To all commissioners and please post The more you tweet


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From: DJ Hamasaki

To: SFPD, Commission (POD Subject: Please Post on 30 Day Correspondence Date: Friday, November 5, 20218:53:49 AM Attachments: Hilarious Hamasaki.pdf

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To all commissioners and please post

The more you tweet the more we know you are losing your mind. You have nothing but personal attacks and no real arguments.

John Hamasaki


Big thanks to and @SFFDPIO for helping with a family medical emergency today. L A

PJ Sep 18. 2021 Twitter for Phone

I Re.ee1: 17 Likes

Hew to opi 0,rsts when the pellsNls . complet &moo

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Dr. Phil McKracken F

This Issue:

Neurosurgery & Proctology Combinations Operating on subjects who have Sh*t

for Brains Syn


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