets in child goals to count towards the progress of the parent goal. For example, if a manager has a goal with a target to sell 100 widgets, a user can align to that


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

goal and set their target to sell 50 widgets. If the user then sells 25 widgets, his progress will be 50% since he has sold half of his target. Also, since the user's progress counts towards the manager's progress, the manager's progress will be 25% since 25 out of the 100 have been sold. If this option was not selected, the user's progress would not count towards the manager's progress, and the manager would still be at 0%.

Set rounding preferences for targets (numbers: 0.1, percents 10%)

This allows you to set the number of decimal places that will display when displaying numbers and percents associated with targets. For example, if a target is two thirds complete, you can select whether the target will display as 66.67%, 66.7%, or 67%.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goal Preferences - Visibility and AlignmentPermissions



Company Goals - Create

Grants access to create goals that appear to all users as "company goals." This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Create Employee Goals - Align

When creating a goal for users other than self or subordinates, this permission allows users to search for goals by user when aligning the goal with another user's goal. Users with this permission can only search for and align their goals with users who are within their permission constraints. If a user does not have this permission, then the Search field is not available within the Alignment pop-up. This permission works in conjunction with the Create Employee Goals permission. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, and User. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

OU Goals - Create Grants ability to create and assign goals to all users within a selected organizational unit or group. This is an administrator permission.

The constraints on this permission overwrite the constraints on the Goals - Create permission. That is, if a user has both permissions, then the constraints on the OU Goals - Create permission are applied.

Performance - Administration

The permission to align goals when creating employee goals can be constrained to determine with which employees a user can align their goals.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Allow users to view and align their goals with the goals of other employeesBy default, a user can align their goal with:

o Another goal they have createdo All subordinate goalso A goal created by their direct manager, provided the manager has a goal that they have

made visible and allowed for alignment

This option is selected by default. When this option is selected, users can search for other employees beyond those mentioned above in order to align with their goals. If you would like to disable alignment, this option should be disabled.

If this option is enabled at the division level, users can search for other users in their division. If this option is enabled at the company level, users can search for all users in the company.

Important Note: Changing this setting does not retroactively affect the visibility of existing goals.

When enabled, the Align button appears on the Create Goal page.

Force users to align their goals (this excludes Company Goals and Division Goals)This option is deselected by default. Select this option to force users to align each goal they create with another goal. When enabled, users do not have the option of creating an independent goal on the Create Goal page. Users with permission to create company goals or create OU goals can create Company or Divisional goals that are not aligned with another goal.

If this option is selected, make sure that Company and Division goals are available before individual planning begins. If no Company and Division goals exist, users will have no goals with which to align and will not be able to create a goal.


This option is deselected by default. Select this option to force users to align each goal they create with another goal. When enabled, users do not have the option of creating an independent goal on the Create Goal page. Users with permission to create company goals or create OU goals can create Company or Divisional goals that are not aligned with another goal. Changing this setting will not retroactively affect the visibility existing goals.

If this option is selected, make sure that Company and Division goals are available before individual planning begins. If no Company and Division goals exist, users will have no goals with which to align and will not be able to create a goal.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Allow users to view the goal hierarchy pageThis option is selected by default. When this option is selected, users can view the overall hierarchy of their aligned goal.

When enabled, the Hierarchy button appears on the Goals page and within the Goal Details page.

If you have Alignment enabled, it is recommended that users can view the Goal Hierarchy page. This allows users to see how their actions and efforts contribute to the overall company success.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goal Preferences - Time Periods

Default current goal period on Goals pageSelect the default goal period that will display on the Goals page. This setting also applies to the Hierarchy page and the Goals Reports page. When a user opens the Goals, Hierarchy, or Goals Reports page, only goals with a start date or end date in the default goal period will display. This can then be manually modified by the user on that page. Also, this setting may be used when setting the default start date and end date for new goals.

o Annual - This is selected by default. o Quarterly - This option uses the following dates: 1/1-3/31, 4/1-6/30, 7/1-9/30, 10/1-12/31o Monthly - This option uses the calendar months. o Other - This option allows you to create a custom goal period. This option may be useful

when basing goal periods on fiscal year, a planning period not aligned with the calendar year, or a multi-year planning cycle.

