Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments...


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Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments













ERA-NET for Research infrastructures Objectives

To help developing EU Programmes and Policy for research infrastructures (Very important in relation with future calls in Particular for FP8 aligned with our needs!!!)

Eligible partners are only programme owners: National, regional, ministries, governments, Research councils, funding agencies who are all managing research programmes.

Long-Term Goal Establish a sustainable action beyond this project to be done ??

(A Standing Committee with direct links to ESFRI , EU-RI, EU-Programmes EU-Countries Representatives)

The NuPNET strategy: Success through a stepwise approach


*Communication: NuPNET Website+ Articles*Census of resources*List of opportunities

*Communication: NuPNET Website+ Articles*Census of resources*List of opportunities

*List of joint activities Funding Action Plan

*Launch of NuPNET Call

*List of joint activities Funding Action Plan

*Launch of NuPNET Call

*Launch pilot activities *Action beyond


*Launch pilot activities *Action beyond


2011 and beyond


in CERN Courier (Nov.2008)

in CNRS Int'l Mag (Jan.2011)

The NuPNET strategy: a combined Management Structure

18 Institutions ,14 countries

Belgium FNRS Greece GSRTBelgium FWO-V Hungary NKTHBulgaria INRNE Italy INFNCzech Rep. CEA Netherlands RuGFinland HIP Poland NCBiRFrance CEA Romania IFIN-HHFrance CNRS-IN2P3 Spain FECYTGermany BMBF Spain MICINNGermany PT-GSI UK STFC

Publication of the"NuPNET Report"

Launch of the first"NuPNET Call"

Action beyond

NuPNET to be discussed

Launch of joint pilot activities

Project fully completed 03-2008/11-2011

All milestones achieved All deliverables submitted

Final Report submitted

Fourth NuPNET Governing Council Meeting

European CommissionResearch and Innovation DG

1049 BruxellesBelgium

Subject: 202914 - NuPNET - Acknowledgment of Receipt (202914_Final_Report-


Dear Coordinator,Thank you for submitting a scientific report for the project

202914 - NuPNET.Your scientific report (202914_Final_Report-

11_20120222_120301_CET.pdf) has been receivedby the European Commission - Research and

Innovation DG.Please note that this acknowledgement of receipt does not

imply that your report is complete oraccepted.

Commission - Research and Innovation DG.

3 Topics = 16 proposals Call Timeline

Topic1 "R&D on new detectortechnologies in NP":9 proposals/ € 6.37million

Topic2 "R&D on EURISOLtechnologies":3 proposals/ € 1.24million

Topic3 "Targeted action on nuclear structure, reaction theory"4 proposals/ € 1.15million

=> 300300 scientists involved

Call Budget = €3.42M vs. Requested = €8.76M= €8.76M

•Topic1:2.15M vs. 6.37M= 3 times•Topic2:0.78M vs. 1.24M= 1.5 times•Topic3:0.49M vs. 1.15M= 2 timesTOTAL REQUESTED TOTAL REQUESTED BUDGET: BUDGET: €8.76M€8.76M(€3.42M funding covered)(€3.42M funding covered)

Runningtill 30/06/2011

Evaluation byindependentexperts

12 July Meeting of thePeer Review Panel

13 July Meeting of theInvolvedFunding Agencies

End July Results

Automn 2011 Launch of Pilot Activities

30/11/2011 NuPNET ends

Beyond 2011 NuPNET 2… ?

The 1st NuPNET Call

11 Partners signed an Involvement Agreement

Proposed budgetDetector R&D


Theory Total (k€)

Bulgaria 70 0 30 100Finland 0 180 30 210France CEA 80 0 80 160France IN2P3 100 250 100 450Germany 750 0 0 750Italy 100 100 0 200Netherlands 100 0 0 100Poland 250 250 100 600Romania 300 0 100 400Spain 300 0 50 350United Kingdom 100 0 0 100Total (k€) 2150 780 490 3420

NuPNET fourth GC meeting, Santiago 3/10/2011

Project Title Project Acronym

Project Coordinator

Topic (*)

Agencies Funding (K€)(**)

GAmma detection with New Advanced Scintillators GANAS

Olof Tengblad Topic 1


1001NEutron DEtector developments for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Applications NEDENSAA

J.Valiente Dobon Topic 1


Advanced Fast Timing Arrays with novel scintillators and photosensors FATIMA

Luis Mario Fraile Topic 1


Enhanced Multi-Ionization of short-Lived Isotopes at EURISOL EMILIE

Pierre Delahaye Topic 2JY, CNRS-IN2P3, INFN 613

Structure And Reactions For Exotic Nuclei (Theory) SARFEN P.Van Isacker Topic 3



Results of the first NuPNET Call (2011)5 Projects selected

Success at WIRE 2011

Week of Innovative Regions, Debrecen, June 7-9, 2011

GANASGAmma detection with New Advanced Scintillators


Partner Funds Status

IN2P3 (coord) 250k€ 145.5 k€ received at GANIL/ rest to come

INFN 80 k€ INFN committed to start with delivering the fund mid of 2012

HIL 159 k€ Funds available since Dec. 2011

JYFL 24 k€ Funds available; running costs of JYFL

A kick off meeting was held on the 27th of October 2011 at IN2P3 in Paris. The first meeting was held on the 26 of January 2012 during the SPIRAL 2 Week in GANIL.The project starting date has been decided by the participants to be 1st of January 2012A consortium agreement has been requested by the steering committee. A web site hosted by GANIL has been created to exchange information between partners: stepsIn 2012, the R&D proposed in EMILIE The simulation and design of the EBIS debuncher – already started - should be completed (GANIL – LPC Caen – JYFL)•The simulation of microwave coupling in the future SPIRAL2/SPES ECRIS charge breeder should have been started (INFN – LPSC)•The design of the upgraded ECRIS charge breeder for SPIRAL – already started - should have been completed (GANIL - LPSC)The next meeting will be held at INFN-LNL in October 2012. Date is being fixed.

