UC Davis Special Collections D-022 4:7: Transcription of...


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Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 1

UC Davis Special Collections

D-022 4:7: Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary, 1897

Please note that this transcription has not been reviewed for final editing. Please contact

us with any questions.

Preliminary notes by transcriber:

At the end of this diary is a one-page summary of the year: "Memoranda"[p. 1]. In

the "Cash Account" pages at the end, [pp.1-12] is the usual shortened version of the

full diary.

On the recto of the next to the last page of the diary "November 1898" is a listing of

gravel hauled on county road.

In the blank space on the first page of the diary before Jan. 1 is the following address

written in pencil: Miss Birdie Olsen, 705 E. Second St., Los Angeles, Cal -

On 23 January Pierce attended meeting of Davisville Almond Growers and was

appointed Chairman of the Committee on Constitution and By laws.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 2

Fri 1 Jan 1897

Bright day - north wind

Began pruning almond orchard -

Marion Russell came back at noon -

Sat 2 Jan 1897

Pruned in old orchard

Sue and I attended Euchre club meeting at Mrs. LaRue's - Sue won first prize - a

picture on linen -

Sun 3 Jan 1897 [Inserted.]

Frosty sunshine and clouds -

Sue and I went to church -

Gardy staid at home.

Mon 4 Jan 1897

George Walter went to Sacramento yesterday and did not get back -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 3

A new man came from Davis at noon. - Walter Robinson

Pruned -

It sprinkled at intervals in p.m.

Heavy frost - sunshine in a.m.-

Tues 5 Jan 1897

George got back last night. Men all pruned today - got up teams for plowing.

Went to Woodland to meeting of Grand Jury. Ordered pair of 8.00 pants of Marks -

Drove Beauty and reached home at about 6.30 -

Wed 6 Jan 1897

Heavy fog - went to Woodland on Grand Jury - Fixed the Mefford affidavit to "Posting

Notices" for Fathers estate.

Home at 7. p.m. fearful fog all day.

Thurs 7 Jan 1897

Heavy fog - went to Sacramento on 11 a.m. train - out at 5 p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 4

Saw W. R. Davis and D. A. Lindley about University matters. Our bill to increase the

revenue of the U. C. from 1 to 2 cents on the $100 has been introduced.

Fri 8 Jan 1897

Heavy fog in a.m. Clear in p.m.

Man came from Allen's about 9 a.m.

went to town in a.m. and got man's luggage - Set him to pruning

Boys finished plowing in last field (old land) and moved into small field next to orchard


Sharpened harrow teeth in p.m.

Sat 9 Jan 1897

Heavy fog all day

Finished sharpening harrow teeth -

Pruned some.

Had rheumatism in elbow

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 5

Sun 10 Jan 1897 [Inserted.]

Very cold north wind and foggy - did not go to church.

Mon 11 Jan 1897

Got harrows together in a.m.

Boys finished replowing small 4.0 acre field and began harrowing about

10 a.m. One team is plowing in last field.

Sue and her father went to town.

It was I believe the darkest morning I ever saw - very foggy in a.m. clear in p.m.

Tues 12 Jan 1897

Set posts across Mothers field

Foggy - rained in p.m. toward night boys had to quit -

Wed 13 Jan 1897

Tinkered in a.m.

All boys pruned in p.m. got four rows. It was pretty muddy -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 6

Thurs 14 Jan 1897

It rained hard last night -

Worked in shop in a.m.-

In p.m. took Sue to Davis to attend Ladies Aid at Mrs. Bates'.

Took butter & eggs - got sugar &c

Lottie broke the neckyoke and had to borrow one to get home with.

Sue paid Aid society $5.00 for buggy robe.

Boys did not work.

There was a strong north wind this p.m. and evening -

Fri 15 Jan 1897

All pruned today. - got 11 rows -

It was a very pleasant day -

Sue went to Mrs. Greenes this p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 7

Sat 16 Jan 1897

Got ready to plow & harrow and a little rain came up and spoiled it all. did not get

into field -

All worked in orchard - had lame arm

- did not got out in p.m.

Sue and I went to Euchre club at Mrs Plants.

I won first prize - 3 silk handkerchiefs - score 12 -

Sun 17 Jan 1897 [Inserted.}

Pleasant - Sue and Soon went to Davis -

Mon 18 Jan 1897

Went to Woodland at 6 a.m. looking for a new harrow -

did not find what I wanted and telephoned to Sacramento for one. Got 200# alfalfa a

pair of pants from Marks - dish pan &c. Home at 2 p.m.

Boys finished harrowing in middle field and tried 40 acre piece but it was too wet

It was cold and foggy at Woodland

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 8

Tues 19 Jan 1897

Went to Davis early and got harrow and a man to prune.

Put teeth in harrow and got it into field - put up more fence across Mother's field -

It sprinkled lively twice today.

Wed 20 Jan 1897

Finished Mother's fence

Began sowing barley -

W. R. Davis sent telegram from Oakland for me to attend a meeting of the committee

of the Legislature having in charge the bills favoring the State University

Went to Sacramento on 3.25 train

attended committee meeting in the Supreme Court room and spoke on the farmer's

side of the question.

Thurs 21 Jan 1897

Staid in Sacto until 3 p.m.

Had boys leave barley ground and went onto 40 acre piece -


Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 9

Fri 22 Jan 1897

Sowed the 40 acre piece to wheat and harrowed it almost all three times -

Sowed hay ground strips along road -

Boys finished pruning old orchard - and began on new -

Sue went to town for Marion Galt -


Sat 23 Jan 1897

Walter had his side hurt and went to town. Boys finished harrowing barley and moved

into east field -

Attended meeting of Davisville almond growers

- was appointed Chairman of Committee on Constitution & By laws -

Got Marions trunks. Sent $5.00 to Le Conte Reception Fund -

Sun 24 Jan 1897 [Inserted.]

Sue and I went to church

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 10

it rained .27 of an inch last night and was very muddy today.

Mon 25 Jan 1897

Put up patent and wire fence north of new orchard in a.m.

Started plows in east field at noon.

Sue went to town - took Marion to Knights Landing train.

Sue and I went to Sacramento and attended Mme Nordicas concert at the Metropolitan

Theatre - large audience - fine program.

Tues 26 Jan 1897

Sue met Miss Mollie Walsh an old schoolmate. We were in the Legislature much of

the day - was before Assembly Committee having our University bill - it passed and

was recommended -

Went home at 5.10

Got 75 prune trees some fruit trees and Sue got rose bushes &c from Californian

Nurseries -

Wed 27 Jan 1897

Sowed barley in a.m. in east field - Went out after dinner - but it began to rain and we

had to quit - did not sow any in p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 11

- boys got wet finishing up -

Fixed the bell that Soon had pulled down and broken

John broke the draw bar to his harrow -

Thurs 28 Jan 1897

Rained considerable last night -

Geo. Walter drew $40.50 and went to Sacto.

Had Marion get draw bar, broken yesterday. He went to town - got a new one and the

trees bought in Sacramento -

I went down shipped two boxes goods to Henry French

Attended meeting called to make report on Constitution for Almond Growers


I submitted one that was adopted. Marion Galt came back from Kts Landing.

Fri 29 Jan 1897

Rained hard most of the night -

Tinkered on the bell and other things at shop -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 12

Sprinkled a little

Sat 30 Jan 1897

Boys began work in orchard -

John and I finished the lower wires on orchard fence.

Went to town in afternoon and submitted Constitution to Almond Growers

Convention. Was elected to Executive Committee - It rained very hard about 5 p.m.

Sun 31 Jan 1897 [Inserted.]

Rained -

Mon 1 Feb 1897

Rained very hard early this morning - and at intervals today -

Went to town in a.m. sent turkey to Mr. Franklin - got olives steak &c

Soon drew $15.00 and went to China New Year -

Got letter from W. R. Davis asking me to come to Sacramento on University business -

went in to Sacto on 7.40 p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 13

Tues 2 Feb 1897

Saw Davis about University matters

Got new Ledger for ranch use -

Went to Davis on 10. a.m.

Boys pruned in p.m.

Fixed drain pipe to bath tub and sewer pipe

It was a bright sunshin[in]g afternoon

Took walk down on plowed ground in lower field -

Wed 3 Feb 1897

Rained much of day -

Took Bismark to town to some horsebuyers but did not make a sale.

George Walter came home -

Thurs 4 Feb 1897

Rained at intervals throughout the day -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 14

All went to Woodland to Edith Humphrey's party - "An evening with titles" - Twas

very nice - Staid at Mrs. Peart's

Fri 5 Feb 1897

Sun shone some - sprinkled at intervals. Staid in Woodland and went to a whist

party of Eastern Star at Masonic Hall -

Sat 6 Feb 1897

Went home - nice day - boys pruned -

a young mule was lame at lower barn -

Sun 7 Feb 1897 [Inserted.]

Rained hard last night - and at intervals today -

Charley Greene came in evening and took Marion to Davis for the mail

- it was raining when they returned -

put his horse in buggy shed -

Mon 8 Feb 1897

Went to town early to mail a communication on High Schools to the Yolo Mail -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 15

Boys finished pruning grape vines

- all hands are cutting and piling up brush -

Ed McMillan and cousin came and spent the evening -

Tues 9 Feb 1897

Tinkered - made road and gate from almond orchard into slough to get out with brush

and almonds.

Wed 10 Feb 1897

Marion and I ground 75 sks barley -

Boys are picking up brush -

Charley Greene and Mrs. Tuttle spent the evening here -

Thurs 11 Feb 1897

Foggy until noon -

Put out 75 prune trees and dug holes for rest - 46 - in old orchard. Put out 3 Imperial

prunes 2 Royal & 2 Hacknutak (?) apricots.

Sowed and harrowed the windmill field -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 16

Fri 12 Feb 1897

Sue and I went to Sacramento on the 11 a.m. train - bought 45 French prune trees @

8c- got coffee for boys 200 cabbage plants Acme blacking &c.

Out at 5 -

Sue staid at Mother's - I went to the Euchre Club at Mrs. Gallagher's and won 1st

prize - a hand mirror!

Staid at Mother's.

Tom Watson got his hand badly cut by circular saw at Mrs. Greene's -

Sat 13 Feb 1897

Set out orange trees for Mother.

- got my trees and Sue's roses - vegetables &c. home at noon -

Set out trees, vines and roses and cabbage plants. Marked 21 pigs

9 boars, 12 sows and turned them out into orchard.

Sun 14 Feb 1897 [Inserted.]

Sprinkled a little this a.m. -

Marion drew $2.00 and went to Davis -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 17

Got up teams for plowing.

Mon 15 Feb 1897

Got teams to plowing and then drove to Woodland to the meeting of the Grand Jury -

Eugene LaRue was sick and not on hand so I had to act as Secretary.

Drove home at night-

Tues 16 Feb 1897

Went to LaRue's and got his minutes. Left Beauty at Davis and went to Woodland on

the freight train.

