Topic : The gallery of the Famous People. Aims: Educational aims: to get acquainted with the...


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Topic:The gallery of the Famous People

Aims:Educational aims:

to get acquainted with the biography of the famous world figures in the world of science, culture and politics; to train students to highlight the main information from the text;

Development aims: to develop students’ skills in the field of reading, writing, speaking and listening;

Brining-up aims: to bring up the leaders skills; to make them understand, that with their own efforts they can achieve a lot in life; to bring up the proud for their well-known all over the world compatriouts.

Objectives:-to have known some facts from the biography of the

well-known people;-to develop their own leaders traits;-to evaluate the opportunity to write their names in the

history;-to develop students’ skills of reading, writing, speaking

and listening while doing tasks

Equipment:Power point presentation, the rare projector, the screen, video clips “Famous scintists”, “Business quotes of famous people ”, workbooks, monitoring table “What I have learnt new from this lesson?”Methods:Traditional methods - communicative method, audio-visual, oral method.Interactive methods – reflection method sincvain , insernType of the lesson – lesson of using knowledge and skillsShape of the lesson- excursion

! Its interesting

- I think otherwise

V I know it

+ New information

? Don’t understand

Monitoring table











Tell me and I will forgetShow me and i will

renemberInvolve me and I will


Ancient Chinese proverd

Exhibition hall 1

“Famous people in the field of science”


1. What was Hippocrates? In what field of science did he make the discovery?

2. What famous person was Aristotle’s student?

3. What was Euclid famous for?

4. Who was the first astronomer who had formulated a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology which displaced the earth from the center to the universe?

5. What was Andreas Vesalius?

Exhibition hall 2

“ Well-known cultural figures”

1 variant1 "Friends applaud, the comedy is over."

2 Ludwig van Beethoven, a German

composer, was one of the world's greatest

musical geniuses. 3 In 1792, Beethoven moved

from the provincial court city of Bonn to Vienna, where he studied with Haydn. 4 His hearing had begun to fail by 1798, but he continued to produce a massive volume of music including numerous masterpieces. 5 Unfortunately, the last thirty years of his life were filled with a series of personal tragedies. 6 In addition to his deafness, he became depressed after ending a relationship with an unnamed--and probably married--lady; he struggled through a series of legal battles to gain custody of his nephew following the death of his brother; he was plagued by financial problems and huge debts, and his health began to rapidly fail after his nephew attempted suicide in 1826.

2 variantNostradamus (Michel de Notre Dame) 1503-1566"Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here."1 Nostradamus was a cryptic prophet whose verse has been credited by some as foretelling future events despite its vague language and lack of any chronological reference.2 His predictions achieved local recognition after he claimedto have discovered a cure for the plague.3 Word of one of his prophesies eventually reachedCatherine de Medici, the superstitious wife of Henry II, whobelieved it was about her husband: "The young lion willsurpass the old one in national field by a single duel. 4 He will pierce his eyes in a golden cage two blows at once,to die a grievous death." After Henry was killed in 1559 duringa tournament when a lance, yielded by a younger opponent,pierced his eye, Nostradamus achieved true fame.

3 variantGordon, George, Lord Byron (1788-1824)"Good night."1 Lord Byron was one of the most widely read and notorious poets of his era, and many believe that someof his works, especially Don Juan, are autobiographical.2 He was forced to flee England in 1816 to escape hisdebts and a nasty sex scandal involving his wife's sister. 3 He traveled throughout Europe until he joined theGreek war for independence in 1823. 4 That winter, he becamequite ill, perhaps partly due to malnutrition as he had taken toeating almost nothing but meager portions of rice. 5 He had not yet fullyrecovered when he was caught in a driving, frigid rainstorm. He returnedto his room chilled, shivering, and with a high fever. 6 Friends called inphysicians and surgeons who bled him with twelve leeches they attachedto his temples and induced violent diarrhea with a large dose of castor oil.7 All concerned were surprised to find this treatment did not work, andLord Byron lapsed into a deep stupor. 8 He eventually regainedconsciousness long enough to say "Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.“9 He died within twenty-four hours.

Exhibition hall 3

“Famous politicians”

1 ) Who say words? «Untill all wealth is

aggregated in a few hands and the Republic

is destroyed»?

2 ) What was Alice Walker?

3) What was the 26-th President of the

United States?

4) What world- known politic dictator want to close union offices confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison?

5)what was the first lady of USA?

Exhibition hall 4

“The proud of our country”

Andriy shevchenko

Roberta Bondar (Роберта Бондар)

Serhiy Bubka (Сергій Бубка)

Yana Klochkova (Яна Клочкова)

Vasyl Virastyuk (Василь Вірастюк)

is a strongman competitor from Ukraine. He competed in the finals of the World's Strongest Man contest in 2003 (3rd place) and 2004 (1st place).

is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals. 4 gold medals came in the 200 meter individual medley and the 400 meter individual medley at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics.

She became a consultant and speaker in the business, scientific and medical communities.

He broke the world record for men's pole vaulting 35 times (17 outdoor and 18 indoor records).

He is the third-highest scorer in the history of European club competition with 63 goals, behind Filippo Inzaghi and Raul.

Exhibition hall 5

«Сreative task»

1 word that is associated with this man;2 adjectives;3 verbs.

Our first presidentMykhailo Serhiyovych Hrushevsky

(Ukrainian: Михайло Сергійович Грушевський; Cheіm, 29 September [O.S.17 September] 1866 – Kislovodsk, 26November 1934) was a Ukrainiancademician, politician, historian, andstatesman, one of the mostimportant figures of the Ukrainian nationalrevival of the early 20th century. As aPolitical leader, Hrushevsky first becameactive in Austrian Galicia, where he spokeout against Polish political predominance,against Ruthenian particularism, and infavor of a national Ukrainian identity whichwould unite both eastern and western partsof the country. In 1899, he was a co-founderof the Galician based National DemocraticParty.

Home Task

Next lesson you must do the journal «Famous people in my profession»