Traffic Radar Presentation



Radar and Communications

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DESIGN DAN IMPLEMENTASIAntenaSistem RFPemasangan RadarBackground Kemacetan yang sangat tinggi pada waktu tertentu Pelanggaran pelanggaran jalur yang menyebabkan kemacetan Keakurasian perhitungan intensitas traffic menggunakan optic memiliki akurasi rendah Pengawasan menggunakan optik terkendala dengan cuaca dan intensitas cahaya ketika malam hari

3Objective Traffic radar implementations Monitoring Traffic includingTraffic avarage speedTraffic Intensity Classifying all traffic target including Truck, Bus, Cars, Motorcycle and pedestrian Statistical Monitoring Localized and solving traffic problem

4Principle of FMCW radarfrequency-modulatedcontinuous-waveA radar transmitting a continuous carrier modulated by a periodic function such as a sinusoid or sawtooth wave to provide range data (IEEE Std. 686-2008).Modulation is the keyword, since this adds the ranging capability to FMCW radars with respect to unmodulated CW radars.We will concentrate in this talk on linear FMCW radar (LFMCW).

timeamplitudetimefrequencyf0up-chirpSingle targettimefrequencyRadar

range Rsweep time Tsfrequency excursion,sweep bandwidth Bsweepbeat frequency fb


modulus ofthe spectrumfb frequency

FouriertransformationrangeMoving single targettimefrequencyRadar

range R

timebeat frequencyfbufbdfbufbd

Beat frequency components due to range and Doppler frequency shift:that are superimposed as

so range and radial velocity can be obtained asSISTEM RF

CO1000A controller board

AN1020K/00 20 dB horn antenna

Transceiver RS3400K/00

Thank You1616
