UCAS accommodation search...with existing students who are looking for their next move. Add colour...


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UCAS accommodation search

It’s competitive and dynamic, has markets that are local, national, and global, is target-driven but very personal – could the student accommodation market be any more challenging?

UCAS’ accommodation search is a way of searching for rooms, based on their personal needs, and with information to support their decision. A service which, using our brand, strengthens the connection between students and higher education providers – right from the start of their research in year 12, and on throughout their higher education journey.

80% of students told us that student accommodation influenced their choice of university or college. Students told us, as they trust UCAS to help them find their ideal course, couldn’t we help them find their ideal home from home?


67% of students told us they had to move

home for their first year of study

OVER 84% of students researching

ucas.com accommodation pages searched

for undergraduate accommodation

UCAS accommodation search brings together our unique connection with students – and our understanding of the moments that matter to them, with a service that delivers results for accommodation providers.

Flexibility is central to the proposition – providers have full control over what they promote, and when they promote – and the reassurance of a service that adjusts to local accommodation markets.

It brings together nationally accredited university and private student accommodation – offering transparency for students and a unique marketing opportunity for you.


700,000 students each year

apply through UCAS

UCAS engages with

1M+ students already

at university

Embed your brand into their thinkingRight at the start of their decision-making journey.

Highlight your USPPromote at a micro-level what you have on offer.

Deliver resultsMarket the rooms and campuses you need to, and proactively manage your vacancies.

Provide local contextGive clarity around the availability and types of accommodation available locally.

Influence the influencers76% of first year students and applicants say their parents were involved in their accommodation choice. We can help you reach them earlier.

Reach the moversUse the strength and trust in our brand to connect with existing students who are looking for their next move.

Add colour and personalityHighlight the experience and support available from your accommodation, and not just the features.


Student/parents link from ucas.com

website or from other media source

Enquiry form, contact details, and links to

take student/parents to accommodation


UCAS accommodation search website

Search by university

Summary of properties relating to the search.

Full information on a selected property and room.

Search by campus

Search by location


An intuitive search allows students to look for rooms using the terms that make sense to them. Increasing the likelihood of your rooms being surfaced.

Informative listings represent the local accommodation market, and provide a transparent view of exactly what you have available.

Support in decision-making is provided through information and advice from both experts and students – giving students the clarity they have asked for.

A clear booking link through to every provider ensures students understand the process they need to follow and where they need to go for more advice.


UCAS’ connection with students allows us to embed your message with their journey to, into, and through higher education. We’re perfectly placed to understand what students want, and where there are opportunities to influence your outcomes.

700,000 students each year

apply through UCAS

63% of students said the

standard of their accommodation is very important for

their wellbeing

UCAS engages with

1M+ students already

at university

45% of second and

third year parents have no involvement

in choosing accommodation

67% of students told us they had to move

home for their first year of study

They want to be in the RIGHT PLACE, in GOOD QUALITY

accommodation, and with FACILITIES and COMMUNITIES that

add value to that experience

OVER 84% of students researching

ucas.com accommodation pages searched

for undergraduate accommodation

It’s more than price and location

– it’s about the



To ensure you benefit from the extra reach that ucas.com/accommodation will bring, get in touch with our team:

Caroline Cowdrey

Senior Account Manager 01242 223 779c.cowdrey@ucas.ac.uk

Stephen Cleal

Account Managers.cleal@ucas.ac.uk

Bethany Lynch

Account Managerb.lynch@ucas.ac.uk
