Twisted Faith Story



Children's Story

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Written and Illustrated by

Praewa, Nora and Mix


Chapter 1

In the land of Roussouea there lived a maid by the name of Viola. She worked for princess Samantha of Roussauea, a mean and cruel woman; she would hit and take things from Viola. One day the brave prince kale of Demacia came to meet Samantha on the king’s be-half. As the maid was walking down the hall pondering about ‘’the tales of Demacia’’ a book her mum gave her when she was young, tales of warriors and brave men fighting giants and dragons. Lost in thought she bumped into the prince as she was walking, not know-ing who it was she yelled as she ran to the library ‘’watch where you’re going!’’. Annoyed she forgot what book she was looking for

when suddenly a random book fell from the shelves. ’What’s this?’’ she exclaimed as she picked it up, she was very scared

due to the fact that the girl on the cover of the book looked like her! The sun rose in the north shining onto the beautiful rose garden be-hind the castle. Natacha awoke to the sound of a rooster crowing , after doing her chores and eating breakfast , she heard from down the hall the princess yelling ‘’WHERE IS MY DRESS!’’ She down the hall and saw the princess yelling at a washer woman. Natacha knew that she could not do any so she had to look away in disgust but suddenly She heard a sound from down the hall ‘’YOU, WHERE IS MY DRESS?!’’ The princess yelled at her ‘’its drying your majesty’’ she responded ‘’Then go get it’’ the princess yelled back. Natacha immediately ran to get the dress at the courtyard. Not looking at where she was going she crashed into an old man in a grey cloak


and holding a staff. ‘’I am so sorry sir.’’ She exclaimed whilst panting the old man responded by saying ‘’haha there is no need to say that ma dear, my name is Stiener. may I get the pleasure of knowing yours?’’ ‘’my name is Natacha sir’’ she responded ‘’Natacha AH yes!’’ the man said as he handed her a small bag with a small dag-ger, a ruby that was blood red, and a book with the title ‘’Demacia’’. She looked back at Stiener but he had already disappeared. Lost in thought she remembered about the dress , she ran as fast as she could to get the dress and ran back to the princess. ’here you are your majesty’’ she said exhausted.

Chapter 2

One fine day, his majesty the king wanted a royal meeting with the prince and the princess. So, the king ordered royal servants to invite in the prince and the princess. The king, the prince and the princess all came to meet in the royal meeting room, which the king uses for his royal meetings. The king began to speak ’Hello you both thank you for coming here, Prince would you like to introduce yourself to the Princess?’ ‘Certainly your majesty’ the prince replied ‘Hello your highness, I am the

prince of Democia call me Charles, do you remember me? The one who saved you from that fire-breathing dragon? ‘Ah, yes how could I forget such a heroic person like you?’ said the princess. Of course the evil princess remembered, she had the memories from the real princess! ‘I’m very

grateful of you’ the princess added. ‘Well that was nothing, being a hero is my main job!’ ‘Alright, anything else you want to discuss with each other before we leave this room?’ asked the king. ‘Yes I do have some time to say, have a nice day your majesty’ replied the prince, ‘I hope you all have a nice day’ followed the princess. ‘Have a nice day you two!’ Said the king. ‘You too your majesty! The prince said. He and the princess walked out of the royal meeting room and headed in different directions.

The prince head outside to the secret garden and the princess went to her bedroom. The maid spent her time reading books in the royal


library, ‘I love the library, and it’s got many interesting books’ she thought to herself. The maid closed her book and she turned to the glass window which shows the beautiful garden behind the castle, as she looked she saw a man, a tall fair man. The man looked like the man from yesterday, the man she argued with! She heard the man singing, so then she open the window just enough for her to hear him sing

’Being the prince of Democia is greater than you think, but the thing is that in Democia there isn’t a garden like this!’ The maid shrugged then she closed the window, she realized what she had done. She felt guilty of what she did, she tried to forget about it but it just made her feel even worse, she then decided to sleep.

