Understanding Your TheDreamtime.com Forecast Plus ... · Numerology as a Science Numerology has a...


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Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 1

Understanding YourTheDreamtime.com

Forecast Plus Numerology ReadingUnderstand All Your Personal Cycles

=============================================================Brett Simpson, The Dreamtime, 2220 Solomon Ave., South Bend, IN 46615

Website: http://www.thedreamtime.com- Copyright 2003, 2013, Brett A. Simpson, All rights reserved –


Copyright 2003, 2013 by Brett A. Simpson, All rights reserved. EBook Publication: November 2013.

No aspect of this book, in part or in full, may be reproduced, transmitted (including by Email) or sold by any means withoutthe express written consent of Brett A. Simpson. Violations of this copyright will be enforced to the fullest extent of law.

About the AuthorBrett Simpson is a writer and numerologist who has been interested in and studied metaphysical topics his whole life. Aninterest in Numerology led him to study this subject in great detail and to develop his own calculation methods and chartswhich will assist you, the reader, and further the science of numbers that has been handed down for thousands of years.

In addition to providing numerological calculations, software, and interpretive text, Brett is editor of The Dreamtimes – abiweekly free Ezine (sign up at http://www.thedreamtime.com/newsletter) that features original articles about Astrology,Numerology, Spirituality, Healing, Culture, Nature and Awareness/Eco-Travel. Archives of The Dreamtimes and furtherinformation can be found at: http://www.thedreamtime.com/newsletter

DisclaimerWhile all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes anyresponsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy.

The contents are solely the opinion of the author and should not be considered as a form of therapy, advice, direction and/or diagnosis ortreatment of any kind: medical, spiritual, mental, or other. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professionalshould be sought. The author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express orimplied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or practices described. The purchaser or reader of this publicationassumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assume any responsibility orliability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 2

IntroductionThis concise book was created to help you get the most out of your ForecastPlus Numerology Reading, and to answer any questions you may have, as wellas assist you in exploring each section of your reading in greater detail. I hopethat it will prove to be a useful guidebook to completing your path towardfulfillment, and awareness. It is meant to be used as a companion to yourForecast Plus Numerology Reading, and you will want to read it along with yourreading. Refer to it as often as you need.

I have found that it is best to provide this book to you after you've had a few daysto look over your reading, and to allow you time to think about it for a while. Aftera brief introduction, I'll cover each section of your reading in detail, explaininghow you can get the most out of it and exploring methods of journaling andlearning which can help you gain a valuable understanding of all of your uniquepersonal cycles that make up your year.

Numerology as a ScienceNumerology has a historical backgroundthat leads back tens of thousands of years.It was used in Egyptian Rituals, the IndianVedas, and the Chinese Circle and in theHebrew Kabbala. Records prove thatnumbers were used as a science for morethan 11,000 years. It is my belief that it wasin use, at the very beginning of humancommunications - even before astrology!

Numerology was initially used as a countingmethod when alphabetic characters alsostood for a numeric counterpart. It was thissymbolic association between the two thateventually led to the modern science ofNumerology.

Your Name and Birth DateIt is the unique combination of your nameand birth date, which make up who you are,and they can be used to determine yourcurrent life cycles (or periods in your life)over your entire lifetime. As you will see in a minute, each part of the ForecastPlus Reading tells you a little bit more about your current numerological cyclesand how they affect you. The numerology cycles that are calculated andinterpreted for you in the forecast reading are based on your full birth certificatename, and your birth date. Each section of the reading indicates whether theinformation in your name or birth date was used to make the calculation.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 2

IntroductionThis concise book was created to help you get the most out of your ForecastPlus Numerology Reading, and to answer any questions you may have, as wellas assist you in exploring each section of your reading in greater detail. I hopethat it will prove to be a useful guidebook to completing your path towardfulfillment, and awareness. It is meant to be used as a companion to yourForecast Plus Numerology Reading, and you will want to read it along with yourreading. Refer to it as often as you need.

I have found that it is best to provide this book to you after you've had a few daysto look over your reading, and to allow you time to think about it for a while. Aftera brief introduction, I'll cover each section of your reading in detail, explaininghow you can get the most out of it and exploring methods of journaling andlearning which can help you gain a valuable understanding of all of your uniquepersonal cycles that make up your year.