Rained in the afternoon and at night -

Staid at Mrs. Peart's -

Boys plowed until forenoon

Wed 17 Feb 1897

Cloudy and threatens rain -

Routine work on Jury -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 18

Rode to Davis with Henry and Ben Ligget and Al Plant and drove home -

Boys plowed today

Thurs 18 Feb 1897

Went to Woodland with Beauty -

It began raining about the time I reached Mrs. Greene's, and it soon began to rain

hard and it rained at intervals throughout the day -

Eugene LaRue was out today with his face tied up on account of boils -

Staid at the Byrnes[?] hotel

We had a hard day on the Jury -

It snowed on the Coast Range

Fri 19 Feb 1897

Another hard day on Jury - we found an indictment against I. N. Gill and one against

E. L. Kripp -

Staid at Mr. Diggs' and went to the Ball and entertainment of the Knights of Pythias.

Won the first prize, an onyx paper weight, at the Whist playing -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 19

It rained at intervals throughout the day -

Sat 20 Feb 1897

We finished our work and were discharged, as a jury, at about 12 oclock M.

Went home in p.m.

Eva came with Charley Greene -

Charley and Marion went to ball at Davis last night.

Sun 21 Feb 1897 [Inserted.]

John McLeod drew $2.50 and went to Davis - Marion Russell came home - North

wind blew and sun shone -

Mon 22 Feb 1897

Hard frost. Went into field before breakfast. Began plowing again in east field on

creek - it is too wet but we kept at it -

Sue and I took Eva to 3.30 train

took 15 doz. eggs 12 rolls butter -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 20

Tues 23 Feb 1897

Began harrowing ground recently plowed - North wind -

Began sowing barley in east field -

Wed 24 Feb 1897

Finished sowing barley this a.m.

took one sow, weighing 370 to Harby

sold at 3c-

Charley Greene spent the evening here and played euchre

Thurs 25 Feb 1897

Boys finished cross harrowing barley -

Fri 26 Feb 1897

Began replowing 45 acres of barley land near gate in east field-

Fixed sewer pipe - tank float and began repairing creek pump -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 21

all attended euchre club party at Dr. Bates'. Charles Greene & Maud Miner won the

prizes -

Sat 27 Feb 1897

Boys finished replowing

Tinkered about shops & places

Had creek fence fixed and potato ground plowed. John is fixing front yard -

Sun 28 Feb 1897

Sue and Mr. Gilmore went to town.

It sprinkled in afternoon

Mon 1 Mar 1897

Rained last night and sprinkled at intervals today.

Boys hauled brush from east orchard -

I went to Sacramento on 11 a.m. and back at 5.10 p.m.

Borrowed $300. of D. O. Mills

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 22

got my watch from Jeweler - it had not been cleaned before for 3 years -

Tues 2 Mar 1897

Rained most all last night and at intervals through the day - We cleaned up the barley

granary and did some tinkering. Turned mules into the creek barn.

Tried to catch turkeys but failed.

Wed 3 Mar 1897

Went to Davis - John Reynolds went with me - took 15 doz. eggs 10c 8 rolls butter


Began papering Marion's room -

Kate Charley and Ella came and spent the evening

Sue drew $15.80 to send to Jennie Gray -

Thurs 4 Mar 1897

Caught 15 turkies and John Reynolds took them to Hoag's.

Sue drew $20 and went to Sacramento shopping - Mr. Gilmore went home.

Boys hauled brush in p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 23

Marion and I finished papering

Got up teams for harrowing-

Fri 5 Mar 1897

Finished plowing and began sowing and harrowing -

We had sowed 1 1/2 rounds when it began raining hard - It seemed to be a shower

but continued to sprinkle much of the day -

Tinkered in shop made clothes rack for Manie - John grubbed -

Sat 6 Mar 1897

Went to town with mail for 10.45 -

-John R. went with me took eggs 10c butter 20c Got letter from Homer

Rained very hard and a long time.

Sue and I went up creek looking for turkies

Made arrangements for meeting of euchre club at our place on the 12th -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 24

Sun 7 Mar 1897 [No entry.]

Mon 8 Mar 1897

Rained much of day -

John Reynolds went to Rumsey.

John McLeod quit - took him to town.

Worked about house -

Tues 9 Mar 1897

Tinkered about place -

Boys finished hauling brush from east orchard in p.m.

Wed 10 Mar 1897

Boys hauled brush. John Reynolds came back in a.m.

Brunson boy killed himself in Davisville

Sue went to Sacramento to get her dress -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 25

Thurs 11 Mar 1897

Got up teams for harrowing

Boys hauled brush in a.m.

Ran clod masher in alfalfa lot - John Reynolds in p.m.

Finished sowing barley in east field - Boys harrowed in p.m.

Sue and Marion went to Ladies Aid at Mrs. Browns.

Fri 12 Mar 1897

Very strong north wind

Plowed vineyard

Boys finished harrowing and began hauling brush -

Went to 3 p.m. train for Edith Humphrey -

The Beau ideal Euchre club met here - had four tables - nice meeting -

beautiful moonlight evening - wind went down.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 26

Sat 13 Mar 1897

Marion Russell left Took Edith to 11 am. train - took baby cradle to Mrs. Eccleston.

Sowed alfalfa in afternoon in yard near barn and chicken yard -

Sun 14 Mar 1897 [Inserted.]

Geo. Walter drew $20.00

Sue went to Sunday school with Gardner and Sterling Peart -

Mon 15 Mar 1897

George Walter did not return - went to town and got another man -

Boys finished hauling wood from orchard.

Fixed plows & pump.

Gardy was sick last night -

Tues 16 Mar 1897

George came last night -

Ground barley - New man came from town -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 27

It rained most of the afternoon

Manie went to town -

Gardy was sick last night -

-his fever was high temperature 102

Wed 17 Mar 1897

Got up teams and started one 6 mule and one 4 mule team and a two horse rig to

plowing orchard

Began next Hext line plows well.

Finished hauling brush out of orchard -

Manie went to Mrs. Greene's to spend the evening. Sue and I were invited but did not

go as Gardy was sick.

Thurs 18 Mar 1897

Started two more six mule teams at plowing -

It sprinkled considerable in p.m.

Went to Davis - took case eggs

- got pump -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 28

Fri 19 Mar 1897

Sprinkled at intervals throughout day -

Fixed barn door, pump, hydrants and wheelbarrow -

Kate, Ella & Colonel Jackson walked over to call - Charley came for them with the


Marion went with Charley G. to Mrs Anderson's to a party given for Birdie Cecil -

Sat 20 Mar 1897

Finished plowing with big teams in old orchard - moved into new -

Went to Davis - got pump gasket fixed - a box Napa Soda - fruit &c.

Kate Tuttle, Charley & Ella Greene & Col. Jackson spent the evening here -

Sun 21 Mar 1897 [Inserted.]

Strong north wind -

Fred Brooks came.

Charley Greene spent evening here -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 29

Mon 22 Mar 1897

Fred Brooks began spading about trees. Geo Walter broke mouldboard -

Sue took Manie to Knights Landing train - going to visit Nellie -

George Walter started replowing summerfallow in afternoon - east field -

Have two single plows in old orchard -

Am almost sick abed -

Tues 23 Mar 1897

Boys finished plowing east orchard about 10 a.m. - got ready to summerfallow then

helped me on pump until noon - began on summerfallow in p.m.

Had John R. plow land for vegetables and planted 17 rows potatoes 6 rows peas & 17

rows corn

Am feeling a little better.

Wed 24 Mar 1897

Gardy and I drove to lower field.

- took one team to north field to try the plowing - too hard and wet -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 30

Worked on force pump in p.m.

Thurs 25 Mar 1897

Sue and Gardy went to Woodland on 8.20 freight train. G. had dentist work done.

Fixed irrigating ditches in garden and got things ready for pumping -

Fri 26 Mar 1897

Went to plowing field in a.m.

Worked on pump -

Went to Davis about 6.30 p.m.

Left Gardy at Mothers. Sue and I went to Euchre meeting at Mrs. Anderson's -

Dr. Bates won his first prize - a hat brush -

score 12. My score was 11.

Sue & Mrs Bates had 9 - Etta Bullard 10.

Sat 27 Mar 1897

Got vegetables. Home at noon.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 31

Cut log away from suction pipe of pump - Sawed some wood -

Set out tomato plants & cabbage plants

Boys finished plowing in old orchard -

It sprinkled much of afternoon and rained toward night -

Sun 28 Mar 1897 [Inserted.]

Rained considerable last night -

- heavy wind -

Mon 29 Mar 1897

Went to Woodland to dentist - had crown put on left upper side - took Gardy with me

Stopped at Mrs. Greene's and examined harvester.

Exchanged old buggy for new one and gave $65.00 to boot at Diggs'. Got axle grease

leather, glass &c.

Got home late. It was a cold day - a north wind -

Boys finished replowing the land they were on and began in north field - 1st plowing -

too wet.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 32

Tues 30 Mar 1897

Tried to find some land we could plow but failed and quit about 11 a.m. Herman

began harrowing orchard with 4 mules -

George & Joe began hauling manure.

Planted some more sweet corn.

blacksmithed -

Wed 31 Mar 1897

Worked in shop - fixed harrow & snidetree[?]

Got some wood - had fence fixed at Hext line -

It began sprinkling about 4.30 and by 6 p.m. was raining -

Boys finished singleplowing in east orchard. Fred finished spading in old orchard -

Thurs 1 Apr 1897

Three boys spaded in new orchard

Two hauled manure from sheep barn.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 33

Herman and I fixed disc harrow -

put in heavy iron on tongue &c -

Fri 2 Apr 1897

Herman harrowed.

Sue Gardy and I went to Sacramento on 11 a.m. out at 5.10.

Drew $500.00 on Mother's acct of Sacramento Bank and deposited $360# in D. O

Mills & Co.

Mother took $20.00.

All attended the Knickerbocker Quartette Concert in Davis - good.

Sat 3 Apr 1897

Got Prince's hind shoes set - bought vegetables &c. Home at noon -

Went to Mrs. Greene's to try to make harvester sale - Sue and G went with me.

Joe Minger [?] went to town.

Sent Al to fix fence out north failure.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 34

Sun 4 Apr 1897 [Inserted.]

Herman drew $10.00

Sue G. & Soon went to town. Mr. & Mrs. George Lorenz [Lourenze?] came out. Mrs.

Greene helped bring them out.

Took them back to 7.45 They offered us their horse and surrey -

Mon 5 Apr 1897

Sawed wood. George and John helped in a.m. George began replowing summerfallow

in p.m.

Sue G. and I went into field at night. got draught iron from one of the plows -

Tues 6 Apr 1897

Tried to fix draught iron and broke it - took it to Davis and had it fixed - home at


Herman finished harrowing orchard at noon and began plowing in p.m. out at north

end of field -

Joe Minger began plowing in a.m.

Mrs. Greene called and brought eggs for setting -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 35

Wed 7 Apr 1897

Fearful north wind

John Reynolds and I went to Davis and pruned, fixed fence and put in a new cistern

pump for Mother. I went to Woodland and paid 2nd installment of taxes -

-lunched with Woods and Mrs March Armstrong at Mrs. Porter's.

Thurs 8 Apr 1897

Fixed stable wheel-barrow - went into field - had to cut out some wet spots.

