Types of volcanoes - TU Bergakademie Freiberg...1 Types of volcanoes Christoph Breitkreuz, TU...


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    Types of volcanoes

    Christoph Breitkreuz,

    TU Bergakademie Freiberg

    Fig. 3.1 Types of volcaniclandforms. Vertical exaggeration 2 to 1 (polygenetic) and 4 to 1 (monogenetic). Relative sizes areonly approximate (From Orton1996, after Simkin et al., 1981).

    Monogenetic and complex volcanoes

    Scoria cones: most abundant volcanic land form- high viscosity, basaltic (high microlith content!)

    Stromboli 2001

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    Mt. Tarawera, New Zealand

    Typical eruption styles: - strombolian fallout- minor phreatomagmatic fallout and surge- small lava flows

    Schmincke 1988

    4 km

    Typical horse shoe shape due to erosion by lava

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    Maar – tuff ring – tuff cone:typical land forms of phreatomagmatic eruptions of SiO2-poor magma

    Ukinrek maar (formed 1977; Lorenz)

    Malha Maar, Meidob Hills, NW Sudan

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    Lorenz 2004

    Phreatic tuff breccia, Neogene, Eifel, W Germany

    Southern Slovakia: Neogene Diatreme Field

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    Bedded diatreme facies

    Unbedded diatreme facies

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    Urach diatreme field, Neogene SW Germany

    Iceland 1995

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    Litoral cones, Myvatn, Iceland

    Rootless phreatic land forms

    Mt. St. Helens volcanic ring plain

    Rootless phreatic craters in 1980 tuff deposit

    Mt. Pelee, Martinique, 1902/3

    SiO2-rich Lava flows and domes

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    Mt. St. Helens, 1980 - 82More about this in the next lecture…

    Shield volcanoes:- low-viscosity

    basaltic magma- longlasting magma

    production at one place

    Olympus Mons, Mars

    Complex volcanoes

    Isabela, Galapagos

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    SW Tenerife: cross section through a Cenozoic shield volcano:Lava pile cross cut by numerous dykes

    SW Tenerife: cross section through a Cenozoic shield volcano:Two overlapping scoria cones preserved

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    SiO2-rich lava flowsand lava domes

    Importance of volcanotopographic hiati:Spacially differentiated!

    PhD project Marion Geißler

    Drilling Angermünde (Am) 1/68


    * = core segments

    sediments of aplaya-environment,

    with anhydritic blasts

    sandstones andmostly andesiticconglomerates

    andesite lava flows,mostly vesicular;with interbedded

    "block-lava", brecciasand few paleo-soils

    vitric rhyodacitic tuff

    Carbonif. sedimentsconglomerates

    conglomerates and?sandstones

    with rhyodacite(?andesite) fragmentsand interbedded tuff

    = ?ignimbrite(no cores available)


    Profile (this project)

    rhyodacitic sequenceof massflows

    (ignimbrite) and tuffs

    sediments of aplaya-environment,

    with anhydritic blasts

    thin conglomeratehorizont and sandst.

    several intermediatelava flows,

    partly vesicular

    Carbonif. sediments


    ash fall deposits

    andesite lava flows,mostly vesicular;with interbedded

    brecciasand paleo-soils


    * = core segments

















    Profile(this project) Lithology


    post-variscan flat landscape, covered by tuff and ignimbrite

    Mg-andesite shield volcanoes create a high topography

    flat landscape, covered by playa sedimentsDrilling Oranienburg (Ob) 1/68






    Depth[m] CS


    Fig.1: Schematic modell of thevolcano-sedimentary evolutionof the area NE of Berlin(from the well Ob 1/68 in theSW through Grüneberg (Gür) 3/76to Am 1/68 in the NE)

    x xx

    x xx

    x xx




    rhyodaciticlava, lava dome

    or sill-intrusionA



    coarse grained clasticsof the Parchim Fm. lake and fan deposits

    of the Grüneberg Fm.

    sandflat, mudflat and playa lake deposits

    E Gür 3/76 E Am 1/68E Ob 1/68

    aktive strike-slip (NW-SE) faultingunder slightly extensional (N-S) regime

    aktive extrusive and intrusive volcanism,andesitic and rhyolithic (e.g. in well Tuchen 1/74)developement of paleosoils

    at the top of andesite lava flows

    developementof paleosoils

    last rhyodaciticash fall activities



    SW NE



    conglomerate exclusively withclasts of Carboniferous sediments

    Mg-andesite shield volcano complex in Brandenburg




    PhD projectMarion Geißler

    Katzung 1995

    „Inundation“ of shield volcano topographyby playa sediments during Upper Rotliegend II

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    Plateau basaltsAlias trapp basalt or flood basalt

    Typically hot spot-relatedTypically fissure eruptions Iguazú Cascades

    Stratovolcanoes:- longlasting intermediate to SiO2-rich magmatism

    Lincancabur, N Chile

    Mt. Shasta, California

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    Cone facies - volcanic ring plain facies

    Mt. Egmont, New Zealand

    Sector collapse: oversteepening, hydrothermal alteration, incompetent substrate, active faulting, earthquakes, eruption

    Mt. Egmont, debris avalanche deposit

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    Mt. St. Helens

    Socompa, N ChileSector collapse

    Fig. 3.4 General calderacycle (after Lipman, 1984). Stage 1 –precaldera volcanismdevelops clusters of smallintermediatestratovolcanoes, Stage 2 –eruption of zoned magmachamber develops caldera. Ash flow tuffs interfinger with caldera collapsebreccia whereas a thinoutflow sheet extendsoutward from the caldera, Stage 3 – postcalderadeposition of volcanicsand sediment and resurgent doming (FromOrton 1996).


    e Br



    Main CALDERA types:- piston (SiO2-rich and –poor!)- trap door- piece meal

    - resurgent- non-resurgent

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    Non-resurgent caldera

    Crater Lake, Oregon

    Cerro GalanNW Argentina

    Valles Caldera, JemezMtns, New Mexico

    Resurgent calderas

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    Fig. 3.5 Evolution of Scafell Caldera, English Lake District (after Branney & Kokelaar, 1994). The caldera developed atop basaltic to andesitic lavas (e.g. Lingcove Fm.) that formed a composite low-profile shield-like volcano. Schematic section from the Langdale area showsrelative thickness of facies from the variousstages. These are: A emplacement of Whorneyside ignimbrite and initial subsidence; Binundation of vent leads to phreatoplinianeruptions of Whorneyside bedded tuff; C onset of widespread piecemeal subsidence and eruption of Long Top Tuffs; D continued subsidence and deformation of hot ignimbrites; E eruption of high-grade ignimbrites of Crinkle Crags tuffs; Fdevelopment of a caldera lake, with subaqueousvolcaniclastic sediments and tuffs, and intrusionof rhyolite domes (From Orton 1996).

    Piece meal CalderaOrdovicianLake district, W England
