Trinity (Self written)


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  • 7/29/2019 Trinity (Self written)


    All magic has gone from the world, leaving the remaining humans jealous and waryof anything that appears even the slightest bit supernatural. The elite and wealthy noble vampires have gone into hiding, leaving the rest of the vamps to follow their decision. Twenty years on from the vanishing of the elders, the vampireworld has struggled to cope. They have set up a makeshift group of leaders, mostof whom are power hungry and devoid of emotion. The young vamps are educated atelaborate and exceedingly cautious schools, where they are taught beside a fewchoice humans. The humans are chosen for brains, brawn or tremendous amounts oftalent. The only exception to this, is Adonia Winters. After falling in love with Jamie, a prestigious and only slightly troubled young vampire, the vampire community has no choice but to mark her as one of their own. Adonia shows natural aversion to the transformation process, so she must be educated as a human. Afterstruggling over the normal issues with being new to the school, Adonia gradually accepts her life, and even starts to enjoy it. Until Jamie is caught cheatingon her with another supernatural, and thrown in jail. Adonia finds herself out of friendless, powerless and torn and Jamie is sentenced to death by the cruel leaders. Unable to forgive him, but knowing that the decision is wrong, she startson a quest to free him. Her only help comes from Hugo, a future politician whois passionate about getting the elders back, and Saint, an unforgiving criminalwho surrounds himself with all thats questionable. As they venture forward on their path to whats right, Adonia finds herself drawn to someone shed never thoughtshed end up with, and she is forced to rethink everything that makes her the person who she thinks she is.Possible scenes.Jamies hearing, Adonia is watching from the back of the courtroom, as Jamie is tried for sleeping with a member of the fae, an elite group of vampires who live i

    n a sacred temple. It is considered treason to defile a fae member like this.Hugo approaches Adonia, tells her she must free Jamie, in order to rid the current government of all corruption. Hugo offers his help and knowledge of the government, but the two decide that they must find someone who knows what hes doing.Hugo and Adonia travel to vampire underworld to find prison break aid in the form of Saint.They meet with a few likely members, and Saint approaches them afterthey give up, offers his help. His reason for helping is to settle old grudges with one of the curret leaders, who was responsible for unjustly throwing him inprison.Saint, Adonia and Hugo travel to the country where Jamie is being kept, a snow covered land which is mostly deserted. Saint mentions one of his friends who could be a potential ally, and the trio agree to meet with him.They meet up with one of Saints friends, Cruzkov, A black market dealer with insider information of Jamies prison. Saint says little about him, other than he is dangerous.Cruzkov meets them at a ball, Saint and Adonia pose as two drunk vamps, untill they locate Cruzkov. Pior to the meet, Adonia finds out about a recluse ex-elderwho knows where to find the elders, and a vague adress at where they could find

    this man, and a file of public places he is known to frequent.Cruzkov sets his guards on them, after deciding that they are running after a lost cause. but Saint and Adonia win, locking Cruzkov in a chest and stealing hisblueprints of the prison.As a final task before the prison break, the trio attempts to find out more about the ex-elder at a political convention, but Hugo is seen and shot in the leg,making them abandon the attempt and forcing Hugo to withdraw from the mission.Adonia and Saint stage the prison break, smuggling Jamie out and heading to a safe house close to the ex-elders house in the snow.Jamie tries to get back with Adonia, but she rejects him, realising she has feelings for Saint. Jamie rushes off in a rage, shutting himself in at the safehouse.Saint suggests they check out the ex-elder, known only as Ghoul, and they sneakaround his house, looking for a way past his defenses. They are rush attacked, and Adonia triumphs. Saint suddenly sees her in different light and kisses her, leaving Adonia stunned.They brake into the house, only to find what appears to be a torture chamber, with a single note written to them in red ink. They are coming for youEnd book 1.The eyes are the hardest to forget. After youve walked away, the blood has dried,the knife cleaned, the crime vanished, the eyes remain. The ghost you cant esca

    pe. Shrugging, he slides his knife into its holder, grabbing his wallet at the same time. A melancholy whistle floats past his lips and he flicks a card at thedead body, those terrible eyes still staring at him. As he walks away, the tunepicks up, and the card comes to rest on the dead mans stomach. It is pure white,like new fallen snow. In the center of the card, a single patch of black marksthe sign of something terrible, something that marks this scene as more cruel, more horrible, than just the death of one man. If you were lucky, or unlucky, enough to get close to this card. The blackness would transform. The single black dot would take shape, moulding before you very eyes. The black shape would becomea dove. People of this world would think it trivial, or some may think it the s

