Understanding Allergy Symptoms to Beat Them Effectively



Learn about different types of allergy symptoms in order to treat them.

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Understanding Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms occur when our immune systems overreacts to some usually harmless substances. Symptoms of allergic reactions can vary from mild to severe, depending upon the type of particular allergy or exposure to allergen.

Symptoms of a mild allergic reaction usually include – Hives, itching, rashes, watery eyes, nasal congestion, etc. On the other hand, symptoms of severe allergic reactions mainly include – tightness in chest, abdominal cramping, difficulty in swallowing, fear or anxiety, nausea, swelling of eyes/face/nose, weakness, diarrhea, dizziness, difficulty in breathing and unconsciousness.

Allergy symptoms vary depending upon the type of allergen. Cockroach, drugs, dust, food, insects and pets are mainly responsible for different type of allergies. If the allergen is something that you eat, it will affect your mouth, stomach and intestines the mouth. On the other side, if the allergen is something that you breathe in from the air, then it will affect your eyes, nose and lungs the most. These symptoms will help you in understanding the type of allergy better.

In some cases, allergies may result in triggering a life-threatening reaction in our body known by the name anaphylaxis. Here are different types of allergies and their common symptoms –

Hay Fever or allergic rhinitis can include – Congestion Itchy/runny nose Itchy/watery/swollen eyes

Food allergy can include – Tingling Mouth Hives Swelling on lips, tongue Face/throat swelling

Drug allergy can include – Hives Itchy skin Facial swelling Anaphylaxis Rash

Skin allergy or Atopic Dermatitis can include – Red skin Itchy skin Peeling skin

An insect sting allergy can include – Large are of swelling known as edema at the sting site Cough, chest tightness, wheezing, shortness of breath Itching Anaphylaxis

Main signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis(severe allergy) can include – Lightheadedness Unconsciousness Rapid, weak pulse Shortness of breath Skin rash Nausea and vomiting Swelling airways

Here are the main symptoms of allergies as per affected organs –

Symptoms shown by an allergy affected nose Running nose Sneezing Swelling of nasal mucosa

Symptoms shown by allergy affected eyes Redness in eyes Itching of conjunctiva Watery eyes

Symptoms shown by allergy affected ears Pain in ears Feeling of fullness

Symptoms shown by allergy affected skin Rashes Itching Hives Swelling

Symptoms shown by allergy affected airways Sneezing Coughing Wheezing Complete attacks of Asthma

Symptoms shown by allergy affected gastrointestinal tract Bloating Vomiting Abdominal Pain

The most common symptoms of allergy are itchy/watery eyes because most of the allergens are airborne and hence a maximum number of people come in contact with these resulting in watery eyes. Allergies can’t be cured completely overnight, but a wide range of treatments are available to cure these common symptoms. Severe allergic reactions need an emergency treatment. In case, you experience one of the above given allergic symptoms and you have no idea about the cause of this allergy, it is best to consult a doctor and seek effective allergy inflammation drugs at the same time.

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