TygerBurger Ravensmead/Belhar 20151104




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Woensdag, 4 November 2015 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za



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“THIS IS NOT UWC.”These were the direct words – in

uppercase – in a statement of theUniversity of the Western Cape’s vice-chan-cellor after he and his executive team wereheld hostage on campus on Friday.

Prof Tyrone Pretorius and the universi-ty’s senior management were forced to re-main in their offices by protesting students.

The same group of students apparently in-timidated fellow students in the university’sresidences before going on a rampage of theuniversity’s administration buildings, caus-ing serious structural damage.

The group, led by eight students, were tomeet with the university leadership and thestudent representative council (SRC) on Fri-day, citing their desire to “just have theirvoices heard” in the aftermath of the nation-al #FeesMustFall campaign.

Security staff attackedOn Friday, however, Pretorius released a

statement saying the students acted violent-ly prior to the meeting taking place. The uni-versity’s chancellor, Archbishop StanleyMakgoba, was to mediate the meeting.

“We were in the process of arranging aconversation between the Archbishop, thisgroup and myself. They are claiming thisrampage is the result of the rector not beingavailable for them and I reject this claim ab-solutely,” Pretorius said.

“The evidence is there that they pretendedto want to have a dialogue, but when the op-portunity was presented to them, they wenton a rampage.”

He explained what had transpired.“While I was briefing the Archbishop on

the objectives of the intervention, arrange-ments were made for him and me to meetwith the SRC first and then with the leadersof the protesting group,” Pretorius said.

This arrangement was passed on to theprotesting students, who then “marchedfrom the student centre to the residences”to “mobilise support”.

When they were refused entry at the resi-dences, the group attacked the securityguards using “bricks, belts, sticks and sjam-boks”, Pretorius said.

Widespread damage all over campus“Several members of our security staff

were injured – one so badly that he requiredhospitalisation.”

He further states the students then wentback to the student centre where they “basi-cally thrashed and vandalised the adminis-tration building – the first and second floorsof both the east and west wings, the CampusProtection offices and the School of Govern-ment building.”

Pretorius added there were reports ofwidespread damage all over the campus.

“Members of the executive council, profes-sional staff, SRC members and I were basi-cally trapped in the administration buildingby a small militant group of students withbricks and other weapons,” Pretorius said.

The university then applied for an urgentcourt order and the police were brought ontothe campus.

A memorandum from the group was hand-ed to Makgoba during the fray, Pretoriussaid.

V To page 2.


UWC riots:leader held‘hostage’

Kites galore in Muizenberg

Spectacular kites from four countries (South Africa, Germany, the Netherlands and theUnited Kingdom) adorned the skies of Muizenberg on Saturday at the 21st international kitefestival in aid of Cape Mental Health. Faghmeeya Hendricks and daughter Nadheera fromMitchell’s Plain enjoyed flying their kite at the event. PHOTO: SULIZE TERREBLANCHE

2 TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar Woensdag, 4 November 2015NUUS

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“The executive cannot accept that, at a uni-versity, themessage is that if youareviolentand destroy property, force and intimidateothers to participate in the protest, as wellas attempt to hold people hostage in build-ings, your voices will be heard,” he coun-tered.“We can only reactivate this process of en-

gagement once the protesting group standsdown, respects the dignity and constitution-al rights of others and allows us to createan environment conducive to constructiveengagement.”

At the neighbouring CPUT, things were“quiet” over the weekend, according tospokesperson Lauren Kansley.“We were all quiet over the weekend;

that’s why we could come back to work yes-terday (Monday).”She added CPUT sent out their exam plan

to students onMonday and had contingencyplans in place for the exams.Vice-chancellor Dr Prins Nevhutalu is-

sued a statement citing that CPUT’s revisedexaminationperiodwouldbe from9Novem-ber until 30 November.

“At a special meeting of senate held today(Monday) a number of academic resolutionsto assist all students affected by the recentfees protest were reached,” he said.“These resolutions aremeant to assist our

students and not put them in any disadvan-taged position as we approach the final ex-ams for the year.”

. UWC spokesperson Luthando Tyhali-bongo on Tuesday (at the time of going toprint) confirmed toTygerBurger that Preto-rius would be addressing all UWC studentsat 12:00.

Maak skoon:’n Groepmunisipale werkers staan

byna kniediep in diemodderige water van die

Blackheath-kanaal in ’npoging om die kanaalskoon te maak. Vullis,

mos, gras en sand is uitdie kanaal geskep enlangs die kanaalbank

gegooi. Die kanaal vloeionderdeur Albert

Philander-rylaan, waardie foto verlede Vrydag-

oggend geneem is.FOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

Motorists warnedMotorists warnedof stone throwersof stone throwers

RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

Motorists using the R300-highway andStellenbosch Arterial have beenwarned to be vigilant against stone

throwers in these areas.The Mfuleni police issued a warning last

week following several reports of stonethrowing incidents on these two roads.Captain Nomathemba Muavha, police

spokesperson, said as from Tuesday 20 Oc-tober to Friday 23 October three such caseshad been reported – one on the StellenboschArterial near Wesbank and two along theR300 between the N2 and Hindle Road.“Two of these cases occurred during the

day and the other at night, after 20:00.“Themotive for these stone throwingswe

suspect is to get themotorist to stop in orderfor the attackers to rob themof their belong-ings,” Muavha said.A similar incident was reported on the

Kuils River community page on Facebookon Thursday 15 October. “People, please becareful on theR300, there are guys throwing

stones from the footbridge near the arterialoff-ramp. Please be alert,” the victimwrote.Kenny Africa, provincial traffic chief,

toldTygerBurger this week that the R300 aswell as N2 highway are both considered ashigh crime risk areas.He says the N2 from Jakes Gerwel Drive

toMacassar and theN7 fromPhilippi to Du-noon are especially vulnerable areas.“We request that motorists do not stop

along these roads or the R300. This is anoth-er area where special attention is given to.”Africa said a special task team patrols

both of these highways 24 hours a day.In a media statement recently issued by

the department of safety and security, may-comember JP Smith reiterated the calls formotorists to be vigilant along these roads.“Between 21 September and 18 October,

11 crime-related incidentswere recorded onthe N2 and R300. This included two robber-ies, four attempted robberies, two incidentsof stone-throwing, a road rage incident, andthe recovery of two bodies along the N2 be-tween the R300 and Jakes Gerwel Drive.”Smith pleaded to motorists not to stop.

Woensdag, 4 November 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 3



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’n Droom wat sy oorsprong in Janua-rie 1986 gehad het, word op Saterdag7 November in Belhar vir ’n groot ge-

meente verwesenlik.Dié visioen van dr. Ray Olckers, stigter en

biskop van die Living Waters-gemeente, isdie City of Grace-kerksentrum wat eersko-mende Saterdag in Belhar gestalte kry.

Die Living Waters-gemeente het destydsin 1986 in die Tomorrowland-crèche in Bel-har begin aanbid en sewe jaar lank daar nes-geskop, terwyl hul tabernakel in aanbouwas.

Met die aankoop van hul kerkgrond kondie groepie stigterslede in 1999 die deurevanhul eiekerkoopswaai envir 14 jaar lankdie gemeente daar onder Olckers bedien.

Die kerk het sy werk uitgebrei na nabyge-leë gemeenskappe, soos Freedom Farm, Ex-

tension 13 in Delft en ander.Marlene Lambert, ’n woordvoerder van

die kerk, vertel. “Ons was voorlopers op el-ke gebied en het só die beeld van die kerk,die boodskap van verlossing, berou en beke-ring met groot sorg uitgedra,” sê sy.

In 2001, by ’n gesamentlike ekomeniesekerkdiens van 14 kerke in die omgewing,het Anna Hagatunghwe, die Afrika-ambas-sadeur van die Kenneth Copeland-interna-sionale ministerie, die biskop Olckers “her-ken” as die einste persoon wat sy in ’n on-langse visioen gesien het.

Volgens Lambert was Hagatunghwe dieboodskapper dat daar ’n “gebou vir die Hereopgerig moes word”.

“ ’n Klip is as simbool op die oop ruimtegeplaas om gestalte te gee aan dié opdrag –en ook die gehoorsaamheid aan die ‘stem

van God’,” vertel Lambert.“Ons het met kinderlike geloof weer eens

God vertrou om ons te help. Min het ons ge-wis ons sou beproef word tot die bitterein-de,” sê sy.