Status of EMILIE

513 K€


Kick off meeting of the NEutron DEtector developments for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Applications (NEDENSAA)

The NEDENSAA NUPNET project is an effort to pool available resources and on going R&D by various groups throughout Europe with the aim of providing significant improvements in neutron detection. The project covers the various technologies and methods relevant for the improvement of the detection of neutrons (the chemistry for development of new scintillator materials, testing of the new materials as well as the comparison with existing ones, the study of innovative concepts for neutron detection, scintillator readout with SiPM, digital electronics as well as the study of the optimal geometry of the neutron detectors with other detector arrays (such as Ge arrays).

Participating institutions (in a.o.): CEA (France), CIEMAT (Spain OK), CNRS/IN2P3 (France), IFIC (Spain OK), INFN (Italy OK), Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (Bulgaria), The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Technical University Dresden (Germany OK) , University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Dates: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - 09:30 to Friday, February 17, 2012 - 14:00Location: CIEMAT Building 1, Room B (Sala B)

NEDENSAA - NUPNET project meeting


Present status

No FP7 call available Successful pilot call implementation

Wide coverage of funding agencies Teams are interested in the pilot call Well organized peer review system Monitoring necessary

Keep NuPNET as a brand name

Beyond NuPNET

GC representatives VOTED as follows: “Are we ready towork out a proposal for a NuPNET2?”

Result: YES* (by 15 votes out of 22).

GC representatives agreed to continue to work together in an informal way and to come up with a proposal within 1 year. GC representatives also agreed that NuPNET members, who are not today member of the NuPNET CC,

can join the NuPNET CC.

Therefore GC representatives agreed that each funding agency should find a solution to pay for their possible costs when working on the proposal for


GC representatives decided that the kick-off meeting of the workshop of“Continuation beyond NuPNET” should be organized once we have a first

draft proposal in view of a NuPNET2.

How to move on?

Action :Reinforce NuPECC,NuPNET complementarity by building a common working group to discuss the

content and goals of the new proposal in 2012

Thank youfor your attention

WP2 – Results of the Census – NuPNET

FUNDING of NP 515M€ /year

WP2 – Results of the Census – NuPNET


Main Results in NP

Nuclear Physics Workforce Nuclear Physics Budget

• National funding: € 459 million

• FP6/FP7 funding: € ~13 million

• Other funding: € ~43 million

TOTAL BUDGET: € 515 millionTOTAL BUDGET: € 515 million= more than 90% of the = more than 90% of the total European budget for NPtotal European budget for NP

14 member countries

• Number of physicists: 4,050(~25% are female researchers)

• Number of engineers/techn.: 1,868


Topics for the pilot trans-national call

R&D on new detector technologies

R&D on EURISOL technologies

Targeted action on nuclear structure and reaction theory

Involvement agreement signed by the Involved Funding Agencies (IFA) and describing: - terms of cooperation between IFA

- proposed budget per IFA and call topics

- common call procedure –Calendar of the call

- call descriptionEvaluation a three step process:

- two anonymous evaluations per proposal (May 1st until June 30)

a peer review panel ranking the proposals according to the anonymous evaluations and their

own criteria (meeting on July 12)

- final funding allocation following the ranking proposed by the peer review panel and the budgetary boundaries (IFAs meeting on July 13)

Application for national funds

NuPNET fourth GC meeting, Santiago 3/10/2011

In many countries the funding allocation is straight forward since the NuPNET representation also has control on the budgets.

In few cases (Spain, Poland) the NuPNET representation and the funding allocation are two different bodies. In that case the eligible proposals should apply for funding using the national rules and calls.

Final decision on the funding per eligible proposal are expected before the end of the year.

All projects may start on January 1st 2012.

J. Benlliure

Projects follow-up

NuPNET fourth GC meeting, Santiago 3/10/2011

According to the NuPNET Involved Agreement signed by the Involved Funding Agencies in the first NuPNET call for trans-national proposals, all funded projects should deliver a mid-term and a final scientific reports to the Common Call Secretariat.

Each participant should also submit periodical financial and scientific reports and a final report to its national funding agency. Any publications resulting from the funded projects must acknowledge the national funding agencies and the ERA-NET NuPNET, and one copy must be sent electronically to the NuPNET Common Call Secretariat (CCS).

Template forms for the mid-term and final scientific reports are being prepared with the following contents:

A. Project identification

B. Consortium identification

C. Project summary for public dissemination

D. Progress report (objectives achieved, activities, problems and workplan changes, …)

E. Dissemination (publications, conferences, patents, …)

F. Bried financial report
