True Life In GodTrue Life In God - Vassula Ryden


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True Life in God Ecumenical Pilgrimage - 2005

Vassula in Croatia

Vassula in Slovakia

Vassula Gives Pope Benedict XVI the Messages of True Life in God

January 2008

In 1987, the Lord showed Vassula in a dream a giant wave that

caused much devastation. She asked our Lord why this had to hap-

pen and if it could be stopped. He answered, “I am known as a God

of Love, as well as a God of Justice….Tremendous amendments

are required now from all of you. Uniting and being one.” Vassula

says Christ warned us several times about the Tsunami in Asia on

the 26th of December, 2004...this was the first warning.

On November 28, 2009, the Anniversary of True Life in God and five months prior

to the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano eruption (shown right), The Lord, in His loving

Mercy, asked us to address Him with this prayer. This is a reminder that with sin-

cere prayer for God’s mercy we can help the world to mitigate natural disasters;

We should recite it daily:

"Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation, lest they perish alto-

gether; Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and

nature will wither; all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them;

the heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste!

From the horizon a star will be seen; the night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as

snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts; take Mercy on us, God, and do

not assess us harshly; remember the hearts that rejoice in You and You in them!

Remember Your faithful and let not Your Hand fall on us with force, but, rather in

Your Mercy lift us and place Your precepts in every heart. Amen"

25th Anniversary Message of True Life in God 11/28/2008 Dear TLIG Readers Worldwide,

Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the True Life in God Messages. It was November 28, 1985 when Vassula received her first

Message from Heaven. Since that time, she has received nearly 2000 published Messages which are now translated in more than 40 lan-

guages. Vassula has been invited by and traveled to 76 countries in 6 continents - from the small, remote lands of the Faroe Islands to the

Philippines where she spoke to almost a half a million people in one meeting. She has delivered 932 meetings to date and the mission

continues today.

At the request of God, Vassula has tirelessly worked to spread Christian Unity. She and other TLIG volunteers have organized 7

International Ecumenical Pilgrimages where people from several Christian denominations come together to live and practice Unity. The

most recent Pilgrimage in Greece in 2009 had more than 800 people from 17 denominations and about 100 clergy members, including

Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops.

Vassula In South India

Vassula Ryden

True Life In GodTrue Life In God Prophesies for These End of Times*

*The End of Times is not the end of the world, but the end of an era.

Vassula with Bishop visiting Russia

Vassula with Clergy in Egypt,

2002 Ecumenical Pilgrimage

Vassula with Clergy in Mount Nebo,

Jordan 2005—after Liturgy

The Blessed Mother speaks to Vassula:

God is calling everyone to himself….I exhort you to pray for peace….The disasters, famines, affliction, wars and plague, all these are drawn by the

world….it is not God who gives you all these disasters….God is Just and Merciful, but evil draws evil. Vassula and ProphecyVassula and Prophecy


Vassula Speaks at Ecumenical Gathering

on Christian Unity in Namur, Brussels


Prayer Groups and Witness MeetingsPrayer Groups and Witness Meetings

Religious and Government LeadersReligious and Government Leaders

“….I find myself quite convinced that Jesus is indeed speaking through them [the messages]…..Never have I found any doctrinal error in them.” -(Fr. Edward D.

O'Connor, CSC Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame, December 1999).

People are so hungry here for the True Life in God books that I am giving them away faster than I can keep track of them. I haven't yet succeeded in keeping one for

myself. -(Sister T.R., Ukiah, California)

Vassula is one of the most balanced and transparent seers that I know. I would even be tempted to say that she is, in a most satisfying way, more normal, more balanced than most

others. -(Fr. Rene Laurentin, France, 1993)

Since I met you [Vassula] I have experienced a genuine closeness to Jesus and you every day. -(Fr. J. B., USA, November, 1994)

The messages contained in True Life in God are unique, extraordinary and very special. They reveal to us the most exalted treasures in the Sacred Heart of Jesus hid-

den in the past and reserved in a special way for our time. They are the most important private revelations ever made. -(Fr. Robert Hughes, SM, San Jose, CA, USA,

What happened is not for me; it is to testify that what Vassula is saying is true….I have prayed to be able to see Jesus and my prayer was answered, I saw Him in Vassula. As she was

blessing me I kissed her hand because I saw Jesus in her. She repeated several times: "it's true, it's true, it's true." -(Nun, Holy Land, 1997)

I am indissolubly tied to believing in Vassula. I am tied to the evidence that she cannot be the author of all those wonderful messages, for I believe that there really is Jesus, God and

Mary in she who writes, making themselves known and heard. This continuous dialogue occurring in her is real. I am sure of this. I have the evidence because I have been reading and

meditating Visual's books for years. -Father Guido Sommavilla SJ, Milan, April 1997)

Once in a long while an extraordinary event occurs that people mark in their minds and hearts.... Such is the experience of an open heart reading "True Life In God"

whose messages -I am convinced- are of Divinely inspired origin and are granted to us prophetically (Acts 2:17), through Mrs. Vassula Ryden. -Archimandrite Eugene

Pappas, Greek Orthodox Church, New York, USA February 20, 2001

One of the strongest elements in Vassula Ryden's visions is the gravity of the divisions between the churches, the urgency of the work for unity of the Church, and the importance of

the ecumenical movement. -Prof. Todor Sabev, Bulgarian Orthodox Theologian, Church historian & former Deputy Gen. Secretary, World Council of Churches.