“Finansieel was ons droog getap deur hof-gedinge en het ons in die proses baie ledeverloor,” vertel Marlene.

Sy sê 7 November 2015 is egter vir hullebaie belangrik. Hulle kan dan uiteindelikdie City of God-kerksentrum – hul eie ge-meenskapsaanbiddingsentrum – open.

“Ons gee God al die eer. Dank ook aan Jayen Joan McQuillen, Grace Apostolic Minis-tries tesame met pastoor Colin Davids, bis-kop Ronnie Crudup en New Horizon Inter-national Church, Jackson, Missisippi(VSA) en ons eie gemeentelede wat onbaat-sugtig gegee het,” sê Marlene.

Living Waters open kerksentrumLede van die Living Waters-kerk gaan op 7 November hul eie City of God-kerkgebou betree.

The Bellville South community police fo-rum (CPF) will be hosting their annualmeeting on Thursday 26 November.

All community organisations and mem-bers, as well as schools, colleges, churches,mosques, sporting bodies, NGOs and otherinterested parties are welcome to attend.

The meeting will start at 19:00 and theagenda includes reports from the chairper-

son, secretary, treasurer and station com-mander.

The meeting will be followed by an elec-tion or co-option to fill vacancies (for publicrelations officer).V The community can contact the chairperson, Da-vid Sias, on 073 315 2128 or at diasle-gal@mweb.co.za, or the secretary, Stephen West, on078 526 4559.

Bellville South CPF hosting AGM and election

Badisa Trio het as welsynsorganisasie gere-gistreer vir die Kaapstad-fietstoer (eers Ar-gus-fietstoer) vir 2016 en het nog nege plek-ke in hul groep beskikbaar.

Die inskrywingsgeld beloop R2 000 perpersoon en sluit ’n fietsryhemp in. “Met diegroep wil ons graag mense bewus maak vandie kinderbeskermingsdienste wat ons le-wer en veral in die areas waar ons werk –

Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Durbanville,Bellville en Scottsdene,” sê Elna Franckevan Badisa. “Die afgelope jaar het ons meeras 6 000 mense se lewens geraak,” sê sy.

“As organisasie ontvang ons 79,5% vanons inkomste van die staat en vir die res isons van die gemeenskap afhanklik deurfondswerwing. ”V Bel Elna Francke by 021 987 2940 met navrae.

Badisa Trio trap nou saam in fietstoer

The Cape Town child welfare societyis searching for one Bronwyn Jansen.

She is the biological mother of a boyby the name of Keagan.

Her last known or reported addresswas either number 31 or 46 AndalusiaRoad in Pinewood, Delft.

She is currently reported to be wan-dering around Elsies River some-where, according to a statement by thesociety.V Anyone with information regarding herwhereabouts can call Hassan Bukuru of CapeTown Child Welfare on 021 638 3127 or emailinvestigations10@helpkids.org.za.

Welfare society lookingfor mother of boy

4 TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar Woensdag, 4 November 2015NUUS

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RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

Selfs nog tot op sy laaste werksdag asmediese dokter het die pasiënte in langtoue buite sy ondersoekkamer gesit.

Dit is die bewys van die toewyding van dr.Raymond Martin van Staden (63), wat verle-de Vrydag sy laaste pasiënte by die Klein-vlei-kliniek gesien het.

Van Staden het 32 jaar lank hier gewerk.“Ek het eers my eie praktyk in die gebied

gehad voordat ek by die daghospitaal aange-sluit het,” het hy aanTygerBurger vertel ter-wyl hy nog besig was om ’n pasiënt te onder-soek.

Destyds was die gebied nog baie bebos,onthou hy.

“Ekhet oor die jare heen ’nhegte bandmetdie gemeenskap hier opgebou.

“Hier is pasiënte wat ek al meer as 30 jaarken en behandel, wat vandag nog na mykom,” vertel Van Staden, wat al 37 jaar asmediese praktisyn werk.

Baie van die gebied se jongmense wat hierkom, het hy in die wêreld gebring, vertel hy.

“Dit laat my goed voel wanneer ek hulledeesdae sien en hoor dat ek by hul geboorteteenwoordig was,” sê Van Staden.

Hy voeg by: “Ek voel soms ek is geroep omhier te kom werk in die gemeenskap.”

Die samewerking en behulpsaamheid vandie gemeenskap sal hom altyd bybly, sê hy.

“Ek het hier met ’n baie goeie gesond-heidskomitee gewerk,” sê hy.

Levona Coerecuis, voorsitter van die ko-mitee, sê sy teenwoordigheid by die fasiliteitgaan baie gemis word.

“Ek kom al ’n lang pad saam met die dok-ter,” sê sy.

Sy beskryf Van Staden as ’n baie nederige,geduldige en behulpsame persoon.

“Hy is iemand wat nooit kwaad sal wordnie, al is die pasiënte soms moeilik.

“Hy het altyd aandagtig na almal se klag-

tes geluister,” sê sy.Past. Iris Dubee, voorsitter van die ge-

sondheidskomitee, beaam dit.“Hy is ’n mens-mens. Hy het eintlik die ge-

meenskap gedien.“Dis met ’n seer hart dat ons hom groet;

ons weet daar is tyd vir alles en hy moetklaarmaak, maar hy het uitstekende werkvir ons gedoen,” sê Dubee.

Van Staden het sy mediese studies aan dieUniversiteit van Kaapstad in 1978 voltooi endestyds sy opleiding by die Grootte Schuur-

hospitaal ontvang.Hy het jare lank ook op Alice in die Oos-

Kaap gewerk voordat hy eers na George entoe terug Kaap toe verhuis het.

“Ek was die die heel eerste dokter vankleur wat op George as ’n voltydse perso-neellid aangestel is,” onthou hy nog.

Hy het op 4 September 1983 op die ouder-dom van 31 jaar in Kleinvlei begin werk.

“Destyds moes ons baie rondry om ons pa-siënte te kon bedien.

Van Staden was ook aan die stuur van die

stigting van die Delft-daghospitaal in Rosen-dal.

“Dit was nog altyd vir my ’n absolute voor-reg om die gemeenskap te kon versorg en tedien tot die beste vanmyvermoë,” sê dr.VanStaden.

Oor sy toekomsplanne sê hy: “Ek wil vir’n maand of twee net rus en, as alles goedverloop, dalk volgende jaar weer afloswerkdoen op ’n deeltydse basis.”

’n Afskeidspartytjie is verlede Dinsdag virhom by die kliniek gehou.

Ná drie dekades groet dr. Raymond

Dr. Raymond Martin van Staden is hier saam met personeellede van die Kleinvlei-daghospitaal en lede van die plaaslike gesondheidskomitee tydenssy afskeid verlede Dinsdagoggend.

Dr. RaymondMartin van

Staden het ná32 jaar as

mediesepraktisyn by

die Kleinvlei-daghospitaal


Woensdag, 4 November 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 5

Oasis FC teamPlayers won thefive-a-sideTygerfesttournament.They are KhanyaMahlanyana,LuyandaDangalya,Sivenathi Maho,Thando Mini,Phakama Tikoand SiveMpengezi.

It takes five to scoreIt takes five to scoreThe Tygerfest, a festival aimed at con-

necting communities in the greaterTygerberg area, concluded on 25 Octo-

ber with a five-a-side soccer tournament atParow High School.“The tournamentwas great fun, full of ac-

tion, helped with building relationshipsandbridges betweendifferent business, stu-dent and faith organisations as well as Afri-can immigrant, refugee and homeless com-munities,” says Kemi Adebayo, executivedirector for theTygerbergHeritage festival.First time entrant to the tournament, the

Oasis FC Players team was crowned theTygerberg All Nations five-a-side footballtournament 2015 champions.They defeated unwavering regular en-

trant Old Mutual (Northville Accommoda-tion) FC in a 3-1 victory at the finals. Thetournament and family day had 12 diverseteams fromTygerberg, townships and CapeTown battling it out for the title of the bestTygerberg All Nations five-a-side team.Teams taking part in the tournament

were Protea Toyota, Securitas/VRCID,MES/Grow,Northville StudentsAccommo-dation (4 teams – Sheriff 1, Sheriff 2, OldMu-tual & Southern Life), MSC College, AfrikaTikkun (Mfuleni), His People Baxter, Yoru-

ba United and Oasis.“The tournament was inspiring, energet-

ic and fun.All the teams camewell preparedand were determined to win the cup. Thisis a great platform for people to connectthrough football. We are looking forward tonext year’s bigger and better tournament,”says the chief referee Bongani Mathiso.“Weare sohappywith the football tourna-

ment,whichhelped conclude this year’s fes-tival. It has been an exciting and wonderfulOctober with five powerful events in threekey venues celebrating, connecting, collab-orating and having conversations. We areextremely grateful to our sponsors and oth-ers who are compassionate about puttingback into the community,” says Adebayo.

