TThe Polygonal Wall at Ancient Eleon with Reference to the Mycenaean Pasthe Polygonal Wall at...


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Meditations on the Diversity ofthe Built Environment in the

Aegean Basin and Beyond

Proceedings of a Colloquium in Memoryof Frederick E. Winter

Athens, 22-23 June 2012

2014Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece

Publications de l’Institut canadien en GrèceNo. 8

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© The Canadian Institute in Greece /L’Institut canadien en Grèce


Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Meditations on the Diversity of the Built Environment in theAegean Basin and Beyond : a Colloquium in Memory of Frederick

E. Winter (2012 : Athens, Greece)

Meditations on the diversity of the built environment in theAegean Basin and beyond : proceedings of a colloquium in memoryof Frederick E. Winter, Athens, 22-23 June 2012.

(Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece = Publicationsde l'Institut canadien en Grèce ; no. 8)Includes bibliographical references.

Includes essay in French.ISBN 978-0-9737979-2-3 (pbk.)

1. Architecture, Greek--Mediterranean Region--Congresses.2. Architecture, Ancient--Mediterranean Region--Congresses.

3. Fortification, Greek--Mediterranean Region--Congresses. 4. Cityplanning--Mediterranean Region--History--Congresses.

5. Archaeology--Mediterranean Region--Congresses. 6. MediterraneanRegion--Antiquities--Congresses. I. Canadian Institute in Greece

issuing, body II. Title. III. Series: Publications of the CanadianInstitute in Greece no. ; 8

NA279.M44M43 2012 722'.80937 C2014-904738-X

The Canadian Institute in GreeceDionysiou Aiginitou 7

GR-115 28 Athens, Greece

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General EditorsDavid W. Rupp

 Jonathan E. Tomlinson

Editorial/Scientific CommitteeRichard C. AndersonRodney D. Fitzsimons

Rune FrederiksenDavid W. Rupp

 Joseph W. ShawMaria C. Shaw

Barbara Tsakirgis

Copy EditorMetaxia Tsipopoulou

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The Polygonal Wall at Ancient Eleon with Referenceto the Mycenaean Past

The landscape of Boeotia is dramatically marked by remainsof the ancient past, including stone towers, fortified peaks, andstretches of city walls. Defensive constructions have been wellconsidered for their strategic position and political geography, butthe symbolic presence of their built structures has not been fullyexplored. As Anthony Snodgrass noted in 1986: “The main phase oflater Archaic fortification is, in my view, a different and in largepart an independent story. Instead of representing a series oftactical expedients governed by local considerations, Greekfortification now becomes essentially a physical manifestation ofthe workings of Archaic Greek politics. As such, not surprisingly, itshows a degree of assimilation in each area where this political

system prevailed, even though the starting-point for developmentwas not the same in different areas.”1 At ancient Eleon in easternBoeotia, the large, polygonal wall is a highly elaborateconstruction that defines the eastern boundary of the relativelysmall site, about which very little is known from contemporaryhistorical sources (Fig. 1).

Before discussing our understanding of the wall at Eleon, it isnecessary to contextualize the remains at the site within thecultural and physical landscape of eastern Boeotia. The Eastern

Boeotia Archaeological Project began in 2007 as a collaborativeventure of the Canadian Institute in Greece and the 9th Ephorateof Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, based in Thebes. The firstphase of work was a diachronic surface survey, using intensivefield-walking strategies to document the history of the

1 Snodgrass 1986: 130.


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agricultural plain east of Thebes.2  Our survey work explored thelandscape east of Thebes, bounded by the Ipatos Mountains to the

north and the Soros range along the south. This broad plainfunctioned as a conduit between Thebes, the major economiccenter of the region, and the Euboean Gulf. Previous work in theregion includes extensive surveys of sites by Fossey and HopeSimpson and Dickinson, regional studies by Bintliff and colleagues,as well as excavations of a Classical cemetery north of Arma andthe Mycenaean chamber tombs east of modern Tanagra, famousfor their painted larnakes.3 Eleon occupies the center of this plain,and its visible features have attracted the attention of many