Total weight of goals in current period cannot exceed 100% - This option is unchecked by default. When this option is selected, users cannot set goal weights so that the total weight of all goals for the current period cannot be more than 100%. By limiting total goal weight for the current period, administrators can ensure goal weights are aligned with employee review processes where stretch goals are not common.

The maximum number of goals assigned to an individual in the current period may not exceed <number> - When this option is selected, administrators can establish the maximum number of new goals that can be created by users. This option is unchecked by default.

Note: Administrators and managers can still create goals for others, even if the new goal causes them to violate this policy.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Default start date of new goalsSelect the default start date for a new goal. When a user creates a goal, this date will automatically be populated as the Start Date and can then be modified by the user.

If you select Beginning of current goal period, the start date of the goal period defined in the Default current goal period on Goals page preference will be used.

Default target date of new goalsSelect the default end date for a new goal. When a user creates a goal, this date will automatically be populated as the Due Date and can then be modified by the user.

If you select End of current goal period, the end date of the goal period defined in the Default current goal period preference will be used.

If you select XX day after start date of goal, you must also enter the number of day. With this option, when a goal is created and the user select a start date, the end date is automatically populated based on the number of days specified in this preference. However, the due date can still be manually changed.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goals Configuration OverviewThe Goals Configuration page allows you to customize the way goals appear in your portal as well as goal statuses. This page also allows you to customize the instructions users receive as they create their goals.

The Fields Administration section allows you to choose which fields are included in the goal process and which fields are required. You can set fields as read-only if necessary. You can also customize and localize the names of each field to suit your company's needs. For example, if you rename Goal to Objective, the word Objective will appear in place of Goal everywhere in the Goals module.

The Status Administration section allows you to customize four different goal statuses that will be used throughout goals. You can set the status name and color that will appear as well as the criteria that determines the status of a goal.

The Goal Creation Administration section allows you to set the instructions that will appear to users for each of the three sections of the goal creation process.





Goal Configuration Grants ability to manage Goal Configuration, which enables configuration of goal fields as well as goal statuses. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

1. Select the appropriate configurations in the following sections. Click the section links below to view detailed information about each configuration option, including consequences and best practices. Some sections are collapsed by default; click the arrow next to the section heading to expand it.o Fields Administrationo Status Administrationo Success Descriptorso Goal Creation Administration

2. Choose whether or not to overwrite custom settings for child Divisions.3. Click SUBMIT.

Overwrite Settings

Choose whether to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you choose to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

If this option is unselected, then only the child OUs that do not have customized settings will be updated, as well as any OUs that are added in the future.

A child OU that has not been customized always inherits from the parent, regardless of whether this option is selected.

An OU is considered customized if its preferences or settings have been changed.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goals Configuration - Fields AdministrationIn the Fields Administration section, administrators have the ability to select which fields will be configurable when users are creating goals. See Goal - Create/Edit.

Administrators can configure which fields will be required for each goal, which goals are read-only in certain situations. Lastly, administrators can configure the field names to determine how these fields appear throughout goals. These configurations can be different between OUs, so the goal page can have varying views if a user was assigned a goal from another OU with different Goal settings.

Note: There is an image to the right of these options that illustrates what each field corresponds to on a goal. This image does not change as you change the various options on this screen.





Goal Configuration Grants ability to manage Goal Configuration, which enables configuration of goal fields as well as goal statuses. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

ConsiderationsBefore you begin making fields included or required, consider which information you would like to be available for users to set in each goal and which information you would like to be a part of every goal. This will help you determine which fields should be included and also which fields should be required.

The available fields for customization are:

o Goals - This is always included and required.o General - This is always included and required.o Title - This is always included and required.o Descriptiono Progress - If this is set to Read-Only for a goal, users cannot update the progress of

their goal via the Manage Goals screen. This includes the tasks, targets, and overall progress of the goal.

o Start Date - If Start Date is turned off, the Start Date of a goal will default to the day it is created. If this is set to Read-Only for a goal, the goal cannot be advanced. The Advance option is not available for the goal.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

o Due Date - This is always included and required. If this is set to Read-Only for a goal, the goal cannot be advanced. The Advance option is not available for the goal.

o Statuso Perspective - Perspective is used to specify to which aspect of the company the goal

relates. If Perspective is included, by default it is also required. This cannot be changed.o Categories - This is a similar to Perspective, in that it is a way to distinguish a type of

goal. Users may select more than one Category. By default, Categories are not included or required.

