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Botanical and geological complex Chimbulat

The camp goal is to promote the physical, intellectual, social and moral development of children in difficult situations.

Objectives:- Preparation of the younger generation to a successful life in modern society (disclosure of mechanisms of successful socialization);- Familiarization with an active lifestyle and responsible attitude to personal safety and health;- Formation and development of leadership skills and active position in life;help adolescent in self-determination, formation of values in life.- To create conditions for intercultural dialogue, to gain skills to communicate with foreigners, to overcome barriers in communication, to explore traditions of other nations, to learn a lot about other countries and peoples;- Development of tolerance, empathy, acceptance of another person;- To develop culture of volunteerism among youth, including among children in difficult situations.

Content of camp

foreign volunteers give various master classes, lessons about their country and culture. etc.

Includes a methodology for problem-based learning. In the form of game child is confronted with various problems and finds solutions.

Climbing, river crossing, rafting on catamarans, geo-keshing, high ropes course, sport games.


games (including night games), evening contests (intellectual,entertainment), camp events, discos, excursion.

Thank you for interest!

Contact us!

Tarasova Olga Phone +79276832252

