Typhoid Fever in Special Case


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  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Curriculum VitaeCurriculum Vitae

    NamaNama :: Dr. Ronald Irwanto, SpPD, KPTIDr. Ronald Irwanto, SpPD, KPTI

    Pendidikan :Pendidikan :

    SMA CaniiuSMA Caniiu, !akarta, "##$, !akarta, "##$

    Dokter %mumDokter %mum, &K TRISAKTI, '((", &K TRISAKTI, '(("

    Speiali Pen)akit Dalam *Internit+Speiali Pen)akit Dalam *Internit+, &K%I, '((#, &K%I, '((#

    Konultan Su- Speiali Pen)akit Tropik dan InekiKonultan Su- Speiali Pen)akit Tropik dan Ineki, Di/ii Pen)akit, Di/ii Pen)akitTropik 0 Ineki, Departemen Ilmu Pen)akit Dalam, &K%I 1 RSCM,Tropik 0 Ineki, Departemen Ilmu Pen)akit Dalam, &K%I 1 RSCM,'("2'("2

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Mana3in3 T)p4oid &e/er in Special Cae :Mana3in3 T)p4oid &e/er in Special Cae :

    Pre3nanc) andPre3nanc) andMDR1Salmonella t)p4i *MDR1ST+ InectionMDR1Salmonella t)p4i *MDR1ST+ Inection

    Ronald IrwantoRonald Irwanto

    Di/iion o Tropical Medicine and Inectiou DieaeDi/iion o Tropical Medicine and Inectiou DieaeDepartment o Internal MedicineDepartment o Internal Medicine

    &acult) o Medicine %ni/erit) o Indoneia&acult) o Medicine %ni/erit) o Indoneia

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case



    Typhoid fever : The Epidemiology andTyphoid fever : The Epidemiology and

    Microorganism CharacteristicMicroorganism Characteristic

    Clinical Appearance and Diagnostic ofClinical Appearance and Diagnostic ofTyphoid FeverTyphoid Fever

    Treatment of Typhoid Fever : General andTreatment of Typhoid Fever : General and

    in Pregnancyin Pregnancy

    Treatment of MDR-TTreatment of MDR-T


  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Typhoid fever : The EpidemiologyTyphoid fever : The Epidemiologyand Microorganism Characteristicand Microorganism Characteristic

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    T)p4oid &e/erT)p4oid &e/er

    T)p4oid e/er i an acute )temicT)p4oid e/er i an acute )temic

    inection caued -) Salmonellainection caued -) Salmonella

    enterica erot)pe t)p4i or parat)p4ienterica erot)pe t)p4i or parat)p4i

    w4ic4 i alo known a Salmonellaw4ic4 i alo known a Salmonella


  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Among "#"$ s!%&ects 'ith fever(Among "#"$ s!%&ects 'ith fever( Salmonella typhiSalmonella typhi 'as'asidentified in )) *$+, andidentified in )) *$+, and Salmonella paratyphiSalmonella paratyphiA in . */+,A in . */+,patientspatients

    Paratyphoid feverParatyphoid fever'as independently associated 'ith:'as independently associated 'ith:

    0 cons!mption of food from street vendorscons!mption of food from street vendors0 andand and flooding1and flooding1

    Typhoid feverTyphoid fever!sing the comm!nity control gro!p 'ere mostly!sing the comm!nity control gro!p 'ere mostlyrelated to the ho!sehold( ie( to recent typhoid fever in therelated to the ho!sehold( ie( to recent typhoid fever in theho!sehold:ho!sehold:

    0 no !se of soap for hand'ashing2no !se of soap for hand'ashing2

    0 sharing food from the same plate(sharing food from the same plate(0 and no toilet in the ho!sehold1and no toilet in the ho!sehold1

    0 also( typhoid fever 'as associated 'ith yo!ng age in years1also( typhoid fever 'as associated 'ith yo!ng age in years1

    Rik actor or T)p4oid 0 Parat)p4oid &e/erRik actor or T)p4oid 0 Parat)p4oid &e/er

    in !akartain !akarta

    3ollaard( AM1( 4AMA1 ##52$"*",:.#6-."7

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    &actor t4at Inluence Inecti/it)&actor t4at Inluence Inecti/it)