Raised feed pipe to big pump and started it - went first rate.

North wind blew some - weather hot -

John Schmeidt [?] tinkered about -

John Reynolds worked on bee hives.

Fri 9 Apr 1897

The two John's [sic] began cross plowing with single plows in large orchard.

Cleaned house - took up carpet and painted in sitting and bath rooms -

Sue and I attended euchre club meeting at Etta Bullard's. left G. at Mother's - all

staid at M's -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 36

Sat 10 Apr 1897

Sue went to Sacramento on 7.40

-got salt sugar beans soda and Veronica - home at noon -

Repaired kitchen ceiling and painted the floor at night -

Sun 11 Apr 1897 [Inserted.]

Went to town with G. in p.m. and got Sue -

Mon 12 Apr 1897

Met Peter Moy at 7.45 train.

Saw several men on harvester business. Moy took dinner here and left on 5 p.m.


Sheep shearers came - Kerr & another

Tues 13 Apr 1897

Blacksmithed in a.m. Went to Mrs. Greene's at noon and got order for 14 ft Best

Combined harvester.

Painted front porch - nearly all -


Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 37

Wed 14 Apr 1897

Painted porch - Larke came up and put in ventilator over kitchen stove.

Painted in sitting room in p.m.

Very warm

Killed sheep in evening.

Thurs 15 Apr 1897

Went to Davis with wagon - got tank of gasoline plow share &c.

Began papering sitting room -

Got all the ceiling on and began on sides.

Boys finished single plowing in orchard.

Very warm

Fri 16 Apr 1897

Sent John Reynolds to Davis with "Beauty" & "Larney" to Mastin's - B. took

Got coal oil and flour - J. then poisoned squirrels. John Schmeidt helped houseclean.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 38

Papered until noon - went to see Jack Wise in p.m. on harvester business -

Very warm

Sat 17 Apr 1897

Papered early in sitting room.

Sent John Reynolds to Davis to help George Lorenz Jr. with horse and surrey which

his father sent out to us as a present. Jack Weise came and I went to Davis and

telegraphed to San Leandro and got harvester for him -

Sun 18 Apr 1897 [Inserted.]

Sue G. & I went to Davis in p.m. with surrey - took Mother and Mrs. Hampton to


Mon 19 Apr 1897

Boys plowed land next to LaRue's

last "first plowing" for summerfallow.

Went to Davis and fixed gas engine for Mrs. McDonald -

It sprinkled and showered a little at intervals throughout middle of day.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 39

Tues 20 Apr 1897

Finished papering, painted ran engine &c.

Sue went to Davis for coal oil as she is having trouble with her incubator.

Boys finished plowing summerfallow and got into new orchard.

Fixed ditches in front yard and ran water there.

Wed 21 Apr 1897

Boys plowed new orchard and got into old one.

Blacksmithed. fixed incubator

tried to spray whitewash on kitchen walls, painted front door step and pumped water

on garden.

John R. whitewashed kitchen.

plowed and staked blackberries -

Thurs 22 Apr 1897

Fearful north wind. Boys began replowing in old orchard -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 40

Sue G. two men and I went to Davis - cleaned sitting and dining rooms for Mother.

One fine large almond tree blew over.

Fri 23 Apr 1897

North wind still blew -

Tinkered about place, ran pump much of time -

All went to Davis toward evening

- took surrey & buggy -

Marion came back to Mother's

All attended euchre club meeting at Mrs. Miner's. Sue won first prize

Frank Chiles the gentleman's. Staid at Mother's.

Sat 24 Apr 1897

Sue, Mother & Gardy, went to Sacramento on Weinstock & Lubin's excursion train

- out at 5 p.m. Staid at Davis till 6 p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 41

The Davis almond growers held a good meeting in Odd Fellows Hall -

Very warm day -

Sun 25 Apr 1897 [Inserted.]

Edith Humphrey and Marion Rahm [?] spent the day here.

Mon 26 Apr 1897

Joe Minger left -

Took Queen & Sally to Miners and Larney to Mastins.

Tues 27 Apr 1897

Boys finished plowing orchard about 10 a.m.

Sawed wood in p.m.

Wed 28 Apr 1897

Sawed wood in a.m. - finished -

Went to town with surrey and got 64# ice, 4 rolls bread and the Eccleston family -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 42

Sue had Ladie's Aid Society - fair attendance - nice time -

Preacher took surrey and I drove down in his cart -

Took Larney to Mastin's - she was bred -

Thurs 29 Apr 1897

George is digging up dead trees in orchard-

Herman is working in shop -

John is succoring [?].

Fri 30 Apr 1897

Went to town with wagon -

Took Blinkie Mary & Fern to Miner's

Took Ladie's Aid dishes home -

- got 2 sks flour some lumber and sheet iron, machine oil and Mother's buggy pole.

Sue Gard and I drove to Woodland in evening to Mrs. Peart's. Attended the meeting

of "The Mutual Club given by Dr & Mrs. Lawhead at the Julian. Lutie Huntington

came to stay with Marion. Charley G. spend the evening with the girls.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 43

Sat 1 May 1897

Did some shopping, lunched at Mrs. P's and got home at 5 p.m. pumped some water.

Lutie went to Woodland.

The north wind blew hard -

Sun 2 May 1897

A most miserable north wind -

Mon 3 May 1897

Went to Davis early with Beauty and the surrey - got the grousers for harvester -

Boys sacked the wool - George cut up the trees he dug up - 63 -In p.m. Herman,

George and I worked on the grousers -

Cool - south wind

Tues 4 May 1897

Worked on harvester putting on grousers -

Marion & Charley went to Miner's to Guy's party

Cool south wind -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 44

Wed 5 May 1897

Finished putting on grousers at noon.

George started mowing machine at noon on volunteer barley in east orchard -

John R. finished succoring at noon & cut weeds in p.m.

Sue went to town and brought Mother out - rode through orchards

I took her home.

Wolf Levy came and bid 10c [?] for wool - no sale.

Thurs 6 May 1897

George finished barley cutting at noon and started on oat [out?] hay north of old

orchard -

John R. started hay rake at noon

Worked on harvester - have shoes to cleaner out, grain elevator off - &c -

Fri 7 May 1897

John R. took Larney to town and got extras for harvester.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 45

Strong north wind -

All attended Band boy's picnic at Armstrong's grove - fearful wind -

- went in p.m. a while - took tea with Mother - had strawberries -

Marion & Charley went to the moonlight dance - home at 3 a.m.

Sat 8 May 1897

Strong north wind in a.m. - went down toward evening -

Attended Almond grower's meeting at Davis in p.m. Had hoped to sell our almonds

but did not -

Sun 9 May 1897 [Inserted.]

North wind - Soon on the rampage -

Mon 10 May 1897

Strong north wind

Herman bunched hay -

Charley Greene brought Nellie Galt out from Davis -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 46

Tues 11 May 1897

Went to Davis - took wool and Mohair 619# & 47# sent to H. & H.

Brought Fisher out to work in hay. Hired Jim Meagher-

Got hay rigging ready -

All attended Euchre club meeting at Mrs. LaRue's. Won first prize - a crescent scarf

pin -

Wed 12 May 1897

Marion took me to 6.25 train.

Went to San Leandro. back at 1 p.m.

- got salammoniac, pump valves and medicine

Attended Alumni Banquet at California Hotel and responded to the sentiment Our

Alma Mater and her supporters.

Jesse Whited came.

Thurs 13 May 1897

Left for home at 4 a.m. Sue met me at Davis -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 47

Cool & pleasant day -

Put tongue into surrey and all went riding up south side of creek to Winters then to

Kate Johnson's home at 8.10 p.m.

Fri 14 May 1897

George cut hay about fields-

Moved hay out of driveway in horse barns and began hauling into cow barn.

Fixed road crossing the creek.

Sue, Marion, and Nellie took Jesse Whited to 5 p.m. train

Sat 15 May 1897

Boys finished hauling hay from orchard - it just about filled the cow barn.

Sun 16 May 1897 [Inserted.]

Soon drew $100 and left - got Sam to take his place -

Went to cemetery - it was Odd Fellows Decoration day -

Marion & Charley - Guy Miner and Miss Burneman [?] went to Pleasant valley -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 48

Mon 17 May 1897

It rained last night and sprinkled about 10.30 a.m.

Boys fixed creek road in a.m. and did not work in p.m.

Little calf jumped off manure pile and broke its neck

Tues 18 May 1897

Boys cocked hay in a.m. and hauled on jag [?] of hay and had to quit on acct of strong

north wind. Mack, dog died -

George mowed about roads and in alfalfa field - Herman finished mowing and boys

began hauling toward evening -

Went to Davis - got berries salt cookies shoes tobacco &c. Mrs. P. had card

party - about 20 - nice time - fine refreshments - adjourn 1.30

Wed 19 May 1897

North wind in a.m. hot in p.m.

Strained myself across the stomach while climbing in barn -

Boys hauled hay - Herman raked & bunched hay -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 49

Thurs 20 May 1897

Sue went to Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Hamptons. Nettie Riebsam came home with her -

Fixed rigging for getting hay into driveway in barn.

Fri 21 May 1897

Herman finished mowing around fields

All attended Knights of Pythias picnic at Armstrongs grove -

someone stole our lunch basket - we recovered it -

Sat 22 May 1897

Marion and I went to Woodland in surrey - M. Staid with the Whiteds. Got box of

strawberries coffee &c.

Sun 23 May 1897

Sue and Nettie went to Davis - there was no church as Mr. Eccleston was sick with a

boil -

Mon 24 May 1897

Unloaded Charley Greene's harvester. Staid until evening to see if Weise's would come


Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 50

Tues 25 May 1897

Worked at harvester -

Wed 26 May 1897

Went to Davis early - helped Mother wash -

Tinkered about shop -

Boys finished stack of hay in middle field - put wire around it -

Sue and I attended card party at Nettie Mardens -

Thurs 27 May 1897

Mrs. Thomas, Misses Vivian and Murphy came for the day - Anna staid.

Sue and Anna went to Davis and got mail -

Fri 28 May 1897

Fixed windmill pump again

George drew his money to May 1st and went to Sacramento.

Herman and I went to Weise's and worked on his harvester.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 51

Sue took Anna Murphy to 6.25 train and got Marion who has been in Woodland a


Sun 30 May 1897 [Inserted.]

Sue went to church took Sam. Nellie Galt came back with her.

Mon 31 May 1897

Herman and I went to Jack Weise's and finished putting together Jack's harvester -

Fixed windmill pump again

- it goes this time -

The gnats were fearfully thick at Jack's -

Tues 1 June 1897

Tinkered on harvester

Strong north wind

Put all the loose stock on summerfallow in east field -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 52

Wed 2 June 1897

North wind

Worked on rig

Cleaned out large tank

Thurs 3 June 1897

Pumped and irrigated -

Went to Sacramento on 10.45

Got wagon tire set -

Drew $252.80 of Mother's from Sacramento Bank - Sent $150 to Equitable Life Ins.

Co. John Schmeidt drew $55. Got cherries & cucumbers -

All attended school exhibition at Fairfield - large attendance - poor [?]

