Truth Be Told Final



JCI Cebu's Honesty Movement - Mark 34 Finals

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An Integrated Marketing Communications Planfor Advocacy on HonestyPresented to the Department of Business AdministrationSchool of Business and EconomicsUniversity of San CarlosCebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for the Course Mark34Integrated Marketing CommunicationsSummer 2015



MAY 2015TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Executive Summary.. 3I. Situational Analysis 5II. SWOT Analysis.. 5III. Objectives 6IV. IMC Strategies and Tactics 7a. Creative Strategy.. 7b. IMC Media Application 8V. Timetable 10VI. Budget Utilization.. 11VII. Statement of Evaluation.... 11

LIST OF TABLESTimetable.. 10

LIST OF FIGURESBudget Utilization 11



II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Not all dishonest acts are identified as dishonest. Also the mentality that dishonest acts are skilful sometimes prevails over following the rules. Many people believe that their actions do not harm others. They justify dishonest acts for personal interests without concern for the social consequences and do not feel part of a civic society. Relationships are broken and chaos rise because of this.

III. INSIGHTS AND LEARNINGS: Though dishonesty or lies havent yet been considered a norm, it is expected and often believed as default. The world is entertained by stories where dishonesty comes in the picture. Seldom do we hear stories of people doing honest acts and we are reassured that these things still actually happen when really they should happen more often. We are taught not to lie as children but one way or another with the slip of the tongue we end up lying too. Lies and untruths seem to be repeated over and over again, and even embellished more with time, by our media and social networks, perpetuating dishonesty to an even greater extent.

IV. OBJECTIVEThe goal is to convince people that dishonesty comes with a cost for ones self and for others. To make it clear how a white lie could be something big to someone else and how each lie could turn to a web of lies and that every lie we make unconsciously liberates others to do the same. To let people understand acting honestly allows personal and social development. It is necessary to have more honest people in the world to create a world of peace.

V. OVERALL STRATEGYWe will provide evidence of the consequences of dishonesty and generate its public disapproval. We will promote honesty through the experiences of other people and its effects how it could make the world a better place. We would like this honesty movement to be very interactive especially through social media with the #honestymovement and through shares of the articles, pictures and videos we will be posting. We would like to be visible not only digitally but physically as well. With our honesty posters around places where dishonest acts usually happen to remind people to think twice before committing something dishonest. Merchandise like posters and pins with honesty quotes will also remind people to be honest with other people they meet.

VI. DETAILS OF THE PLAN1. Positioning Statement: The inconvenient truth is that lying is often believed a default because of this corruption is rampant, criminal rates are high and divorces are a fad. We need to make a difference and convince people that even the smallest lie has a consequence to ones self and others. In order for our country to progress, honest acts are required of us to personal and social development.

2. Target Market: Our target market is the young people specifically ages 8 to 18 years old and their parents residing in Cebu City. This is in order to give hope to the future of our country by teaching our soon to be leaders the value of honesty. 3. Specific Strategies Through social media, we will post touching articles or stories, videos and pictures on honesty acts on a daily basis. Create a contest with the participation of different schools on a short film or music video against dishonesty. Create a documentary contest where honesty and dishonesty in real life takes place promoting honesty. We will challenge people to do one honest act a day for 30 days and post it on social media with the hashtag #honestymovement and share their experiences of how it challenged and changed them. Create a parenting group where parents will learn how to approach their children on how to be honest. We will create banners and small posters where dishonest acts usually happen with sayings like, Be honest even if others are not. Be honest even if others cannot. Be honest if others will not. or Honesty is the best policy. Or God is watching you. Or The world will be a better place with more honest people around. all with the #honestymovement on it. Create merchandise specifically shirts and pins with honesty quotes and an honesty movement kit which will serve as a fund raising activity at the same time advertise the campaign. Seminars with influential speakers sharing their experiences of honest acts Create a National Honesty Day where people will be challenged to be nothing but honest acts that will flood or create traffic on social media Create an insightful Honesty Self Evaluation Test to know yourself better and know where you stand Have a premiere or movie watching of the chosen music video and documentary of the contest.

