Top Ten: Callie’s Blonde Moments



Top Ten: Callie’s Blonde Moments. By: Callie Martens and Kami Buchholz. 10: Syd’s House. Callie fell over the side of the couch (by herself) and hit her head on the piano. 9 : Basketball Practice. Callie was on the opposite side of the court dribbling. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Top Ten: Callie’s Blonde Moments

By: Callie Martensand Kami Buchholz

10: Syd’s House

Callie fell over the side of the couch (by herself) and hit her head on the piano

9: Basketball Practice

Callie was on the opposite side of the court dribbling.

She fell down (on her stomach) all by herself, with no one around her.

8: At Mexican Restaurant in Huron With Taylor

They thought a Caucasian was a Canadian-Asian


7: Cross-Country

Callie told us to “paste” ourselves for running the long distance.

It’s pace yourself, Callie, good try.

6: Syd’s House

Callie spent the night at Sydnee’s house with Nikki and Kami.

Callie had to leave for swimming lessons early in the morning.

Before they woke up, she walked back into the house, and was playing with a doll.

5: Track

Sydnee dared Callie to pull down her pants (with her spandex underneath) and waddle down the track screaming.

She did it.

4: School

Taylor Halverson and Taylor Hornig were arguing about who was the “first T.H.”

Mr. Hoek wanted to be the “first T.H.” It took Callie a good 5 minutes to realize that Mr. Hoek’s initials were

T.H. Then she blurted it out after the conversation was over.

3: Callie’s Basement

Callie was on a rolling chair, and called Syd and Kami losers.

Callie then proceeded to slide backwards into a pole and then fall off the chair completely.

2: History

Callie was reading her assignment, like so…

We called her name and she looked up like this…

1: Callie’s Snapchats..