Tree of Life: A tree of life is a mighty and magical tree which is mystically infused with primal...


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Tree of Life:A tree of life is a mighty and magical tree which is mystically infused with primal forces of life. Sorcerer-kings and other defilers with significant resources maintain groves of these mighty timbers to fuel their magic. The magical life forces of trees of life make them virtually eternal. The greatest trees of life are ancient: many solitary trees predate the villages around them and others stand in entire groves, a quiet testimony to the great wizards of a bygone age. Present-day wizards still create new trees to enrich the world or, in the case of the defilers, to pervert their powerful life forces to further their destructive, evil ambitions. A tree of life is, in essence, a living magical item that stores and channels energies from all the elemental planes.

A tree of life has two distinct parts: its physical form and its life force. The stump, branches, roots, or leaves of a tree of life make up its physical form, and are not inherently magical. The same things that would destroy a normal tree will destroy the physical form of a tree of life (e.g. chopping it down, burning it). The only exception is neither climate nor terrains affect a tree of life. One will flourish in the middle of the desert or on a rocky mountain face, regardless of drought, severe weather, natural lightning, earthquakes, and so forth.

Destroying the tree’s life force is much more difficult. Necrotic and defiling powers are the only thing that affects a tree of life’s life force. Both the trees physical form and its life force regenerate. If the tree’s physical form is damaged or destroyed, it will grow back, to full size. The tree will regrow at a rate of one quarter of its full size per week. A sprout will appear in one day, grown to a sapling in one week. It will grow to a young tree in two week, then to a full-sized adult tree in three. After four week, the tree of life will revert to its true form: an ancient and mighty tree. No matter how many times the physical form of the tree is destroyed, it will always grow back in four weeks.

A dwarven Banshee said as he let you pass that it was his destinyAnd he let you pass so that he could go and find it.It never occurred to the Metal Spoon what would happen if this Abomination found a Tree of Life.

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Will the Merchant Housesdiscover the value of sucha find and send people aswell ?



Shom Wavir

Will they try and send you?