Numerology as a ScienceNumerology has a historical backgroundthat leads back tens of thousands of years.It was used in Egyptian Rituals, the IndianVedas, and the Chinese Circle and in theHebrew Kabbala. Records prove thatnumbers were used as a science for morethan 11,000 years. It is my belief that it wasin use, at the very beginning of humancommunications - even before astrology!

Numerology was initially used as a countingmethod when alphabetic characters alsostood for a numeric counterpart. It was thissymbolic association between the two thateventually led to the modern science ofNumerology.

Your Name and Birth DateIt is the unique combination of your nameand birth date, which make up who you are,and they can be used to determine yourcurrent life cycles (or periods in your life)over your entire lifetime. As you will see in a minute, each part of the ForecastPlus Reading tells you a little bit more about your current numerological cyclesand how they affect you. The numerology cycles that are calculated andinterpreted for you in the forecast reading are based on your full birth certificatename, and your birth date. Each section of the reading indicates whether theinformation in your name or birth date was used to make the calculation.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 2

IntroductionThis concise book was created to help you get the most out of your ForecastPlus Numerology Reading, and to answer any questions you may have, as wellas assist you in exploring each section of your reading in greater detail. I hopethat it will prove to be a useful guidebook to completing your path towardfulfillment, and awareness. It is meant to be used as a companion to yourForecast Plus Numerology Reading, and you will want to read it along with yourreading. Refer to it as often as you need.

I have found that it is best to provide this book to you after you've had a few daysto look over your reading, and to allow you time to think about it for a while. Aftera brief introduction, I'll cover each section of your reading in detail, explaininghow you can get the most out of it and exploring methods of journaling andlearning which can help you gain a valuable understanding of all of your uniquepersonal cycles that make up your year.

Numerology as a ScienceNumerology has a historical backgroundthat leads back tens of thousands of years.It was used in Egyptian Rituals, the IndianVedas, and the Chinese Circle and in theHebrew Kabbala. Records prove thatnumbers were used as a science for morethan 11,000 years. It is my belief that it wasin use, at the very beginning of humancommunications - even before astrology!

Numerology was initially used as a countingmethod when alphabetic characters alsostood for a numeric counterpart. It was thissymbolic association between the two thateventually led to the modern science ofNumerology.

Your Name and Birth DateIt is the unique combination of your nameand birth date, which make up who you are,and they can be used to determine yourcurrent life cycles (or periods in your life)over your entire lifetime. As you will see in a minute, each part of the ForecastPlus Reading tells you a little bit more about your current numerological cyclesand how they affect you. The numerology cycles that are calculated andinterpreted for you in the forecast reading are based on your full birth certificatename, and your birth date. Each section of the reading indicates whether theinformation in your name or birth date was used to make the calculation.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 3

The cycles with the greatest effect on you will appear first in the reading, followedby those that have a lesser effect. Throughout the reading you should keep inmind that each cycle has an effect on you in some way, but that the cycles withthe most effect on you will be those cycles which appear in the early part of thereport (your Personal Year, Astrological House Transit, Magi Transition andEssence). As you read through the entire report you will have a complete pictureof your cycles at this point in time and how they affect you and how they willcontinue to affect you for the continuing months, trimesters (four month cycles)and for the year ahead into the future.

Your birth date is used for calculating your Personal Year, Astrological HouseTransit, Magi Transition; Four Month cycles as well as for your Monthly cycles. Ifyou have previously ordered a Professional Numerology Reading you mayremember that your birth date is used to calculate your Life Path and indicatesyour innate talents, assets and capabilities for achieving your true destiny.These calculations help to determine the cycles in your life - in much the sameway that the cycles of the Earth continue to change the weather patterns andseasons throughout the year. Your own life cycles will also change as thepatterns of lessons and relationships occur in your life.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 3

The cycles with the greatest effect on you will appear first in the reading, followedby those that have a lesser effect. Throughout the reading you should keep inmind that each cycle has an effect on you in some way, but that the cycles withthe most effect on you will be those cycles which appear in the early part of thereport (your Personal Year, Astrological House Transit, Magi Transition andEssence). As you read through the entire report you will have a complete pictureof your cycles at this point in time and how they affect you and how they willcontinue to affect you for the continuing months, trimesters (four month cycles)and for the year ahead into the future.