o Weight - If Weight is included, by default it is also required. This cannot be changed. This field name cannot be changed.

o Visibility (to others) - When this option is included, it can be selected to allow other users to see the goal and align their goals with it. o When included, this option is generally used by managers to allow their direct

reports to view manager goals and align their individual goals with them, but other users can use this function if the system administrator allows all users to align with each other. If alignment is disabled, this option is not available even if it is included.

o Alignment - This field controls the Alignment widget on the Create Goal page. If this is set to Read-Only for a goal, the goal's Alignment is read-only when configuring a goal.

o Tasks - If this is set to Read-Only for a goal, tasks cannot be edited or added to the goal. However, the progress of existing tasks can be updated via the Manage Goals screen as long as the Progress field is not read-only.

o Targets - If this is set to Read-Only for a goal, targets cannot be edited or added to the goal. However, the progress of existing targets can be updated via the Manage Goals screen as long as the Progress field is not read-only.

o Success Descriptors - Success Descriptors enable employees to define how they deem success in relation to a goal.

o Attachmentso Commentso History

IncludeSelect this option to have that field to appear to users during goal creation and throughout goals. Any field without this option selected will not display to users in the corresponding OU. This includes Progress and Status, so be sure to select fields you intend to utilize.

RequiredSelect this option to force users to enter or select information for this field. For example, if Targets is required, a user must enter at least one target for each goal.

Read OnlySelect this option to have the field be read-only for the user. If this option is selected for a field, users can view the field, but they cannot edit it. This enables administrators to have


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

more control over user's goals and to maintain a degree of consistency within goals across the organization. Selecting this option automatically selects the Include option for the field. The read-only settings apply to all types of goals in the system (e.g., individual goals, team goals, company goals, subordinate's goals) as long as they are uploaded goals, Goals Library goals, or assigned goals. The read-only attribute applies when creating and editing a goal, when copying a goal that contains read-only attributes, and when advancing a goal that contains read-only attributes.

o Read-Only (Uploaded Goals) - This applies to goals that are uploaded to the system via a data feed.

o Read-Only (Goals Library) - This applies to goals that are imported from the Goals Library. Note: Some fields cannot be set as read-only for goals imported from the Goals Library, because these fields are not set when creating a goal template for the Goals Library.

o Read-Only (Assigned Goals) - This applies to non-shared goals that are assigned to a user. Read-only settings for Assigned goals are applied to non-shared assigned goals only. If a goal is both imported from the Goals Library and assigned, the read-only settings for assigned goals are applied.

Field NameIn this field, you can rename a field to something more appropriate for your company. This will change that field name everywhere it exists throughout goals. The image on this screen always displays the default name of each field. This may be helpful if you decide to change it again in the future. These fields have a 50 character limit.

If multi-language is enabled, a globe will appear next to each field name. Click the globe to localize the field name or turn on/off the field for different languages.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goals Configuration - Status AdministrationStatuses are used to express the progress of a goal. Statuses are determined by a set of criteria and can be displayed as a color or a name. In the Status Administration section, you have the ability to customize the color and name associated with the status, as well as the conditions that determine each status throughout the OU.

The system allows you to define four statuses. The default status for all goals is the On Track status. If a goal does not qualify for any other status it will automatically be in this status. The status that indicates the goal, task, or target is finished is Completed. This can be measured in different ways, but is used to indicate that the criteria for goal completion have been satisfied.





Goal Configuration Grants ability to manage Goal Configuration, which enables configuration of goal fields as well as goal statuses. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

ColorThe Color associated with a status is used to express the progress of a goal. For example, green could be used to convey that a goal is either on track for completion or has been completed, and red could be used to convey that a goal is either behind in progress or at risk for failure. These colors will be displayed in progress bars and in the hierarchy status column. You can change the color associated with each status by clicking the color square next to the Status Name. This opens a screen where you can either select a color or enter the Hex Value for a color.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Status NameThe Status Name is used to label the status. This name should also indicate the progress of the goal. For example, if the goal is finished, it could be named Completed; if the goal is at or above where it should be, it could be named On Track; if the goal is below where it should be, it could be named At Risk. This field is limited to 25 characters.

