Tweeting Tips from Twitter's Leader of Social Innovation, Claire Diaz-Ortiz



Claire Diaz-Ortiz leads social innovation at Twitter, Inc. where she has worked since 2009. Named one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company, she is the author of Twitter for Good: Change the World, One Tweet at a Time, her second book. Claire manages Twitter’s philanthropic, social good, and cause marketing initiatives, including the Twitter for Nonprofits and Twitter Ads for Good programs. She also works closely with religious leaders and organizations . To listen to the full conversation with Claire, visit

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10 Insights From PRESENTS



Named one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company.

Co-founder of Hope Runs,

a non-profit organization operating in AIDS orphanages in Kenya.


it’s about engagement Twitter is not a marketing tool -


To TWEET effectively: TARGET WRITE




to consume information About 40% of users turn to Twitter


Be clear


on what you want to be

known for on Twitter

Influencers don’t respond favorably to push marketing


Learn how not to over-edit yourself by following @KanyeWest


To gain attention of an influencer, OFFER TO HELP THEM


To make your #hashtags memorable - be as simple & broad as you can


To engage your followers,


ask intriguing questions or offer to help someone

To connect intimately, create a private twitter list and limit it to 5-10 people




Are you Tweeting for the sake of collecting numbers or

to connect with people?

Want more? Listen to the full conversation at


