TWI Job Instruction From pilot project to global training


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© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

TWI Job InstructionFrom pilot project to global training conceptJune 2018

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

C ontents

1. The company and speakers in brief

2. TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

3. Deep dive into one business function

4. Discussion



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

The company and speakers in brief

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

The company and speakers in brief


Bonus Energy


Bonus bought by Siemens AG


Merger between

Siemens Wind Power and Gamesa

From approx. 10,000 to approx. 27,000



Organisation split into onshore and offshore product lines

Siem ens G am esa

F a c to ry in B ra n d e , D K – it a ll s ta r te d h e re



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

The company and speakers in brief

10 years with Siemens Gamesa

Working with SCM Production and Logistics

2 years in the central training organisation (Wind University)


Certified TWI Job Instruction Train the Trainer

TWI Program Manager - Globally

R ikke K aastrup-H ansen

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

Susanne Svenningsen

The company and speakers in brief

8 years with Siemens Gamesa

Training Program Manager, Offshore

Worked with training for 7 years


Certified TWI Job Instruction Trainer and Manager

TWI Program Manager, Offshore Construction



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

• High deviation in the peer-to-peer programs on factory shopfloor and sites

• No global trainer program for on-the-job trainers available

• Supporting Zero-Defect and Zero-Harm programs

W hy TW I JI is re levant for S iem ens G am esa



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

Scoping the TW I Program

C e n t r a l

t r a in in g o r g a n is a t io n

O n s h o r e

O p e r a t io n

+ 1 5 fa c to r ie s

S p a in

D e n m a r k


C h in a

O ffs h o r e

O p e r a t io n

+ 4 fa c to r ie s

D e n m a r k

G e r m a n y


O n s h o r e

C o n s t r u c t io n

C o n s t r u c t io n

S ite s

O ffs h o r e

C o n s t r u c t io n

P r e - a s s e m b ly

C o n s t r u c t io n

S ite s

S e r v ic e

S ite s

TW I Job Instruction in troduced in the business

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen


1 0 0


TW I JI roadm ap 2016-2018

2 0 T W I J I C e rt if ic a t io n s

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

2016 2017 2018

3 0 0 +

2 0 T W I J I C e rt if ic a t io n s Lear








Nacelle Assembly– Brande, DK Blades molding – Global trainers




© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

Outcome• Trainer selection setup• Internal TWI Train the trainer• Linking TWI to existing on-job-training

setup• TWI business standard including roles

and responsibilites• Results and roadblocks related to the

implementation• Local ambassadors

Implementation Track

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

Learn ing Track

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

B uild ing the fram ew ork for a g lobal TW I im plem entation


s ar


Business Standard

Profile Structure


TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

B usiness S tandard

T r a in e r s e le c t io n

T W I J o b

In s t r u c t io n c la s s

P r a c t is e p e r io d

E x a m b e fo r e

K ic k - o ff

P r o c e s s

c o n f i r m a t io n c la s s

Te m p la te s o n

s h o p f lo o r

P r o f i le

M a n a g e m e n t /R e - a s s e s s m e n t

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

Profile structure

TWI Trainer

TWI Manager

TWI Technical


TWI Coordinator

TWI Support function

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business

Profile S tructure



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

TWI Job Instruction introduced in the business


Knowledge-sharing on central Sharepoint site

Yammer – ”Social network for businesses”

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

Deep dive into one business function



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

O ffshore C onstruction - w hat and how ?

D eep d ive in to one business function

• Offshore Construction – installation and commissioning

• Our team allocates competent resources to Offshore construction sites

• More than 600 Siemens Gamesa and contractor technicians

• Trained through classroom, on-job-training, eLearning, Virtual Reality, and now also TWI JI

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

W hy TW I JI is relevant for O ffshore C onstruction

D eep d ive in to one business function

Offshore business is influenced by several factors:

• High internal/external demands on quality and

safety (Zero Defect and Zero Harm culture)• Scale and technicial complexity of products• Political/economic pressure

• Fierce competition

The need for efficiency and effectiveness kicked off a major optimization project from

Engineering to Site Execution



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

O ffshore C onstruction - com plexity o f in troducing TW I

F ix e d p r e a s s e m b ly s i t e G lo b a l T a s k F o r c eC o n s t r u c t io n S i t eS a t e l l i t e p r e a s s e m b ly s i t e








P r o v id e s m a jo r ” r e a d y - to -

in s ta l l ” c o m p o n e n ts fo r

c o n s t r u c t io n s i te s o n a

p e r m a n e n t b a s is

P o o l o f g lo b a l T W I T r a in e r s ,

M a n a g e r s a n d t r a in - th e -

t r a in e r s u p p o r t in g g lo b a l

in i t ia t iv e s a n d im p le m e n ta t io n

o n n e w s ite s

Te c h n ic ia n s a r e lo c a te d

o n a n in s ta l la t io n o r

c o m p le t io n v e s s e l o n a

te m p o r a r y b a s is

P r o v id e s m a jo r ” r e a d y - to -

in s ta l l ” c o m p o n e n ts fo r a

c e r ta in n u m b e r o f c o n s t r u c t io n

s i te s o n a te m p o r a r y b a s is

D eep d ive in to one business function

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

The TW I JI Landscape

D eep d ive in to one business function



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

B ottom up / Top dow n approach



Top down

Fixed preassembly site

• TWI JI set-up established in Esbjerg, Denmark:

Ø 3 TWI TrainersØ 4TWI ManagersØ 4 support functions

• Kick-off November, 2017

• 3 local jobs prepared (1 safety, 1 administration and 1 quality)

• 94 trainings conducted

Results: safety issue eliminated

Global Taskforce

• Quality notice applicable to SGRE globally

• 1 global job prepared

• 2 global TWI Trainers + 3TWI Managers

• TWI training has been conducted on/scoped for 4 preassembly sites:

Ø Belgium: 14 technicians Ø Scotland: 16 technicians Ø Denmark: 40 technicians Ø England: 20 technicians

Results: Still pending

D eep d ive in to one business function

© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

Progress and R ecognition in the business

TWI Trainer awarded

• Trainer Conference 2018 hosted by the central training organisation, Wind University

• TWI Trainer Award handed out for the first time

.... and the winner is

Mikkel Mikkelsen from the Offshore Preassembly site in Esbjerg, Denmark

Deep dive into one business function



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

How to find the right balance between local empowerment and global governance?



© S iem ens G am esa R enew able Energy S .A R ikke Kaastrup-H ansen | Susanne Svenningsen

R ik k e K a a s t r u p - H a n s e n

M o b ile + 4 5 3 0 3 7 5 2 11

r ik k e .k a a s t r u p - h a n s e n @ s ie m e n s g a m e s a .c o m

Thank you!S u s a n n e S v e n n in g s e n

M o b ile + 4 5 3 0 3 7 6 5 5 5

s u s a n n e .s v e n n in g s e n @ s ie m e n s g a m e s a .c o m