If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages.

ConditionsConditions are used to determine which status to display for each goal.

When determining which status a goal is in, the goal will be set to the first status that matches the conditions starting at the bottom status and moving upwards. The Completed status is always checked first. For example, in the image above, that would be Completed, At Risk, Behind, On Track.

If progress is disabled and a goal has no tasks or targets, users must manually update the goal's status by selecting it from a drop-down list.

On Track StatusOn Track is the default status for goals. There are no conditions for this goal, so if a goal does not fit in the other statuses you establish, it will automatically be in this status. You can change the name and color of this goal, but you cannot add or edit the conditions.

Completed StatusCompleted is the status that indicates that the criteria for goal completion have been satisfied. You can choose the completion condition for this status as well as the color and name. To edit this condition, click the Edit icon in the Options column. You may select only one of the following conditions for goal completion:

o Overall goal progress is 100%.o All goal targets are complete.o All goal tasks are complete.

Additional StatusesThere are also two other statuses available to you that can be used to indicate other levels of goal progress. You should change the names and colors to match the type of status you are representing. For example, you may want to create a status that indicates that the user is behind in his goal progress, or you may want to create a status that indicates the user has not yet started the goal.

o To add a new condition, click the plus symbol next to the status. Conditions are divided into three groups: goal-based conditions, task-based conditions, and target-based conditions. If tasks or targets are turned off, those conditions will not appear.

o To edit a condition, click the Edit icon next to the condition in the Options column.o To remove a condition, click the Delete icon next to the condition in the Options column.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

When creating a goal-based, task-based, and target-based status conditions, depending on the backend setting, the percentage fields may accept up to two decimal places. Note: The days fields do not support decimal places.

You can add more than one condition for each of these statuses and if any of the conditions are met, that status is selected. You can also edit or delete conditions individually.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goals Configuration - Success DescriptorsWithin performance reviews, employees may be rated on their ability to achieve goals. Oftentimes, over the review period for the goal, perceptions of success for the employee can change for both the organization and the employee. Success Descriptors enable employees to define how they deem success in relation to a goal. After an administrator defines the number of levels of success (at the OU level) as well as the labels for those success levels, users can describe what those levels mean in their own words. Administrators can also pre-configure the descriptions of those success levels to help guide the employee, who can later edit the descriptions in order to make them more personal or relevant to the goal.





Goal Configuration Grants ability to manage Goal Configuration, which enables configuration of goal fields as well as goal statuses. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

In the Descriptors field, enter the number of descriptors that are available for users. This value must be between 1 and 15. After specifying the appropriate number of descriptors, click the Update button. This updates the display with the appropriate number of descriptor fields. If the number is increased, additional descriptors appear, and if the number is decreased, the descriptors at the bottom of the list are removed.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

In the Title field for each Descriptor, enter a meaningful title. This should give the user a general understanding of the descriptor. This is required for each descriptor and the character limit for this field is 50.

o If multi-language is enabled, a globe will appear next to the Title field. Click the globe to localize the title for different languages.

In the Description field, enter a detailed description for the descriptor. This should give the user a complete understanding of what the descriptor represents. This is optional and the character limit is 1000.

o If multi-language is enabled, a globe will appear next to the Description field. Click the globe to localize the description for different languages.

You can reorder the descriptors by dragging and dropping them into the desired order.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Goals Configuration - Goal Creation AdministrationThe Goal Creation Administration section of the Goals Configuration page enables administrators to configure the instruction text that appears when aligning, setting, and assigning a goal.





Goal Configuration Grants ability to manage Goal Configuration, which enables configuration of goal fields as well as goal statuses. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Performance - Administration

Enter directions for the following areas:

o Alignment - These directions are displayed at the top of the Alignment pop-up. o Create and Edit - These directions are displayed at the top of the Create Goal page. o Assignment - These directions are displayed at the top of the Assignment section on

the Create Goal page.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team/Talent Profile PreferencesMy Team/Talent Profile Preferences (by Division) enable administrators to set display preferences for the My Team and Talent Profile pages.

To access My Team/Talent Profile Preferences (by Division), go to Admin > Configuration Tools > Preferences. Then, under Talent/Performance Preferences, select MyTeam/Talent Profile Preference (by Division).Permissions



My Team/Talent Profile Preferences

Grants ability to set display preferences for the My Team and Talent Profile screens. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission.