4. IMC Campaign Support and Budgets: We have a budget of P50,000 for the span of the first six months and a total budget of P500,000. We will be sponsored by the following companies:, Mang Tinapay, Nature Spring, Colt 45, Jack Daniels, Dranix and Cebu Ice Cube.

VII. METRICS AND MEASURESEvaluation research tracks target audience attitudes, knowledge and behaviour in relation to the key campaign messages on the best way to achieve a greater level of honesty.Specifically, the research assesses the:Level of campaign awareness, message recall and acceptability among the target audiencesAttitude towards oneselfPerceptions of the risks involved being dishonestIntentions and behaviours in lying, stealing, cheating, or manipulate information to conceal it from others

Benchmark research obtains measures of pre-campaign knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. Post-campaign evaluation research assesses the effectiveness of the campaign by monitoring changes in these measures.

I. SITUATIONAL ANALYSISTo be honest means to speak the truth, even if it's difficult or gets you into trouble. Honest people communicate in an open, upfront way; they do not lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate information to conceal it from others. The exception is occasionally telling a "white lie" to protect someone's feelings. In recent days we have seen how dishonesty harms other people, even causing financial and political ruin. Today more than ever, children need to learn the importance of keeping their word, telling the truth, and being trustworthy. Whenever you are to do a thing, though it can never be known t to yourself, ask yourself how you would act were all the world looking at you, and act accordingly. Honesty is a rare quality. Honesty isn't just the best policyit's the only way society can function

II. SWOT ANALYSISSTRENGTHS By using multimedia helps to reinforce messages and therefore increase convictions among the target audience We are willing to help people by encouraging them to be honest to create a world of peace We have a strong content and a positive sentiment We can lead them to be more closer to God by telling the truth to everyone

WEAKNESSES People may choose their own perspectives and live their own lives being a dishonest It is costly to do this campaign/ We are still students and may be limited to giving all our efforts into this campaign due to the lack of time and risk of our safety when travelling.

OPPORTUNITIES Through our activities, young people will be trained at the early age by being honest and when they grow up they can spread or act as an example to other people about what they have learned or what are their experiences Our sponsors will spread the word about this campaign and this could possibly expand our sponsorships if the campaign is successful

THREATS Not all dishonest acts are identified as dishonest. Also the mentality that dishonest acts are skilful sometimes prevails over following the rules People might not participate our activities due to their other priorities and lack of time to do it

III. OBJECTIVESThe core values of this IMC campaign is to guide our continuing standard of our advocacy and commitment to the well-being of those who are dishonest people as we:

Create a message that could change perceptions of the value of honesty and result in an attitude change in favour of being honest with yourself and with others Reflect on the value of honesty Discuss the meaning of a humorous quote about honesty Lead the students to recognize that we trust our representatives to keep their promises and mean what they say because it supports civic virtue and the success of the community To recognise how their behaviour affects others

IV. IMC STRATEGIES AND TACTICSA. CREATIVE STRATEGYWe will create a National Honesty Day and remind people of the importance of being honest. On the same day we will invite people to join in the fun of our 30 Day Honesty Movement Challenge where people will post on social media every day for 30 days of an honest act they did on the day with the #honestymovement #honestymovementchallenge. At the end of the challenge, they will be asked to share their experience on how the challenged changed them. We will create a Facebook page, Twitter Account and Instagram account, where we will post inspirational of real life articles/stories with pictures and videos of people doing honest acts. We will create a documentary contest that will promote honesty that can later on be of great use to invite people to join the movement of being honest. We will also create a contest with the participation of the different schools of a film or music video against dishonesty. Winners of these contests will be recognized and be rewarded with a cash prize. Create parenting groups to teach parents how to teach their children to be honest. Create seminars with influential speakers to talk about their experiences of being honest and dishonest so the audience can clearly understand the gravity of a lie, how it affects us and the people around us and how the only way for our country to progress is to have more honest people in the world. To let them understand that if we promote honesty within ourselves we automatically liberate others to do the same, alleviate corruption, decrease crime rates and simply create peace. We will create posters and banners with honesty quotes like Honesty is the best policy. Or God is watching you. in places where dishonest acts usually happen. These places could be places near the cashier of certain stores, waiting sheds and in the classroom. We will also create big posters on buses or taxis since theyre mobile and can reach more people other than tarpaulins we will also be posting. We will have honesty merchandise specifically shirts and pins this will be remind us to be honest with the people we meet. It will make people think twice before doing a dishonesty act when they see the signage, shirt or pin about honesty. We will also be selling our honesty movement kits which will contain ways how they can make difference by being honest inclusive of honesty stickers where they can post around. We will also create an insightful Honesty Self Evaluation Test that can be answered online. How else can one improve if they do not know what to improve on? This test will help people know where they stand as a person and serve as a guideline to develop them personally.

