Turf Sydney 101: How to Fertilise Your Lawn Properly



http://bit.ly/Turf-Sydney - No matter how big or small your turf Sydney is, it is very important that you feed it with fertiliser. But before you use such a product, make sure you consult turf suppliers first.

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Turf Sydney 101: How to Fertilise Your Lawn Properly


No matter how big or small your turf Sydney is, it is very important that you feed it with fertiliser. According to experts, it isn't enough that you weed and water your lawn regularly.

It is also crucial that you feed your lawn with all the nutrients it needs to ensure that your grass is always green, no matter what season it is.

To help you out, here is a simple guide on how to fertilise your turf.

Step No 1: Choose the best fertiliser. Grass needs a different type of fertiliser from other garden plants.

As such, your lawn will need a type of fertiliser that encourages "leaves" to grow since they don't have flowers.

There are many types of fertilisers designed for lawns. They include organic, synthetic granular fertiliser, and combination fertiliser (which combine the two varieties).

There's also slow-release lawn food that releases nutrients slowly to the soil. Be sure to ask your trusted turf suppliers for advice before choosing one.

Step No 2: Prepare the soil. To get the very best results, you need to apply your chosen fertiliser the right way.

But before you start fertilising your turf Sydney, you should aerate the ground with a large fork, especially if your soil is compacted.

This will allow the fertiliser to penetrate the ground well. It also helps water to easily reach the roots of the grass.

Step No 3: Remove the weeds. You surely don't want to waste good fertiliser on weeds.

As such, before they make a permanent home in your lawn, make sure you remove large-leaved weeds from your turf before spreading the fertiliser.

In case your yard is filled with hard-to-remove weeds, experts recommend using fertiliser that also contains herbicide. But before you use such a product, make sure you consult turf suppliers first.

Step No 4: Spread the fertiliser. Once all the preparations have been completed, it's now time to spread the fertiliser on your turf.

Plan your route around your yard to prevent applying fertiliser to the same area twice.

Otherwise, it will burn the grass. To make the task much easier for you, you can set up a simple string line that will serve as your guide.

Step No 5: Water your lawn. It is always a good idea to water your turf after spreading fertiliser.

However, some fertiliser manufacturers may tell you to water your lawn before application.

Whatever the case may be, you should follow the instructions and water your turf before or after fertilising it.

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