Core Administration

Set the preferences for the following sections:

o User Fields - See My Team Preferences - User Fields on page 55 for additional information.

o Tabs and Sublinks - See My Team Preferences - Tabs and Sublinks on page 57 for additional information.

o Succession - See My Team Preferences - Succession on page 58 for additional information.

o Successors - See My Team Preferences - Successors on page 59 for additional information.

o Successor Information - See My Team Preferences - Successor Information on page 60 for additional information.

o Color Code - See My Team Preferences - Color Code on page 61 for additional information.

Overwrite Settings

Choose whether to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you choose to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

If this option is unselected, then only the child OUs that do not have customized settings will be updated, as well as any OUs that are added in the future.

A child OU that has not been customized always inherits from the parent, regardless of whether this option is selected.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

An OU is considered customized if its preferences or settings have been changed.

After selecting the appropriate preferences, click SUBMIT.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team Preferences - User FieldsThe User Fields section enables you to define the fields that display on the Profile sublink in My Team and the Profile tab on a user's Talent Profile.

1. Display user's address fields on MyTeam and Talent Profile - When selected, the user's address fields are displayed on their My Team Profile. If this option is selected, the user's address fields are also displayed on the My Team PDF.

The User Fields section includes three sections:

o Profile Data - This section contains the main user data fields that appear at the top of the My Team Profile panel. This section is limited to five user fields.

o Additional Information - This section is organized into two columns to which fields can be added.

o Additional Information - This section spans across the Profile page and one field is displayed per row.

For the Additional Information sections, up to 150 fields can be added between the sections. Also, the section names can be edited using the text field and can be localized by clicking the Translate icon to the right of the field.

To add a field to any of the sections, click the Add User Field link at the top of the section. If the administrator adds more fields to the Profile Data section than the section can handle, the excess fields that cannot be added to the Profile Data section are added to the first Additional Information section, provided that the Additional Information sections are not at capacity (150 combined). Once the maximum number of fields is reached for a section, the Add User Field is not available.

As a best practice, longer fields, such as Scrolling Text Box fields, are recommended for the Additional Information section that spans the width of the panel.

Fields can be moved and organized by dragging and dropping the field into the desired location. Fields can be moved between sections, provided that the destination section has not yet reached its capacity. The order in which they appear on this page is the order in which they appear on the My Team Profile page.

Delete fields by clicking the Delete icon .


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team Preferences - Tabs and SublinksThe Tabs and Sublinks section enables you to edit the title of and reorder tabs and sublinks that display in My Team. If multiple languages are enabled for the portal, you can translate the title of tabs and sublinks. The section is collapsed by default; click the down arrow to expand it.

To rename/translate tabs and sublinks:

1. Place the cursor in the tab or sublink title box.2. Enter the changes. The character limit for tabs is 12 and the character limit for sublinks

is 15.3. Click the Translate icon and enter the translation for the appropriate language.

To reorder tabs:

1. Hover over the tab row. The cursor changes to a compass view.2. Click and drag the tab to the desired position. When a tab is dragged to different

position, all sublinks within the tab also move.

Note: Tabs and sublinks cannot be moved when hovering over the Translate icon. Sublinks cannot be placed into a different tab. If attempted, no change is applied to the display order of the tab to which the sublink belongs.

To reorder sublinks:

1. Hover over the sublink row. The cursor changes to a compass view.2. Click and drag the sublink to the desired position.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team Preferences - SuccessionTo add an SMP metric field to the Succession display, click the plus icon to the right of the Succession heading. A list of available SMP metrics is displayed. All of the newly added metrics are added to Column 1, unless that column already has the maximum number of fields.

The administrator can reorganize the fields by dragging and dropping the fields into the desired column or position within the column.

An Editable option is available for each field. When this option is selected, manager, indirect managers, and custom relationships can update these fields in My Team. If a field is selected as editable and the field is moved to a different column, the Editable option remains selected for the field. Note: Metric Grid Fields cannot be edited in My Team, so N/A appears in the Editable column for these fields.

o Within the Succession section, selected Rating Scale Metrics may be editable in My Team. Selected Metric Grids will appear in the grid drop-down for the Helicopter View, and selected Rating Scale Metrics are used as filters and color codes in Helicopter View.