. The Tygerberg Heritage Festival is apartnership project organised by BoldMoves and MES with Festival PartnersVoortrekker Road Corridor ImprovementDistrict (VRCID) and support from localbusinesses and community organisationslike Protea Toyota (Bellville), MSC College,Somali Association of South Africa (Sasa),Agency for refugee education, Skills train-ing and advocacy (Aresta), Middestad mall,Parow centre, Egbe Omo Yoruba and Na-tional council of African women.

6 TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar Woensdag, 4 November 2015NUUS

Working on Fire’s Rudi Lucas explains to Kalkfontein residents how to deal with shack firesduring a workshop held last Wednesday. PHOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

Kalkfontein residentslearn about fire safetyRICHARD ROBERTS


How long does it take for an engulfed shackto be destroyed – 35 minutes? No, the an-swer is a mere 35 seconds.This is the startling reality explained to

residents of Kalkfontein at a fire safetyworkshop held in the area last Wednesdayin the community hall.Theworkshopwas organised byWorking

onFire (Wof) and presented by co-ordinatorRudi Lucas.WoF is a government funded job creation

programme focusing on integrated firemanagement in South Africa.The workshop was held in partnership

with the Kuils River community organisa-tion, The Association for Healing throughArts.During the session it was explained to

those in attendance how to act during a fire.“Your clothes are on fire. What do you

do?”Lucas said. “You stop, drop, coveryourface and roll,” he explained.These and several other safety tips were

given throughout the morning and after-noon.These tips, given to an audience of about

30 men and women, included the impor-tance of firstly identifying the exit points

during a house or shack fire.LeanneStellenberg,managingdirector of

the Association for Healing through Arts,said people need to know these tips as thefire season is approaching fast and reachesits peak during summer.“We want to establish fire safety forum

after this meeting. The forum will be runby us, comprising of people from the com-munity. These communitymemberswill betrained and also taught how to educatetheir fellow residents,” Stellenberg said.She added: “We have done this in several

other areas, and also plan to do it in Herma-nus.”Stellenberg said volunteers who are part

of the programme go from door to door toinform residents on how to be fire safe.“Especially here in Kalkfontein, where

we experience most fires. Fire season is ap-proachingandwewant to takepreventativemeasures.“We had loss of life before in the area as

a result of fires,” Stellenberg said.She said the idea was also to incorporate

the skills of people who reside in the broad-er community of Kuils River.“We want other people who know how to

deal with these types of issues to come on-board and assist us and share their knowl-edge.”

RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

Members of the Mfuleni police recovered alarge amount of copper recently which ledto the arrest of a foreign national.Police spokesperson Captain Nomathem-

ba Muavha said the confiscation last weekforms part Operation Fiela, an on-going op-eration against gangs and drugs.On Tuesday 27 October the police visited

a scrapyard in Diep Street, Mfuleni in theearly hours of the morning,where theymade the discovery.“The police searched thehouse and found

179 kilograms of copper, 11 kilo’s of brassand 38 kilo’s of lead in a bathroom, every-thing worth about R12 000,” Muavha said.Cable theft, according to the police, is one

of the main crimes in the area.Colonel Luyanda Damoyi, station com-

mander, told TygerBurger at a media brief-ing held recently that illegal scrapyards intheir policing precinct is something theycontinuously battle with.The police have on numerous occasions

warned people not to sell goods or purchaseanything from these illegal traders.Damoyi said most of the scrapyards are

located in Extension 6 in Mfuleni.Muavha said a 35-year-oldman fromGha-

na was arrested for the possession of pre-sumed stolen goods after the confiscationon Tuesday.“As the police, wewould like to thank the

community for blowing the whistle on ille-gal activities in their communities,”Muav-ha said.

R12 000 of stolen cable found

Members ofthe Mfulenipolice madea hugediscovery ofillegalcopper inthe arearecently. Aforeignnationalwasarrested inconnectionwith thepresumedstolencopper.

Owners who use their private dwellingsfor other purposes than living in them,should make very sure zoning regula-

tions are on their side.This is the message from Johan van der

Merwe, Mayco member for energy, environ-mental and spatial planning.“The City is aware that private residential

properties are increasingly used for variousactivities such as small churches or places ofworship, businesses and crèches,” he says.While these uses are welcomed, property

owners need to ensure that the use of theirproperty is in line with the zoning of thepremises and, where applicable, consent foralternative uses must be obtained.“A property zoned ‘Single Residential 1’ al-

lows for a dwelling to be constructed. It alsoallows for additional uses such as home occu-pation, a bed andbreakfast establishment (nomore than six paying guests and no morethan three rooms being used for guests) andhome child care (a small crèche of up to sixchildren),” he says. These additional uses aresubject to certain limitations.

‘Adhere to zoning rights’Owners of properties zoned for “SingleRes-

idential 1” purposes must apply for and begranted consentual use or temporary depar-ture if they do not comply with the limita-tions for additional uses, or if they want tooperate a place of worship, small business

(such as a house shop), guest house or crèche(more than six children) or want to build asecond dwelling on the property. “If they failto do so, for whatever reason, they will be incontravention of the property’s zoningrights.”The Municipal Planning by-law permits

the City to take a variety of actions in respectof unlawful land use,” Van der Merwe says.

Legal action last resortAnownermayapply to rectify theunlawful

land use or building work, but will be re-quired to pay an administrative penalty.“Legal action is the absolute last resort,

therefore property owners are encouraged tovisit their local district planning office to ver-ify whether the current use of the propertycomplieswith the zoning of the premises and,if not, what process they need to follow in or-der to comply with applicable legislation orto avoid further action.”He says the City’s land use and building in-

spectors are available to help property own-ers with any queries they may have regard-ing zoningmatters and building applicationsso that families and businesses can enjoy le-gally compliant, well-constructed, safe spa-ces.V Complaints relating to possible land use and build-ing contraventions can be submitted in writing to theCity’s property enforcement section at the local plan-ning district office for their investigation.

Residences notfor business


Twee vermeende skelms het hulle in vierpolisiemans inBellville vasgeloopkort na-dat hulle vier skoolkindersmet ’n vuurwa-pen en mes beroof het.Kapt. Fienie Nimb van dié polisiekan-

toor vertel hoe dié twee mans van 23 en 30jaar onderskeidelik, helder oordag dieleerdersmet ’n vuurwapen enmes van hulselfone, kontant, ’n baadjie en rugsak be-roof het.Dié tieners is almal tussen 15 en 17 jaar

oud en van die Westcliff-skool in Bellville.Die span van ao. Gawie Hawkins – sers.

Trevor Doubell en konstt. Anele Ntanjanaen Lwando Zwedala – was verlede Woens-dag in Amdenstraat teen Voortrekkerweggeparkeer tydens patrolleerwerk toe hulledie twee verdagte mans in hul rigting sienaankomhet. “Dit was omstreeks 15:00. Dielede het die mans sien aankom en hulledeursoek. Toe Hawkins die eerste verdag-te deursoek, het hy ’n vuurwapen op dieverdagte se persoon gevind,” sê Nimb.

“Hy het ook afgekom op ’n Blackberry-foon. Hy het ’n Carrimor-rugsak deursoeken gesien daar is ’n Westcliff-skoolvraelysin wat vir ouers van die skool bedoel is.”Die verdagte het beweer dis symeisie se

dokumente. Sers. Trevor Doubell het toedie tweede verdagte deursoek en ’n vlek-vrye staalmes by hom gekry. “Die verdag-te het ’n swart Cellucity-suede-baadjieaangehad. Hy het beweer hy het dit virR100 by die taxi-staanplek gekoop,” sê sy.Die lede het die mans in hegtenis ge-

neem op aanklagte van besit van vuurwa-pen en vermoedelik gesteelde goedere. Bydie polisiekantoor het die lede die fone virinligting deursoek.“Hulle het ’n naam op die skerm gesien

en vermoed dis die fooneienaar. Hulle hettoe van die kontakte op die foon geskakelen bevestig dat dit wel aan dié persoon be-hoort.” Die volgende dag is die lede na dieWestcliff-skool, waar hulle uitgevind hetdié foon behoort aan ’n leerder van diéskool met dieselfde naam as op die foon.Die verdagtes het Vrydag in die Bellvil-

le-landdroshof verskyn.

