Trailer analysis


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Trailer analysis

Thrillers are mysterious and become more mysterious when it is based on a true story adding to the plot and drawing the audience in.

The serious looks on actors faces enforced the thriller narrative as serious and conforms to conventions.

The serious face again as actors have to be in a thriller. Conforms to conventions

Thrillers normally involve police in the narrative and this is nor different and conforms to conventions

The dark, musky location is key in a thriller and its narratives as most thrillers are based in dark locations.

In thrillers confrontations are made between characters and this is no different as it conforms to thriller narrative of confrontation.

Thrillers also have bloodshed included in them to make an enigma as seen in the trailer.

Characters are mostly serious in thriller trailers to create an enigma for the audiences.

The whole trailer is placed in the 20th century in the olden days and represents the issues taking place there as liquor was illegal then and these gangsters broke the law, this conforms to what we perceive happened in those days as well. They use methods that are common in attracting an audience: a star cast that each have their own followers, based on a true story, so people will be interested, represents real problems seen in the world today and splices genres together, gangster, thriller, action which will further enticer audiences.



Serious face: this conforms to thriller narratives of having serious characters in a thriller movie.

This is a dead body, which is key in a thriller and creates the mystery, therefore conforming to narratives.

This is the killer running away, this conforms to the thriller narrative as you don’t see his face therefore conforming to the thriller convention.

This is another serious face to conform to thriller conventions and also a worried face.

No thriller conforms to the thriller convention without the police solving the murders.

The rain helps to make the atmosphere even more sinister as it is a thriller movie and also the location is dull and dark therefore conforming to the thriller convention.

The red tint helps to make it sinister as it is also closed framing so he is trapped and creating the atmosphere of a thriller movie, conforming to the thriller conventions.

These are the tools found in a crime scene, making it more mysterious and sinister and conforming thriller conventions.

The place is very dark and dull, it is also a city with big tall buildings making the characters even more small and entrapped, therefore they make for a typical thriller movie, where the protagonist cant seem to catch up to the antagonist as it is a big, massive place. It conforms to typical points of view where people think thrillers are big dark locations. The fast editing pace and new plot device (seven deadly sins) will help attract interest from audiences and create a buzz among movie-goers.