George Walter came back -

It was a very warm day -

Fri 4 June 1897

North wind - warm gnats thick

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 53

Worked on harvester and harness -

Marion and Nellie went to town in evening -

George Walter went to Woodland and got 4000 sacks, 3 bales twine and 20 concave


Sat 5 June 1897

North wind. Put harvester together in p.m. at corner of barley field -

Sun 6 June 1897 [Inserted.]

Wm Cook came here from Tauzer's. Went to town - got Joe Divelbess -

Mon 7 June 1897

Started harvester this a.m.

- barley pretty good -

Miner brought Fern home -

Sue went to Davisville - got Nellie and Eva -

Mrs. Henry Stelling came here on a bicycle -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 54

Tues 8 June 1897

Went to Jack Weise's place and started his harvester. It ran first rate. Got Eva's


Wed 9 June 1897

Fixed straw carrier in early a.m.

Took Marion to 10.50 train on her way to El Dorado -

Fixed Mother's windmill and faucets.

Went to Weise's machine - it is doing well -

Got currants cherries cheese &c.

Thurs 10 June 1897

Put in new concave bar

- now have three rows - cut off sheet iron behind cylinder - it does not choke now -

Fri 11 June 1897

Sue and Eva went to Sacramento shopping on 6.25 a.m. train - out at 7.20 p.m.

Went to Hext's to mark some calves but had no help.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 55

Boys finished 90 acre barley field about 2.30 got 1468 sks -

Began on wheat - got three rounds - 76 sks -

Blacksmithed and tinkered some.

Sat 12 June 1897

Went to Hext's and castrated calves.

Boys are getting about 7 sks per acre.

Eva and Nellie went to Davis on telegram from Placerville - [?]

Sun 13 June 1897 [Inserted.]

Did not go to church today.

Mon 14 June 1897

Young mules got into grain field -

Saw Graul about cutting grain

Boys moved into west field in a.m. It rained at intervals from 11 a.m. Did not harvest

in p.m. George took 103 sks barley to town. Herman worked in shop

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 56

John cut morning glory.

Talcott Fisher came and stayed over night on his way to Tahoe -

Mr & Mrs. Eccleston called - gave invitation to read at Ladies Aid on Thursday.

Tues 15 June 1897

Started harvester at noon -

Eva and Talcott left for Tahoe.

Got flour spuds & vegetables.

George took load barley to town in a.m.

Wed 16 June 1897

Am not feeling well -

Tinkered some about place

Thurs 17 June 1897

Feeling some better today.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 57

Ground 49 sks barley in afternoon.

Sue and Nellie went to Davis -

Nellie staid to help Mother's new girl up to the house -

Cool and pleasant -

Fri 18 June 1897

George Fisher and I picked up sacks from north field 655 all told -

G. went to town with load in p.m.

John and I finished the job -

Sue took Nellie to train and Mamie Peterson came out for a visit -

Went to Mrs. Greene's to regulate their harvester -

Sat 19 June 1897

Sprinkled at intervals throughout the day - Did not run harvester -

Geo W. took 85 sks grain to town in p.m. got Mary shod -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 58

Herman and I worked in shop -

made transfer car and other things -

Sun 20 June 1897 [Inserted.]

Mamie went to Davis - Sue G. & [?]

Cloudy and sprinkled.

Mon 21 June 1897

George took two loads grain to town and brought two loads lumber back for packing

house -

Went to town to select lumber -

Herman and I laid foundation of building in afternoon.

Joe Divelbess gave notice of quitting.

Nellie went to town - got corn &c from Hiatt.

Tues 22 June 1897

All hands worked on packing house in a.m. It was too damp for harvesting in a.m

Started harvester at noon. - Wm Cook as driver at $2.00 per day -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 59

Went to town and sold 1397 sacks of barley 150962 @ 82 1/2c to John Reith. Poll tax

collector came.

Walter G. Read of Colusa, almond machine manufacturer is in town.

Wed 23 June 1897

Went to Davis - got check for my barley - went to the Dark Shade and Snyder

orchards to see about almond handling devices - and to Wright's to see seed grain

Thurs 24 June 1897

Tinkered in a.m. Sent John to town in p.m with team for rest of pine lumber for

almond house. Mrs. Greene called.

Hazel Hiatt came -

Went to town in p.m. Pail $2.00 poll taxes -- $100. to Hoag on acct -

Almond growers held informal meeting - Read of Colusa is here selling his machinery


Weather damp and foggy

Fri 25 June 1897

Damp morning.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 60

Sue and I went to Sacramento on 10.45 -

Ordered iron for car track, coal &c

Sue shopped for herself and Glen Alpine. Sent 11 stands to Glen Alpine

Out at 7.30 - Supper at Mother's.

It rained a hard shower to the west & north today but did not here.

Sat 27 June 1897

Went to Yolo Orchard. met and dined with Mr. DePue. Went to Woodland

Paid Gibson's bill - got sacks, gravel[?]

home at 9 p.m.

Paid Soon $87.00

Sun 27 June 1897 [Inserted.]

Sue G. Nellie & Soon went to Davis -

Mon 28 June 1897

Went to Sacramento on 6.25 train to look up almond trays

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 61

ordered another shirt for Mason.

Got drugs for Sue - out on 10.05 -

Went to W. S. Knight's and Kincaids looking for seed grain.

Home at 5 p.m.

Mother and Katie Barbe came out for a visit

Tues 29 June 1897

Worked on packing house - put in floor joice and fixed underpinning -

Took Mother and K - home in evening -

Boys finished cutting wheat and moved into east barley field - got 263 sks wheat in

40 acre field.

Wed 30 June 1897

Worked on harvester in a.m.

Went to Davis in p.m. got Chris Brannigan to tend sacks.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 62

Thurs 1 July 1897

Chris Brannigan left before breakfast - Did chores in a.m. Sent[?] John on machine -

Went to Davis in p.m. to meet E. H. Archer of Madison, but missed him as he drove

out with A. J. Plant - to look up post office appointment -

Tended sacks the last two rounds John did chores -

[Entries for Friday and Saturday are in the wrong order on this page. They are put in

right order here.]

Fri 2 July 1897

Worked on packing house. Got some rafters up. Put in new pond gate at N. E.

corner 40 acre lot -

Sat 3 July 1897

Very strong north wind came up in the night and blew until afternoon. Boys started

out and made one round with harvester but had to quit. Geo. & Will hauled grain,

Herman & John drilled holes in track iron until noon. Ran the harvester in p.m.

Went to Davis in p.m. to attend the Almond Growers' meeting - took Gardy and got

toy pistol for him.

Sun 4 July 1897 [Inserted.]

All went to church in evening. Nellie staid at Mother's

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 63

Mon 5 July 1897

Sue, G and I drove to Woodland with double team in surrey to attend the

celebration. It was good home to supper.

Boys finished harvesting and brought machine up -

Tues 6 July 1897

Put away harvester and fixed the harvester building

John R helped Herman on the packing house -

George and Will hauled seed and feed grain -

Went to Davisville - took Mother 6 sacks chicken feed -

Wed 7 July 1897

Went to town early - Bough[t] a Majestic steel range of R. Gude for Glen Alpine and

packed and shipped it - Home at 3.30

- worked on packing house - have all the floor laid and all rafters up.

Sue and Nellie went to Henle's to see about school - found it taken by Miss Pratt. G.

Hauled two loads lumber from Davis - John Reynolds went to Sacramento

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 64

Thurs 8 July 1897

Worked on packing house in a.m.

Geo. Fisher finished hauling grain to town in a.m. and quit at noon.

Geo Walter and Cook finished hauling barley and ground 94 sks finished at 2 p.m.

George then started disk harrow Cook worked on house.

Went to Sacramento to hear W. J. Bryan speak on silver. There was a large crowd -

Staid at Golden Eagle -

Sue Nellie & G. went to Dixon School hunting.

Nellie left for Glen Alpine -

Herman drew $100 and is off for a vacation -

Sat 10 July 1897

John Reynolds came back in evening -

Will and I put on roof boards in a.m. Went to Davis in p.m. took 10 sx chicken feed,

one wheat, 4 ground barley to Mother. - Got iron pipe of Usherwood, lumber shakes

and 834 packages of tray cleats from Pioneer Box Co. - Very warm -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 65

Sun 11 July 1897 [Inserted.]

Very warm.

Mon 12 July 1897

Herman came back at noon. boys finished roof boards and began putting on shakes.

In pm made work bench -

Very warm.

Tues 13 July 1897

Herman and I made trays in a.m. Boys finished roof about 11 a.m and made trays in


Herman made doors in p.m. and put window on north side.

Sue and G and I went to Davis after 6 p.m.- got box soda, barn door hangers &c.

Wed 14 July 1897

Boys finished trays (60) and began drilling holes in track.

Finished track at about 6 p.m. and put hay carrier in order in sheep barn preparatory

to straw hauling -

Went to Davis in a.m. got door track &c -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 66

Thurs 15 July 1897

Started John and Will at straw hauling - went to town early - took 6 rolls butter, sk

spuds and things for Mother - Got track for which I traded, ice, watermelon and 12


Finished putting up doors and began the scaffolding over engine house.

Fri 16 July 1897

Worked on counter shaft over engine

Sat 17 July 1897

Fearful north wind, straw haulers could not work. John fixed fork.

Worked on shafting in a.m. - not satisfactory. John Schmeidt went to town for ice -

took apples - I went in p.m. took apples butter & eggs -

Had almond meeting - The Association sold to J. K. Armsby & Co for: Hatch vanite's

[?] 8 1/2c

Routers & others 6c.

Sun 18 July 1897

Fearful North wind -

Mon 19 July 1897

Strong north wind in a.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 67

Boys could not haul straw in a.m.

Went to Woodland with pulleys and had Faulkner bore them out -

Ordered a Sure Pop almond huller.

Home at 3 p.m.

Gave order for a cold rolled steel shaft.

Tues 20 July 1897

Worked on house - got tracks laid for transfer car.

Sue and G & I went to Davis. Sue & G. staid to meet Eva tomorrow morning

Home at 9.15

Very cool south breeze -

Wed 21 July 1897

John Gray went to Davis for S & G -

Eva did not come.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 68

Put in braces from cellar beams and began sulphur house -

Went to Woodland looking for a China Cook for Glen Alpine -

Left home at 2.20 Ar [?] at W 3.50 - left at 5.25 Ar. Davis 6.25 Home at 7.50 Got

no Chinaman.

Eugene LaRue gave me almond contract [?]

Strong south wind -

Thurs 22 July 1897

Herman and I went to town with big wagon - got load of lumber some oil rope &c

for packing house.

Sue drove in with Surrey - brought G. Gardie and I took train (11 a.m.) for

Sacramento. Got China cook and laundry man and some goods for Glen Alpine.

Spent evening at George Lorenze's.

took 10 p.m. train for Truckee -

Fri 23 July 1897

Arrived at Truckee at 6 a.m. G and I had upper birth. G. said it was a very sociable

place but too hot and too small. Had nice trip and reached Glen Alpine at about 5


Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 69

They have about 20 guests.