Up in the castle, the princess look out of her bedroom window and admired the view, but there was one thing on her mind which her feel lonely, she loved the prince but the prince wasn’t with her. The princess looked out the window a little longer and she noticed some-one in the garden, it was the prince! So she decided to go join him in the garden. She quickly headed downstairs to the secret garden, the princess soon entered the garden and saw the prince. He sat down on a

bench made of birch wood. She got closer and said ‘Hello Prince Charles, Can I sit too?’

‘Sure’ the prince replied. The princess sat down on the bench. ‘Can I tell you something?’ Asked the princess ‘Ok’ said the prince, ‘I just want to say that I have feelings for you’ said the princess. The

prince didn’t like the princess at all because he loves the maid, he knows that she is the true princess but the maid doesn’t know she is the true princess because she was brainwashed in the transition.

The prince looked down at the ground

‘What does that mean?’ asked the princess

‘It’s nothing, I just need some time alone, sorry’ said the prince.

‘Oh ok, I’ll leave you to stay alone’ said the princess.

The princess walked upstairs to her room and rested on her bed wondering why he had said that,

she thought ‘Maybe he doesn’t like me, but I will make him love me’ The princesses thoughts were evil, she thought again ‘Maybe he just needs some time alone, or maybe he doesn’t like me, ah this is hurt-ing my head I should rest.’ The princess slept in her bed, until she heard a knock on the door, ‘It’s time for dinner your highness!’ a voice came through the door, the princess got up on her feet and opened the door, it was the maid. The princess hated the maid, she walked downstairs immediately and walked down to the royal dining room where they have their breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

After they had their royal dinner the princess went back up stairs a rested in her bed

once again. The next morning was a graceful morning, it was a spe-cial day, it was the king’s birthday. So, they had a huge party to cele-brate the king’s 80th birthday! They threw a big party for the king. The king was happy about the party but he realized that he was get-


ting old. The king sat in his chair thinking about who should be the next king because he’s getting tired of taking care of the people.

He decided maybe he could crown the prince as the king. Time passed, the feast be-gan after noon when the sun was going down. There were fireworks up in the sky there were gifts from the people of Rousseau and a special pre-sent from the king of Demo-cia. During the feast, the maid came into the royal dining room to give special snacks to the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess.

They were small egg pies. The feast was over as time passed by and everyone went to sleep during the special night. The king stayed up worrying about who’s going to be king. The queen sug-gested that he should think about it in the morning. The king soon slept well. The next day they all woke up, the king was ill because he didn’t sleep much so he stayed in bed. For the rest of the day the maid went up and down the stairs bringing food and water for the king, she also gave him desserts. Then he soon got better.

Chapter 3

“Oh my god !..... He’s the PRINCE” Natasha exclaim as soon as she was out of the throne room after she had gone to serve the king, prin-cess and prince a bit of sake and tell them that lunch is ready, she ran to her most favourite place in the castle, The library, when she’s here she always get a strange pleasant unexplainable feeling, the feeling of safety, the feeling of home, where she can be herself, where she can let her imagination run free, she also gets her best ideas in here plus the times when she feels depressed, confused, worried and all those other feeling she will come here, she feels free here no one to hold her down.

The sight of old, dusty knowledge-filled books that are placed neatly row after row on shelves that stretch as far as eyes can see, delicate red velvet couches and sofa all placed scattered here and there around the library, elegant French style windows are seen all around the room banishing the darkness that might be lurking in the corners ..... every now and then a mild breeze will flow into the library from the huge French style stain glass window facing north bringing in the sweet scent of roses, and there she was all alone in this room, this makes all her glum emotions wash way and helps to refresh her

Natasha slump down on the nearest couch facing the north window and stare on to the rose garden outside pondering on what to do.

