Tragedy & Hope


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  • 8/8/2019 Tragedy & Hope



    Topic: Tragedy and Hope

    Pictorial Essay Report

    Section: H

    Group I`D: (042)

    Asad ali l1f08bbam2020

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  • 8/8/2019 Tragedy & Hope


    Tragedy and Hope

    Tragedy: Over Loaded Public Transport

    Tragedy is an event that causes great sadness as stated by philosophers. Aristotle

    stated tragedy as the imitation of an action that is serious and also as having

    magnitude, complete in itself." He continues, "Tragedy is a form of drama exciting

    the emotions of pity and fear. Its action should be single and complete, presenting a

    reversal of fortune, involving persons renowned and of superior attainments, and it

    should be written in poetry embellished with every kind of artistic expression."

    As we all know that Pakistan is one the developing nations of south East Asia. One

    of the many challenges the country is facing nowadays is of social problems. We like

    to grab your attention towards a social problem that is Death causing which is

    Overloading of people on the public transport.

    The overloading of vehicles is most common seen images on the roads of the country

    from Islamabad to Karachi. People sit on the roof and hangs on the sides of the

    vehicles. This is quiet dangerous for both of the passengers on the bus as well as

    people who are travelling on the roads. These vehicle drivers put the lives of many

    people in danger.


    In the Provincial capital there is a challan on the overloading but these vehicle

    drivers have found another way to overload, the drivers try to get a challan for

    anything first time in the morning and then they start overloading their vehicles

    because there is no system of a challan over a challan and this problem of the system

    is exploited by these vehicle drivers. The major percentages of people who are

    bound to endanger their lives are the college students and the poor ones. There are

    fewer amounts of buses which are running on different routes.

    RTA (Regional Transport Authority) Inspector Yousaf Rafiqui says, "Four people in

    Lahore check route permit, frequency and overloading of buses but the truth is that

    transporters don't run the agreed number of buses." Decidely, a staff of four people

    is not sufficient to perform the job well.

    According to an estimate of RTA, New Khan Metro Bus is running 100 to 150 buses

    out of the promised 260, Premier Bus Service is running around 190 out of 246 buses,

  • 8/8/2019 Tragedy & Hope


    BHK Transport Service 27 out of 44, Niazi Express Bus is running 30 out of 52,

    Makks Metro is running 12-20 out of 40 buses, Baloch Transport Company is

    running 10-12 out of 22. So the shortage of buses is posing serious problem to


    According to the advertisements given by RTA in newspapers on March 14, 2006, 36

    routes buses were required on route B-34 but 16 permits were given to the concerned

    bus company, 22 buses were required for B-38 but only 11 buses got route permit

    and 34 buses were required for B-20 but only 22 buses were registered.

    Transporters say they are running into losses with the existing fares and diesel rate.

    They want subsidy from government to improve their business viability.

    These drivers know that on weekends and on special occasions such as eid or any

    gusseted holiday there is a greater number of passengers who travel on these days

    they take advantage of this situation and try to overload their vehicle with as manypassengers as they can.


    Now we would like give you some solutions of this problem

    1: Traffic education:

    The government should try to start a traffic education system in which they

    will teach the people about the traffic rules. This should be for both drivers and for

    the passengers.

    2: Substitutes:

    On the rush routes where there are fewer busses CNG rickshaws and motor

    cycle rickshaws should be given routes.

    3: Millage meter:

    All the rickshaws will be installed with a millage meter and the rate should be

    set by the government.

    4: Awareness Campaign:

    Government should support these solutions by running campaign on the

    electronic media and billboards.