Sat 24 July 1897

Worked on stove and put it in after supper - worked until 11 p.m.

Looked after house building. Jack the indian and I ripped 21 1x4 pieces for roof

boards -

Sun 25 July 1897

tinkered some in a.m.

Edith Gardy and I went to Lily lake for a while

Mon 26 July 1897

Worked on cottage

4 went away -

Tues 27 July 1897

Put water into kitchen and fixed glass in dining room door.

Had new man to help and worked on cottage.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 70

6 left

Wed 28 July 1897

Left Glen Alpine at about 10 a.m.

Had pleasant trip and reached Truckee about 7 p.m. There were two wrecks on the

railroad today one at Verdi, a passenger train and one a freight near Dutch Flat.

Thurs 29 July 1897 [This material was mistakenly written in the Wednesday space.]

Reached Davis after a hot and dusty ride about 5.30 Staid at Mother's as Sue did not

come for us.

Fri 30 July 1897 [Written in the space for Thursday.]

Walked home -

Went to Davis with Surrey - took Sue G and Mrs. Eccleston intended to take 11

a.m. train missed it - took 2 p.m

Shopped goods from from W & L. [probably Weinstock and Lubin] and Stoll to G. A.

[Glen Alpine] Out at 7.20 home at 9.15 -

Sat 31 July 1897

Worked on packinghouse - tried sawing wood and laid out packing house fence. Went

to Davis in p.m. to attend almond meeting -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 71

John S. took train and got lumber -

Very warm day - Geo Walter drew $61.00 and took a vacation.

Sun 1 Aug 1897 [Inserted.]

Warm - did not go anywhere.

Mon 2 Aug 1897

Boys finished packing house fence and then sawed wood.

Sue G and I went to town in evening

Tues 3 Aug 1897

Worked on house -

Sue went to Davis -

Wed 4 Aug 1897

Fixed shaft over engine-house and strengthened the house -

Thurs 5 Aug 1897

Helped Herman at packing house in a.m. then went to town -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 72

Sent for 300 ft No 13 galvanized iron wire - Got 12 10 ft RMBoards sk spuds melons

baby cradle &c

looked up hogs in evening -

Will Cook chopped wood in old grove of oaks in slough east of sheep barn -

Fri 6 Aug 1897

Looked up hogs in a.m. then worked on almond separator - tried it after noon - twas a

failure -

made hopper for sacking almonds -

Sat 7 Aug 1897

Worked on almond plant in a.m. Mrs. Greene called got 100 sks -

Sun 8 Aug 1897 [Inserted.]

Some hunters set fire to grass in Hext field and it burned some of Hexts fence and a

little of mine on the line at corner (SW) of orchard.

Mon 9 Aug 1897

Got up hogs - sorted out 20 head for butcher. Sawed wood and tinkered on packing

house rig.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 73

Marks & Lindauer came for horses

sold them Bismarc for $50.00

Tues 10 Aug 1897

Billy Cook took hogs to town - one got down and died - they averaged about 225 and

brought $144.80 gave Mth $20.00

got fish - sheeting for almond sheet load lumber wire &c -

Sewed almond sheet -

Wed 11 Aug 1897

Worked on almond rig in a.m.

J. E. Beach of Routiers came to place an almond huller.

Sue G. & I went to Davis in p.m. with wagon - got wire, rope, melon trash[?] tub &c

Met Joe Wright.

Thurs 12 Aug 1897

Sent John Gray to Davis with the black horse sold to Marks & Lindauer.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 74

Boys fixed fence in a.m.

Fri 13 Aug 1897

Began picking almonds from dying trees in p.m. and tried huller & separator. Hull


separator requires remodeling.

Sent Jo[h]n Gray to Woodland to get shaft bored -

Sat 14 Aug 1897

Remodeled separator - finished picking diseased trees and got 6 sx good almonds

Went to Davis with S. & G. in eve -

Got Marion & Guy Pierce - soda ice &c.

Very warm -

Sun 15 Aug 1897 [Inserted.]

John Schmeidt had brother die -

This is the 9th anniversa[r]y of our marriage -

The years have all been happy ones not withstanding much disappointment, but none

have been happier than the last - Mrs Greene Ella & Charley took dinner with us -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 75

Mon 16 Aug 1897

Worked on almond rig.

Marion went to Davis at 10.45 train and got Mis McAllister of Acouto [?] who comes for

a visit.

Mr. J. E. Beach sent his almond huller here on trial. It came at night.

Tues 17 Aug 1897

Worked with Beache's machine all day. The rig is a failure.

Mr. Beach was here.

Wed 18 Aug 1897

Worked on almond huller of our own. Cleaned up house

It thundered and looked like rain, but only sprinkled a little & stopped picking early -

Sue & girls went to Davis in evening.

Cloudy all day.

Thurs 19 Aug 1897

Very warm day - Worked on new separator.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 76

Girls went to town in evening -

Fri 20 Aug 1897

Warm -

Charley Greene came and spent the evening at Whist -

Sat 21 Aug 1897

Got huller to working does well -

Sue, the boys, & I went to Davis in evening - engaged men to pick almonds -

Mis McAllister left -

Called LaRue's to see Riad's almond huller.

Sun 22 Aug 1897 [Inserted.]

Guy took Soon to town -

My two men came to pick almonds.

Mon 23 Aug 1897

Hulled almonds and tinkered on huller -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 77

Tues 24 Aug 1897

Worked on huller until 10.30

then went to town with Sue to see about wheat market -

- it is a little off 1.55 per cwt -

Hulled almonds in p.m.

Got from town 2 sx flour one spuds. Brought Allie and Morgan out to visit Gardy &

Guy -

- Guy took them home.

Wed 25 Aug 1897

Cool and pleasant -

Worked on huller - Got it to going finely. Made a new screen for top.

Two Spaniards came to shear sheep.

Thurs 26 Aug 1897

Worked on huller got it to going in afternoon and it worked fine -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 78

Gut went to town.

Shearers began on sheep -

Fri 27 Aug 1897

Went to town at 4.30 - Got old telegraph wire, two boxes peaches of Anderson, melons

on some lumber.

Charley Greene called

Soons friend, Mig Lee, of Santa Barbara came and went back with me.

Sat 28 Aug 1897

Guy went to town - Worked on huller

- did not run much in a.m.

- got out about 1200 or 1300 lbs.

- have 20 sks sacked -

Moved Sue's bed into sitting room.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 79

Sun 29 Aug 1897 [Inserted.]

Will Cook drew 5.00

Took Soon to 10.45 train out at 2 p.m. - went to Hammons - got stencils

Mon 30 Aug 1897

Ran huller in a.m.

Went to town in p.m.

John Gray took load of almonds

- shipped with John Anderson -

- car was late

23 sks almonds 2258#

Tues 31 Aug 1897

Ran machine until 11 a.m.

Mother & Katie came out - sent surrey for them - Mrs. Greene and Cal Jackson Mr &

Mrs. LaRue and Frank Chiles came to see separator.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 80

The two old men I had picking almonds quit - got two young men.

Wed 1 Sept 1897

Tom Hext and Mr. Miner came to see machine.

Went to Davis - took wool 559# and mohair 20# shipped to Hulme & Hart S. F.

Got lumber for new separator spuds & sugar - paid Gude for Glen Alpine store - and

Hoag 50.00 on acct.

Thurs 2 Sept 1897

Ran huller & separator

H. M. LaRue and Mr. Reed of Colusa came.

Rained a little in p.m.

Boys stopped picking -

Fri 3 Sept 1897

Sent second load of almonds to town 2032# to Plant's.

Went to Davis in p.m. and signed and sent application for Caveat -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 81

Boys began in new orchard

Finished Nonpareil in old orchard

- about 3 tons.

Sat 4 Sept 1897

Worked at packing house all day - Larke and Lytle came

Boys finished 1. X. L. ["3 trays" inserted above] [Is 1.X.L. a variety of almond? See

notations in September in "Cash Accounts" at end of diary.] & Nonpariel ["2 trays"

inserted above] in new orchard - very light

Began on Ne Plus ultra

Dr Bates called.

Sun 4 Sept 1897 [Inserted.]

Guy & Marion went to Davis

Sue and Marion went to Mrs. Greene's.

Mon 6 Sept 1897

George went to Hershey's for 4 ft wood - got 3 cords. - broke his wagon reach.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 82

Went to Davis - got check from J. W. Anderson $192.01 for almonds.

Went to Woodland and to Hershey's -

- helped load wood - Paid Insurance on house - got coffee, bolts axle grease - fruit

jars pickles &c home at 7 p.m.

Tramps set fire to Mrs. Greene's fence.

Tues 7 Sept 1897

Tinkered until 2 p.m. - then went to Davis -

Shipped 3337# Nonpareil almonds.

Paid Hoffman, harness bill $9.50

Upholsterer is working here

George got second load of wood.

Wed 8 Sept 1897

George got third and last load of wood.

North wind came up moderate.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 83

Had 3 of boys begin picking Neplus.

Went to town in p.m. Got J. W. Anderson to sign check he had overlooked - got two

boxes peaches of Snyder one of Robson.

John Gray went to Woodland -

Eva came for vacation -

Thurs 9 Sept 1897

Pretty strong north wind -

Robt. Currey and Henry came -

Ran through what almonds were picked yesterday. Then began remodelling machine -

Guy went to town and did not return at supper time. John S- and Marion went after

him -

John Gray went to Hiatt's for money due him.

Mrs. Eccleston Sr. was here from Henle's -

Fri 10 Sept 1897

Sent for Mrs. Greene this a.m. but she was in Sacto. Sent for Aunt Myra but did not

get her - sent for a nurse from Fabiola Hospital

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 84

John Gray went for nurse at 7.45 train - Miss Arnold came - Dr & Mrs. Bates called.

Mrs Greene called in evening.

John Anderson called to see separator but it was not in order - Dr Bates staid over

night -

Sat 11 Sept 1897

At 3.40 a.m. (3.40) Sue gave birth to a fine healthy looking boy-

Both Mother and son seem to be doing well. Boy weighs 9 1/2 lbs.

Henry Goodwin and Mr. Clarke called to see separator. Mrs. Greene called in evening


Sun 12 Sept 1897 [Inserted.]

looks rainy -

Mon 13 Sept 1897

Herman was out today, but was not in condition to work.

The Posey Co. Indiana men are no account -

Marion went to town and got Aunt Myra -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 85

Tues 14 Sept 1897

J. H. Harby came to see sheep - engaged some.

Herman sick today.

North wind -

Mrs. Greene called left silver.

Wed 15 Sept 1897

North wind Herman sick.

Boys finished in old orchard on Neplus - began in new -

Harby got 25 sheep -

Boys finished picking NePlus

Thurs 16 Sept 1897

Commenced Peerless almonds in old orchard

Got up hogs to go to town in the a.m. 28 head -

Settled with the two Posey county Indiana men. They were poor sticks.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 86

John Gray went to Davis with 21 sx NePlus 2020#

Herman drew $35.00 and went to Sacramento - he has been sick.

Fri 17 Sept 1897

George Walter and Will Cook took the hogs to town 28 head @ 3 1/2 $160.95

Gardy and I went to Sacramento on 11 a.m. train and went to Fair ground in evening.

