Transmission X-Ray Microscopy for Full-Field Nano Imaging...


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Transmission X-Ray Microscopy for Full-FieldNano Imaging of BiomaterialsJOY C. ANDREWS,1* FLORIANMEIRER,1 YIJIN LIU,1 ZOLTAN MESTER,2 AND PIERO PIANETTA1

1Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 940252Institute for National Measurement Standards, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A0R6

KEY WORDS full-field transmission X-ray microscopy; hard X-ray; bio-imaging; bone; yeast;microbes

ABSTRACT Imaging of cellular structure and extended tissue in biological materials requiresnanometer resolution and good sample penetration, which can be provided by current full-fieldtransmission X-ray microscopic techniques in the soft and hard X-ray regions. The various capabil-ities of full-field transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) include 3D tomography, Zernike phase con-trast, quantification of absorption, and chemical identification via X-ray fluorescence and X-rayabsorption near edge structure imaging. These techniques are discussed and compared in light ofresults from the imaging of biological materials including microorganisms, bone and mineralizedtissue, and plants, with a focus on hard X-ray TXM at � 40-nm resolution. Microsc. Res. Tech.00:000–000, 2010. VVC 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


To view both subcellular and extensive intercellularstructures in biological materials, it is necessary toimage them on the nanometer scale with sufficientpenetration through a sample to obtain a 3D view. Anadvantage of synchrotron X-rays is their excellenttransmission through biological material, high inten-sity to obtain images rapidly, and tunability of theX-rays for spectroscopy and/or chemical identificationof absorbing elements of interest within the sample.Some of the X-ray imaging methods currently beingused to obtain the images of biological samples at reso-lutions less than 100 nm are (1) transmission X-raymicroscopy (TXM) based on zone-plate focusing of theimage using hard X-rays, both lab model (Tkachuket al., 2007) and synchrotron based (Andrews et al.,2010; Awajiet al., 2002; Chu et al., 2008; Kim et al.,2008; Neuhausler and Schneider, 2006; Neuhausleret al., 2003; Tang et al., 2006; Tian et al., 2008); (2)TXM with soft X-rays (Abraham-Peskir et al., 2002;Chao et al., 2005; Heim et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2005;Parkinson et al., 2008; Schneider et al., 2003); and (3)scanning probe microscopy using finely focused X-raybeams in both the soft X-ray (Boyce et al., 2004; Flynnet al., 2009) and hard X-ray regions (Borca et al., 2009;Schmid et al., 2009). Hard X-ray fluorescence micro-probe or scanning transmission X-ray microscopy(STXM) is effective for trace element imaging, makingit a useful method for chemical mapping of biologicalspecimens (Harris et al., 2008). Using soft X-raySTXM, it is possible to perform effective chemicalspeciation of carbon (Boyce et al., 2004) and otherelements with micro-X-ray absorption near edge struc-ture (XANES); however, fluorescence yields are verypoor, and thus, multielement mapping of trace compo-nents is not practical.

Full-field TXM imaging has been used to elucidatethe nanoscale structure of a variety of biologicalsamples. Soft X-ray transmission microscopy, usingX-ray energies mainly in the water window above thecarbon K-edge and below the O K-edge, has been usedfor the imaging of biological materials such as virusmembranes (Carrascosa et al., 2009), macrophages(Yamamoto and Shinohara, 2002), epithelial cells(Meyer-Ilse et al., 2001), yeast cells (Huang et al., 2009;Parkinson et al., 2008), algae (Weiss et al., 2000), spidersilk (Glisovic et al., 2007), and insect attachments(Eimuller et al., 2008). Its main advantage is that C andN within the sample absorb strongly in the waterwindow so that biological organic material has excellentcontrast. It has better sample penetration than electronmicroscopy (EM), on the order of 5–10 lm, facilitating 3Dtomography of cells and other samples�10 lm thick.