If a grid metric field is selected, the administrator has the option to use the original data from the metric or the calibrated data. This selection affects the data that is displayed to the manager. The SMP metric grid displays the name of the box in which the user is saved.

To delete a field, click the Remove icon to the left of the field name.

Include a link to view the succession plan for the selected user - This link points to the current succession management plan completed by that employee.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team Preferences - SuccessorsThe Successors subsection contains the following options:

o List potential successors for the selected user - Select this option to display a selected employee's potential successors in My Team.

o Maximum Successors - Enter the maximum number of successors a user can select for an employee. The default value is three.

o Recommended Successors - Select this option to allow a user to search for recommended successors from My Team.

o Talent Search for Successors - Select this option to allow a user to conduct a talent search for potential successors from My Team. Note: When utilizing competency ratings in Career Profile or Talent Search, competency ratings from competency assessment tasks and Competency Assessment performance review sections are available because they both use the rating scale from the competency model. However, competency ratings from Competency Rating performance review sections are not available because they use the performance review section rating scale.

o External Successors - Select this option to allow a user to add external successors to an employee from My Team.

o Rate External Successors - Select this option to allow a user to rate external successors on metrics included in the Succession Information subsection.

o User Search for Successors - When this option is selected, an option to add a successor using the User Search functionality is available on the My Team > Succession page.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team Preferences - Successor InformationThe Successor Information subsection enables administrators to select which User fields and SMP Metric fields display for each selected successor.

To add User or SMP Metric fields, click the plus icon to the right of the Successor Information section heading.

In the Display Name field, enter the field name that will be displayed in My Team. If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages.

In the Response field, the response type is displayed. For metric fields, the administrator can select one of the following response options for the field:

o Read Only - The field is read-only and the user cannot enter a response for the field.o Response Optional - The user has the option to update a successor's metric rating, but

the user is not required to provide a rating.o Response Required - The user is required to provide a rating for the metric field.

Fields can be reordered by dragging and dropping the fields into the desired order. Fields can be deleted from the section by clicking the Delete icon in the Remove column.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

My Team Preferences - Color CodeThe Color Code subsection enables administrators to define which rating scale metric is used to color code potential successors in My Team. Potential successors are colored based upon the rating scale metric rating.

From the Successors drop-down list, select the rating scale metric that should be used to color code potential successors. When a rating scale metric is selected, administrators can click the Preview icon to the right of the drop-down list to view a preview of the corresponding color code.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Set Printable ViewThe Printable View Settings page enables administrators to configure the layout and appearance of the printable view of a performance review. The left side of the page displays all of the settings and options for the printable view, while the right side of the page displays a sample image based on those settings.

To access the Performance Review Printable View page, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT. Then, select Set Printable View in the Performance Reviews section.




Performance Review Print Preferences New UI - Manage

Grants ability to configure formatting preferences for the PDF version of redesigned performance reviews. This is an administrator permission. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU.

Performance - Administration

Printable Review SampleOn the right, the Printable Review Sample section displays a preview of a sample printable performance review based on the settings and options that are currently selected on the left. The sample is dynamically updated as settings and options are modified on the left. The sample review contains generic data.

Printable View OptionsThe following options are available in the Printable View Options section:

Large LogoThe large logo is used for the performance review cover page. The large logo also appears as the header for the first page of the report body if selected in the Initial Body Header Option field.

To select an existing logo, select the appropriate image from the Please select a large logo drop-down menu.

To upload a new logo, click the UPLOAD button. This opens the Upload Logo pop-up, where you can browse for and select the appropriate image. The selected logo is displayed in the drop-down menu. The recommended image height is 120 pixels, and the recommended image width is 650 pixels. The supported file types are .jpg, .gif, and .png.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Standard LogoThe standard logo always appears as the header image for all pages of the performance review except for the first page of the report body. The standard logo appears as the header for first page of the report body if selected in the Initial Body Header Option field.

To select an existing logo, select the appropriate image from the Please select a standard logo drop-down menu.

To upload a new logo, click the UPLOAD button. This opens the Upload Logo pop-up, where you can browse for and select the appropriate image. The selected logo is displayed in the drop-down menu. The recommended image height is 55 pixels, and the recommended image width is 650 pixels. The supported file types are .jpg, .gif, and .png.