Staid at George Lorenz's - all went to Pavillion in evening -

Mother is confined to her bed.

Had Dr. Bates call on Mother.

Sat 18 Sept 1897

Gardy and I shopped in a.m. and went to see stock parade at 10 a.m. Out home on 2


Miss Arnold left today.

Sun 19 Sept 1897 [Inserted.]

Will Cook left - Went to see Mother. Had Dr. Briggs come out to see her. He says

one eye is hopelessly gone.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 87

Mon 20 Sept 1897

Finished up almonds -

George went to town with 21 sx NePlus 1970#

Went down to see Mother - she is much better.

Got case soda and groceries.

Paid W. H. Hampton lumber bill to date $139.65

Tues 21 Sept 1897

John Cecil came with 13 sx Languedoc "sticktights" - ran them through for him but

did not do much for them -

Went to Mr. Currey's in eve.

Saw M. S. & Robt.

Russell's bull was here all night - fought and injured red bull

Set boys to grubbing out dead almond trees.

Wed 22 Sept 1897

Had John turn Russell's bull out on county road.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 88

Boys grubbed almond trees

Went to Davis took 4 rolls butter - Eccleston 2 Expected to meet Maud Lovless but

she did not come -

Mother is much better.

Thurs 23 Sept 1897

Went to Dixon in a.m. on bridge and almond business.

Shot some doves for Sue

Fri 24 Sept 1897

John Gray took 14 1/2 sks. Peerless almonds to town and brought back 1 tank coal

oil 1 tank gasoline 1 bbl lime.

I went with spring wagon

- got soda and some melons and cucumbers that John Cecil had left for me.

Boys finished grubbing trees and began sawing wood.

Sat 25 Sept 1897

Started boys at wood sawing.

The engine did not run well and had them stop and go to chopping dead cottonwood

trees. Went to Woodland with wagon - took Gardie -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 89

- tried to collect of Clifford - got paint for packing house roof &c.

Maud Lovless came -

Sun 26 Sept 1897 [Inserted.]

Chas E Greene spent eve here

Mon 27 Sept 1897

Sawed wood and painted roof.

T. C. Atwood of El Dorado spent the day here -

Tues 28 Sept 1897

Sawed wood -

Went to town late - took coal oil tank - got spuds &c.

Wed 29 Sept 1897

Finished sawing and hauling wood about about [repeated] 11 a.m.

Boys began grinding barley in p.m.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 90

Mr. & Mrs. Dopking came and staid over night.

Thurs 30 Sept 1897

Looks like rain -

Boys ground barley until 4 p.m. when battery gave out and they bluestoned some


John Gray and I painted roof

Went to town late in eve -

took gasoline tank, and 35 almond sx to Eli Snyder - got 5 gals. raw oil melon,

crackers &c John Schmeidt drew $100 and is going to Sacramento tomorrow.

Fri 1 Oct 1897

George took two loads wood, 5 cords, to Mother.

Tinkered about place.

Went to first meeting of euchre club at Mrs Andy Tufts - Took Maud Lovless, Charley

G. took Marion - Mrs La Rue won first prize, ladies I the gentlemen's.

Sat 2 Oct 1897

Boys ground barley - did not quite finish 11 sx. left -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 91

Went to Davis with Gardy -

Staid with Mother until evening as Katie has gone to Sacramento - gave M. $9.00

- got soda, vegetables quince &c.

Ordered new windmill for Mother.

Sun 3 Oct 1897 [Inserted.]

Almost sick with cold -

Light north wind.

Mon 4 Oct 1897

Boys finished grinding - put rig away - Bluestoned wheat -

Quite strong north wind -

Went to Davis in p.m.

Larke put up Mother's windmill

Tues 5 Oct 1897

Cloudy, windy at times, hot -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 92

Sprinkled a little in evening.

Went to Sacramento on 11 a.m. train

out at 5.10 - got sterilizer, hat, towels sox &c.

The girls went to Mrs. Greene's with Charley to spend the evening -

Wed 6 Oct 1897

Dr. Bates and Mis O'Connell came.

Thurs 7 Oct 1897

Went to Oakland on early train

- got plaster casts for wedding presents

- went to San Francisco at 1 p.m. Sent present to Miss Buneman-Childs

Attended wedding reception of Childs-Buneman - later went to the Baldwin Theater

Friend from India -

Staid at Grand Hotel No. 266 -

Got overcoat from Emporium.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 93

Fri 8 Oct 1897

Went to Oakland at 9.30 Saw Davis -

went to San Leandro - back at 6.30 -

attended Alcazar - Flats of Paris

Sat 9 Oct 1897

Did shopping in a.m. Got an evening suit of Hastings -

Attended the U. C. Reception for Mrs. Hearst at Hopkins art institute.

Sun 10 Oct 1897 [Inserted.]

Went to Cliff House in a.m.

home on 4 oclock train.

John Reynolds met me -

Mon 11 Oct 1897

George is disc harrowing in last barley field.

John R is pruning old orchard -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 94

John Schmeidt is hauling manure.

Tues 12 Oct 1897

Tinkered about place in a.m.

Sprinkled a little in a.m.

Put the extra hay in the cow barn in p.m.

Sue and girls went to Mrs. Greenes

Wed 13 Oct 1897

Herman came back tonight

Sue went with me to see Mother - Sue's first visit to Davis since baby came.

Thurs 14 Oct 1897

Sue Gardy and I went to Sacramento shopping -

Fri 15 Oct 1897

Strong north wind -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 95

Herman began sowing barley on volunteer ground -

Sue, the girls and I attended the meeting of the Euchre club at Mrs. LaRue's.

Sat 16 Oct 1897

Aunt Myra left - Went to Woodland on train. did some shopping - got 20% off on

goods owing to Weinstock and Lubin excursion.

Charley G. took girls to Woodland - back 3 a.m.

[Added at foot of page: 16 Got 5 gals. paint of Mother]

Sun 17 Oct 1897 [Inserted.]

Mrs. Peart and Edith came -

Mon 18 Oct 1897

Tinkered in a.m. Went to Davis in p.m. took double team and surrey. The girls and

Gardy went too. All went to see game of baseball between Davisville nine and the

Boston Bloomer Girls - twas a fake. - the girls could not play at all.

Charlie and Guy came and took the girls to a dance at Lillard House.

Tues 19 Oct 1897

Went to Mr. Currey's and engaged grapes for vinegar -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 96

Mrs. Robson came out and brought Mother and Katie

Wed 20 Oct 1897

Boys finished hauling brush from orchards. Three of us got a load of grapes from Mr.


-boys got another in p.m.

Went to Davis in p.m. got freight from Woodland oil &c.

Boys burned northwest field of stubble.

Charlie took girls to Miss Maddux's for evening.

Thurs 21 Oct 1897

Rained more than half the day -

made vinegar -

Walter Mastin came for money for breeding - gave him $17.50

George and Herman worked in shop.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 97

Fri 22 Oct 1897

Got up another team and started two teams to harrowing in east field -

Sue and I went to Davis in p.m.

- got haim[?] straps collar pads &c -

Sprinkled in evening and rained much of night -

Bradshaw and Fred Craig died.

Sat 23 Oct 1897

Rained considerable - most all forenoon. Geo. Walter drew all of his wages and went

to Sacramento

tinkered - shot 2 quail & 2 cottontails.

Sun 24 Oct 1897 [Inserted.]

Manie, Maud, Gardy & I went to Davis - attended Bradshaw's funeral -

This is Mother's 76th birthday and we took things down for a dinner -

Mon 25 Oct 1897

Started John Schmeidt with George's team

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 98

John R. is hauling gravel to horse corral.

Tues 26 Oct 1897

George came back last night

- got up another team and started old harrow with 6 animals

Went to Davis on a.m. back at noon.

Wed 27 Oct 1897

Began sowing in N. W cor of Mother's field -

Gardy rode out on Kelpie, when he returned he rode about corrals

- finally fell off and broke both bones of his left arm near wrist - at 12 M. John

Reynolds and I took Gardy in Surrey to Woodland in one hour and fourteen minutes.

Drs. Lawhead and [name not given] set arm: The boy took chloroform and stood the

trip and trial bravely.

Thurs 28 Oct 1897

Sowed wheat all day - finished all north of wire fence.

Fri 29 Oct 1897

Sue's birthday. - she baby G and I went to Mother's.

Baby's first visit to Davisville

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 99

Sat 30 Oct 1897


Sun 31 Oct 1897 [Inserted.]

Took Gardy to Woodland to have Dr. Lawhead see the broken arm. The Dr. put steel

clamps on and rebandaged it - Took dinner at Mrs. Pearts.

Mon 1 Nov 1897

Finished sowing 100 acre piece in east field at noon.

In p.m. John Schmeidt John Rand and I got Greene's old harvester and put it to

north end of Mother's barn.

Took evergreens &c to Mrs. Greenes.

Tues 2 Nov 1897

John Gray and I went to Mr. Currey's and picked two boxes grapes and I took them to

Mrs. Greene's.

Went to Davis in p.m. and got Mother, Katie & Mrs. Eccleston.

Wed 3 Nov 1897

North wind. Mother, Sue, Marion and I went to Ella Greene's wedding

- very swell.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 100

Mrs. Eccleston staid with baby -

- took Mrs Eccleston to Anton Henle's -

Sowed small three cornered piece of summerfallow near Miller place.

Thurs 4 Nov 1897

Looks like rain - Took Mother and Katie home in a.m.

Sold two crops of wheat 96th & 97 to John Reith Jr. of Davisville -

got $1.32 1/2 per cwt for 100 tons old $1.35 for 125 tons new.

Got box soda, spuds apples quinces &c.

Boys finished cross harrowing summerfallow -

Fri 5 Nov 1897

North wind. Fixed pump at windmill - had to get new pipe and new cylinder for it -

John Schmeidt got 20 sx wheat from Davis for seed; pump extras &c -

Stored the Greene harvester

- got in harrow. Got two more gavel wagons to going.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 101

John Gray drew 80.00 and is going to Sac. tomorrow

Put 3 loads gravel on road -

Sat 6 Nov 1897

John Reynolds drew $225 [could this be $2.25?] goes to Sac.

Ran three wagons on road graveling

21 loads today - Tried to burn stubble but it sprinkled a little about noon.

Sally mare died - Wind mill out of order.

Marion went with Guy Miner to dance -

Sun 7 Nov 1897 [Inserted.]

hauled Sally out - fixed pump -

Soon went to town - lost the dogs [?] -

Sue and I went riding about fields -

shot at geese. Marion & Charley went riding.

Mon 8 Nov 1897

Began repairing foundation of tank house.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 102

Went to Davis in p.m. got two jack screws Hext's & LaRue -

Paid Hext note for $200, and int. 24.

" Plant insurance storage & weighing 57.34

" Diggs $225. on acct -

Got apples quinces &c.

Got in last harrow -

Boys hauled 21 load gravel -

Ed McMillan called.

Tues 9 Nov 1897

Herman and I worked on tank house. Sent John Gray to Davis for lumber nails, files

& tar -

Sue went to Davis - saw Yen -

- he is coming back to work for us. He has just returned from China.