Because of the deeper penetration of hard X-raysthrough biological material, even thicker specimenscan be imaged enabling 2D imaging and tomographyof extended tissue areas up to 40–60 lm thick. HardX-ray transmission microscopy has been used to imagebiological materials, such as yeast (Chen et al., 2010),hair (Jeon et al., 2008), human cells (Kim et al., 2008),as well as extended areas of bone and mineralizedtissue (Andrews et al., 2010) and microbes in plantroots (Patty et al., 2009). In this article, we will focuson current transmission X-ray microscopic techniques

*Correspondence to: Joy C. Andrews, SSRL MS 69, SLAC National AcceleratorLaboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025.E-mail:

Received 29 April 2010; accepted 14 June 2010

Contract grant sponsors: National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Instituteof Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), Department of Energy, Officeof Basic Energy Sciences (SSRL); Contract grant number: 5R01EB004321.

DOI 10.1002/jemt.20907

Published online inWiley Online Library (



being used for biological imaging, with an emphasis onhard X-ray TXM.

EXPERIMENTAL SETUPTransmission X-Ray Microscope

In a typical TXM synchrotron setup (Fig. 1), theX-ray beam is first focused with mirrors and energytuned with a monochromator. Because of the smallfield of view (FOV), it is very helpful to have a feedbacksystem to adjust the mirrors to keep the beam verti-cally stable. In general, TXM optics consists of acondenser to focus light on the sample, and zone plateto magnify the image onto a detector (Zschech et al.,2008). The X-ray beam is typically focused onto thesample with a condenser by using Kirkpatrick-Baezmirrors (Sakdinawat and Liu, 2008), Fresnel zoneplate (Feng et al., 2007), or elliptical capillary (Zenget al., 2008). A reflective capillary condenser has theadvantage over a zone plate in that it has increasednumerical aperture and focusing efficiency. Thecondenser can be scanned to increase the FOV, whichgenerally ranges from 10 to 30 lm. A pinhole removesany unfocused beam. The sample stage generally has x,y, z, and theta motion for tomography, and may be incor-porated into a cryostat for sample cooling and minimiza-tion of X-ray damage to the sample (Schneider et al.,

2002). X-rays are focused onto the detector by azone plate objective whose outer dimension deter-mines the theoretical resolution of the instrument, e.g.,DrRayleigh 5 1.22 Dr, where DrRayleigh is the Rayleighresolution limit and Dr is the outermost zone width.Resolution in practice can reach as low as half theRayleigh limit (Chao et al., 2005). Zone plate efficiencydecreases as the outermost dimension decreases andefficiency increases with increasing thickness, e.g.,with stacked zone plates (Feng et al., 2007).

To enhance contrast, a phase ring (PR) may be addedin the back focal plane of the zone plate for Zernikephase contrast (Momose, 2005; Sakdinawat and Liu,2008; Schmahl et al., 1994). This is particularly usefulfor hard X-ray imaging of low-Z materials, such asorganic biological tissue that is relatively transparentto hard energy X-rays. The PR can be aligned by usinga low-resolution zone plate so that the light undeflectedby the sample is passed through it to alter its phase,enhancing the contrast of the final image. Within thedetector system, a scintillator screen converts X-raysto visible light and an objective provides the finalmagnification onto the CCD camera, with an idealpixel size smaller than the overall resolution of theinstrument, to provide the final image. Total magnifi-cation is on the order of 400–1,0003, with resolutionswell under 100 nm; as high as 20–40 nm for most

Fig. 1. Typical transmission X-ray microscope setup (a) includesmonochromator, and mirrors to focus beam on slits (S3) that act as avirtual source. Within microscope (b) is a condenser (C) to focus beamonto sample, pinhole (P) to remove unfocused beam, x-y-z-theta sam-ple stage with or without cryostat, microzone plate (MZP), andoptional phase ring (PR) for Zernike phase contrast. A low-resolution

zone plate (LRZP) is used to align the PR, and is removed for imaging.Transmission detector system (TDS) consists of scintillator, to convertX-rays to visible light, objective, and CCD detector. Diagrams are notto scale. (Figure reproduced from Andrews et al., Microsc Microanal,2010, 16, 327–336,� Cambridge University Press.)

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biological applications. Imaging times are on the orderof 1–100 s per image for synchrotron TXM, dependingon source intensity, energy, optics, and inherentcontrast within the sample.

