Tools and Services for Data Intensive Research Roger Barga, Architect eXtreme Computing Group,...


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Tools and Services for Data Intensive Research

Roger Barga, ArchitecteXtreme Computing Group, Microsoft Research

An Elephant Through the Eye of a Needle

Select eXtreme Computing Group (XCG) Initiatives

• Cloud Computing Futures– ab initio R&D on cloud hardware/software infrastructure

• Multicore academic engagement– Universal Parallel Computing Research Centers (UPCRCs)

• Software incubations– Multicore applications, power management, scheduling

• Quantum computing– Topological quantum computing investigations

• Security and cryptography– Theoretical explorations and software tools

• Research cloud engagement– Worldwide government and academic research partnerships– Inform next generation cloud computing infrastructure

Data Intensive Research• The nature of scientific computing is changing– It is about the data…

• Hypothesis-driven research– “I have an idea, let me verify it...”

• Exploratory– “What correlations can I glean from everyone’s


• Requires different tools and techniques– Exploratory analysis relies on data mining, viz

analytics– “grep” is not a data mining tool, and neither is a


• Massive, multidisciplinary data– Rising rapidly and at unprecedented scale

Research1. Have good idea2. Write proposal3. Wait 6 months4. If successful, wait

3 months5. Install Computers6. Start Work

Science Start-ups1. Have good idea2. Write Business Plan3. Ask VCs to fund4. If successful..5. Install Computers6. Start Work

Cloud Computing Model

1. Have good idea2. Grab nodes from Cloud

provider3. Start Work4. Pay for what you used

also scalability, cost, sustainability

Why Commercial Clouds are Important*

* Slide used with permission of Paul Watson, University of Newcastle (UK)

Moore’s “Law” favored consumer commoditiesEconomics drove enormous improvementsSpecialized processors and mainframes falteredThe commodity software industry was born

The Pull of Economics (follow the money)

Today’s economicsUnprecedented economies of scaleEnterprise moving to PaaS, SaaS, cloud computingOpportunities for Analysis as a Service, multi-disciplinary data sets,…

LPIA x86

LPIA x86

DRAM ctlr

DRAM ctlr

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LPIA x86

LPIA x86

1 MB cache

1 MB cache

LPIA x86

LPIA x86

1 MB cacheGPUGPU

PCIe ctlr

PCIe ctlrNoCNoC1 MB

cache1 MB cache

LPIA x86

LPIA x86

1 MB cacheGPUGPU

LPIA x86

LPIA x86

1 MB cache

1 MB cache

LPIA x86

LPIA x86

DRAM ctlr

DRAM ctlr

OoO x86

This will drive changes in research computing and cloud infrastructureJust as did “killer micros” and inexpensive clusters

Drinking from the Twitter Fire Hose

• Assume the order of magnitude of the twitter user base is in the 10-50MM range, let’s crank this up to the 500M range.

• The average Twitter user is generating a relatively low incoming message rate right now, assume that a user’s devices (phone, car, PC) are enhanced to begin auto-generating periodic Twitter messages on their behalf, e.g. with location ‘pings’ and solving other problems that twitterbots are emerging to address.  So let’s say the input rate grows again to 10x-100x what it was in the previous step.

On the “input” end• Start with the ‘twitter fire hose’, messages flowing inbound at

specific rate.

• Enrich each element with significantly more metadata, e.g. geolocation.

On the “input” endOn the “output” end: three different usage modalities• Each user has one or more ‘agents’ they run on their behalf,

monitoring this input stream.  This might just be a client that displays a stream that is incoming from the @friends or #topics or the #interesting&@queries (user standing queries).

• A user can do more general queries from a search page.  This query may have more unstructured search terms than the above, and it is expected not just to be going against incoming stream but against much larger corpus of messages from the entire input stream that has been persisted for days, weeks, months, years…

• Finally, analytical tools or bots whose purpose is to do trend analysis on the knowledge popping out of the stream, in real-time.  Whether seeded with an interest (“let me know when a problem pops up with <product> that will damage my company’s reputation”) or just discovering a topic from the noise (“let me know when a new hot news item emerges”), both must be possible.

Drinking from the Twitter Fire Hose

Pause for Moment…Defining representative challenges or quests to

focus group attention is an excellent way to proceed as a community

Publishing a whitepaper articulating these challenges is a great way to allow others to contribute to a shared research agenda

Make simulated and reference data sets available to ground such a distributed research effort

On the “input” endOn the “output” end: three different usage modalities

A combination of live data, including streaming, and historical data Lots of necessary technology, but no single technology is sufficient

If this is going to be successful it must be accessible to the masses Simple to use and highly scalable, which is extremely difficult because in actuality it is not simple…

Drinking from the Twitter Fire Hose

This Talk is About

Intersection of four fundamental strategies 1.Distribute Data and perform Parallel Processing2.Parallel operations to take advantage of multiple cores;

3.Reduce the size of the data accessed– Data compression– Data structures that limit the amount of data required for queries;

4.Stream data processing to extract information before storage

Effort to build & port tools for data intensive research in the cloud– None have run in the cloud to date or at scale we are


Able to handle torrential streams of live and historical data– Goal is simplicity and ease-of-use combined with scalability

Microsoft’s Dryad• Continuously deployed since 2006• Running on >> 104 machines• Sifting through > 10Pb data daily• Runs on clusters > 3000 machines• Handles jobs with > 105 processes each• Used by >> 100 developers• Rich platform for data analysis

Microsoft Research, Silicon ValleyMichael Isard, Mihai Budiu, Yuan Yu, Andrew Birrell, Dennis Fetterly