Vier skoliere besteel

Met sy jaarlikse Kokertoekennings gee dieAfrikaanse Taalraad (ATR) die hoogste eer-betoon aan dié wat Afrikaanssprekers be-magtig het en die taal bevorder en beskermhet. Vanjaar se genomineerdes sal hul toe-kennings by die Kokeraand op Vrydagaand6 November by die Zevenwacht-landgoed inKuilsrivier in ontvangs neem.Dr. Danie Cronjé is genomineer vir die Ko-

kertoekenning vir beskerming. Cronjé het ’nlang en luisterryke loopbaan in die Suid-Afri-kaanse sakelewe. Vir dieATR is dit van grootbelang dat hy tot onlangs trustee en latervoorsitter van die Dagbreek-trust was.DieDagbreek-trust het in Cronjé se termyn

’n belangrike koerswysiging ondergaan metbetrekking tot die befondsing van Afrikaansas taal en projekte wat met Afrikaans ver-band hou. Talle organisasies wat vir Afri-kaans belangrik is, het hierby baatgevind.Dan is prof. Andreas van Wyk benoem vir

die Kokertoekenning vir bevordering.Van Wyk is ’n voormalige rektor van die

Universiteit Stellenbosch. Met sy ontstaanhet die ATR in sy platsaksituasie by Het Jan

Marais-Nationale Fonds, waarvan Van Wyktot onlangs voorsitter was, om finansiëlesteunaangeklop.Onder syvoorsitterskaphetdie trustees met ’n simpatieke oor geluisteren die ATR geldelik op hul weg gehelp.Elias Nel is benoem vir die Kokertoeken-

ning vir Bemagtiging. Nel is op Verneukpanin die Boesmanland gebore,maarwoon al vir47 jaar in Kraaifontein. Hy het by verskillen-de instansies gewerk voordat hy in 2005 vol-tyds as projekorganiseerder by die ATKVaangesluit het. Hy is ’n skrywer, digter, ru-biekskrywer en bo alles ’n kultuurmens.Hy is veral bekend daarvoor dat hy die eer-

ste rieldanskompetisie in Suid-Afrika geor-ganiseer en die kompetisie uiteindelik totgroot hoogtes gelei het – nasionaal en inter-nasionaal. Hy het hiermee enmet talle anderaksies gemeenskappe bemagtig en ontwik-kel. Hy is ’n bobaasstorieverteller en verhaleen gedigte van hom het in talle publikasiesverskyn. Tanita da Silva is benoem vir dieATR se verdienstelikheidsmedalje vir haarbydrae tot die ontwikkeling van Afrikaansetaal- en kultuurprojekte.

ATR betoon eer aan taalmense

Woensdag, 4 November 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 7

V The 2015 South African horrorfest filmfestival is on at the Labia Theatre and Mer-cury Live until Friday 6 November. The festi-val includes movie screenings, the South Af-rican Horrorfest’s Bloody Parchment liter-ary night on Thursday, live soundtrackperformances, a night market, a Halloweendress-up competition and giveaways. Visitwww.horrorfest.info for ticket prices andthe festival line-up.

V The Stellenbosch Academy of Designand Photography will be presenting a staffexhibition at the Oude Libertas gallery fromWednesday 4 November. Email oudeliber-tasgallery1@gmail.com before Monday 2November to RSVP for the opening whichstarts at 17:30 for 18:00.

V The Jubilee Unity music festival takesplace at Eikendal sports ground in Kraaifon-tein on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 Novemberwith performances by Hemelbesem, KarinKortjie and Tribal Echo amongst others. Thefestival will include children’s entertain-ment and a market. Entry costs R50 for theFriday or R100 for Saturday or R30 for chil-dren aged 12 to 15 on Friday and R70 for theSaturday. Children under 12 enter free. Call074 181 9052 or email reneadams5.ra@gmail.com for more.

V The Weekender Arniston festival takesplace from Friday to Sunday with entertain-ment by comedians like Marc Lottering, en-tertainment from acts like Top Dog, AuriolHays and Jonathan Rubain and a farmersmarket. Visit www.weekenderfestival.comfor tickets and more information.

V Prof Stefan Schmidt, master organ im-provisator from Germany, will bring Goe-the’s Faust, one of the all-time great silentfilms, to life at the Groote Kerk in AdderleyStreet on Saturday 7 November from 19:00.While the audience is enjoying the silentmovie in the original of 1926 (English subti-tles), he will spontaneously improvise themissing film music. Tickets cost R100 orR80 from Computicket.

V Boschendal will be hosting a Rose Gardenhigh tea function on Friday 13, Saturday 14and Sunday 15 November from 10:30 wherethe farm’s landscape architect, Jan Blok,will share his experience with gardeningfans before a high tea, courtesy of executivechef Christiaan Campbell and his pastryteam, against the soundtrack of live music.Tickets cost R240 and booking is essential.Email reservations@boschendal.co.za orcall 021 870 4274 to book.

V The Dusty Rebels and the BombshellsRockabilly Festival will be celebrating allthings retro at the West Coast ostrich ranchfrom 12:00 on Saturday 14 November witha kid’s area, classic cars and bikes show, dirttrack, a fun fair, burlesque shows, roller girls,live entertainment and more. Visitwww.dustyrebelsandthebombshells.co.zafor tickets and more information.

V Home Birth South Africa will be hostingtheir next Table View gathering at unit A,West Riding Five (corner of Shire and Palo-mino roads) from 14:00 on Sunday 15 No-vember where visitors can listen to storiesand ask questions about home birthing. En-trance costs R70 or R120 for two. Emailbehm.helen@gmail.com or clairebrauer@gmail.com or call 084 558 8428 or082 846 2433 to book. Visit www. home-birth.org.za for more.

V The Tech University innovators expotakes place at the Waterfront’s Lookoutvenue on Tuesday 24 November, offeringemerging innovators and self-starters theopportunity to present their ideas to fellowstudents and companies within the tech-nology and engineering fields. Visit www.te-chexpo-africa.com for more.

V The River Republic music festival takesplace at Round the bend camp near Swell-endam from Friday 27 to Sunday 29 Novem-ber with a full weekend line-up of local elec-tro, rock, pop, swing and folk bands as wellas German act Riders Connection. Visitwww.riverrepublic.co.za for tickets andmore information.

V Oranjezicht City Farm Market will be atthe Granger Bay section of the V&A Water-front every Saturday from 09:00 to 14:00.Visit www.waterfront.co.za for more.

What’s up | Wat’s Waar

8 TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar Woensdag, 4 November 2015NUUS


Many may recognise her smoothvoice from the Delft Big Band, butAdelia Douw is fast becoming oneofCapeTown’s topvocal acts inherown right.“Music is all I live for and being

able to do it as a full time job is adream come true,” says Adelia.Adelia has been invited to per-

form at venues like The Crypt jazzrestaurant and the Winchestermansions, and on Saturday21 November she’ll be join-ing other rising stars asthey perform with ArnoCarstens and the CapePhilharmonic Youthorchestra conductedby Brandon Phillipsat the NederburgPicnic Pops con-cert.She says she’s

very excited tohave been giv-en the oppor-tunity to per-form with afull orchestraand is prac-tising hardfor the show.“Fans can ex-pect to havefun, smile andenjoy the per-formance with us.”While she is still a part of the

Delft Big Band line-up, Adelia is of-ten involved with other musicalprojects. Last year she even sangthe lead inEvita at theBellville civ-ic theatre.Some of her highlights include

performing as part of the Our leg-ends passing the baton concert atArtscape in August, performing atthe Cape Town international jazzfestival, touring France and win-ning GrandWest’s Open Mic jazzcompetition last month.“It was mind blowing.”Being part of the competition

was already a dream come true forAdelia, so she wasn’t expecting towin it at all.“The whole experience – the

amazing talent in the competition,the musicians, the friends I madeand all the love I received from allthe supporters – was heart-warm-

ing.”She adds winning the contest

was a “step closer” to achievingher dreams of becoming a world-class musician.The annual Nederburg picnic

pops benefit concert aims to show-case young and emerging musi-cians on a platform where they getthe opportunity to share the stagewith more recognised names.Adelia feels it’s important for es-

tablished artists to empoweryounger musicians by sharing

their knowledge and experi-ence with the next genera-tion. “This is a very diffi-cult industry and to sur-vive in it you need to besmart. You need tohave the talent andknow the businessside of things.”