scholars over the years. We were certainly not the first team tonote the impressive nature of the wall and the rich diversity of thesurface finds.4 Our investigation, however, is the first systematicstudy of the site, and our analysis documents activity during threedistinct chronological phases. Most recent is the late Medievalphase, 14th-17th centuries A.D.; then, material from the Archaic-Classical eras, 7th-4th centuries B.C.; and finally from the laterMycenaean period, 13th-11th centuries B.C. Occupation of the siteduring the LH IIIB period is of particular importance to itsidentification as ‘Eleon’. The toponym e-re-o-ni (Eleona) is found ontwo Linear B tablets from Thebes, Ft 140 and X 155. 5 Aravantinoshas dated the context of the more complete text (Ft 140) to the LHIIIB2 by pottery associated with its destruction level; it was thusamong the last tablets written by the scribes working within thepalace of Thebes and reflects the political landscape of that time.

2  Funding for our project has been provided by the Institute for AegeanPrehistory, the Loeb Classical Library Foundation, and private donors. Co-directors for the EBAP survey were V. Aravantinos, B. Burke, B. Burns, S.Lupack.

The current work at ancient Eleon is co-directed by A. Charami, B. Burke, and B.Burns. We continue to be grateful for financial support from the Institute forAegean Prehistory, private donors, and, recently, for an Insight Grant from theSocial Sciences, Humanities Research Council of Canada (#435-2012-0185).3  Bintliff et al. 2002; Bintliff, Howard, and Snodgrass, 1999; 2007; Bintliff andSlapzac 2007; Bintliff and Snodgrass 1985; Fossey 1988; Fossey and Morin, 1989;Hope Simpson and Dickinson 1979; Hope Simpson and Hagel 2006; Van Effenterre1989.4 Fossey 1988: 89-95.5  Aravantinos, Godart, Sacconi 2001; Aravantinos, Godart, Sacconi 2002;Aravantinos, Del Freo, Godart 2005; Aravantinos 2008; Del Freo 2009.


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The earliest reference to Eleon in historical texts is the Iliad's Catalogue of Ships (2.500), one of the 29 cities of the Boeotian

force headed to Troy.6  A second passage of the Iliad  remembersEleon as the origin of Odysseus' boar's tusk helmet, which comesto him through a series of exchanges, the first one not   a gift:“Autolykos, breaking into the close-built house, had stolen it fromAmyntor, the son of Ormenos, out of Eleon.”7 The only 5th-centuryreference to the site is found in Herodotus, who describesAntichares (“a man of Eleon”) as an advisor on where to locate theSpartan colony of Heraclea on Sicily (5.43). Herodotus also relatesseveral oracular prophecies of Bakis (whom scholiasts link to

Eleon). Herodotus endorses his abilities based on the foretelling ofGreek victory after the Persian sack of Athens (8.77), though otherprophecies were ignored by the Euboeans (8.20) andmisinterpreted by the Persians (9.43). Pausanias relates similarepisodes about Bakis, but nothing about the site.

The most significant topographical reference to Eleon comesmuch later, in the Roman geographer Strabo's description ofTanagra and the region it controlled, which encompassed theTetrakomia, or the four settlements of Eleon, Harma, Mykalessosand Pharai.8 Two cities of the Tetrakomia, Harma and Mykalessos,have fairly certain identifications with the sites found atLykovouni-Kastri and Rhitsona, respectively. Since Eleon ismentioned first in Strabo’s list, locating it at our site, near modernArma, would give a geographical logic to the list, with the sitesrunning from the southwest to the northeast, in a clock-wisedirection. Strabo also mentions that the site is named for itsmarshes: καὶ ὁ Ἑλεὼν δ᾽ ἐστὶ κώμη Ταναγρική, ἀπὸ τῶν ἑλῶν

ὠνομασμένη (9.2.12).The massive wall, built in the so-called Lesbian polygonal

style, is undoubtedly the most impressive visible feature fromantiquity in the area of Arma (formerly Dhrítsa), a village locatedapproximately 9 km west of Schimatari. The visible extent of thiswall follows a curved path at least 80 meters between two poorlypreserved towers along the east side of the acropolis, and is

6 Hope Simpson and Lazenby 1970.7 Iliad 10.266-7, Lattimore trans.8 See Wallace 1979.


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preserved up to a height of 5 meters. The exterior face consists ofirregularly cut stones of local dark limestone, most measuring

more than one square-meter, with many exceeding two meters inlength (Fig. 2). This massive, curving form, constitutes a highlysophisticated version of polygonal masonry, and the wall thusprovides ample material for the consideration of stonearchitecture as an expressive medium.

The Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project of the CanadianInstitute in Greece and the 9th Ephorate of Prehistoric and ClassicalAntiquities puts a special focus on the site's prehistoricoccupation, in particular the material dating from the LH I

through LH IIIC periods. The prominence of the polygonal wall is,however, equally compelling.9 In the preface to Greek Fortifications,Frederick Winter opined on the lack of excavated evidence for thedating of ancient walls due to the “neglect of fortifications in thenormal programme of excavation.”10 We hope to redress this long-standing issue with a comprehensive analysis of the polygonal wallat Eleon. One of our primary research goals for the historicalphases of the excavation is to contextualize the construction ofthis wall. Although we have not yet discovered evidence for aconclusive dating of the wall’s construction, we here present thecurrent state of this on-going investigation. What follows is alimited report on the state of our investigations at the midpoint ofour first full season of excavation at Eleon in 2012. We expectcontinued excavation to both clarify some elements of the wall’sarchitecture as well as enrich our appreciation for the site’spresence in the landscape of Classical Boeotia.

The Polygonal Wall at Eleon

The wall is the most prominent archaeological feature ofancient Eleon. The Lesbian masonry style is named for its manyexamples on the island of Lesbos and Aristotle’s description of the

9 See preliminary reports in Burke, Burns, Lupack and Aravantinos 2007; Burke2009.10 Winter 1971: ix. For recent work on early Greek fortifications, see Frederiksen2011.


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builders' technique of bending a lead strip to measure thecurvature of one stone, creating a model for how to cut its

adjacent block:  For when the thing is indefinite the rule also isindefinite, like the leaden rule used in making the Lesbian moulding; therule adapts itself to the shape of the stone and is not rigid, and so too thedecree is adapted to the facts.11 Peter Wilhelm Forchhammer, in themid-19th century, was the first scholar to use the term ‘Lesbian’ torefer to this style of ancient Greek wall, recognized easily by itsirregular, curvilinear blocks.12 Robert Scranton, in 1941, describedthe ‘Lesbian style’ of polygonal masonry as “so curiously intricate,so highly sophisticated, that no other time or place has equaled it

in elaboration of technical perfection.”13

  Frederick Winterfollowed this emphasis on the style’s visual statement, arguingthat its origin developed out of more aesthetic than structuralpriorities.14 

The Eleon wall includes stones with the characteristic‘Lesbian’ feature of curved joints, but many do have rectilinear

 joins, uniquely fitting each adjacent block. The increased surfacecontact of each block with the surrounding blocks created a verystable circuit wall.15  The well-cut polygonal blocks sit onrusticated foundation blocks divided by an ashlar leveling course.The continuous saw-tooth facing across the joining stones indicatethat the blocks received this dressing after they were fitted intothe wall. The result combines the ancient Greek love of beautywith utility, making the architecture of Eleon an ornament thatwould impress any visitor.

Well-dated examples of the curvilinear blocks of Lesbian stylemasonry are almost exclusively limited to the archaic period, and

11 Arist. Eth. Nic  V.10, 1137b30. Trans. W.D. Ross.12 Forchhammer 1847: 5.13 Scranton 1941: 25-27, fig. 3 (illustrating the wall at Eleon) and Cat. 160, Type A2no. 11. See also Winter 1971: 171 n. 59. Lawrence 1979: 349 suggests a Hellenisticdate. Spencer 1995a: 33, states that “the securely dated examples of Lesbianmasonry are all Archaic in date, except for one archaizing use in a gravemonument in the Kerameikos.” See also des Courtils 1998 for additions to thecatalog of Scranton.14 Winter 1971: 80-86.15 On polygonal masonry and stability see Cooper 2000. 