Your birth date is used for calculating your Personal Year, Astrological HouseTransit, Magi Transition; Four Month cycles as well as for your Monthly cycles. Ifyou have previously ordered a Professional Numerology Reading you mayremember that your birth date is used to calculate your Life Path and indicatesyour innate talents, assets and capabilities for achieving your true destiny.These calculations help to determine the cycles in your life - in much the sameway that the cycles of the Earth continue to change the weather patterns andseasons throughout the year. Your own life cycles will also change as thepatterns of lessons and relationships occur in your life.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 3

The cycles with the greatest effect on you will appear first in the reading, followedby those that have a lesser effect. Throughout the reading you should keep inmind that each cycle has an effect on you in some way, but that the cycles withthe most effect on you will be those cycles which appear in the early part of thereport (your Personal Year, Astrological House Transit, Magi Transition andEssence). As you read through the entire report you will have a complete pictureof your cycles at this point in time and how they affect you and how they willcontinue to affect you for the continuing months, trimesters (four month cycles)and for the year ahead into the future.

Your birth date is used for calculating your Personal Year, Astrological HouseTransit, Magi Transition; Four Month cycles as well as for your Monthly cycles. Ifyou have previously ordered a Professional Numerology Reading you mayremember that your birth date is used to calculate your Life Path and indicatesyour innate talents, assets and capabilities for achieving your true destiny.These calculations help to determine the cycles in your life - in much the sameway that the cycles of the Earth continue to change the weather patterns andseasons throughout the year. Your own life cycles will also change as thepatterns of lessons and relationships occur in your life.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 4

Your name is used for making the calculations that describe your essence andyour excursion letters. Your name as it is listed on your actual birth certificate isused to make these calculations. It is important that you have the exact name asit appears on the birth certificate to guarantee accuracy in a numerology reading,and especially in a detailed reading such as the Forecast Plus NumerologyReading.

Your full birth certificate name is used for pinpointing your deeper personalitytraits and it is used to indicate your exact cycle information in three primaryareas: 1.) Physical/Mental, 2.) Emotional, and 3.) Spiritual. The first nameindicates Physical Mental, the second name (if there is one) indicates Emotionaland the last name indicates the Spiritual. If there is no second name (or middlename) the first name indicates: Physical/Mental/Emotional and the last nameSpiritual. If you have four birth names then the first name indicates Physical, thesecond Mental, the third Emotional and the fourth Spiritual. I will cover these ingreater detail throughout this book, and let you know how they help you discoverthe ultimate details in your yearly cycle.

Your Forecast Summary ChartAt the very top of your reading isyour overall Yearly Forecast Pluschart. This chart is meant to be asummary of your year ahead (itmay include last year, or the nextyear as well). Keep in mind that itis very difficult to sum up in a fewwords all of your yearly cycles.This is here to provide you aquick glance, or as a reminder,when reviewing your chart. Itmay let you look at past or futurereadings quickly to see how theyears compare. While doing that,keep in mind that the cycles runin very distinct patterns. Thedeeper meaning of each cycle isincluded in your reading.

Every Astrological House Transit/ Personal Year will repeat every36 years, and every MagiTransition / Personal Year willgenerally repeat every 9 years.*Note: some Magi Transition

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 4

Your name is used for making the calculations that describe your essence andyour excursion letters. Your name as it is listed on your actual birth certificate isused to make these calculations. It is important that you have the exact name asit appears on the birth certificate to guarantee accuracy in a numerology reading,and especially in a detailed reading such as the Forecast Plus NumerologyReading.

Your full birth certificate name is used for pinpointing your deeper personalitytraits and it is used to indicate your exact cycle information in three primaryareas: 1.) Physical/Mental, 2.) Emotional, and 3.) Spiritual. The first nameindicates Physical Mental, the second name (if there is one) indicates Emotionaland the last name indicates the Spiritual. If there is no second name (or middlename) the first name indicates: Physical/Mental/Emotional and the last nameSpiritual. If you have four birth names then the first name indicates Physical, thesecond Mental, the third Emotional and the fourth Spiritual. I will cover these ingreater detail throughout this book, and let you know how they help you discoverthe ultimate details in your yearly cycle.

Your Forecast Summary ChartAt the very top of your reading isyour overall Yearly Forecast Pluschart. This chart is meant to be asummary of your year ahead (itmay include last year, or the nextyear as well). Keep in mind that itis very difficult to sum up in a fewwords all of your yearly cycles.This is here to provide you aquick glance, or as a reminder,when reviewing your chart. Itmay let you look at past or futurereadings quickly to see how theyears compare. While doing that,keep in mind that the cycles runin very distinct patterns. Thedeeper meaning of each cycle isincluded in your reading.