In the comingmonths she’ll be

working onbuilding herbrand tobring herselfanother stepcloser to be-ing an estab-lished musi-cian herself,by getting hersolo career offthe ground.

Adelia willshare the Ned-

erburg picnic pops stage withaward-winning soprano Goitsem-ang Lehobye and tenor LukhanyoMoyake as well as choristers of theBoland community choir. Theywill be accompanied by the CapePhilharmonic Youth orchestra un-der the baton of Brandon Phillips.The concert starts at 18:00, but

gates open at 16:00 and families areencouraged to bring snacks and en-joy the afternoon sun.V Tickets cost R100 from www.webtick-ets.co.za and children under 12 enter free.Tickets will also be on sale at the gate onthe day. Visit www.nederburg.com/za orcall 021 809 8412 during office hours formore information.

WIN! WIN! WIN!V Three families can each win a set of fourtickets to enjoy the show. SMS the word“pops” followed by your email address to45527 before noon on Monday 16 Novem-ber to enter. SMSes cost R1.50.

Adelia part ofthe picnic atNederburg

Adelia Douw

Die top-5 in vanjaar se Regruk metFlair-kompetisie, aangebied deurdie tydskrif Tuis, is gekies en diewenner word by dié tydskrif se ga-la-dag by die Spier-wynlandgoedop 14 November aangekondig.Sluit van 10:00 tot 14:00 by die

span aan vir ’n smullekker laat-ontbyt en geniet vermaak deur diemusiekgeselskap Die Jaloersbok-kies en die bekende RSG-omroeperHaidee Muller as gasvrou vir die

oggend.Die nuutgekroonde opknapper

van die jaar sal met R30 000 se pro-dukbewyse van PennypinchersTimbercity wegstap.Bespreek dadelik jou plek, tooi

jou opmet flair en die belangrikstevan alles – teken die datum aan!Kaartjies kos R395 elk en sluit dieoggend se praatjies en demonstra-sies, vermaak, laat-ontbyt, diejongste uitgawe van Tuis en Tuis

Opknap, asook ’n geskenkpakpropvol verrassings in.Om te bespreek stuur ’n e-pos na


WEN! WEN! WEN!V Vyf TygerBurger-lesers kan dubbelkaar-tjies kry om dié heerlike oggend by tewoon. SMS die woord “Opknap” na 45527voor 12:00 op Maandag 9 November omdeel te neem. SMS’e kos R1,50. Wennerssal telefonies gekontak word.

Regruk-wenner aangewys

It’s carnival time inMorningstarthis weekend when the commu-nity carnival will be held at theMorningstar sports field oppo-site the Durbanville traffic de-partment in De Villiers Drive,Durbanville.“We are very excited to wel-

come each and every one. Thiscarnival has cemented itself as

one of Durbanville’s most awe-some calendar items,” says Moo-sa Raise, the event organiser.The gates open on Friday 6 No-

vember at 17:00. On Saturday 7November the gates are openfrom 10:00 until midnight.Good security as well as

enough activities to ensure agood time will be provided, in-

cluding food stalls – so comehun-gry.Entrance on Fridaywill be R10

per person andR15 per person onSaturday.All funds raised will be used to

support community initiatives.V Contact Brenda le Roux on079 889 6148 or Arthur Jumeth on082 302 9439 with enquiries.

It’s carnival time this weekend

The Bellville Philatelic Society in-vites all interested members of thepublic to be their guests onWednesday 11 November.The society will have a guest ex-

hibitor from Pretoria, GerhardKamffer,whowill address interest-ed parties at 19:00 on the day at theBellville library auditorium in

Carl van Aswegen Street in Bell-ville.Kamffer received a gold award

forhis postal rates exhibit at the re-cent Capex 2015 national stamp ex-hibition and the society is lookingforward to having him as theirguest, according to a statement.“Ourmain purpose is to promote

the hobby of stamp collecting withthe public and to educate ourmem-bers in the field of philately – thestudy of stamps,” reads the state-ment.V Contact Reanie de Villiers on philate-ly@netpoint.co.za or 082 567 0353(strictly after hours), or visit the websitehttp://bellvillephilatelic.tripod.com.

Stamp expert to address collectors, promote collecting

Die gewilde groep Die Jaloersbokkies gaan die vermaak verskaf by die tydskrif Tuis se gala-dag by Spier.

An acclaimed isiXhosa novel by SamuelEdward Krune Mqhayi will soon be pre-sented on stage by the Artscape theatre.The new production forms part of New

Voices Programme and is adapted byThando Doni, with musical direction byBongiMantsai anddirected byThandoDo-ni and Mandla Mbothwe.Ityala laMawele, performed in isiXhosa,

is set in the time of the historical KingHintsa kaKhawuta, and concerns a dis-pute between the fictional twins Wele andBabini over their deceased father’s estate.As they are born on the same day, thereis a dispute as to who should take their fa-ther’s place.This is resolved via a traditional Xhosa

legal trial, held at the court of KingHintsa,who presides over the trial.Various people give testimony, key

among them Khulile, an inyange (a wise,

old sage) and thus a vital source of oral tra-dition, and themidwiveswhohelped at thetwins’ birth. The story also concerns theXhosa tradition of ingqithi, “finger cut-ting”, whereby a child has a finger cut. Amidwife, Teyase, is able to verify who isthe actual first-born by virtue of the cutfinger. The second-born twin’s finger wasaccidentally cut because the finger pro-truded initially, then retracted into thewomb.Khulile notes the reason the first-born

is usually given priority and made his fa-ther’s successor is thathehasmore experi-ence than his younger brothers, but thatin the case of twins this argument does notreally stand. By the end of the trial, bothbrothers are humbled and each proclaimsthe seniority of the other.Through its music and dance, the story

is highly entertaining because of its story-

telling element with its communicationgoing beyond the spoken language so as tocater for all those who might not be famil-iar with isiXhosa.It features an all-star cast such as thee

Faniswa Yisa (known for her roles in Skin(2008), End Game (2009) and Avenger in2006), BongiMantsai (best known for rolesin Amaza, Love Affair and Karoo Moose,among others), Chuma Sopotela (bestknown for roles in InterrogationRoom andZulu, among others) and Babalwa Mak-wetu (The Playroom, Mari and Kana,among others).New Voices is an Artscape theatre cen-

tre development programme which con-centrates on promoting young theatre-makers, directors and writers.V The play runs from 4 to 8 November. Tickets,at Box Office, Dial-a-Seat and Computicket, rangefrom R50 to R80.

A battle of siblings at ArtscapeIf you believe you are South Africa’s ownJustin Bieber or Adele, or are always per-forming in front of your friends and family,hoping to one day get your big break intoshow business, then look no further.The Ipic Shopping Centre in Soneike is

hosting its first singing competition – Sing-KaChing! On Saturday 14 November en-trants will battle it out vocally during thepre-round event for a spot in the finals,which take place on Saturday 21 November.The event will be hosted in the quad at the

shopping centre on the corner of Amandeland Bottelary roads in Kuils River.“A whopping R7500 is up for grabs to the

overall winner with R5000 and R2500 for sec-ond and third places respectively,” saysspokesperson Yvonne Vivian.Entries cost R30 per itemand all entry fees

will be donated to local charity MES (MetroEvangelical Services).Entries close on Monday 9 November.

V For more information, visit the Ipic Shopping Cen-tre Soneike’s Facebook page or contact 021 553 0315.

Entries are open forsinging competition

Woensdag, 4 November 2015 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 9

10 TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar Woensdag, 4 November 2015NUUS

Sunflower’s hugehalloween successat Pampoenkraal

The Sunflower Fund hostedits last and very successfulfundraiser for 2015, a Hal-loween evening, at Pam-poenkraal on Friday. Theevent was marked by guestsin very realistic-looking Hal-loween attire – some com-plete with fangs, brooms,fake blood, masks andwings. Two auctions wereheld on the evening to raisefunds to register donorsonto the national bone-mar-row registry.

The two purple "witch" assistants for theevening were Kayla Fernandez and LindseyVisser. PHOTOS: WAYNE LE ROUX

From left are Janine le Roux (Sunflower Fund PR manager), withTrudie Johnson and Paola Brandt.

