Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague


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Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague

John Howard, Hukara Camels of Poona (1860)

Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxiscope, ca 1870.

Corbis/Bettmann Archive, Artist Using a Camera Obscura, ca 1820

William Henry Fox Talbot, Latticed Window at Lacock Abbey, 1835

Leonardo da Vinci, Perspective Constructed of Leonardo’s Last Supper, 1495-1498.

Fra Carnavele, The Annunciation, 1448

Funerary Papyrus of the Princess Entiu-ny, 1025 BC.

Zhang Zeduan, Going Upriver at the Qing Ming Festival, 1111-1126

Donatello, St. Anthony Healing the young Man’s Foot (with perspective systems marked), 1846-1849

Mark Rothko, Red-tone, 1959

Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral (facade at sunset), 1894.

Claude Monet, Impression-Sunrise, 1872.

Claude Monet, Haystack in Winter, 1891

Claude Monet, Haystack, ca 1891

Picasso in his Studio

Pablo Picasso, Ma Jolie, 1912

Georges Braque, The Portuguese, 1911

James Anderson, Michaelangelo’s Moses from the Tomb of Julius II, early


Edward Munch, The Scream, 1893

Scala Art Resource (advertisement), Tips for Relieving Stress, 1999nt Van Gogh, Self Portrait,

