Turismo Colombia



Con el presente trabajo se puedenm observar los diversos turismos que se pueden encontrar en colombia

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Editorial Riches and World Heritage Havens await the beautiful Cartagena Paraisos Sea Your best chance to learn to dive National Cultural Heritage Carnival of Barranquilla

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ld Heritage ld Heritage Colombia is considered by UNESCO a wonderful country with rich heritage. To date declared world heritage tourism destinations to the historic center of Santa Cruz de Mompox, the San Agustin Archaeological Park, the National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro the Katios National Park, the wildlife sanctuary of Malpelo and port, fortresses and monuments of Cartagena de Indias. As for the World Heritage inmatertialse have declared: The Carnival of Barranquilla, the cultural space of San Basilio de Palenque, the Carnival of Blacks and Whites of grass and Easter processions in Popayan

Since then cartagena holds this important title, being one of the most representative of the heritage values of the Hispanic culture, proudly shared with Spanish-speaking countries, eleven kilometers enclose the historical center, legendary home of counts and marquises, its narrow nostalgic streets of museums such as the Inquisition, gold, zenu tradition, the castle fortress San Felipe de Barajas, the Teatro Heredia, are its architectural, artistic and literary, it has the largest exponent, the nobel prize Gabriel Garcia Marquez, bastions this enigmatic city that stands as the most beautiful among the beautiful.

De Barranquilla

This festival, in its variety and cultural richness, has won two major awards: the heritage of the nation, in a statement issued by the National Congress of Colombia on November 26, 2001 and a masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity, conceived by UNESCO on November 7, 2003 Forty days before Holy Week unleashes Barranquilla's carnival, colorful and boisterous celebration of Colombia and one of the world's most festive carnivals. over a million and a half people, visitors and Barranquilla involved in the party. takes place from Saturday until Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, usually in February and sometimes in early March.

Carnival of Blacks and Whites, is the largest and most important celebration in southern Colombia, although the geographical indication belongs to the city of san juan grass and also has Narino in southwestern Colombia. takes place from December 28 to January 7 each year and attracts a considerable number of Colombian and foreign tourists