From left are Guy Meaker, Mariette Cleinwerck, Alana James (CEO of the Sunflower Fund) andKim Webster

Nalene du Plessis and Chrisna van Dykenjoyed the evening dressed as witches.

From left are MC Dr Darren Green with Monique Green and Dr Pauland Dr Nina Magni.

ESMÉ ERASMUS@erasmusesme

’n Jong, outistiese seun van Durbanvil-le oorrompel oral harte met sy spon-tane geaardheid en het ’n passie vir

alles met wiele – só dat hy alles van voertuieen selfs registrasienommers van voertuieuit sy kop ken.

Maar ondanks al die sentrums wat voor-siening maak vir voorskoolse en skoolgaan-de outistiese kinders, is daar vir jongmensesoos Janse Erasmus (18) geen heenkome náskool waar hy sy spesiale talente verder kanontwikkel nie.

Sy ma, Lasea Erasmus, wil ’n naskoolsen-trum vir outistiese skoolverlaters stig waarhulle lewensvaardighede kan aanleer om inhierdie leemte te voorsien.

Janse het nie alleen ’n passie vir voertuie,en daarmee saam ’n uitgebreide kennisdaaroor nie, maar het ook ’n besonderse ver-moë om nommers te onthou. Sy gunsteling-motor is ’n Lexus – “oor hoe sy V8-enjinklink,” vertel Janse gou.

Hy verbaas dikwels selfs sy ouers as hy dieregistrasienommers van voertuie wat saammet hulle aan vierwielnaweke en -toere naonder meer die Namib-woestyn in Namibiëdeelgeneem het, elders herken en presiesweet aan wie dié voertuig behoort.

Met sy spontane geaardheid is hy ook ge-woonlik die een wat almal in ’n groep op so’n vierwieltoer aan die gesels kry en eerstealmal se name ken, vertel sy ma.

“Wat Janse besonders maak, is dat hy metenigeen begin gesels en alle mense gelyk be-handel,” sê sy.

Soveel so, dat mense onlangs vir ’n reünievan die woestyntoere vir sy 18de verjaars-dag op 23 Julie van oraloor gekom het – vansover as Pretoria en Riversdal. Daar is ookbinne ’n uur geld ingesamel vir die vliegtuig-kaartjie van die gids van hul laaste Namib-woestyntoer, met wie Janse bevriend geraakhet, om van Walvisbaai te kom vir die party.

Hy en sy pa, Jan, neem ook dikwels metJan se BMW-motorfiets aan die Buffalo Ral-ly deel, en ry saam fiets.

Hulle doen gereeld die Kaapstad-fietstoer(voorheen die Argus-fietstoer) met ’n tan-dem-padfiets. En oral langs die pad maakJanse nuwe vriende.

Janse het sedert graad 1 by die Paarl-skoolvir neuraalgestremde kinders in Bracken-fell skoolgegaan en is vanjaar in sy finalejaar van die werksvoorbereidingsfase by diéskool. Hulle doen onder meer kookkuns,houtwerk en leer om ’n groente- en kruie-tuin aan te plant.

Daar is egter geen sentrum wat outistiesekinders na skool akkommodeer nie.

“Meeste sit by die huis en speel heeldagvideospeletjies. Die grootste probleem is as

die ouers bejaard raak en nie meer vir hulvolwasse outistiese kinders kan sorg nie.

“En as daar ’n geskikte sentrum is, is daar’n lang waglys van tot 120 mense. Baie sen-trums aanvaar ook spesifiek nie kinders metoutisme nie, omdat outisme sulke uitda-gings bied en hulle nie weet hoe om die kin-ders te hanteer nie,” sê Lasea.

“Ons wil hê hy moet nog lewensvaardighe-de aanleer om hom op werk voor te berei.”

Janse se pa, Jan, meen dit sal byna soos’n oorbruggingsjaar wees, soos wat andermatrieks na skool doen om hulle meer op dielewe daar buite voor te berei.

“Janse sal eendag met karre wil werk. Hyhou daarvan om na enjins te luister en het’n belangstelling in die meganiese deel. Ditwat hy nie weet nie, gaan google hy.

“Hy hou ook van praat oor motors en sal’n goeie motorverkoopsman maak. Hy moetegter sekere sensoriese, sosiale en kommu-nikasievaardighede aanleer om in ’n span tekan werk,” sê Jan.

Hulle soek nou ouers wat in dieselfde boot-jie is om hulle te kontak.

“Die doel met die Life Start-sentrum is omdie skoolverlaters onder meer te leer hoe om’n bankrekening oop te maak, geld te trek,vir hulself te sorg en hul huishoudings te be-hartig – wasgoed, kosmaak ... praktiesegoed, asook vaardighede wat hulle sal helpom ’n werk te vind.”

Lasea beoog om dié sentrum vir outistiesekinders tussen 16 en 22 jaar vroeg aanstaan-de jaar, voorlopig by ’n kerkperseel in N1Stad, oop te maak.

Saam met haar in die span is ’n verteen-woordiger van Autism Western Cape, watspesifiek met volwasse outistiese mensewerk, asook ’n paar ander kenners op die ge-bied en ouers. Sy is reeds besig om die sen-trum as ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie telaat registreer.

Melinda Fouché van Autism Western Ca-pe het die sentrum verwelkom. “Dienste virvolwassenes op die outistiese spektrum isbaie beperk in Suid-Afrika. Baie ouers en on-derwysers vra dikwels die vraag: Waarheengaan hulle as hulle 18 jaar oud word?

“Ons kry by Autism Western Cape dik-wels oproepe van bekommerde ouers wat be-jaard is en nie weet wie na hul volwasse ou-tistiese kinders gaan omsien as hulle niemeer daar is nie. Enige inisiatief wat onaf-hanklike lewensvaardighede bevorder, isbaie belangrik,” het sy gesê.

Lasea wil ook vir alle outistiese jong vol-wassenes se ouers ’n netwerk daarstel virondersteuning. “Ons wil ook vrywilligersbetrek. Dit moet ’n gemeenskapsprojekraak,” voeg haar man, Jan, by.V Mense met kinders op die outistiese spektrum ofander leergestremdhede, kan Lasea kontak by082 706 7718 of lasea.erasmus@icon.co.za.

Sentrum bied naskoolse heenkomeSentrum bied naskoolse heenkome

Janse (regs) is hier saam met sy ouers, Lasea en Jan Erasmus, by hul 1975 Willys Jeep. Janse het’n passie vir voertuie. FOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS

Woensdag, 4 November 2015 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 11

12 TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar Woensdag, 4 November 2015NUUS


The host and beneficiary of what has be-come Africa’s biggest kite festival,Cape Mental Health, suffered a major

financial blow on Sunday when gale-forcewinds and heavy rains led to the cancella-tion of the second day of the 21st interna-tional kite festival in Muizenberg.Deputy director Vimla Pillay says be-

cause of the sudden change in the weatheran anticipated income of at least R300 000was blown away.The decision followed the event safety of-

ficer’s directive.The funds raised at this annual event are

used to help uplift the lives of children andadults affected by mental disabilities byproviding vital mental health services.“The kite festival is our biggest fundrais-

ing and awareness event of the year.Wehada absolutely wonderful day on Saturday,”says Pillay.Spectacular kites, including a 30-metre

worm and a family of octopi designed byParow kite maker Ian Islip, adorned theskies on Saturday. Kiters from four coun-tries (South Africa, Germany, the Nether-lands and the United Kingdom) showed offtheir colourful creations at what was sup-posed to be a two-day festivalwithkite-mak-ingworkshops, competitionsandamass fly.Cape Mental Health is South Africa’s old-

estmentalhealthorganisationandhasbeenproviding mental health services to adultsand children in poorly resourced communi-ties in the Western Cape for 102 years.V For more information, visit www.capemental-health.co.za, contact Cape Mental Health on021 447 9040, info@cmh.org.za, or follow them onFacebook at CapeMentalHealth and @CTKiteFest.

R300 000 blown away

SaadiqahAbrahams fromSteenbergloved the giantworm kitemade by Parowkiter Ian Islipat the 21stCape Towninternationalkite festival onSaturday.

OnSaturday 31October a local salonopenedits doors to a day of luxurious pamperingin aid of cancer awareness.Platinum Hair and Beauty saw to it that

guests were treated to delicious wines andcould indulge in decadent chocolate cake,besides the goodie bags and other give-

aways. The guests shared stories regardingcancer, shedding some tears and celebrat-ing survivors with Therese Benade, a well-known local actress and TV presenter.Having lost her father to cancer in Febru-

ary this year,Benadewaskeen to join forceswith the salon.