B. IMC MEDIA APPLICATIONThe cheapest, easiest and most effective Intergrated Marketing Communication Tool is Interactive Internet Marketing. We will be relying on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get awareness out for the campaign. We will make people aware of the National Honesty Day and our 30 Day Honesty Movement Challenge through social media and also though radio and Public Relations. We prefer to soft sell our campaign through PRs compared to hard sell like direct advertising because not only is direct advertising is more expensive but soft selling it can be more interesting. When the 30 Day Challenge starts this will create more buzz about the campaign. Once word gets out we will advertise or pre sell our merchandise of shirts, pins about honesty and honesty kits. We will be posting inspirational stories/articles with pictures and videos of honest acts on our social media sites on a daily basis as well to keep people reminded of our honesty movement. We will post our Self Evaluation Honesty test as well online through our social media and encourage people to take the test. We will also be posting our honesty posters around town especially in places where dishonest acts usually happen. We will also be posting in mobile objects so our signs get around like buses and taxis. The shirts, pins and stickers will also serve as an advertisement that will be of great benefit to the campaign so people will be reminded wherever they go. We will advertise our documentary and music video contests so people will participate through social media and radio. After the contest, winners of these contests will be recognized and have their work shown on all our social media sites. We will also create a premier and people will pay to watch their work, it will serve as fund raising activity at the same time a great way to advertise our campaign. The winners of these campaigns will then receive a cash prize during the premiere and give a short speech to the audience. V. TIMETABLE

VI. BUDGET UTILIZATIONFacebook - Php 44.64/day x 2 months (61 days) =Php. 2,723.04PR - Php 50,000Tarpaulin - Php 300 x 30 = Php 9,000Fliers - Php 3.00/pc x 300 pcs. = Php 900.00Brochures - Php 6.00/pc x 200 pcs. = Php 1,200.00Posters (colored) - Php 25.00 x 50 pcs. = Php 1,250Printing of shirts, pins, and water bottles = Php 200,000Speakers = Php 10,000 3 = 30,000 6 seminars = Php 180,000

VII. STATEMENT OF EVALUATIONTruth be Told Campaign aims to educate citizens about dishonesty; many people believe that their actions do not harm others. They justify dishonest acts for personal interests without any concern for the social consequences and do not feel part of a civic society. Our objective is to convince people that dishonesty comes with a cost for ones self and for others. To let people understand acting honestly allows personal and social development. We have come up with different plan and strategies in order to address the problem by providing evidence of the consequences of dishonesty and generate its public disapproval. We will promote honesty through the experiences of other people and its effects how it could make the world a better place. We would like this honesty movement to be very interactive especially through social media with the #honestymovement and through shares of the articles, pictures and videos we will be posting. We would like to be visible not only digitally but physically as well. With our honesty posters around places where dishonest acts usually happen to remind people to think twice before committing something dishonest. We are hoping that this campaign will be successful and it would somehow change the behaviour of the people we are targeting to. This could help to minimize chaos and trouble in our society especially to younger generation who are the future leaders of tomorrow. It is necessary to have more honest people in the world to create a world of peace.7