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mostly to the Island of Lesbos.16  The continuation of the style isdemonstrated by the Stoa of the Athenians at Delphi, dated to 480-

470 B.C.17 Countering the assumption that all polygonal masonry isArchaic, however, Cooper noted constructions using multilateralblocks with straight sides that were built throughout the fifthcentury – and in Boeotia, especially during the fourth century. 18 The nearest comparable example to the Eleon wall is found in thefortification walls of Classical Tanagra, approximately 9 km to thesoutheast, dated by Duane Roller to early in the 4th  c. B.C., mostlikely after 386 B.C. when the Peace of Antalkidas terminated allfederal alliances and granted autonomy to nearly all Greek cities.19 

The role of Tanagra as an episodic rival to Thebes throughout the5th and early 4th centuries B.C. may provide a political context fornew activity in eastern Beotia and the construction of the Eleonwall.20 

The Wall

Today, however, the site is known for its wall. In our 2007surface collection survey, we mapped the visible portions of thewall using a total station and ArcView drafting software incombination with satellite imagery (Fig. 3).21 The resulting imagedemonstrates the pronounced curvature of the wall – which isunparalleled to our knowledge. None of the examples of Lesbianpolygonal masonry set their walls on a curved, concave path as atEleon. At its southern end is preserved a projecting square tower,where at least two courses of rough foundation stones are capped


 Frederiksen 2011: 65-68; for specific examples on Lesbos, see Spencer 1995b: 61-64. 17 Coulton 1976: 234.18 Cooper 2000: 171 emphasizes the significance of this fact contra the scholarlytendency to emphasize polygonal masonry as characteristic of the archaic orearly classical periods.19 Xenophon,  Hellenika, V, 1, 31; Diodorus Siculus, XIV, 110, 3. Cf. Roller 1974: 262-3.20 See Buck 1979: 141-60; Hansen and Nielsen 2004: 434.21 This work was done by a team from the Danish Institute at Athens led by SigridEliassen.


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by an ashlar leveling course and three courses of polygonal blocks.The preserved height is five meters, but of course, here, as

elsewhere, much of the wall has been robbed away.In 2011 we conducted limited trial excavations, including one

5 by 5 m trench located above a well-preserved stretch the wall.We aimed to determine the state of preservation of the wall'sinterior face and to assess the feasibility of large-scale excavationin the zone adjacent to the wall. Cleaning away the surface levelfully revealed the rubble fill between the faces of cut stone, whichconsists mostly of large boulders, between 0.80-1.2 m in size. Wealso exposed the upper course of the wall's interior face,

confirming the substantial width of the wall at 3.66 meters. Thewall, therefore, required a huge amount of stones simply for itsfilling material, and we suspect these large boulders may berepurposed from earlier constructions on the site, and their shapeis indicative of Cyclopean masonry.

In 2012 we exposed much more of the wall's interior rubblefill, and exposed the remains of a second tower. The levelingcourse is all that is preserved as the curving section of the walltransitions into a more rectilinear bastion (Fig. 4). The foundationsof this second tower indicate that the form and dimensions of thisbastion are comparable to that of the south tower, with an easternface measuring 6.9 meters. Only a few of the polygonal blocks arepreserved in situ on the north face, which possibly forms an entrygate through the circuit wall. That the wall continues furthernorth has not yet been investigated through excavation, althoughthis is probable based on surface observations.

We can now appreciate the complex design of just one part ofEleon's circuit wall. This curving portion with symmetricallypositioned towers no doubt created an impressive facade at the

site's most accessible entry. A steep drop-off determines the site'ssouthern and western edges; along the north side numeroussurface stones indicate a continuation of the wall along thissloping boundary that will be explored in future seasons.