    8ngestion of8ngestion of

    0 "#"#77organism ca!se clinical disease in 7+organism ca!se clinical disease in 7+

    0 "#"#66

    organisms ca!sed disease in 7#+organisms ca!sed disease in 7#+0 "#"#$$organisms ca!sed disease in $7+organisms ca!sed disease in $7+

    trains that do not have 93i antigen are lesstrains that do not have 93i antigen are less

    infective and less vir!lentinfective and less vir!lent

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    6pidemiolo3) o T)p4oid &e/er6pidemiolo3) o T)p4oid &e/er

    5lo-al 4ealt4 pro-lem and 4i34l) endemic in5lo-al 4ealt4 pro-lem and 4i34l) endemic inIndoneiaIndoneia

    5lo-al annual incidence 22 million cae and5lo-al annual incidence 22 million cae and

    "7 million deat4."7 million deat4.Incidence in Indoneia etimated 27(18"(Incidence in Indoneia etimated 27(18"(cae"((.((( population per )earcae"((.((( population per )ear

    Cae atalit) rate '.81"9Cae atalit) rate '.81"9

    2 o all mortalit) *7(.((( deat4)ear+2 o all mortalit) *7(.((( deat4)ear+

    Seowandojo E, 1998

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    ". 5ram1ne3ati/e, la3ellated and

    acultati/e anaero-ic -acteria

    '. T4e cell en/elope contain a comple;

    lipopol)acc4aride *

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Some e;ample o commonl)

    =ccurin3 Salmonella erot)pe and 3roup

    Gro!p erotype

    A 1 paratyphi A

    ; 1 paratyphi ;

    1 stanley

    1 saintpa!l 1 agona

    1 typhim!ri!m

    C 1 paratyphi C

    1 choleraes!is

    1 vircho' 1 thompson

    D 1 typhi

    1 enteritidis

    1 d!%lin

    1 gallinari!m

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Clinical Appearance and Dia3notic oClinical Appearance and Dia3notic o

    T)p4oid &e/erT)p4oid &e/er

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Clinical Preentation o T)p4oid &e/erClinical Preentation o T)p4oid &e/er

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Dia3notic criteriaDia3notic criteria

    Deinite :Deinite :

    Poiti/e 3all culture or PCR Salmonella t)p4iPoiti/e 3all culture or PCR Salmonella t)p4i

    ?idal erolo3) a33lutinin = titer?idal erolo3) a33lutinin = titer @@ "9$("9$(

    or titeror titer @@""'8(""'8(

    Increaed o = titer twice or moreIncreaed o = titer twice or more

    Pro-a-le :Pro-a-le :

    ?idal erolo3) a33lutinin = titer "2'(?idal erolo3) a33lutinin = titer "2'(

    or titer "9$(.or titer "9$(.

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Blood culture and PCR reult inBlood culture and PCR reult in

    dia3noi o T)p4oid &e/erdia3noi o T)p4oid &e/er

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Treatment o T)p4oid &e/er : 5eneralTreatment o T)p4oid &e/er : 5eneral

    and in Pre3nanc)and in Pre3nanc)

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    5eneral Treatment in T)p4oid &e/er5eneral Treatment in T)p4oid &e/er

    =on Pharmacologic : ;ed rest( =!trition=on Pharmacologic : ;ed rest( =!trition



    Anti%iotic :Anti%iotic :

    Ampicillin@Amo>icillinAmpicillin@Amo>icillin Chloramphenicol 5>7##mgChloramphenicol 5>7##mg

    Cephalosporin : Ceftria>one /-5 g@daysCephalosporin : Ceftria>one /-5 g@days

    Fl!oro!inolones : Ciproflo>a>in >7## mgFl!oro!inolones : Ciproflo>a>in >7## mg

    Bflo>acin >5## mgBflo>acin >5## mg

    Peflo>acin ">5## mgPeflo>acin ">5## mg

    Flero>acin ">7## mgFlero>acin ">7## mg

    evoflo>acin ">7##mgevoflo>acin ">7##mg

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Anti%iotics d!ring pregnancy and lactationAnti%iotics d!ring pregnancy and lactation*",*",





    aole *+*+ *+*+ 11 11 Teratogenic in animalTeratogenic in animale>periments( ernicter!se>periments( ernicter!s