Sample Preparation

An overall advantage of samples prepared for TXMis that they can be easily portable for imaging withcomplementary methods, such as optical microscopy,microprobe, AFM, and TEM. For example, a fluores-cent-labeled frozen sample can be imaged first withoptical microscopy followed by soft X-ray TXM (McDer-mott et al., 2009). TXM samples in solution are bestimaged frozen, e.g., in a capillary system (Le Groset al., 2005) that provides 1808 rotation for tomography.For easy rotation, firm material, such as bone, can alsobe mounted on the tip of a quartz or metal needle.Softer samples can be deposited onto a flat substratesuch as a silicon nitride window or metal-free tape.They can be anchored within a c-shaped support orrectangular window to anchor the sample from aboveand below, in the case of longer flexible samples suchas hair or fibers or clamped directly onto a sampleholder. Cells can be fixed and dried by critical pointdrying or lyophilization, or merely dried for imaging inambient conditions. Because hard X-ray TXM does notimage proteins, fixing of samples should not affect theoverall image.

Sample thickness should be less than the depth offocus; typically 5 lm or less for soft X-ray microscopy,and as high as 40–60 lm for hard X-ray microscopy.Cross sections, e.g., 1–20 lm thick can be sliced withmicrotomes or ultramicrotomes. Rigid samples, such asmineralized tissue, can be sliced followed by diamondwheel polishing to further decrease the thickness.Softer tissues can be embedded in resin before slicing.Slices can be mounted on silicon nitride windows ormetal-free tape, which are easily penetrated by hardX-rays. The overall sample length and width can begreater than the FOV because the sample stage can beraster scanned to provide a series of images compiledas a mosaic image to cover a wider area than the FOV(e.g., as seen in Figs. 4a and 6). By acquiring tomo-graphy data using mosaic images (e.g., as used formineral density determination in bone, Fig. 6), thick-ness can exceed the FOV, although sample width andthickness should not exceed the depth of focus of theinstrument so that the sample remains fully in focus atall imaging angles.


Absorption and Zernike Phase Contrast

Using hard X-rays, extended regions of biologicaltissue such as microbes and plants can be viewed with-out Zernike phase contrast if they contain concentra-tions of heavier absorbing elements, as in the case ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae treated with gold chlorideto produce nanoparticles (Fig. 2a) or mineralizedtissue such as bone (Fig. 6). Gold immunolabeling andquantum dots (Stollberg et al., 2007) can also help toimage structures bound to specific functional groups.

Edges within a sample can be enhanced with Zernikephase contrast (Fig. 2b), which is particularly useful

for samples containing mainly low-Z elements that donot significantly attenuate hard X-rays, because it canincrease contrast in these materials up to a factor of1,000. Phase and absorption contrast methods arecomplementary, because it is convenient to map out themorphology of the organic material of a cell or tissue byusing Zernike phase contrast, and to compare this withthe distribution of highly attenuating elements, suchas gold or other elements within a sample usingabsorption contrast. For example, in the Zernike phasecontrast TXM image shown in Fig. 2b, interiororganelles within the yeast are clearly visible. The goldnanoparticles can clearly be seen in the absorptioncontrast image (Fig. 2a) to have significantly greaterX-ray attenuation than the surrounding organic mate-rial containing mainly C, O, N, and H. The absorptioncontrast reflects the true relative attenuation byelements within the sample, and artifacts such as the‘‘halo effect’’ that can be seen at the edges of a samplein Zernike phase contrast are minimized.


Because both hard and soft X-rays have significantpenetration into biological tissue, samples can beimaged from various angles for tomography. Goldparticles, typically about 0.5–1 lm in diameter, can besprinkled on the sample for use as fiduciary markersfor easier alignment of the images. Using methodssuch as filtered backprojection or an iterative method(Liu et al., 2007), a 3D image is reconstructed (Buzug,2008) to provide quantitative information on arrange-ment and localized absorption within each componentthat appears within the original 2D view. In hard X-raytomography of S. cerevisiae (Fig. 2c) reconstructed slicesreveal that Au nanoparticles have penetrated the inte-rior of yeast cells, which is difficult to determine fromthe 2D views (Figs. 2a and 2b). A 2D TXM image is aresult of projection of X-rays transmitted through theentire sample, but a single-voxel thick map of X-rayattenuation by each individual component is obtainedfrom reconstructed slices. Segmentation can be done byhand or using algorithms to distinguish componentswith different ranges of attenuation coefficients. 3D vis-ualization and analysis of the final reconstruction canbe done with commercial software, such as Avizo (Visu-alization Sciences Group) or Amira (Visage Imaging).