Logo AlignmentSelect whether logos are left, center, or right aligned. This applies to all logos in the performance review printable view.

Initial Body Header OptionThis option determines whether the large logo or standard logo is used as the header image for the first page of the report body.

o Large - If this option is selected, then the large logo is used as the header image for the first page of the report body. All subsequent pages use the standard logo as the header image.

o Standard - If this option is selected, then the standard logo is used as the header image for all pages of the report body.

FontThis option determines the font that is used for all text in the performance review printable view.

Header ColorThis option determines the background color for all headers throughout the report. This includes the performance review title header and all section headers. From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate header background color. The default selection is dark gray.

o Standard Color - To select a standard color, select the color from the drop-down menu. When a color is selected, the corresponding hex value is displayed in the field to the right of the drop-down menu. The hex value is read-only and cannot be modified.

o Custom Color - To specify a custom color, select Other from the drop-down menu and enter the custom color's hex value in the field to the right of the drop-down menu.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

Header Text ColorThis option determines the text color for all headers text throughout the report. This includes the performance review title header and all section headers. From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate header text color. The default selection is white.

o Standard Color - To select a standard color, select the color from the drop-down menu. When a color is selected, the corresponding hex value is displayed in the field to the right of the drop-down menu. The hex value is read-only and cannot be modified.

o Custom Color - To specify a custom color, select Other from the drop-down menu and enter the custom color's hex value in the field to the right of the drop-down menu.

Cover Page Review Title and Date StyleSelect the Apply header color settings option to apply the Header Color and Header Text Color settings to the performance review task title and review date on the cover page. When this option is not selected, the performance review task title and review date text is black and the background color is white.

Additional OptionsThe following additional options are also available for the printable version, which allow you to further customize the printable version:

o Insert a page break between each sectiono When this option is selected, each section begins on a new page within the

printable view.o When this option is not selected, each section begins immediately after the

previous section.o Display task instructions

o When this option is selected, the performance review task instructions are displayed on the first page of the report body.

o When this option is not selected, the task instructions are not displayed.o Display Off-Cycle Summary

o When this option is selected, the user's Off-cycle Summary is displayed in the printable view. The Off-cycle Summary is a summary of the employee's off-cycle performance reviews that have been completed throughout the year. This enables organizations to remind reviewers of the results of any off-cycle reviews that had occurred during the review period.

o When this option is not selected, the Off-cycle Summary is not displayed.o Display the directions for each section

o When this option is selected, the directions for each section are displayed at the top of the corresponding section.

o When this option is not selected, the section directions are not displayed.o Display rating scales


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

o When this option is selected, the rating scale for the section is displayed within the corresponding section. The rating scale is only displayed if the corresponding section has an associated rating scale.

o When this option is not selected, the section rating scale is not displayed.o Display Custom Fields

o When this option is selected, custom fields are displayed for each section within the report that has associated custom fields. Custom fields only display if the corresponding section has associated custom fields.

o When this option is not selected, section custom fields are not displayed.o Display previous responses

o When this option is selected, previous responses for each section are displayed within the corresponding section. Previous responses must also be enabled in the performance review task.

o When this option is not selected, previous responses do not display.o Display Goal Details

o When this option is selected, the goal details (e.g., Perspective, Category, Tasks, Targets) are displayed for each goal within the Goal Rating and Goal Planning sections. Only goal fields that are enabled in Goal Configuration are displayed.

o When this option is not selected, goal details are not displayed.o Display Competency Assessment Details

o When this option is selected, item based competencies display item level scores within the printable view. Competency assessment details are only included in the printable view if a competency assessment was included in the performance review.

o When this option is not selected, only the overall competency rating is displayed.

Overwrite Settings

Choose whether to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you choose to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

If this option is unselected, then only the child OUs that do not have customized settings will be updated, as well as any OUs that are added in the future.

A child OU that has not been customized always inherits from the parent, regardless of whether this option is selected.

An OU is considered customized if its preferences or settings have been changed.

Submit or CancelAfter configuring the performance review printable view, click SUBMIT to save any unsaved changes. Or, click CANCEL to discard any unsaved changes.


Talent/Performance Preferences: Talent/Performance Preferences Overview

