Types of Sentences



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Writing Sentences → Types of SentencesLevel: Elementary School

A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period.An interrogative sentence asks a questions and ends with a question mark.An exclamatory sentence shows strong feeling and ends with an exclamation mark.An imperative sentence tells someone to do something and ends with a period or exclamation mark.

Tell which sentences are declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory.: 1. __________________________ We won the game! 2. __________________________ Go get me that paper on the desk across the room. 3. __________________________ What time is it? 4. __________________________ You look very pretty today. 5. __________________________ Why are you always so late? 6. __________________________ I just won one hundred dollars! 7. __________________________ Kerri, go and turn the lights on for me. 8. __________________________ The Mississippi River is the longest river in the United States. 9. __________________________ People sometimes call me a drama queen. 10. __________________________ Who won’t you come with us to the game?