Using soft X-rays in the water window, significantattenuation of the beam by C and N in the sampleprovides contrast. In reconstructed slices from softX-ray tomography of Saccharomyces pombe (Figs. 3a–3c), various cell organelles may be seen (Parkinsonet al., 2008). The relative absorption in the imagerepresents the actual X-ray attenuation by the particu-lar organelle within the sample (darker corresponds togreater X-ray absorption). Because lipids have higherX-ray attenuation than proteins at this energy,the darker components most likely correspond to lipid-containing organelles.

In TXM imaging of roots of Spartina foliosa (cord-grass) that has absorbed mercury, several techniquesare combined including 2D raster scanning (mosaics)and tomography (Patty et al., 2009). These plants aredominant florae in the San Francisco Bay Area, andTXM can provide insight into the biochemical transfor-mations of mercury that occur in the microbes in their

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root zone. In the mosaic transmission image on the left,Hg can be seen in dark streaks through the root androot hairs and in the dark spheres surrounding theroot (Fig. 4a). Hg localization was confirmed by imag-

ing with micro-X-ray fluorescence (l-XRF) on anotherbeam line. Tomography of the spheres (2D projectionblow-up in Fig. 4b) revealed a cluster of microbes withan extended region of biofilm surrounding them (3D

Fig. 2. TXM images [2ln (I/I0)] of S. cerevisiae at 5.4 keV (a) in absorption contrast and (b) in Zernikephase contrast, and reconstructed slices from tomography (c) of the yeast cells imaged every 18 from2708 to 708. Scale bar in (a) is 4 lm. (Highest absorption 5 lightest gray). All images in this paper havebeen reference corrected.

Fig. 3. S. pombe cells imaged by soft X-ray tomography. a–c: One-voxel-thick slices through the reconstructed volumes of four cells(including mother and daughter cells which have not separated), withthe gray value of each voxel corresponding to the X-ray absorption

coefficient of the material (darker gray 5 higher absorption). The cellin (a) is 5 lm in length. (Figure modified with permission from D.Y.Parkinson et al., J Struct Biol, 2008, 162, 380–386, � ElsevierScience.)

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rendition in Fig. 4c). Slices from tomography of anindividual particle (2D projection in Fig. 4d) revealedthat the particles are hollow (Fig. 4e), consistent withmicroorganisms such as sulfate-reducing bacteria withHg bound mainly to the cell wall. (In Figs. 4c–4eimages are [–ln(I/I0)], where I/I0 is the reference-cor-rected image, thus lightest gray5 highest absorption.)

Quantification of Mineral Attenuation in Bone

Using a combination of reference-corrected 2Dabsorption images [2ln(I/I0)], and tomography to deter-mine exact thickness of the attenuating component ateach pixel, it is possible to quantify concentrationwithin a TXM image relative to a calibration standard.Quantitative information from hard X-ray tomographyhas been used to examine the concentrations of apatite,the main material responsible for X-ray attenuation bybone and mineralized tissue, in mouse bone trabeculaevia calibration of X-ray attenuation with pure crystal-line apatite (Andrews et al., 2010). This method can beused to determine nanoscale differences in mineral

content in different regions of bone, relevant in studiesof bone disease and treatment.

A ratio of the absorption of pure crystalline apatite[–ln(I/I0); Fig. 5a] versus thickness (Fig. 5b) createsa plot for X-ray attenuation by pure crystalline apatiteat 5.4 keV (Fig. 4c). The attenuation coefficient(682 cm21) for pure apatite determined from least-squares fitting was compared with attenuation coeffi-cients from mouse bone trabeculae (e.g., Fig. 6) todetermine the mineral density in the trabeculaecompared with pure apatite. For tomography of the tra-becula, which was thicker than the FOV, mosaicimages were collected every 58 from 2908 to 908, andreconstructed slices were threshold filtered to createbinary images from which thickness was measured. Theplate-like regions of the trabecula in Fig. 6 were found tobe less dense than rod-like regions, with attenuationcoefficients of 300–365 cm21 in plate-like regions and345–370 cm21 in rod-like regions, or 44–53% and 51–54% of rod-like crystalline chlorapatite, respectively.

