TSV (Tow Sawyer Vocab) Questions



TSV (Tow Sawyer Vocab) Questions. TSV Question #1. Directions: Choose the word/words that best fit into the sentence. Make sure you focus on definitions. You may not look back in the book. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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TSV (Tow Sawyer Vocab) Questions

TSV Question #1Directions: Choose the word/words that best fit into the sentence. Make sure you focus on definitions. You may not look back in the book.

“They would have given anything to have that _____ sun-tanned skin of his, and his glittering ______ ; and Tom would not have parted with either for a circus” (Twain 115).

(A) cadaverous..personality(B) swarthy..notoriety(C) dark..smile(D) shimmering..eyes

(A) cadaverous..personality

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Explanation: The definition of swarthy is dark-complexioned, or tan and a synonym of notoriety is fame, or being well known. Therefore, these two words fit best into the sentence.

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(C) dark..smile

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(D) shimmering..eyes

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TSV Question #2Directions: Choose the word/words that best fit into the sentence. Make sure you focus on definitions. You may not look back in the book.

(A) capering..sympathetically (B) reading..fastidiously(C) reposing..curiously(D) skylarking..furtively

“Presently she gave over ______ , and moved irresolutely about, sighing once or twice and glancing ______ and wistfully toward Tom ” (Twain 116).

(A) capering..sympathetically

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(B) reading..fastidiously

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(c) reposing..curiously

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Explanation: The definition of skylarking is to play around and the definition for furtively is secretly. Becky Thatcher glanced secretly and longingly at Tom after she stopped playing around. These to words fit best into the sentence.

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TSV Question #3Directions: Choose the word/words that best fit into the sentence. Make sure you focus on definitions. You may not look back in the book.

“She said to a girl almost at Tom’s elbow-with sham _____ …” (Twain 116).

(A) torpor(B) lissomeness(C) vivacity(D) imperturbability

(A) torpor

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(B) lissomeness

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Explanation: Becky was sad right here so it makes sense that her vivacity, or happiness, would be a sham, or fake. Therefore, vivacity is the correct answer.

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(D) imperturbability

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TSV Question #4Directions: Choose the word/words that best fit into the sentence. Make sure you focus on definitions. You may not look back in the book.

“Becky’s legs trembled and the tears came to her eyes; she hid these signs with a forced ____ and went on chattering, but the life had gone out of the picnic, now, and out of everything else… ” (Twain 117).

(A) tribulation(B) cooperation (C) despondency(D) gaiety

(A) tribulation

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(B) cooperation

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(C) despondency

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Explanation: The definition of gaiety is happiness and at this point in the book, happiness for Becky, would be forced because Tom is flirting with another girl.

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TSV Question #5Directions: Choose the word/words that best fit into the sentence. Make sure you focus on definitions. You may not look back in the book.

“And he kept drifting about to find Becky and ______ her with the performance.” (Twain 117).

(A) lacerate(B) lure(C) regale(D) amuse


Explanation: The definition of lacerate is to emotionally or mentally distress or torture someone.

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(B) lure

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(C) regale

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(D) amuse

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