‘What should I do, he’s the prince, if word gets out that I shouted at him the kingdom of Democia will want to have my head! what if he


tells the princess then she will be so upset and angry at me, she may lose her chance impressing the prince due to my action it’s bad enough that they both need to marry each other without even know-ing about the other person until their parents told them that they had an arrange marriage with the kingdom next door and may I add aren't quite friendly to each other, this marriage needs to go well so they can form a truce and alliance between the 2 kingdoms, they are already having a hard time trying to fall in love with each other and I just happen to make the falling in love process harder f or them OOOOoooo............ I’m such a fool, what should I do now.....? I know I’ll go and apologize, but what if he doesn’t accept my apol-ogy..... Well it doesn’t hurt to try’

Natasha ran down the library tower as fast as her legs can take her but when she arrived at a cross road she began to panic “Which way is the prince at.....”she groaned“ I wish this castle wasn’t so big”

Natasha randomly pick a path which lead her to the kitchens, when the cook saw her entering she ask her to help out with the cooking a bit for this evening dinner so the princess will like it, she ran through the gardens, grasslands and forests surrounding the castle to check if the Prince is there looking at the grounds the gardener who was picking roses to decorate the castle ask Natasha to help pick out some that the princess may like, she ran through the different halls in the castle just in case the prince is checking out the castle one of the maid who saw her ask Natasha if she was free to help her put the princess’s laundry away, the princess likes to change clothes of-ten at least 5 times a- day claiming that it was now dirty or had wrin-kles on it or just that the clothes she was currently wearing was not

in trend anymore making the poor laundry maid having to clean, iron, fold and put away loads of clothes each day. Natasha having been her kind, caring, loyal and compassionate attitude help the maid put away all 100 casual clothes and 50 more ball gowns.

When Natasha finally finish helping everyone out it was 4:05 PM, she drag herself up the east wing staircases to where the prince tempo-rary living quarters were just incase the prince is here Natasha thought to herself

‘If the prince isn’t here I can always apologize tomorrow, I don’t un-derstand where is the prince when you need to talk to him but when we don’t he then shows up..... great it seem like luck isn’t on my side today and fate seem to be playing a cruel fate on me too’

but before she could reach the door to the prince room the princess came stomping up to her and screamed“Where were you!, you were supposed to meet me in my dressing room 10 minutes ago to help me with my makeup, hair and dress..... tonight I’m having dinner with the prince and I need to look gorgeous, now I have only 2 hours and 50 minutes left and I haven’t include the fact that I haven’t had my warm bubble bath, pedicure and manicure done yet, with this you deserve to be punish how does dou-bling your work time, earning less money, me ordering you around ruth-lessly of the rest of your pitiful life, be-ing whipped 10 times and being locked up in the castle dungeons for


10 days with little food and water sounds...”

“no please princess I won’t do it again, I promise, just don’t pass your punishment and please don’t please don’t put me in the castle dungeons again” Natasha begged and drop down on to the floor clinging on to the princess feet, begging not to punish her while cry-ing. The princess who was getting very angry and annoyed kick Na-tasha to make her let go of her feet then when Natasha let go and look up at the princess, the princess reach her hand out and slap Natasha across the face Natasha yelped and fell back to lying side-ways, she pulled her legs up to her chest and hugged them looking like a small ball on the hallway floor whispering through sobs “please don’t punish me again”

The prince who heard loud noises coming down from the hallway in the east wing as he was coming up the stairs he walked up to see what was going on Natasha was now standing up but she kept her head down and the princess was yelling at her about punishment the prince decided to make his present known and cough out loud the princess and Natasha look to see who it is the princess eyes widen in shock and embarrassment the prince who had heard more than enough and was able to put some pieces together to conclude a simple scenario of what happen. The prince then spoke that this little mistake is no need for punishment and said for the princess to return to her room. The princess reluctantly left but she sent one last death glare at Natasha. After sawing that behavior the prince thought twice about spending the rest of his life with the princess, he turned his attention to Natasha who was quietly sobbing to herself and saying “please don’t punish me again” the prince hearing this try to lighten up the mood and ask

Chapter 4

‘Thank you but I didn’t ask for your help.’

