Tone Words



Word, definition, synonym, picture. Tanner Parrott 6. Tone Words. definition: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. synonym: kindhearted. Benevolent. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Word, definition, synonym, picture.Tanner Parrott 6

BENEVOLENTdefinition: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings.synonym: kindhearted

COMPASSIONATE definition: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. synonym: humaneness

COMPLIMENTARY definition: of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering. synonym: praiseful

FORTHRIGHT definition: going straight to the point. synonym: plainspoken

SERENE definition: calm, peaceful, or tranquil. synonym: at peace

SYMPATHETIC definition: harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another. synonym: caring

OBJECTIVE definition: something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish. synonym: goal

BEWILDERED definition: completely puzzled or confused. synonym: baffled

CONDESCENDING definition: showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority. synonym: talk down to

DESOLATE definition: barren or laid to waste. synonym: uninhabited

HAUGHTYdefinition: disdainfully proud; snobbish.synonym: proud

INDIGNANT definition: feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, or insulting. synonym: resentful

IRREVERENTdefinition: deficient in veneration or respect. synonym: impious

MELANCHOLYdefinition: a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged. synonym: despondency

MOCKINGdefinition: to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech. synonym: taunt

OMINOUSdefinition: portending evil or harm. synonym: threatening

PESSIMISTICdefinition: the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc. synonym: hopeless

SEVEREdefinition: serious or stern in manner or appearance. synonym: strict

SOLEMNdefinition: serious thoughts or a grave mood. synonym: serious

SOMBERdefinition: gloomy, depressing, or dismal. synonym: mournful

SUSPICIOUSdefinition: inclined to suspect, especially inclined to suspect evil. synonym: doubtful