Every Astrological House Transit/ Personal Year will repeat every36 years, and every MagiTransition / Personal Year willgenerally repeat every 9 years.*Note: some Magi Transition

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 4

Your name is used for making the calculations that describe your essence andyour excursion letters. Your name as it is listed on your actual birth certificate isused to make these calculations. It is important that you have the exact name asit appears on the birth certificate to guarantee accuracy in a numerology reading,and especially in a detailed reading such as the Forecast Plus NumerologyReading.

Your full birth certificate name is used for pinpointing your deeper personalitytraits and it is used to indicate your exact cycle information in three primaryareas: 1.) Physical/Mental, 2.) Emotional, and 3.) Spiritual. The first nameindicates Physical Mental, the second name (if there is one) indicates Emotionaland the last name indicates the Spiritual. If there is no second name (or middlename) the first name indicates: Physical/Mental/Emotional and the last nameSpiritual. If you have four birth names then the first name indicates Physical, thesecond Mental, the third Emotional and the fourth Spiritual. I will cover these ingreater detail throughout this book, and let you know how they help you discoverthe ultimate details in your yearly cycle.

Your Forecast Summary ChartAt the very top of your reading isyour overall Yearly Forecast Pluschart. This chart is meant to be asummary of your year ahead (itmay include last year, or the nextyear as well). Keep in mind that itis very difficult to sum up in a fewwords all of your yearly cycles.This is here to provide you aquick glance, or as a reminder,when reviewing your chart. Itmay let you look at past or futurereadings quickly to see how theyears compare. While doing that,keep in mind that the cycles runin very distinct patterns. Thedeeper meaning of each cycle isincluded in your reading.

Every Astrological House Transit/ Personal Year will repeat every36 years, and every MagiTransition / Personal Year willgenerally repeat every 9 years.*Note: some Magi Transition

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 5

numbers may be octave numbers of each other, for example 32, instead of 23, or30 instead of 21. These numbers may have similar interpretations, but they willbe slightly different (indicating differences in the feel of your year). By reviewingyour numbers from time to time, and checking on your overall chart you will findout very quickly how the year ahead may go, based on how it went for you insimilar cycles in the past. It is useful to refer back to previous year Forecasts toget a very good idea of how the upcoming year may go.

Your Personal Year NumberYour Personal Year number is the most important number in your numerologicalcycles. Every part of your year ahead will be colored by this number. Calculatedfrom your date of birth, this number covers details of your year ahead that runsfor the current calendar year (January through December). Your Personal Year isthe controlling influence over all other cycles which will affect you. It holds thegreatest vibrational effect and a good, or bad personal year will color the details(which other cycles may indicate) toward a good or bad aspect for the year.

Think of your Personal Year number as a number that holds influence over yourentire year. Even though the Personal Year number operates from January

through December, it’s strengthwanes near the end of the year(starting in October), andtransitions slowly over to theincoming Personal Yearnumber for next year over thelast three months (October,November, December) of thecalendar year. Remember thatthe Personal Year holdsstrength over all other numbersin your Forecast NumerologyReading. If your Personal Yearindicates it is not a good timefor Love, or Finances, or anyother part of your life, then takeheed and wait for a betterpersonal year cycle to arrive.

The Personal Year operates ina cycle of 9, from 1 to 9, andthen repeats itself again untilyou pass from this lifetime.Depending on your calculation(based on your date of birth,you may not start on the 1

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 5

numbers may be octave numbers of each other, for example 32, instead of 23, or30 instead of 21. These numbers may have similar interpretations, but they willbe slightly different (indicating differences in the feel of your year). By reviewingyour numbers from time to time, and checking on your overall chart you will findout very quickly how the year ahead may go, based on how it went for you insimilar cycles in the past. It is useful to refer back to previous year Forecasts toget a very good idea of how the upcoming year may go.

Your Personal Year NumberYour Personal Year number is the most important number in your numerologicalcycles. Every part of your year ahead will be colored by this number. Calculatedfrom your date of birth, this number covers details of your year ahead that runsfor the current calendar year (January through December). Your Personal Year isthe controlling influence over all other cycles which will affect you. It holds thegreatest vibrational effect and a good, or bad personal year will color the details(which other cycles may indicate) toward a good or bad aspect for the year.