Nanoscale density measurements such as these withina single trabecula can provide ultrastructural informa-

Fig. 4. TXM mosaic transmission image of S. foliosa roots taken at9 keV in absorption contrast shows dark particles and dark channelsdue to absorption by Hg (a). Blowup (b) shows greater detail. 2D stills[2ln(I/I0)] from tomography of particles from (b) show particles withgreatest absorption (lightest), possibly surrounded by biofilms (c). 2D

tomographic still (d) and reconstructed slice (e) of large particleindicate that highest Hg concentrations (lightest intensity) are on theoutside of the fairly hollow particles. (Figure reproduced from Pattyet al., Environ Sci Technol, 2009, 43, 7397–7402,� American Chemi-cal Society.)

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tion on densities near lacunae and canaliculi in bone,and can distinguish, e.g., apatite density in new (post-treatment) and older (pretreatment) bone. The uniqueinformation provided from TXM imaging and quantifica-tion can be useful in studies of nanoscale effects of osteo-porosis and other bone diseases and their treatments.

Quantification of Hg Absorption in Plant Root

Attenuation coefficients from TXM tomography canbe used for identification and quantification of a

variety of chemical elements. In any TXM image,within a 2D FOV, the attenuation results from allcomponents along the projection axis, and thus, tomo-graphy is necessary to deconvolute these contributions,particularly in the case of mixed materials. An attenu-ation coefficient from tomographic slices of single-voxelthickness can be used to elucidate the chemistry ofeach unique component within a 2D FOV.

TXM was used for tomographic imaging (2908 to 908in 18 steps) of Hg in roots of Medicago sativa (alfalfa) at

Fig. 5. (a) Absorption [ln(I0/I)] image of rod-like crystalline chlora-patite samples (HAC06 and HACO3) and (b) thickness map from recon-structed slices. (c) Plot of absorption versus thickness for two crystal-line standards includes points determined manually and using MAT-

LAB. Linear regression yielded an attenuation coefficient of 683 cm21.(Figure reproduced from Andrews et al., Microsc Microanal, 2010, 16,327–336, � Cambridge University Press.) [Color figure can be viewedin the online issue, which is available at]

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5,400 eV (particle indicated in the 2D projection imageshown in Fig. 7a). Hg in the particles was confirmedwith l-XRF (Carrasco-Gil, submitted). A slice fromtomographic reconstruction (Fig. 7b) and a matrixmesh reconstruction of the attenuation within the sin-gle slice (Fig. 7c) indicate that the particle is solid.Because the particle contains few pixels, least squaresfitting was used to obtain an attenuation coefficient of7,395 6 190 cm21 from the plot (Fig. 8) of absorption[ln(I0/I)] versus thickness from voxels of the singleslice. Pure Hg at 5,400 eV has an attenuation of7,895 cm21 (Henke et al., 1993). Therefore, the densityof Hg in this particle in alfalfa root is �94% of that forpure mercury, consistent with Hg bound to probablyone other light element, possibly sulfur (HgS hasattenuation of 7,325 cm21). Hg speciation in the parti-cle can be determined more precisely by using XANESimaging in which TXM images are acquired as themonochromator is moved up an X-ray absorption edge.(XANES imaging is described further in the sectionbelow.) Initial XANES spectra created from TXM

absorption images of the particles in alfalfa root areconsistent with Hg��S bonding in the particle.

Further Chemical Information From XRF,Spectroscopic, and XANES Imaging

TXM imaging can be used to elucidate elementalcomposition, location of particular elements within theFOV, and chemical speciation of absorbing elementswith concurrent XRF, spectroscopic imaging, andXANES imaging, respectively. XRF is collected from anadditional detector positioned to intercept fluorescencefrom the sample during TXM imaging. Fluorescencemultichannel traces can be collected along with single2D TXM images to determine elemental compositionfrom an area within the FOV, and slits can be closeddown for minimal spot size to localize the fluorescencearea to 3–4 lm. XRF can also be collected duringmosaic imaging to determine sample regions withthe highest content of the element of interest. XRF

Fig. 6. TXM 2D mosaic absorption [ln(I0/I)] image of trabeculafrom mouse tibia at 5.4 keV (left side). Trabecula was imaged every 58from 2908 to 908 to determine 3D geometry. Scale bar is 25 lm. Num-bered slices (1–6) reconstructed at horizontal lines on the left aredepicted on the right. Average attenuation values determined for the

rectangular regions on the slices were 300–365 cm21 in plate-likeregions and 345–370 cm21 in rod-like trabecular regions, or 44–53%and 51–54% of rod-like crystalline chlorapatite, respectively. (Figurereproduced from Andrews et al., Microsc Microanal, 2010, 16, 327–336,� Cambridge University Press.)