Boys hauled 21 loads gravel.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 103

Wed 10 Nov 1897

Went to Sacramento on 7.20 train

Got coal, harrow teeth clips &c of W & Lester

20 sks spuds, 1 sweet [potatoes?], 1 beans of Caheen[?] & co.

boots, overalls, Kitchen utensils &c of W & Lubin.

Paid interest at Sacto bank for self and Mother.

Thurs 11 Nov 1897

Worked on tank house.

Sue, Manie and baby went to the Ladie's Aid meeting at Mrs. LaRue's.

This is Gardie's 6th birthday. Sue had extra dinner for him, which he very much

enjoyed -

Fri 12 Nov 1897

John Gray and I went to Davis for freight from Sacto only spuds and beans came 21

sx spuds 1 sk sweets [potatoes?] 1 sk beans

Got lumber for tank house apples sk salt fish & vegetables

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 104

Mother, Mrs. Eccleston Katie and the new minister called. also Katie & Mr Tuttle.

Paid Miner Larke & Hoag - gave Church $25.00

Sat 13 Nov 1897

Went to Woodland - took Gardie to the doctor's - had new splints put on his arm.

Manie went too.

John Gray got goods from W & Lubin

Sun 14 Nov 1897 [No entry.]

Mon 15 Nov 1897

Boys began graveling on road near LaRue's.

Worked on tank house.

Tues 16 Nov 1897

Have a fearful cold. Worked on tank house.

Wed 17 Nov 1897

Went to Davis - got surface R.W. 164 [?] corn oysters &c.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 105

Thurs 18 Nov 1897

Went to Sacto on 10.30 train

Marion drove me down.

Got harrow stuff of Waterhouse & Lester.

- attended afternoon and evening sessions of fruit grower's convention.

Fri 19 Nov 1897

Attended Fruit Grower's Convention

- got onions, squash and a bill from W & L - out on 5.10 train.

Marion met me.

Sat 20 Nov 1897

Sprinkled in a.m. Went to town in p.m. for freight - got only part of it. Herman drew

$30. and went to Sacramento.

Sun 21 Nov 1897 [Inserted.]

All boys went away for the day -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 106

Guy Miner and Marion went to Dixon.

Mon 22 Nov 1897

Two boys hauled gravel at LaRue's fourteen loads.

George and Herman have not returned

Tues 23 Nov 1897

Rained last night and today at intervals.

Took 5 1/2 doz. chickens to Davis - sold to Hoag @3.50

Boys are cleaning up granary

George got home last night.

Wed 24 Nov 1897

Put away almond track

Boys hauled gravel in p.m.

Thurs 25 Nov 1897

Thanksgiving. Cold north wind

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 107

had Mother & Katie out to dinner -

Boys hauled gravel to corral.

Fri 26 Nov 1897

Butchered 11 hogs. Very cold.

Two boys hauled grave to corral in p.m.

Sat 27 Nov 1897

Took Gardie to Woodland

had splints taken off his arm.

Marion went - had tooth filled -

Sun 28 Nov 1897 [No entry.]

Mon 29 Nov 1897

Boys hauled gravel on private road

Cut up hogs. 11 head -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 108

Tues 30 Nov 1897

Made sausage. 120#

Sue & Manie went to town

took meat to Mother Walter [?] M. Schmidt & On Lee.

Herman came back this evening

Wed 1 Dec 1897

Fearful north wind - worst of the season.

Salted part of meat

Went to Winters and addressed the Farmer's Institute on "Is Farming up to date?"

Good attendance.

Thurs 2 Dec 1897

Strong north wind. Two boys hauled gravel to public road -

Went to Davis in p.m. settled with Scott L & Bower[?], paid $86.10

settled with Harby received 67.70

Paid Dr. Bates $40.00

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 109

Sent demand against county for gravel hauling $148.00 got chicken coops soda &c.

Sent cake to Mrs. Robson.

Fri 3 Dec 1897

Three boys began hauling gravel from Bank land pit to La Rue's vineyard, patching.

Finished odds & ends of butchering - shot a quail

- took [misspelled "tooks"] boys dinner to them.

Sat 4 Dec 1897

Boys hauled 21 loads to La Rues -

Went to Davis in p.m.

Sun 5 Dec 1897 [No entry.]

Mon 6 Dec 1897

Boys finished hauling gravel at noon. Went to Greene's and engaged road scraper.

Discharged George Waller at noon.

John Schmeidt and I ran road scraper, ditching in east field -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 110

Tues 7 Dec 1897

John and I plowed & ditched in a.m. In p.m it rained.

Wed 8 Dec 1897

John S- washed and oiled harness -

R pruned in p.m.

Gardy and I went to Sacramento -

got large bill of goods from W & L -

Thurs 9 Dec 1897

Went to Sac'to on 10.30 train with Marion to Mrs Reith's afternoon at cards - pleasant


- did some shopping - got pipings for harness glove box &c. Out on 4.20 train.

John Schmidt is oiling & washing harness. John R. Pruned and salted meat in p.m.

Herman in shop -

Fri 10 Dec 1897

Got ready for Euchre club. Went to town in p.m. got soda steak &c

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 111

Sue had things very nice for euchre club meeting - the night was beautiful and the

party pleasant -

John Gray went to Woodland to see about his friend, Fred, who committed suicide in

San Francisco.

Sat 11 Dec 1897

Plowed drain ditches in a.m.

Tried plowing in p.m. in two fields -

Sun 12 Dec 1897 [Inserted.]

Went to town with Gardy & Yen - got man to drive team.

Dr & Mrs. Lawhead, Mrs Peart & Lloyd came and took dinner.

Mon 13 Dec 1897

Started three teams at winter plowing on hay ground north of orchard -

Foggy all day -

Tues 14 Dec 1897

Rained last night - did not plow -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 112

Herman worked in shop -

Had John S. take me to Davis with double team - got W. & L. freight

- Mother' matting

Went to Woodland on 10.45 train to Grand Jury - was chosen Foreman

J. E. LaRue Secretary. Jury adjourned to meet at call of foreman.

Rode to North gate with J. E. LaRue

Wed 15 Dec 1897

North wind - took Sue Manie Gardie and Dixwell [the new baby boy] - to Davis to

Ladies Aid Fair. Manie staid

- got home at 5.30

Thurs 16 Dec 1897

Got harrows into field. fixed barn

meat &c. got bacon to smoking -

Sue went for Marion - I took care of baby -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 113

Fri 17 Dec 1897

Sue and Gardy went to Sacramento.

John G. took her to 10.30

I went for her at 7.30.

Sat 18 Dec 1897

Boys finished plowing in hay field early in a.m. 7 oclock and moved to east field.

Went for Eva but she did not come at 7.45 as agreed.

Sun 19 Dec 1897 [Inserted.]

Eva came at 7.45

John Schmeidt went for her

Mon 20 Dec 1897

Went to Woodland with Sue.

Addressed the teacher's Institute on course of Study -

Staid at Mrs Peast's and Sue, Edith & I attended theatre "South before the War"

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 114

Tues 21 Dec 1897

Saw Grand Jury experts Went home in p.m. Called at Blower's on

way -

Wed 22 Dec 1897

Went to Davis - got soda Xmas things &c

Lloyd Peart came staid over night

Thurs 23 Dec 1897

Lloyd and Manie took Prince and drove to Woodland to "Entre Nous" entertainment.

Went to Davis shipped goods to N. Gilmore & N. Galt -

Gave Dr Bates a turkey -

Fri 24 Dec 1897

Fixed Xmas tree.

G & I went to Davis - got Mother

Had tree in dining room -

'Twas nice. Magic lantern later -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 115

Lloyd and Manie came at noon.

Sat 25 Dec 1897

Mrs. Greene & Charlie came to dinner and staid until evening.

Weather fine - dry & cold.

Sun 26 Dec 1897 [Inserted.]

Took Mother home - went to church - Mr. Eccleston's last sermon -

Fred & Lutie Huntington here for dinner - Charlie and Manie went riding after dinner.

J. Schmeidts' Father & sister are sick J. went home.

Mon 27 Dec 1897

Sue and I went to Woodland to attend the meeting of the Yolo County Fruit Growers. -

was chosen President

Took dinner at the Blowers home -

Anna Murphy, Markham The Thomas' R. D. Stephens & J. A. Filcher were there.

Home at 6.30.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 116

Tues 28 Dec 1897

Went to Davis early - home at noon.

Mr. Cooper of Winters came and engaged 8 hogs for pork @ 3.75 -

Wed 29 Dec 1897

Took Marion to 10.45 train going to Sacramento shopping -

Thurs 30 Dec 1897

Sue and I went to Davis in p.m. got letter of acceptance of invitation to spend New

Year with us -

Boys finished plowing in north field about 4 p.m - got one round on 165 step land next

county road.

John R. is plowing family orchards.

Fri 31 Dec 1897

Moved vinegar to cellar and garret -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 117

Memoranda [p. 1]

There was a great deal of fog during the winter and very frequent light showers.

There were some heavy north winds about April 1st.

We experienced an unusual amount of heat in April -

The long continued damp and cold (not frosty) weather was injurious to fruit and the

almond orchards did not set full.

April 22 & 23 the north wind blew a gale, fearful on the 22nd, and about one fourth of

the almonds were lost - blown off -

Only light sprinkle of rain in April

Heavy and frequent north winds

Grain crops were light

Almonds first crop for orchard about seven (7) tons sold @ 8 1/2 c.

Baby Dixwell born Sept 11.

Very little rain up to New Year

- have winter plowing done - no sowing -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 118

Am summerfallowing - quite dry -

Memoranda [p.4]

[In pencil]: Almond Growers -

P. D Bane Orland Glen Co 66 acres.

Cash Account [p.1]


1 Bright day - with wind.

Began pruning almond orchard -

2 Sue won first prize at Euchre Club

Sprinkled 4 Sprinkled in afternoon.

5 On Grand Jury -

Foggy 6 " " Very foggy -

" 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

8 new man came to prune -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 119

Rained 12 & 13 Rained

14 South wind -

" 16 Rained a little

Euchre Club at Mrs. Plant's - won 1st prize.

Foggy 18 Went to Woodland for harrow

Rained 19 Got new 120 tooth harrow -

20 Went to Sacto to Legislative Committee.

" Began sowing barley -

21 [in margin with ditto marks below it, possibly indicating it rained

that day.]

Foggy 22 Finished sowing wheat -

" 23 Almond Growers held first meeting in Davis -

Rain 24 Rained .27 of an inch last night.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 120

25 Sue and I attended Nordica Concert -

26 Lobbied in Legislature -

Rain 27 Sowed barley - rained in p.m.

" 28 Attended Committee on Constitution A. G. A. [Almond

Growers Association]

" 29 " [Meaning of ditto unclear.] Marion came back from

Kts [Knight's] Landing

" 30 Almond Growers organized - elected Committeeman.

" 31

Cash Account [p. 2]


Rain 1 Soon went to China New Years -

Went to Sacramento on University business

" 2 Sun shone 1/2 day - a rarity.