Think of your Personal Year number as a number that holds influence over yourentire year. Even though the Personal Year number operates from January

through December, it’s strengthwanes near the end of the year(starting in October), andtransitions slowly over to theincoming Personal Yearnumber for next year over thelast three months (October,November, December) of thecalendar year. Remember thatthe Personal Year holdsstrength over all other numbersin your Forecast NumerologyReading. If your Personal Yearindicates it is not a good timefor Love, or Finances, or anyother part of your life, then takeheed and wait for a betterpersonal year cycle to arrive.

The Personal Year operates ina cycle of 9, from 1 to 9, andthen repeats itself again untilyou pass from this lifetime.Depending on your calculation(based on your date of birth,you may not start on the 1

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 5

numbers may be octave numbers of each other, for example 32, instead of 23, or30 instead of 21. These numbers may have similar interpretations, but they willbe slightly different (indicating differences in the feel of your year). By reviewingyour numbers from time to time, and checking on your overall chart you will findout very quickly how the year ahead may go, based on how it went for you insimilar cycles in the past. It is useful to refer back to previous year Forecasts toget a very good idea of how the upcoming year may go.

Your Personal Year NumberYour Personal Year number is the most important number in your numerologicalcycles. Every part of your year ahead will be colored by this number. Calculatedfrom your date of birth, this number covers details of your year ahead that runsfor the current calendar year (January through December). Your Personal Year isthe controlling influence over all other cycles which will affect you. It holds thegreatest vibrational effect and a good, or bad personal year will color the details(which other cycles may indicate) toward a good or bad aspect for the year.

Think of your Personal Year number as a number that holds influence over yourentire year. Even though the Personal Year number operates from January

through December, it’s strengthwanes near the end of the year(starting in October), andtransitions slowly over to theincoming Personal Yearnumber for next year over thelast three months (October,November, December) of thecalendar year. Remember thatthe Personal Year holdsstrength over all other numbersin your Forecast NumerologyReading. If your Personal Yearindicates it is not a good timefor Love, or Finances, or anyother part of your life, then takeheed and wait for a betterpersonal year cycle to arrive.

The Personal Year operates ina cycle of 9, from 1 to 9, andthen repeats itself again untilyou pass from this lifetime.Depending on your calculation(based on your date of birth,you may not start on the 1

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 6

Personal Year. Regardless of the starting point, the cycle always continues andthen repeats, so for example you may have started on a 5 Personal Year. Yournext Personal Year would be 6, and this continues until you reach a 9 PersonalYear and at that point, the following Personal Year starts the cycle over again at1. There may be a two-digit Personal Year, but the most important calculation isreduced to a single number indicating the overall vibration for the currentcalendar year.

When your Personal Year matches your Life Path number you will have reacheda destiny point indicating that it is one of the best times to work toward achievingyour true Life Purpose and goals during that year. This will happen for eachperson every 9 years at the following ages: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90,etc. A Dreamtime Life Purpose Numerology Reading and/or a DreamtimeProfessional Numerology Reading along with your Forecast Plus NumerologyReading can help you understand the best methods and means for expressingyour true talents and your unique personality effectively.

Keep in mind that the text in this section of your reading is written in a presenttense to help you feel that you are in this cycle of your life and to experience theeffect that this number is having on you at this time. Also remember that theinfluences and effects of this number will be felt in all areas of your reading,giving a specific ‘feel’ to the year ahead. For example a 6 Personal Year couldattract love, relationships and domestic issues to you in all areas of your life,while a 4 Personal Year would be more likely to attract hard work, responsibilityand a sense of dependability.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 6

Personal Year. Regardless of the starting point, the cycle always continues andthen repeats, so for example you may have started on a 5 Personal Year. Yournext Personal Year would be 6, and this continues until you reach a 9 PersonalYear and at that point, the following Personal Year starts the cycle over again at1. There may be a two-digit Personal Year, but the most important calculation isreduced to a single number indicating the overall vibration for the currentcalendar year.

When your Personal Year matches your Life Path number you will have reacheda destiny point indicating that it is one of the best times to work toward achievingyour true Life Purpose and goals during that year. This will happen for eachperson every 9 years at the following ages: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90,etc. A Dreamtime Life Purpose Numerology Reading and/or a DreamtimeProfessional Numerology Reading along with your Forecast Plus NumerologyReading can help you understand the best methods and means for expressingyour true talents and your unique personality effectively.