Our attempt to expose more of the wall has yet to producematerial from the specific period of its construction – whether inthe Archaic or Classical periods. Rather, the vast majority of thepottery from this area is of the Mycenaean period. This


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corresponds with our survey results, where the densities ofidentifiable Mycenaean ceramics were found across the acropolis

and the total number of prehistoric finds was consistently higherthan combined finds of all historic periods. We do see, however, aconcentration of the pottery from the Archaic-Classical-Hellenisticperiods clustered around the area of the polygonal wall. Amongthe surface finds are cup fragments with zones of floraldecoration, which were found in conjunction with fragments offour miniature vessels. Also from this part of the site is a black-figure fragment preserving the image of a human figure walkingto the right on a ground-line with some hanging drapery to the

right of the figure. Similar to other Boeotian black-figure imagery,this most likely represents a cult scene (Fig. 5). This and otherevidence suggests that ritual activity was located within and abovethe polygonal wall. This theory has been strengthened by somefinds from the new excavations conducted in the first two weeksof June 2012. An unstratified deposit of Classical cult materialincludes more miniature vessels and black-figure ceramics, plusfigurines, including a tortoise and at least four fragmentary femalefigurines (Fig. 6). This material most likely dates to the fifthcentury B.C., but cannot be fixed with greater specificity becauseof the type of material, as well as its depositional character. And ofcourse, it cannot be tied to the actual construction of the wall. Itmay, however, indicate one aspect of life at Eleon during theperiod of the wall's existence.

Our excavation along the wall will be expanded, and we hopethat further exploration of the foundations will produce materialto date the construction of the polygonal wall. Our initial testtrench has already produced surprising and suggestive results.Rather than finding the foundations positioned directly on

bedrock, we have uncovered an earlier wall directly beneath thenorth tower. At this point we only have material from the levelsdirectly above this earlier wall, and it is clearly Mycenaean incharacter (Fig. 7). In fact, the identifiable types (includingMainland polychrome, Yellow and Gray Minyan Ware, and BrownBurnished ware) all suggest activity of the Early Mycenaeanperiod. No distinctive Archaic or Classical pottery was found inthis trench along and below the polygonal wall's foundation.


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Concluding Thoughts

The presence of an earlier, Mycenaean construction directlybeneath the Polygonal tower suggests that the Classicalinhabitants (or builders) at Eleon were well aware of the site'searlier occupation. This underscores our own earlier observationthat the scale and overall effect of the polygonal wall is perhapssimilar to the well-dressed form of cyclopean masonry seen atsome Mycenaean citadel sites. Today, the site nearest to Eleonwith well-preserved Cyclopean masonry is Gla, but stretches of thefortifications at Mycenae come closer to a polygonal form. We are

not suggesting a direct emulation of such Bronze Age walls, butrather an aggrandizing statement of the site's importance – andperhaps its heritage.

While we cannot know if the shape of polygonal blocks was anintentional invocation of the site's own Mycenaean history, thecomplexity of the wall's construction suggests the builders didintend to make a dramatic aesthetic statement. Spencer describesthe use of the masonry style on Lesbos as “an unnecessarilycomplicated method of wall construction undertaken by a skilledworkforce.” The construction of the Eleon wall on its preciseleveling course and curving path further underscores its complexdesign and fully embodies Spencer's characterization of Lesbianmasonry as “an expensive, prestige style designed to impress.” 22 This effort to monumentalize the site’s eastern façade seems out ofproportion with other evidence for the status of classical Eleon.The significance of the site as suggested by the elaborate wallinvoking Eleon’s impressive past, however, will likely be validatedwith further excavation.


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22 Spencer 1995a: 33.


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 Figure 1. View from the south of ancient Eleon wall and the excavation area(photo B. Burke)


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 Figure 2. Polygonal wall of ancient Eleon, southern tower and east façade(photo B. Burke)

 Figure 3. Topographic map of ancient Eleon, showing location of above surfaceremains and location of northern tower exposed by 2012 excavation

(drawing D. Bhatia, N. Edwards, and T. Ross)


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 Figure 4. Schematic plan of polygonal wall's northern tower and Mycenaeanwall revealed at lower level (drawing G. Bianco)


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 Figure 5. Miniature cult vessels and black figure fragments from ancient Eleon(photo B. Burke)

 Figure 6. Terracotta figurine from ancient Eleon, ca. 5th century B.C.(photo B. Burke) 


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 Figure 7. Early Mycenaean sherds from Mycenaean wall below northern bastion(photo B. Burke)