Pause for Moment…Data-Intensive Computing Symposium, 2007

Dryad is now freely available to Geoffrey Fox (Indiana) and Magda Balazinska (UW) as early adoptersCommitment by External Research (MSR) to support research community use

Simple Programming ModelTerasort, well known benchmark, time to sort time 1 TB data

[J. Gray 1985]

• Sequential scan/disk = 4.6 hours• DryadLINQ provides simple but powerful programming model• Only few lines of code needed to implement Terasort, benchmark May 2008 • DryadLINQ result: 349 seconds (5.8 min)• Cluster of 240 AMD64 (quad) machines, 920 disks• Code: 17 lines of LINQDryadDataContext ddc = new DryadDataContext(fileDir);DryadTable<TeraRecord> records = ddc.GetPartitionedTable<TeraRecord>(file);var q = records.OrderBy(x => x);q.ToDryadPartitionedTable(output);

LINQ• Microsoft’s Language INtegrated Query– Available in Visual Studio 2008

• A set of operators to manipulate datasets in .NET– Support traditional relational operators

• Select, Join, GroupBy, Aggregate, etc.

• Data model– Data elements are strongly typed .NET objects– Much more expressive than SQL tables

• Extremely extensible– Add new custom operators– Add new execution providers

Dryad Generalizes Unix Pipes

Unix Pipes: 1-Dgrep | sed | sort | awk | perl

Dryad: 2-D, multi-machine, virtualized grep1000 | sed500 | sort1000 | awk500 | perl50

Dryad Job Structure



sort awkperlgre





Vertices (processes)




Channel is a finite streams of items• NTFS files (temporary)• TCP pipes (inter-machine)• Memory FIFOs (intra-


Dryad System Architecture

Files, TCP, FIFO, Networkjob schedule

data plane

control plane



Job manager cluster

JM code



Dryad Job Staging1. Build

2. Send .exe

3. Start JM

5. Generate graph

7. Serialize vertices

8. Monitor vertex execution

4. Query cluster resources

Cluster services6. Initialize vertices

Dryad Scheduler is a State Machine• Static optimizer builds execution graph–Vertex can run anywhere once all its inputs are


• Dynamic optimizer mutates running graph –Distributes code, routes data;–Schedules processes on machines near data;–Adjusts available compute resources at each stage;–Automatically recovers computation, adjusts for

overloado If A fails, run it again;o If A’s inputs are gone, run upstream vertices again (recursively);o If A is slow, run a copy elsewhere and use output from one that

finishes first.

–Masks failures in cluster and network;

Combining Query Providers


Local Machine



VB, F#, etc)

Execution Engines






Q p









LINQ == Tree of Operators• A query is comprised of a tree of operators• As with a program AST, these trees can be analyzed, rewritten• This is why PLINQ can safely introduce parallelism

q = from x in A where p(x) select x3;• Intra-operator:• Inter-operator:• Both composed:

• Nesting queries inside of others is commonPLINQ can fuse partitions

var q1 = from x in A select x*2;var q2 = q1.Sum();

Combining with PLINQ





Combining with LINQ-to-IMDB


Subquery Subquery Subquery Subquery




Combining with LINQ-to-CEP


Subquery Subquery Subquery Subquery






Cost of storing data – few cents/month/MB

Cost of acquiring data – negligible

Extracting insight while acquiring data - pricelessMining historical data for ways to extract insight –


CEDR CEP – the engine that makes it possible

Consistent Streaming Through Time: A Vision for Event Stream ProcessingRoger S. Barga, Jonathan Goldstein, Mohamed H. Ali, Mingsheng HongIn the proceedings of CIDR 2007

Complex Event ProcessingComplex Event Processing (CEP) is the continuous and incremental processing of event (data) streams from multiple sources based on declarative query and pattern specifications with near-zero latency.

The CEDR (Orinoco) Algebra

Leverages existing SQL understanding–Streaming extensions to relational algebra–Query integration with host languages (LINQ)

Semantics are independent of order of arrival–Specify a standing event query–Separately specify desired disorder handling

strategy–Many interesting repercussions

Consistent Streaming Through Time: A Vision for Event Stream ProcessingRoger S. Barga, Jonathan Goldstein, Mohamed H. Ali, Mingsheng HongIn the proceedings of CIDR 2007

CEDR (Orinoco) Overview

Currently processing over 400M events per day for internal application (5000 events/sec)

Reference Data on AzureOcean Science data on Azure SDS-relational• Two terabytes of coastal and model data• Collaboration with Bill Howe (Univ of


Computational finance data on Azure SDS-relational• BATS, daily tick data for stocks (10

years)• XBRL call report for banks (10,000


Working with IRIS to store select seismic data on Azure. IRIS consortium based in Seattle (NSF) collects and distributes global seismological data.• Data sets requested by researchers

worldwide• Includes HD videos, seismograms, images,

data from major seismic events.

• Data growing exponentially: big data, with big implications…

• Implications for research environments and cloud infrastructure

• Building cloud analysis & storage tools for data intensive research– Implementing key services for science (PhyloD for HIV

researchers)– Host select data sets for multidisciplinary data analysis

• Ongoing discussions for research access to Azure–Many PB of storage and hundreds of thousands of core-hours– Internet2/ESnet connections, w/ service peering at high

bandwidth– Drive negotiations with ISVs for pay-as-you-go licensing

(MATLAB)• Academic access to Azure through our MSDN program

• Technical engagement team to onboard research groups– Tools for data analysis, data storage services, and visual



