Treatment final rough


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This Slide is used to give an idea of the layout I am trying to achieve when shooting with the band playing in front of a green screen at the back of a room. The intended effect will be for abstract images representing particular lyrics to appear during the verses on the screen whilst the band plays. The following slides will show possible images I could use on the screen and the lyric they relate to.

“They say we aint got the style”

“We aint got the class”

“We aint got the tunes that’s gonnaput us on the map

“ And I’m a phony in disguise”

“Just trying to make the radio”

“I’m an antisocial”

“Anarchist I sound like so and so”

“I’m just a stupid kid”

“Another crazy radical”

“Rock and roll is dead”

“I should have probably stayed in school”

“Another generation x”

“Or they’d love to see me fall”

“But I’m already on my back”


“Now I know I’m not a saint”

“I’ve been a sinner all my life”

“I aint trying to hide my flaws”

“They say the devil is my pal”

I do a lotta drugs”

“They think they know my thoughts”

“If they listened to the words they’d find the message tucked beneath”

“Here’s the moral of the story”

“Adds the fire to our flames”