Vassula began to write down the words which Christ Himself spoke to her. These words do not contradict the Holy Scripture and Tradition. They should not be read

as ordinary texts. They should be read in interior silence. Fr. Vladimir Zielinski, Russian Orthodox

“….we were charmed by her [Vassula's] mission, and the mission what is it, it is a mission of Peace and mission of Inter - Religious harmony”.

Principal Dr. Pranab Kumar Baruya Secretary General Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha, Dhammarajika Buddhist Monastery

I have gone through the books….The writings are supernatural writing. The language of the books is also supernatural.... "Judge nobody, and repay evil with love."

This language can make the world a peaceful place….May Allah bless her. -Sharif Mohammed Alamgir

-Sharif is a Muslim living in Bangladesh. He is Chairman, All Religious Peaceful Council, Dhaka & a Lecturer at the College of Development Alternative, also Dhaka.

I was born in an Indian Hindu family in the city of Kolkata….The amount of graces and blessings I received by reading the messages is enormous and cannot be writ-

ten down on papers, but can only be felt within....All I know is that this Love Hymn is true and if these messages cannot change the heart of a person then nothing

can. May His Kingdom come! Amen. -Paul Datta, Kolkata, India

Various Testimonials for Vassula and the messages of True Life in God:

Jesus, January 30, 1987, regarding Vassula:

I have chosen a mere child, unfit for my task, helpless and small without prestige, a nothing, to manifest through you my passionate love and teach those that still

do not understand the riches of my Heart.

Jesus, Sept 20, 1989:

Beloved ones, see Me your God as the Most Compassionate Holy Companion, Who sits enthroned in Glory up in the Heavens, yet at the same time, in My Divinity, I

bend all the way down to you on earth to allow you all to feel Me, hear Me, understand Me and thus get to know Me, your Lord.

Jesus, June 16, 1995:

On Judgment Day you will be judged according to the measure of your love.

Jesus, June 19, 1995

Serve the cause of right, lift the oppressed; do no harm to anyone, but love and help one another. Do not afflict or harass the widow or show harshness to the or-

phan; practice goodness and do not be like the villains and the wicked who ruin their souls by ruining the helpless.

Jesus, January 20, 2001, regarding the TLIG messages:

I now teach, giving you instructions in the way of Holy Wisdom; it is not a new doctrine but the same one of the Bride [the Church] in which you can rely on.

Various Messages of True Life in God:

Acts 2:17: “and it shall be in the last days,' God says, 'that I will pour forth of my spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams..” Matthew 7:15-17: “Beware of false proph-ets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves; you will know them by their fruits… every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.

TLIG Motto…“Repay Evil with Love”

Edmonton, Alberta Canadian Mission


Jesus manifests His Power and Anoint-ing on the Mission of Vassula by super-naturally appearing next to her in the foliage.

(photo left)

Vassula visiting the Philippines 2008

With President, H.E. Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Jesus of the Shroud painted by Vassula Ryden

In February 2003 Vassula was invited

by the Venerable Suddhananda Ma-

hatero to his monastery in Dhaka to

honor her with the Peace Gold

Award for her efforts in propagating

peace in the world. They gave her

this award for her great contribu-

tions in establishing inter-religious

harmony and promoting World

Peace among all peoples and faiths.

Drawing by Vassula of her Angel Daniel,

who was first to approach her at the

beginning of the messages.

True Life in God Pilgrimage in Lebanon,


TLIG Retreat in Barcelona, Spain 2006

with the Archbishop Seraphim, the

Archbishop of Brazil, Jeremiah, Bishop Felix

Toppo & others.

Tokyo, Japan Prayer Group

President of Lebanon, Mr. Emile Lahoud welcomed Mrs.

Vassula Ryden and the clergy to the Presidential Mansion

in May 2005, saying, among other things:

“Your presence in Lebanon is an occasion to point

out that this country is special, because of how all denomina-

tions coexist in a spirit of solidarity, forgiveness and coopera-

tion (…) if there were more people like you, we would be

living in a better world.”

Vassula in Kulun, Bangladesh

February 2011

Vassula with Imams at Bangladesh Mosque

In Mymensingh, the Imam Islam escorted Vassula and others to the Hotel Mustafiz , where there were many Muslim clerics patiently seated around a large table wait-ing for Vassula to address them. There were a few Bap-tist, including Fr. Benjamin Banerjee, and Matthew Mitra. A couple of Seventh Day Adventist, including, Edward Chambugong. Also, Fr. Robert the Catholic Priest who accompanied us there. Mr Sujit Barua a Buddhist, who accompanied us from Dhaka, he was the translator as Vassula spoke to them. This already was Ecumenical.

They announced her as Vassula Ry-den, “Divine Messenger” from Greece. She was the first to receive the Atish Dipankar Peace Gold Award Medal for Inter-Religious Har-mony and Peace, where Her Excel-lency Sheikh Hasina placed it around her neck and awarded her the large plaque as well.

HE Sheikh Hasina placing the Peace Gold Medal and receiving the large plaque .

Vassula with the Patriarch of Alexandria blessing her mission

and giving her his favorite icon of Christ Pantokrator