Salon pampering for cancer awareness

From left are Sena Gosa, Chantal de Boer, Verushka Groenewald, Jill Addison (owner), ThereseBenade, Calvin Olckers, Simoné Aggulas, Cindy Fourie, Christal Esbach. In front is NicoletteMouton.

’n Pretdraf of -stap oor 6 km word op Don-derdag 5 November om 18:10 by Bellvillese senior sentrum gehou.Dit begin en eindig by die terrein van

Chrismar Villas in Jessiestraat 25 inChrismar. Die koste is R20 vir volwasse-nes en hoërskoolleerders en R10 vir laer-skoolleerders en jongeres. ’n Karnavalat-mosfeermetmusiekkan tewagtewees, be-

loof die organiseerders. Koeldrank,poeding, pannekoek, vetkoek, jafels,“corn dogs” en boereworsrolle sal te koopaangebied word en vroeë inskrywingsword verwelkom.Die sentrum bedien ouer persone en

huisves ook ’n verswakte sorg-afdeling enaftree-oord en is ’n program van Badisa.V Kontak die sentrum by 021 910 1250 met navrae.

Karnavalatmosfeer by sentrum-pretdraf

Woensdag, 4 November 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 13


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foto: Visi

Woensdag, 4 November 2015 SPORT TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 15

Indoor pedal power at VelodromeCycling enthusiasts can look forward to

four days of top quality racingwith the2015 SA omnium track championship,

an inter-provincial and a grand prix sched-uled to be held from today to 8 November atAfrica’s only indoor cycling track, theOlym-pic-sized Bellville Velodrome.The cycling association Pedal Power ex-

tended a helping hand to Western Cape Cy-cling by coming on board as sponsor for thechampionship, following an urgent plea forfunding assistance with the lead-up to theevent.The omnium typically attracts the best

track riders from around South Africa.Some 150 cyclists are expected to partici-

pate, including regional teams from Gaut-eng, the Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and theEastern Cape as well as a large turnout oflocal riders.“Western Cape Cycling is delighted that

the Pedal Power Association has stepped upas the primary sponsor of the omnium,” saidCorné Bence, chairman ofWestern Cape Cy-cling. TheWestern ProvinceCyclingAssoci-ation, regional body for cycling in the Capemetropole region and organiser of the trackchampionship event, sees the PPA as a keypartner in developing cycling in the region.“The Pedal Power Association is commit-

ted to promote cycling and the interests ofcyclists,” said PPA chairman Steve Hay-

ward. “Although a large portion of our focuslies with recreational cycling and cyclingadvocacy, we are really happy that we canassist competitive cyclists in this way,” headded. “We wish Western Cape Cycling allthe success with the omnium and the cham-pionship and look forward to seeing somegreat racing on the track.”An omnium consists of multiple races. In

2007 the omnium was reintroduced into theworld championship as a five-race formatfor men, and in 2009 for women. In 2010 theomnium was changed by the UCI to includethe elimination race while the distances ofthe events were lengthened to favour endur-ance cyclists. Since 2014 the omnium con-

sists of the scratch race, individual pursuit,elimination race, time trial, flying lap andpoints race. Participants receive points foreach event, with the winner of the omniumbeing the rider with the highest points totalat the end of the event.Track events have recently attractedmore

than the usual road riders, who see it as anopportunity to improve their form.Spectators are welcome to attend any of

the races and entrance is free. Expect thrillsand spills as track cycling consists of short,close-contact high speed racing.V For more information, please see www.wpcy-cling.com/event-calendar or contact ChristhonieGeldenhuys on 082 6714099.


Chesterhouse is vanjaar se Cemstone-skole-krieket-kampioen.Maar hierdie Durbanvillers sal die eerste

wees om te erken dat dit verlede Woensdagbaie maklik enige kant toe kon gaan in dieeindronde van die jaarlikse ses-aan-’n-kant-toernooi. Daarvan getuig die twee nael-skraapse oorwinnings met twee lopies oorHS Bellville en Stellenberg, sowel as ’n ge-lykopuitslag teen Brackenfell.Die Brakke wat ook met Stellenberg (met

een lopie) en Bellville afgereken het, het inder waarheid, ná die rondomtalie-stryd tus-sen hierdie vier spanne, saam bo geëindig.Dit was net Chesterhouse se vinniger kolf-

tempo wat hom die trofee laat inpalm het.In die afgelope naweek se o.19A-wedstryde

was De Kuilen (t HTS Bellville), Stellenberg(t WP-klub), Brackenfell (t Edgemead) enDurbanville (t Chesterhouse) almal aan diewenkant.Die beste individuele vertonings was dié

van Jason Tomlinson (Stellenberg, 67), An-gelo Yiatses (Chesterhouse, 52) en MornéPentz (Brackenfell, 52).

V Die PNACape Gate- en Pepper Tree Lod-ge-uitklopkompetisies vir onderskeidelikdie o.15’s eno.14’s indieTygerbergstreekhetnou die halfeindronde bereik.In die o.15-kompetisie speel HS Bellville

vandag (Woensdag) teen D.F. Malan en Stel-lenberg teen Fairmont.

Chesterhouse die kampioen


Bellville se senior krieketspan bevind homná twee reekse tweedaagse wedstryde onderdie voorlopers op die punteleer in die WP sePremierliga.HoewelBellville ’n eerstebeurt-agterstand

van 57 lopies teen die United-klub gehad het,het Daniel Childs (6/39) toegesien dat die be-soekers Saterdag vir net 86 lopies uitgehaalis. Bellville (146/7) moes laatmiddag net 144lopies vir ’n sege aanteken –waarmeeHand-ré Theron (58*) en Bradley Barnes (35) baiebehulpsaam was. Durbanville, die WP severdedigende kampioen, is ook weer op diewenpadná syvroeërenederlaag teenBellvil-le. Swak kolfwerk het daartoe gelei dat dieDurbies Saterdag net 120/9 gesl. teen Victo-ria kon aanteken,maarBrendonViret (5/70)en sy makkers het die tuisspan daarna vir

net 136 lopies uitgeboul om met 37 lopies tewen. In twee spannende wedstryde is dieUniversiteit vanWes-Kaapland met die heellaaste bal deur WP-klub getroef, terwyl Ed-gemead weens swak lig net-net ’n oorwin-ning oor Ottoman ontsê is. Sharn Gomes(151) en Romano Ramoo (43) het UWK 270/7gesl. teen WP-klub laat aanteken, maar ditwas nie genoeg om die besoekers (241/3) van’n sewepaaltjie-sege te weerhou nie.Edgemead (199/6, gesl.) het danksy Jackie

Strauss (93) en Christiaan Mocke (33) ’nvoorsprong van 212 lopies teen Ottoman be-haal, waarna Stephan Joubert (4/22) Edge-mead tot op die rand van ’n sege oor die be-soekers (91/9) geboul het.Milnerton (139) is ewe naelskraap koudge-

sit deur Claremont wat met een paaltjie ge-wen het. Noordelikes-Goodwood het met se-we paaltjies teen Montrose die knie gebuig.

