Top tips march 2013


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Top Tips

Monday 18 March

Developing Questioning

Plan questions to cover your differentiated LOs

Have red, amber and green coloured cards

When students answer questions, give them the appropriate coloured card for their answer

You could ask them to develop their answer for a higher coloured card, or pass the next stage question to another student


To understand how the poet presents the relationship between parent and child

All must be able to retell the events between parent and child

Most should be able to give examples from the poem

Some might be able to comment on the language and what it shows about the relationship

Extension – make links to other poems or Romeo and Juliet

Laura - in the first stanza, she has the baby. The mother likes her daughter a lot and feels a bond to her

Lucy – she talks about the “red rope” in the first stanza

Laura – the rope could symbolise the umbilical cord – a metaphor. Or it could symbolise that there is a connection between them, that they are tied together

Extension – Lucy. This poem is like Romeo and Juliet because in Act 1 Scene 4 Capulet talks about how much he loves his daughter and says she means the world to him, so they are both about the strong bond between parents and children

You can target particular questions to particular students as part of differentiation

You can extend students through getting them to develop the answers they give

You can stretch the more able G&T with extra questions

Tap into our students’ competitive nature by getting them to add up points at the end

Good for demonstrating progress

EBI and take up time in practical subjects

Anticipate areas where your students will need improvement

Pre-prepare EBI cards you can hand out. This could be at a fixed mini plenary time or whenever you feel intervention is needed

Have a wall area where you can stick the EBI cards as they are achieved during take up time or during the lesson

They can be colour coded to match your differentiated LOs
