Traffic maker tktk_final_1-1


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Traffic ExchangeHow to increase your audience if you are not the first?

It’s easy to be #1. But what if you are not so huge?

How to reach a new height?

How to increase the audience?

How to grow your business?

Look around.. The solution is close to you!

Competitors: Are they your enemies or friends?

Where are competitors close to each other and it helps them?

Where are competitors close to each other and it helps them? Magazines…

Exchange your audience. Just barter!

We build the partner ship network, each partner will get an additional audience.

Click per click. Traffic circulation…

BTW you can put the ad block wherever you want

A = B

Your news move… to partner’s web-site

Partner’s news.. move to your web-site

And what’s about us? Why do we do this?

No money.

Just 15% clicks. And nothing more.

Example. Let’s count…

Partner 1

Partner 2

Partner 3Partner 4

Partner 5

850 clicks1000 clicks

170 clicks



s680 clicks

800 clicks

200 clicks 600


s 85 clicks

100 clicks Partner 6425 clicks

500 clicks

Actually it already works all over the world!

Some details: Who can join us?

Just for news-sites and on-line magazines. You choose by your-self with which partners you

want to exchange. Moderation of each ad. You have all statistic: Whose banners did you show? Were your banners shown?

Some details: Robots, robots, robots

Fully automatic system: News-block automatically created from RSS. Intelligent language analyzing system find by it-self the best page to explore ad. We measure the efficiency of each banner. The result is an increase of high quality attendance.

So…What do you get?

Additional target audience from partners More profit from advertising Get closer to Top-1 VN web-site And that’s all for free!

Thank you!


Margarita Alumyan

Phone: (84) 169 4950372

Advertising Department