Bellville onder voorlopers


With several championships still to bedecid-ed, the tension at Killarney is mounting asSaturday’s final round of the popular Wing-field Motors sponsored Power series drawsnearer.Table View driver Paul Simon is one of

thosewhose chances are balanced on a knifeedge. The reigning Bold Marine GTi chal-lenge titleholder, Simon had his lead in theseries slashedwhen he had to settle for thirdplace in his class in the previous round.Howeverhe still holds anarrow four-point

advantage over Zakkie Hendricks withCraig du Toit further back in third place andhe is determined to stay there. It should bea close one.Then,with two drivers tied in the lead, the

Mutlu Batteries classic car series is evencloser. Despite competing in different class-es, TrevorMomberg (FordCapri) and theBo-land’s Herman de Kock (Ford Escort), arelevel pegging with 45 points each and justwaiting for this weekend’s final showdown.Championship results aside, Dawie Jou-

bert is every Killarney fan’s current heroafter his magnificent recent performances.During last month’s national Extreme festi-val meeting, the Lotus Exige driver took onthe visiting Charl Arangies in his multi mil-lion rand V10 Lamborghini Galardo. Driv-ing magnificently, Joubert actually passedthe powerful Italian supercar in the KTMcorner before being forced to retire withme-chanical problems.However these have now been rectified

and on Saturday he is going to be back in

action and facing strong opposition from thelikes of current Sports and GT championFrancis Carruthers (Juno SS3), Blaauw-berg’s Craig Jarvis (V10 Dodge Viper) andJohan Engelbrecht (Porsche GT2R).The Midas Clubman final promises to be

a BMW and Audi shootout with possibleVolkswagen interference. The starring rolesin this one are going to be filled by Alex andAndré Johnson in their Audi Quattros asthey take on the Beemers of the impressiveDanie van Niekerk and Junaid Slamang.The wild card here is a hot VW Jetta in thehands of multiple former stock car champi-on Jesse Huggett.The V8 Master’s championship leader

Richard Schreuder is another Boland racermaking his mark. However he can expectstrong opposition from reigning titleholder

Marcel Angel and visiting British ace Stev-en Young who have both been in fine formrecently.The closely contestedMakita Formula Su-

percar events that are being run in conjunc-tion with the Masters V8’s, are likely to befought out between drivers like Dayne An-gel,NickAdcock,BradWadeley,GarethEas-om and Andrew Moffitt.And with separate events for a large field

of Cars Unlimited fine cars where Eric vanderMerwe’s Porsche turbowill probably setthe pace, as well as Formula Libre singleseaters, the near record entry should pro-vide a fitting end to the season.During the lunch break lucky competition

winners are going to be treated to laps of thecircuit at racing speed in the latest twin tur-bo V8 McLaren 650S super sports car.

Ego and skill revving in championship issues

Die onoorwonne Brackenfell en Kraaifon-tein het die afgelope naweek hul segetogtevoortgesit in die Boland se top-krieketligas.In die Premierliga was Brackenfell (147/5)

te sterk vir Paarl-Oos (146). Nadat MichaelLoubser (3/13) en sy medeboulers die Paar-liete goed hokgeslaan het, hetManrichKort-

ze (51), Lenert vanWyk (40) enGrant Edmea-des (33) die Brakke die pyp laat rook.Kraaifontein (268) was in ’n eersteliga-

kragmeting die meerdere van Bergrivier(150), danksy die goeie bydraes van FabianFaro (91), Urlan Adams (46), Robin Petersen(3/49) en Grant Isaacs (2/0). – (Sarel Burger)

Brakke en Kraaie sit krieket-segetogte voort

Duncan Saal of the Western ProvinceRugby Institute (WPRI) was one of threeinstitute players who received recogni-tion at the recent WP awards evening.Saal, a former pupil at Kasselsvlei High

School, was awarded the title as mostpromising u-19 player. Eduan Keyter wasawarded best backline player and Mich-ael Kumbirai best forward.Saal, who plays wing, was grateful for

the award. “It’s a real privilege and anhonour towin this award fromWP seeingthat Springboks Nizaam Carr and SiyaKolisi also won this award when theyplayed WP u-19.”Kolisi is also a graduate from theWPRI.Saal is one of just over 40 promising

rugby players who started an eventfulyear at the WPRI in January. During theyear the players not only learned about

rugby, but also life skills. “In my time atthe institute I experienced that in toughtimes you just had to push on andnot giveup. This has made me a better player anda better person.”One of Saal’s highlights this past sea-

son was the first try he scored in the WPu-19 jersey. “Putting more than 50 pointspast the Bulls at Newlands is also a dayI won’t forget soon.”Soon the names of the 2016 WPRI class

will be announced. Saal has a specialmes-sage for them. “Spending the year at theWPRI is a dream come true. You learn somuchaboutbeingaprofessional.Youwillbe exposed to situations where youmightdoubt yourself. Don’t. Never give up andkeep on pushing yourself because the guynext to you is going through the same andas long as you keep going hewill as well!”

Duncan in the stepsof Springbok greats

Duncan Saal is a bright future prospect for Western Province rugby.

SportPage 16 | Woensdag, 4 November 2015Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: sport@tygerburger.co.zawww.tygerburger.co.za

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SportPage 16 | Woensdag, 4 November 2015Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: sport@tygerburger.co.zawww.tygerburger.co.za

SportPage 16 | Woensdag, 4 November 2015Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: sport@tygerburger.co.zawww.tygerburger.co.za


Verskeie atlete skitterStefani duPlessis (bestelaerskoolat-leet) en JPLuise het dietrofeë ontvangvir die besteatlete op diedag vanStehanSchoeman(middel),sportredakteurvan TygerBur-ger. FOTO:BRENDEN RUITER


Verskeie skitterprestasies deur atletetydens die naweek se Frans du Toit-gedenkbyeenkoms in Parow het ge-

wys dat hulle vroeg in die seisoen reedskookwater is.

Ondanks ’n koel oggend, is die byeen-koms, geborg deur TygerBurger, in idealeweersomstandighede afgehandel.Onder die laerskoolatlete was die vol-

gende groepie op hul stukke en het almalmeer as 800 punte behaal:

Jarret Africa (BAK) 150 – 19,30 en 100 –12,78;Mujuaid Ismail (Ultra) 80 – 10,62;Car-la Sauls (Ultra) 150 – 21,30; SakilaWilliams(St. Ag) VS – 4,01; Thorina Bosman (Welg)1 200 – 4:17,80; Nico van Zyl (S’land) 1 200– 4:02,9; Stefani du Plessis (BAK) 150 h –22,67 enVS – 4,58; KhaigaFrancis (Bot)1 200– 4:03,9; Sherwin Jooste (Bot) 1200 – 3:38,2;Marga van der Linde (BAK) 220 h – 31,62en 100 –13,05; Ebrahim Davids (UAC) 100– 12,66; Terblanche Kriel (BAK) HS – 1,50.In die o.16-afdeling vir seuns en meisies

(sluit sommige o.14-atlete in) het die vol-gende atlete meer as 800 punte behaal:

Carlo Plint (Itheco)1 500 – 4:18,1; Katie-RosePowell (VOB) 200 – 26,7; JaysonWeber(BAK) 200 – 22.77; Elzaan Rheeder (DFM)GS – 10,39; Rynhardt Rijnsberg (HJS) GS– 15,42; Tamzyn Groenewald (DFM) 100 –13.17; JP Luise (DFM) DG – 53,33; KristiSnyman (DFM) HS –1,55; Danelle Kotze(DFM) SG – 33,38; Wouter van der Merwe(S’land) 800 – 2:07,8; Steven Hoffman (Red-dam) VS – 6,03.In die o.18-geledere het die volgende atle-

te goed gevaar:Sibosethu Boya (BAK) 200 – 22,41; Anja

van Heerden (DFM/BAK) 200 – 26,35 en 100– 12,66; Taswell Damons (WCSS) 800 –2:02,1; Joshua Julies (FM) VS – 6,57; DeianSmit (Sw’Lans) 110 h –14,22.

In die o.20-afdeling het die volgende atle-te uitgeblink:

RobynHaupt (BAK) 200 – 25,12;TylerLin-nen (BAK) 200 – 22,07 en 100 – 10,52; BrianMeyer (NLTB) DS – 48,26; Bruce-Lynn Da-mons(Celtic) 800 – 1:54,7 en 3 000 – 8:27,7.Uiteindelik was daar net een wenner in

elke afdeling.In die afdeling vir laerskole was daar ’n

groot stryd tussenMarga van der Linde enStefani du Plessis, albei van die Bellville-atletiekklub.

Beidehetmeer as 1 000 punte behaal,maarStefanie se punt van 1 190 vir haar tyd in die150 m-h van 22,67 was ’n kortkop beter, wataan haar die trofee besorg het.

JP Luise van D.F. Malan en die Bellville-atletiekklub het met sy 53,33 m in die diskus(1 104 punte) die trofee vir die beste o.16-at-leet ontvang.

Die Bellville-atletiekklub verdien lof virdie skitterende wyse waarop die byeenkomsgeorganiseer is.

Reeve van Schalkwyk van die Bellville-atletiek-klub neem deel aan die gewigstoot vir manso.20. FOTO: STEHAN SCHOEMAN

JP Luise van DFM het puik vertoon in diediskus vir seuns o.16. FOTO: STEHAN SCHOEMAN

Janeal Delport van UWK wen die verspring vir mans o.20 met ’n afstandvan 6,26. FOTO: STEHAN SCHOEMAN

Donovan Adams van dieKraaifontein-atletiekklub inaksie tydens die verspring