    1 Contraindicated ornot recommended

    *+ onl) i clearl)indicated

    ae or ue w4en indicated

    A to -e precri-edonl) in e;ceptional cae

    6m-r)onic period *"tto "'t4wk. o pre3nanc)+ Potem-r)onic period *"2t4to 2#t4wk. opre3nanc)+ Peripartal period *$(t4wk. o pre3nanc) till deli/er) +

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Antibiotics during pregnancy andlactation(2)

    A3entA3ent6m-r)ionic6m-r)ionicperiod period


    period period

    PeripartalPeripartalperiod period


    MetronidaoleMetronidaole AA AA AA AA Teratogenic in animalTeratogenic in animale>perimentse>periments


    11 A*+A*+ A*+A*+ A%ortion and foetalA%ortion and foetalretardation reportedretardation reported

    6m-r)onic period *"tto "'t4

    wk. o pre3nanc)+

    Potem-r)onic period *"2t4to 2#t4

    wk. o pre3nanc)+

    Peripartal period *$(t4wk. o

    pre3nanc) till deli/er) +

    1 Contraindicatedor


    *+onl) i clearl)


    ae or ue w4en indicated

    A to -e precri-ed

    onl) in e;ceptionalcae

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Comm!nica%le Disease Control and provincial a%oratory ervices( 'a!l! =atal

    Dept1 of

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    Treatment of MDR-TTreatment of MDR-T

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    ?4at i MDR1STE?4at i MDR1STE

    MDR-T is almonella typhi 'hich has aMDR-T is almonella typhi 'hich has a

    m!tagen *Gyr-A or TEM-", that canm!tagen *Gyr-A or TEM-", that can

    resistant to fl!or!inolens or partially toresistant to fl!or!inolens or partially to

    %eta-lactam *not all,%eta-lactam *not all,

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    The possi%ility of MDR-T sho'ed %yThe possi%ility of MDR-T sho'ed %y

    clinical impressionclinical impressionin 'hich theres no goodin 'hich theres no good

    response after empirical ade!ate therapyresponse after empirical ade!ate therapy

    ;y :;y :

    - Penicillin- Penicillin : Amo>ycillin( Ampicillin: Amo>ycillin( Ampicillin

    - Fl!or!inolones- Fl!or!inolones :: Ciproflo>acinCiproflo>acin

    evoflo>acinevoflo>acin- Cephalosporines- Cephalosporines : Ceftria>one: Ceftria>one

    MDR Salmonella T)p4i*MDR1ST+

    Cae Poi-ilit)


  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case


    A M!lti-Dr!g Resistant almonella typhiA M!lti-Dr!g Resistant almonella typhi

    *MDRT, 'as appeared %y the present of*MDRT, 'as appeared %y the present of

    gyrA and TEM-" gene1gyrA and TEM-" gene1


    5)r A





    BetalactamaeBut not 6SBhi%ited s!periorse>hi%ited s!periors

    antimicro%ial activity compared to other anti%iotics(antimicro%ial activity compared to other anti%iotics(

    incl!dingincl!ding ceftaidimeceftaidime'ith M8C$#+ #()!g @ ml *M8C'ith M8C$#+ #()!g @ ml *M8C#(#7 to "(7. !g @ ml,#(#7 to "(7. !g @ ml,


  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case



    "1"1 Typhoid fever : ac!te systemic illness d!e to almonellaTyphoid fever : ac!te systemic illness d!e to almonellatyphi and paratyphityphi and paratyphi

    1 Treatment : !pportive and symptomatic1 Treatment : !pportive and symptomatic

    Antimicro%ial : Ampicillin( ChloramphenicolAntimicro%ial : Ampicillin( Chloramphenicol Fl!or!inolonesFl!or!inolones

    //rdrdGen CephalosporineGen Cephalosporine

    /1 Treatment choices in pregnancy : Penicillin and/1 Treatment choices in pregnancy : Penicillin and

    CephalosporinesCephalosporines51 Treatment option for MDR-T : AteronamICar%apenem51 Treatment option for MDR-T : AteronamICar%apenem

  • 7/23/2019 Typhoid Fever in Special Case