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collected along with tomography data can identify themain elements within a tomographic data set. Spot sizeis greater than for microprobe or nanoprobe imaging,but the final image retains the full TXM resolution. Inaddition, because X-rays are transmitted through theentire sample thickness in TXM, elemental informa-tion from XRF can be combined with 3D tomography,which can be relatively quickly acquired (in as low as20–30 min) from the full TXM FOV. Tomographic datacollection would take much longer with a STXM due tothe small spot size. X-ray absorption spectroscopy data,specifically XANES can also be collected with thefluorescence detector to obtain chemical informationfrom the sample.

Chemical information (elemental mapping) can alsobe determined with spectroscopic imaging. This tech-nique generally involves acquisition of TXM images atphoton energies above and below an X-ray absorptionedge for a particular element, to localize that particularelement within a 2D or 3D FOV. For maximum spectro-scopic differences, XANES can first be collected with an

Fig. 7. 2D TXM projection image at 5,400 eV in absorption con-trast (a) of root zone ofMedicago sativa (alfalfa) grown hydroponicallywith Hg. 3D tomography of spot indicated by square with dotted linein (a) was acquired from 2708 to 708 in 18 steps. Reconstructed slice

taken along dashed line in (a) is shown in (b) along with matrixmesh reconstruction of X-ray attenuation across the slice (c).[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available]

Fig. 8. Plot of absorption from the single reconstructed slice (seeFig. 7b) from tomographic reconstruction of the sphere from alfalfaroot versus thickness of the reconstructed slice yields an attenuationcoefficient of 7,395 6 190 cm21 for Hg in that slice.

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XRF detector as mentioned above to determine themonochromator energy for maximum absorption abovethe edge (white line) for best above/below edge contrast.Spectroscopic imaging has been used to identify Fe incomet dust particles (Andrews et al., 2009) and inmineral inclusions in synthetic diamond (Moore, 2009).Spectroscopic imaging can be used with 3D tomographyas well, e.g., to identify Ni components in solid oxidefuel cells using tomography above and below the Ni K-edge (Grew et al., 2010). Spectromicroscopy has alsobeen used to map carbon species in polymers by usingsoft X-rays (Hitchcock et al., 2005).

More detailed chemical speciation mapping at TXMresolution can be done with XANES imaging in whichTXM images are acquired as the monochromator ismoved along an X-ray absorption edge. This is parti-cularly important for biological samples becausechemical speciation of a biologically active element, suchas Fe, Ca, etc., can point toward its role in physiologicalfunction. In full-field TXM, the zone plate must also bemoved as energy is changed for XANES imaging, becausethe focal length (f) is inversely proportional to wave-length (k) as f 5 D Dr/k, where D is the diameter of thezone plate and Dr is the outermost zone width. Imagesmust be corrected for changes in alignment and magnifi-cation due to zone plate movement. XANES spectra canbe composed from TXM images by plotting absorptionvalues for single pixels or from groups of pixels in variousregions of the image versus photon energy. Energy stepsfor imaging can be taken finely enough to distinguishedge features, and can be compared with XANES spectraof model compounds for chemical speciation. Principalcomponents analysis can be used to map different regionswithin the images with distinctly different XANES spec-tra, for spatial speciation of an element within a sample.

Summary and Complementarities of TXMWith Other Imaging Methods

TXM is an excellent method for the imaging of bio-logical specimens in both Zernike phase contrast andabsorption contrast, in 2D and 3D. It is a sensitivemethod for detecting most elements within biologicaltissue; mainly C, N, and O for soft X-rays (although Land M edges for some metals can be detected in thisrange) and higher Z elements for hard X-rays. HardX-rays can be used for imaging in absorption contrastparticularly when a metal is clustered together as inthe case of Hg in plant roots (Figs. 4 and 7), or when itis the main attenuating element (e.g., Ca) within thesample as in mineralized tissue and bone (Fig. 6).Nanoparticles that aggregate in clusters as small as30–40 nm can be imaged (see, e.g., Fig. 2). Identifica-tion of absorbing elements within the FOV can beverified with a combination of attenuation coefficientsfrom tomography, X-ray fluorescence, and spectro-scopic and/or XANES imaging.