She ran and ran as tears filled her eyes without knowing why she couldn’t stop herself. She ran until she stopped as she heard a drag-ons growl. She eyed it, it went on to it knees she look around to see that she was no longer in the palace. When she felt a certain heat from her dress pocket she pulled

the ruby out to see that it was glowing it pulled her closer to the dragon. She felt a familiar sensation as she close in to the dragon when she was three steps away and with each steps she take im-agesof her past and life appeared in her mind each leaving a slight of pain. She eyed the dragon as she moves closer bring her hand up too pat its head. The dragon stood up and bends its head down the princess went on to its back the dragon flew up into the sky. The prin-cess pulls out the ruby and but herself letting a few drops of blood to drop on it. The dragon stopped at the window to the king’s room. The princess walks in to see the king stands there she took the ruby out in her hands as the king stared at it his memories return. ‘Thalia, I should have known.’ The king said in tears as he pulled her close. Soon guards walk in. ‘Guard go get the fake princess and punish her for betraying the crown.’ he command

‘Your majesty, the fake princess has disappeared.’ One of the guards reported ‘Where is the prince?’ the king questioned


‘I am here your majesty.’ The prince said as he walks in a bow ‘Prince Charles I want you to meet my real daughter, Princess Thalia.’

‘It is an honor to meet you your highness the real you.’ The prince said as he put his hand out for a handshake the princess took his hand. When a growled erupted the dragon appeared. ‘You must pre-pare for battle the evil forest and its troops will attack soon I as the leader of the enchanted forest will like to ask for you aid.’ The dragon growled

‘We are most delighted to help you.’ The king answered.

All the troops were ready for war, from brave men who fought for years to local tribes men protecting their home they all sullied and made a wall with their shields and spears ready for anything to hap-pen. The first horn blew, giants and other creatures rushed out of the forbidden forest at a castle stationed there, the troops were ready swords and spears in their hands until suddenly... a huge thick fog covered the area blinding the troops, the fog faded and there was nothing left but dead hollow soldiers and a destroyed castle. The sun rose at Rousseau and all was good until the guards saw a dragon approaching , they fired at it with all they had alas it came down destroying a big part of the wall letting the rest of the creeps in. The creeps killed millions before getting to the castles gate, the king and his men were ready, they had weapons, armor, and if all fail a way out. Another horn blew and the second dragon came with an evil sorcerer riding it, the sorcerer shot a fireball from his hand and it blew the side of the castle killing the king and the rest of the troops there. Democia was the last place to attack, but Democia didn’t have 1 wall nor 2 but a mighty 3 walls to protect it from anything. The first wall was made of stone and metal the second was made of

metal and reinforced with a magical barrier, the third wall was made of magic only a person with a ruby stone with the blood of a king or queen can enter, the court mages made it that way. ‘’what do you mean by 1 year?’’ ‘’my prince the winter won’t last long enough to slow them down’’ The prince and Natasha were arguing about the distance between Roseau and Democia, the Evil army was traveling fast and they had to do something ‘’Sir, a man would like to see you.’’ A servant had walked in and explained that the man was on the way to see this merchant. ’Hello my sir. I have travelled from across the sea to Democia to show you this!!!’’ the merchant pulled out from his sack a metal and wood object ‘’This is what I call a flint-lock rifle, a fine invention made to kill anything. Watch!’’ he pressed the trigger and a spark of black powder shot out from the barrel

making a big hole in the target. ’’I need one for each archer in my army how much are you selling it for?’’ the prince asked ‘’500,000,000 gold sir’’ the merchant responded. The deal was made and each man was suited with a flintlock rifle. The winter had ended and the evil army was here. ’’THREE, TWO , ONE , FIRE!!!’’ the men shot their guns killing millions of evil creatures but they could do nothing to the mist killing all the gunmen. The second wall was gone and the third was under siege. While the men were fight-ing and the prince was in his magical armor which made him invisi-ble to all people. After many hours of fighting the prince went behind the sorcerer but before he could stab him the sorcerer shot him with a bolt of lightning nearly killing him ‘’well Charles, I guess the mighty Democia is go-‘’ before the sorcerer could finish Natasha slit his throat. The sorcerer was killed and his army retreated, Charles and Natasha where married and ruled the king Poom of Democia in peace and harmony.


The end.

