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We recognise our responsibilities to all our stakeholders. We are committed to incorporating social and environmental concerns into our business operations.


This document summarises our UK Corporate Social Responsibility policies and initiatives in five key areas: clients, people, community, environment and suppliers.


Our highest priority is delivering high quality and cost effective solutions

that meet our clients’ needs. This is supported by our four guiding values

- quality and innovation; results driven advice; clear communication;

commitment and continuity to clients - which are embraced by everyone

at LCP. The high quality of our work is achieved through a combination

of the quality of our people, our investment in training, and our rigorous

review procedures. An important way we measure success is through

feedback from clients, both informally and through our client care

programme and client satisfaction surveys.

It is vital that we maintain the highest standards of professionalism

and ethics in every thing we do. To support this, we have a number of

committees that develop, maintain and monitor our office standards as

well as providing guidance on ethical issues.

LCP has a Responsible Investment Group which considers the implications

of environmental, social and governance issues on the investment advice

we give our clients.

LCP UK Corporate Social Responsibility policy


3LCP UK Corporate Social Responsibility policy

Our peopleWe believe it is important that LCP is an enjoyable place to work for all

our people - this forms part of our strategic vision for the firm. Our aim

is to offer exciting and challenging opportunities enabling our people to

develop personally and professionally. We have a friendly and supportive

culture, and an active social committee which organises regular events

that are subsidised by LCP.

LCP is committed to providing equal opportunities in recruitment, training

and promotion, whatever the individual’s gender, age, religion or belief,

race, disability, sexual orientation and employment status. We consider

only the individual’s aptitudes and abilities and the requirements of the

job or business. At LCP we believe equal opportunities are as much to do

with celebrating diversity as with combating unlawful discrimination or


LCP is dedicated to the development of each person within the firm. We

provide training and mentoring programmes to ensure everyone has the

skills, knowledge and tools to make their career at LCP a success. We

encourage continuous feedback within teams. We also invest a lot of time

in our appraisal system, which provides people with more formal feedback

on their performance, helps them set objectives for the year ahead, and

encourages them to discuss career plans and progression.

We recognise that health and wellbeing are key to engaging and

motivating people. We offer a range of benefits to promote these and

facilitate work-life balance, including childcare vouchers, a ‘cycle to work’

initiative, and a confidential staff helpline offering free advice. We operate

a flexible working policy for staff with caring responsibilities and provide

remote working technology where appropriate.

Internal communication is important at LCP. We use a variety of channels

including informal meetings, team forums, our intranet site (LCPi), emails,

notice boards and annual management presentations. Through these

channels we discuss developments, ideas and information, and offer the

chance to give feedback and make suggestions.

We are a people business. CSR is at the heart of how we interact with our clients, our people, the environment and the local community.

James Trask



Community and public interestWe facilitate employees’ fundraising efforts for a wide range of charities

both in and out of the office. Fundraising events have included marathons,

quiz nights, sponsored bike rides and walks, cake sales and raffles.

We support schools near our Winchester office, providing work experience

placements, sponsoring prizes for academic excellence and participating

in schools’ business projects.

LCP has representatives on over 20 different external professional

committees and groups, including ones organised by the Association

of Consulting Actuaries, the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and the

Society of Pension Consultants. In this way, LCP shares its knowledge and

expertise with others in its industries, contributing to policy development

and the public interest.

EnvironmentWe believe that the nature of our business is such that we have a relatively

low impact on the environment. Nonetheless, we have an ongoing

commitment to reducing our impact on the environment. Our work in this

area is led by the ‘Green Team’, with support from the partnership.

Much of our environmental impact is through the day-to-day actions of

our people as they carry out their roles. For this reason, staff awareness

and engagement is critical. We have a network of Green Champions who

lead by example and encourage their colleagues to follow. Other initiatives

include a dedicated environmental area of our intranet and a regular Green

News bulletin.

Both of our UK offices are located within five minutes walk of public

transport, making it easier for our people to choose travel options with

a low environmental impact. We provide interest free season ticket loans

to encourage staff to travel to work using public transport and operate a

cycle to work scheme. At our Winchester office, we provide secure bike

storage and have a parking policy which encourages car sharing. Both

offices have showers for those who cycle to work.

LCP UK Corporate Social Responsibility policy

LCP is committed to reducing our impact on the environment.

5LCP UK Corporate Social Responsibility policy

Video conferencing and webcams are available to communicate between

our offices, and with UK and international clients, reducing the number of

journeys we make.

We monitor our energy consumption and are taking steps to reduce it, for

example through encouraging everyone to switch off lights and appliances

when not in use, fitting timer switches to some appliances, and installing

more energy efficient lighting when office areas are refurbished. We have

fitted a voltage optimisation unit in our Winchester office which regulates

the electricity supply and reduces the amount of electricity we use. We

have also introduced an in-house water bottling system in both offices,

which removes the need to transport bottled water and significantly

reduces the number of glass bottles used.

We have taken steps to reduce our paper usage, such as increased use

of double-sided printing and encouraging everyone to consider whether

it is necessary to print off documents. Our paper is responsibly sourced

and all our waste paper is securely shredded and then recycled. We have

extensive recycling schemes that cover cardboard, cans, glass and plastics.

We purchase high quality furniture and equipment which is expected

to last a long time. We dispose of irreparable or redundant business

equipment, including IT equipment, via certified environmental waste

management service providers.

SuppliersWe take into account environmental and social factors when selecting

our suppliers. We also use local, independent suppliers where possible,

including caterers for client events held at LCP’s offices.

For more information on our Corporate Social Responsibility policy please contact

Amanda Treagust on +44 (0)1962 872757.

Amanda Treagust

Human Resources

+44 (0)1962 872757

Lane Clark & Peacock LLP

London, UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7439 2266

LCP Libera AG

Zürich, Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)43 817 73 00

Lane Clark & Peacock LLP

Winchester, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1962 870060

LCP Libera AG

Basel, Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)61 205 74 00

Lane Clark & Peacock Belgium CVBA

Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)2 761 45 45

LCP Asalis AG

Zürich, Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)43 344 42 10

Lane Clark & Peacock Ireland Limited

Dublin, Ireland

Tel: +353 (0)1 614 43 93

Lane Clark & Peacock UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Tel: +971 (0)2 658 7671

Lane Clark & Peacock Netherlands B.V.

Utrecht, Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)30 256 76 30






All rights to this document are reserved to Lane Clark & Peacock LLP (“LCP”). This document may be reproduced in whole or in part, provided prominent acknowledgement of the source is given.

LCP is part of the Alexander Forbes Group, a leading independent provider of financial and risk services. Lane Clark & Peacock LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales

with registered number OC301436. LCP is a registered trademark in the UK (Regd. TM No 2315442) and in the EU (Regd. TM No 002935583). All partners are members of

Lane Clark & Peacock LLP. A list of members’ names is available for inspection at 30 Old Burlington Street W1S 3NN, the firm’s principal place of business and registered office. The firm is

regulated by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in respect of a range of investment business activities. The firm is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 but we are

able in certain circumstances to offer a limited range of investment services to clients because we are members (as defined under the Act) of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, a Designated

Professional Body. We can provide these investment services if they are an incidental part of the professional services we have been engaged to provide. Lane Clark & Peacock UAE operates under

legal name “Lane Clark & Peacock Belgium – Abu Dhabi, Foreign Branch of Belgium”. © Lane Clark & Peacock LLP.

LCP is a firm of financial, actuarial and business consultants, specialising in the areas of pensions, investment,

insurance and business analytics.