  • 7/29/2019 Trinity (Self written)


    ign of a twisted man. But you and I know better. This is the mark that can shapethe world. This is the mark that will influence legions. This is the mark of aman that can plunge our very existence into darkness. This mark represents a being of immense power. This is the mark of a fallen angel, or rather, a Saint.Across the bustling city, under a sky where the stars are shriveled, hidden behind patches of grey, there is a town just like any other in this world.The air is stale, the room is silent, and the chairs are uncomfortable. Addie sits in a row of people shes never seen before, people shed never would have had anyreason to meet before today. They don

    t give her any attention though. Not today. She was no stranger to stares and whispers, but these suit clad busy bodies all had their cold, unflinching gases trained forward to the center of the courtroom, where he sat. He was sweating, his hands shook and his adam apple moved every time he swallowed. He was Jamie, the boy she had loved more than anyone elsein the world.Would you say that your feelings for miss Winters had diminished by the time youforced a fae sister to break her oath? Another suit asked, making not enough effort, in Addies opinion, to hide his distaste. Jamie palled. It was obvious he wasnervous.Uh.. No. I love her. I didnt do it! It was also obvious he was lying. Maybe there was a time when he had loved her, because there was obviously a time when she hadloved him.So then you had no feelings towards the fae girl. Would you say then, that you used her? The suit was starting to remind Addie of her old cat when it was chasing mice.No! Why arent you listening?! I didnt do it!! I swear!! At this, a few mutters brokout. Not like in a movie, Addie thought, where the crowd argues. This was morelike they were taking turns insulting Jamie.It says here that you and Ms winters were already having sexual relations. Addie couldnt help a glance then, across the room at Jamies parents. So, Jamie, why did you do it? What could possibly posses a young man like you to throw away a beautiful girlfriend and a college application? Are you honestly that dimwitted-?Jenkins.

    Youve made your point The judge warned, peering over her horn rimmed glasses.Forgive me your honer. But I have indeed made my point. But not only did this young man go against our oldest law and force one of the fairy sisters to sleep with him, but he cant even stand behind the guise of love of need. This ladies and gentleman of the jury, is a very, very selfish boy. I rest my case. He walked to his desk, dramatically slamming his papers down on its polished surface. Yes well. As we have heard from both sides, I call an end to this case, we will be returning in seven days when the jury have made their decision. The old bat of a judge stands, and itches her nose as she walks out of the room.Miss Winters! Miss Winters, wait! Calls a puffy man in, shockingly a suit, who happens to be running after her. Miss Winters, may I have just a moment of you time?He comes to a stop besides Addie, almost leaning over double trying to gulp airinto his lungs. Please, Miss Winters, I have a very urgent matter to discuss withyou.Call me Adonia, please Addie says, going for polite yet distant. It seems to wrk.Yes well, Adonia, I watched you in that farce of a court session and I know you k

    now that he will be found guilty. He pauses, almost standing straight now. What you do not know, however is that Bakatt has just released a new law. Jamie will beput to death. Addie freezes, as the world suddenly dims. Tbe careful what you wish for actually has its origins long ago in ancient Greece.the original version - Whom the gods would destroy they first grant their prayers.And through it all, how could you cry for me?There is nothing quite so endearingly gorgeous as the written word. The poems, the plays, the the novels, the letters. Nothing is just as eloquent as the written word. Normally, Mr Jones would have been delighted at the thought that someonehad taken the time to write to him, shorthand. But today, this was far from thecase. Mr Jones was a ruthless hound of a man, his overwhelming confidence and striking attitude did nothing to shelter this, neither, however, did his horrendous personality. Leaning his overlarge head into his hands, supported by his elbows, Mr Jones anxiously pushed his weight into his ornate desk, to which the woodgreatly protested. Just before him, laying neatly on the lacquered surface, fin

    ely written, and elaborately worded, letter. this was no normal letter, one thatyou might find all sorts of pleasantries within, like details on a cousins birthday, or the shade of ones newly purchased hat, no. This was a letter that had alot more potential.