" 3 Tried to sell Bismark -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 121

" 4 All attended Edith Humphrey's party

" 5 " " Eastern Star Whist -

6 Finished pruning orchard -

Rain 7 " " vines -

10 Ground barley -

Foggy - 11 Foggy - set out prune trees.

12 Went to Sacramento with Sue -

Euchre at Mrs. Gallagher's - won 1st prize

13 Finished setting out trees & vines -

Rain 14

16 Rained in p.m.

18 " 19 " Snowed on Coast Range.

17 University 1 cent extra tax passed -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 122

22 Eva returned to Oakland. Began plowing.

26 Euchre at Dr. Bates C Greene won prize

Rain 28

Cash Account [p. 3]


Rain 1 Went to Sacramento

" 2

4 Sue went to Sacramento - bought dress.

Mr. Gilmore went home.

sold turkies 11c.

Rain 5 Began sowing & harrowing rained hard

" 6 Rained most all day -

8 " " " "

John McLeod left -

9 Finished hauling brush from east orchard.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 123

10 Sue went to Sacramento.

Bronson's boy suicided at Davis.

11 Finished sowing barley -

12 Beaux Ideal Euchre Club held meeting here

13 Marion Russell - choreman, left -

16 Ground barley -

Rain " It rained most all afternoon -

17 Began plowing orchard -

" 18 Sprinkled

" 19 "

" Kate, Ella & Col. Jackson called -

20 " " " & Charlie spent the evening here

Finished with big teams in old orchard

22 Began summerfallowing -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 124

23 Finished with big teams in new orchard

22 Manie went to Knights Landing

26 Euchre club met at Mrs. Andersons. Dr. Bates won.

Rain 24 Rained toward night and in night

Finished with single plows in old orchard -

29 Had crown tooth put on by Dr. Grant.

30 Stopped summerfallowing - too wet -

Rain 31 Finished first plowing in orchards -

Rained in evening -

29 Got new buggy - traded old one to M. Diggs.

Cash Account [p. 4]


2 Went to Sacto. Drew $500 from Sacto. Bank.

4 The Lorenzes came and gave us a horse and surrey.

wind 7 Fearful north wind. Paid 2d inst. taxes.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 125

Put in pump for Mother.

8 Started creek pump -

12 Began shearing sheep -

Peter Moy came.

[In the margin from the 13th through the 19th, Pierce has a note: "Very warm.]

13 Sold Mrs. Greene a Harvester.

14 Larke put in kitchen ventilator.

15 Papered sitting room.

16 Beauty went to Davis - [Breeding]

19 Larney " " " "

20 Finished summerfallowing.

Rain 19 Rained a little - Fixed Mrs. McDonald's gas engine

21 Began replowing orchard

Fearful 22 Fearful north wind - almonds gone.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 126

wind Cleaned house for Mother -

23 Euchre club at Mrs. Miner's. Sue won 1st prize.

24 Sue, Mother & G went to Sacramento

Almond growers held meeting.

27 Finished replowing orchards.

28 Sue had Ladies' Aid Society.

30 Sue and I attended Mutual club meeting given by

Dr. & Mrs. Lawhead at Hotel Julian -

Cash Account [p. 5]


1 Strong north wind

wind 2 :" " '

Dug out 63 dead trees from old orchard.

3, 4, & 5 Put grousers on harvester wheel.

5 Mother spent day at ranch.

Began haying.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 127

Wind 7 North wind Attended Band picnic.

8 " " Almond Growers meet -

9 " "

10 " "

11 " "

12 Attended Alumni Banquet at California Hotel.

10 Nellie Galt came

12 Jesse Whited came -

17 Calf broke its neck

18 Mrs. P. had card party.

" Mack, dog, died.

Wind " & 19 Strong north wind

20 Nettie Riebsam came.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 128

21 Attended K of P. [Knights of Pythias] picnic at


22 Went to Woodland - Manie staid

24 Unloaded Greene's harvester.

27 Weise's harvester came -

26 Attended Nettie Marden's card party

28 Finished hauling hay -

27 Ann Murphy came -

30 Nellie Galt came -

Cash Account [p. 6]


Wind 1 Set up Jack Weise's harvester

" 2 North wind Stock on summerfallow

" 3 Drew $252.80 of M's from Sacto Bank -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 129

" 4 & 5

7 Started harvest - Eva came -

8 Jack Weise's harvester -

9 Fixed Mother's windmill.

11 Finished threshing barley field

got 1468 sks on short 90 acres -

" Sue & Eva went to Sacramento.

12 Marked Tom's calves -

Rain 14 Sprinkled at intervals

15 Eva & Talcott Fisher left for the mountains.

18 Finished north field 655 sks hauled them.

Rain 19 Sprinkled built transfer car

" 20 "

Mamie Peterson left -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 130

21 Began building packing house.

22 Sold 1,397 sks barley @ 82 1/2 1245.43

23 Went to Yolo & Snyder orchards.

24 Almond growers met Read of Colusa.

25 Sue & I went to Sacramento

26 Went to Yolo Orchard & Woodland -

28 " " Sacramento

Mother came for a visit -

29 Finished cutting wheat -

Cash Account [p. 7]


1 Chris Brannigan staid over night.

2 Got up first rafters on packing house

Wind 3 Fearful north wind -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 131

5 Went to Woodland to celebration

Finished harvesting -

7 Bought range of R. Gude for Glen Alpine.

8 Finished hauling grain to town.

" Went to Sacto to hear W. J. Bryan speak.

10 Got tray cleats for almond trays.

15 Finished packing house.

" Began straw hauling.

17 The Davisville Almond Growers Association Sold the

crop to J. K. Armsby & Co 8 1/2 c.

Wind " Fearful north wind -

19 " " "

" Ordered a "Sure Pop" Almond huller

" " steel shafting for packing house.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 132

20 Laid first track at " "

21 Looked for cook for Glen Alpine -

22 Went to Glen Alpine with Gardy -

30 Returned from " " " "

Cash Account [p. 8]


1 Built drying yard fence -

6 Tried new almond separator - failure.

7 Jack Weise paid 1st inst on harvester.

8 Creek fire on Hext [word missing] - burned some


9 Sold Bismark for $50.00

10 " 19 hogs 3 3/8 - $144.80

" Got sheeting for almonds

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 133

11 Made almond picker -

13 Began picking almonds -

Tried new huller & separator.

14 Marion Galt came back brought Guy Pierce.

15 Anniversary of wedding.

16 Miss McAllister came.

17 Tried Beaches almond separator -

Rain 18 Thunderstorm & sprinkle

Warm 19 Very warm.

25 Marion's birthday - 21 years old -

21 Miss McAllister left

25 Almond huller works fine -

28 Moved Sue's bed down stairs.

30 Made first shipment of Almonds -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 134

31 Mother came out to see separator.

Mrs. Greene Col Jackson Mr & Mrs LaRue & Frank Chiles also


Cash Account [p. 9]


1 Sent 539# wool & 20# Mohair to Hulme & Hart.

3 " 2d load almonds to town 2032

Finished Nonpareil in old orchard 3 tons

Began 1 XL. [not sure of this. Does it indicate

variety?] in new

4 Finished 1 X.L. & Nonpareil in new orchard

Began on NePlus -

Rain 2 Rained a little in p.m.

6.4.8 Hauled 4 ft wood from Cache creek.

7 Shipped 3337 lbs almonds.

North 8 Eva came.


10 Miss Arnold nurse came.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 135

11 A fine looking boy baby 9 1/2 lbs came to us at 3.40 a.m.

Cloudy -

15 Sold 25 sheep to Harby @ $2.50 each

" Finished NePlus almonds.

17 Sold 28 head hogs @3 1/2 $160.95

" Mother is sick in bed -

" Gardy and I went to State Fair.

19 Will Cook left.

20 Shipped last load of NePlus almonds.

" Finished hulling and separating "

21 John Cecil brought some almonds.

" Russell's bull came and did damage

24 Shipped last lot of almonds.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 136

Cash Account [p. 10]


1 Took two loads wood to Mother

" 1st euchre party of season - won.

2 Ground barley -

4 Put up new windmill for Mother.

Rain 5 Went to Sacramento - got sterilizer.

7 " " San Fran. & Chiles Buneman reception.

9 " " Hearst reception.

Rain 12 Light sprinkle.

13 Sue went to Davis first time.

14 Sue, G and I went to Sacramento.

Wind 15 All attended Euchre club at Mrs. LaRue's.

16 Aunt Myrna left. - Went to Woodland.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 137

17 Mrs. Peart and Edith came.

18 Saw Boston Bloomer Girls play ball.

19 Mother spent day here.

20 Got grapes of Mr. Currey for vinegar.

Rain 21 Made vinegar Rain 1/2 day -

22 Began harrowing summerfallow.

Rain 23 Geo. Walter went to Sacramento

22 Bradshaw & Fred Craig died.

Rain 23 Mothers 76th birthday

27 Began sowing summerfallow

" Gardy broke his left arm took him to Woodland.

29 Sue's birthday - dined with Mother.

31 Took Gardy to Woodland

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 138

Cash Account [p. 11]


1 Got Greene's old harvester in winter quarters.

2 Mother, Katie & Mrs Eccleston came.

Wind 3 Ella Greene was married.

4 Sold two crops wheat old @$1.32 1/2 new $1.35

" 5 Put new cylinder in windmill pump -

Began graveling county road.

6 Sally, mare, died

Rain Burned stubble - sprinkled

8 Fixing foundation to tank house.

Paid Hext note. Plant & Diggs.

9 Sue engaged Yen to cook for us again.

10 Got winter supplies in Sacramento.

Paid interest at Sacto Bank.

11 Gardie's birthday - 6 years old -

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 139

Sue, Manie & baby went to Mrs. LaRue's.

18 Went to Fruit Grower's Convention

Rain 20 Sprinkled

" 23 "

25 Mother dined with us -

26 Butchered 11 hogs.

27 Gardy had splints taken off arm.

29 Cut up meat.

30 Made sausage 120#

Cash Account [p. 12]


Wind 1 Fearful north wind

" Addressed Farmer's Institute Winters.

" 2 Settled with butchers & Dr. Bates

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 140

6 Finished hauling gravel on public road.

Rain 7 Ditched in east field.

8 Gardy and I went to Sac. shopping.

9 Marion & I went " " Mrs. Reiths party.

10 Had Davis Euchre club meet here.

13 Began winter plowing -

14 Was chosen Foreman of Grand Jury -

15 Ladies Fair at Davis.

17 Sue and G. went to Sacramento

18 Eva came -

20 Addressed teacher's Institute Woodland.

23 Shipped goods to N. Gilmore & N. Galt.

24 Had Xmas tree at home.

Transcription of George Pierce Jr. Diary from UC Davis Special Collections Page 141

" Mother came out -

25 " Mrs & Charley Greene & Eva took dinner with

us -

26 Mother went home -

27 Fruit Growers meeting at Woodland.

28 Went to Winters.

30 Began plowing summerfallow -

[Next to the last page of the diary: "November 1898"]

Loads of gravel hauled on county road.

5 3 loads.

6 21 "