TXM imaging can provide detailed morphology andchemical and physiological information on biologicalsamples. However, for more complete study of bio-logical systems, it is convenient to combine differentimaging methods for complementary information. Forexample, using TXM, the physical layout of biologicaltissue imaged in phase contrast can be compared withtrue absorption from X-ray elements within the sample

imaged without the PR. Soft and hard X-rays can becombined similarly, e.g., to provide local information onmorphology and physiology by TXM imaging of biologi-cal cells with soft X-rays, and 3D information on moreextensive tissue regions with hard X-rays. TXM imag-ing without a cryostat at any energy, however, involvesfixed and/or dried samples, and causes more radiationdamage than with frozen samples. Sample changing isrelatively easy without the vacuum chamber generallyrequired for cryo-imaging, however, so that variousmounting methods can be tried to optimize imaging fora given sample, and samples can be portable to comple-mentary methods such as microprobe and AFM.

Microprobe and optical microscopy can provide datacomplementary to TXM. The former can be used tomap out elemental composition within a relativelylarge area of sample; and optical microscopy can beused, e.g., to identify proteins by fluorescence labeling.With microprobe, XRF can be collected from signifi-cantly thicker samples over wide (mm to cm scale)regions of a sample. TXM can be used to determinenanoscale morphology of cells and other tissue contri-buting to the X-ray or optical fluorescence over a rangeof tens of microns (or hundreds wide, when mosaicimaging is done on thin enough slices). Microprobe hotspots of an element of interest, such as Fe, Ca, etc., canbe imaged on the nanoscale with TXM to better under-stand the morphology and biochemistry involved. TXMcan supplement nanoprobe or microprobe and l-XRFwith 3D information from tomography, and with chemi-cal speciation from full-field XRF or XANES imaging atnanometer resolution. No staining is required forimaging with either TXM or microprobe, thus, thebiochemistry of the original samples can be preserved.However, immunolabeling, e.g., with gold nano-particles can be used to identify regions of biologicaltissue with specific proteins or functional groups (Stoll-berg et al., 2007) for further insight into physiology.

EM and AFM data can supplement TXM data by pro-viding higher resolution images over specific smallerareas, albeit only with surface imaging in the case ofAFM, or near-surface penetration in the case of EM. Incomparison with TXM, SEM and TEM samples requiresignificantly more sample preparation.


With current research on finer zone plates, TXMimaging can approach resolution as high as 10 nm inthe near future. With more sensitive CCD cameraswith higher quantum efficiencies and smaller pixelsizes, TXM resolution can be further increased. ‘‘Flash’’imaging at high brightness facilities, such as FLASH(Loh et al., 2010) and the LCLS free-electron laser(SLAC, 2010) can acquire images on time scales sosmall that sample movement and radiation damagewould be minimal. Repeated samples can be droppedthrough the FOV for imaging to provide a statisticallyaveraged 3D view of very small structures, perhapseven on the molecular level.

More sophisticated software can be implemented toimprove throughput with automated data collection toalign and focus samples, follow features of interest,and collect 2D and 3D data sets on extended areas withintermittent reference frames. Improved data process-

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ing will include automated alignment and reconstruc-tion of tomographic data sets including mosaic tomo-graphy and segmentation of tomographic data sets byattenuation coefficient, which is now often done byhand. Algorithms can be used to locate specific featuressuch as smaller nanoparticles bound to physiologicallyfunctional groups (Stollberg et al., 2007). In addition,as more users grow familiar with the technique andperfect the preparation of samples (which althoughrelatively simple can require significant forethoughtand trial imaging), even more useful and efficient datawill emerge from TXM imaging. Overall, TXM hasbeen a productive method for imaging of biologicalsamples on the nanoscale, and the future looks evenbrighter.


We thank Sandra Carrasco-Gil for providing thealfalfa root for TXM imaging. We thank the publishersand contributors of the images we have used in thisarticle.


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