Keep in mind that the text in this section of your reading is written in a presenttense to help you feel that you are in this cycle of your life and to experience theeffect that this number is having on you at this time. Also remember that theinfluences and effects of this number will be felt in all areas of your reading,giving a specific ‘feel’ to the year ahead. For example a 6 Personal Year couldattract love, relationships and domestic issues to you in all areas of your life,while a 4 Personal Year would be more likely to attract hard work, responsibilityand a sense of dependability.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 6

Personal Year. Regardless of the starting point, the cycle always continues andthen repeats, so for example you may have started on a 5 Personal Year. Yournext Personal Year would be 6, and this continues until you reach a 9 PersonalYear and at that point, the following Personal Year starts the cycle over again at1. There may be a two-digit Personal Year, but the most important calculation isreduced to a single number indicating the overall vibration for the currentcalendar year.

When your Personal Year matches your Life Path number you will have reacheda destiny point indicating that it is one of the best times to work toward achievingyour true Life Purpose and goals during that year. This will happen for eachperson every 9 years at the following ages: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90,etc. A Dreamtime Life Purpose Numerology Reading and/or a DreamtimeProfessional Numerology Reading along with your Forecast Plus NumerologyReading can help you understand the best methods and means for expressingyour true talents and your unique personality effectively.

Keep in mind that the text in this section of your reading is written in a presenttense to help you feel that you are in this cycle of your life and to experience theeffect that this number is having on you at this time. Also remember that theinfluences and effects of this number will be felt in all areas of your reading,giving a specific ‘feel’ to the year ahead. For example a 6 Personal Year couldattract love, relationships and domestic issues to you in all areas of your life,while a 4 Personal Year would be more likely to attract hard work, responsibilityand a sense of dependability.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 7

There is a definite time for all things to happen and the 9 Year Personal Yearcycle can help to provide an overall guide to how things may unfold. As a specificformat for the 9 years, the Personal Year 1 is always about initiating andbeginning new things. Personal Year 2 is growth and development, PersonalYear 3 is waiting for things to develop and reach fruition. Relationships (or newchildren) may come up at this time, or the plans for them will be laid. PersonalYear 4 is a foundation time when new things start to make their presence known(in the physical world) that were initiated in the previous 3 years though they arestill being developed. Personal Year 5 sees some of the ideas and plans come tofruition, though changes may happen suddenly and often, as preparation for thePersonal Year 6 when a change of responsibility may force you to abandon orupdate your plans. This all depends on how well you handled your personalresponsibility in the Personal Year 4 (2 years previous). The Personal Year 7 isabout revisions to the mental and spiritual aspects of your plans in preparationfor the Personal Year 8 when you harvest the fruits of the plans and goals thatyou initiated in your Personal Year 1 or that changed in your Personal Year 5, orwere revised in your Personal Year 6. Finally the Personal Year 9 is one ofcleansing and clearing yourself of the people and things which may no longer beuseful in the next coming 9 year cycle which begins again next year with thePersonal Year 1.

Following the cycle above I will lay out a simple chart (below) which summarizesthe theme years in the 9 Year Cycle.

Summary of Themes of 9 Year Personal Year CyclePersonal Year 1: Initiation and new beginningsPersonal Year 2: Cooperation, growth and developmentPersonal Year 3: Waiting, tending, social expressionPersonal Year 4: Forming reality from goals/plans, personal responsibilitiesPersonal Year 5: Sudden change and plans budding into realityPersonal Year 6: Revisions and adjustments based on responsibilitiesPersonal Year 7: Rest and spiritual seekingPersonal Year 8: Harvest the fruits of previous 7 years work, achievement.Personal Year 9: Cleansing and clearing to prepare for the next cycle

One thing to keep in mind is that most major changes in your life will come ineither a 1, 5 or 9 Personal Year. The most difficult times (of hard work and effort)occur in 4, 8 and 9 Personal Years. Large losses (of people, things or finances)usually occur in 7, 8 or 9 Personal Years. The most emotional times occur in 7and 9 Personal Years. Romantic love affairs show up most in 2, 5 and 6 PersonalYears.

Many people are not fully aware of this cycle and how valuable it is throughoutour lives, but if you track the cycle in your own life through past years, you will

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 8

notice that it is very accurate. Throughout this book I'll show you ways to discoveryour own cycle’s ups and down and hopefully give you a greater awareness ofhow to make the most of all of your cycles to let them work harmoniously as youwork to reach your true Life Purpose (or Life Path) which should be your ultimategoal.

Your Personal YearThis section lays out in detail your Personal Year and includes a color chartindicating the vibrational influence that the year will have for you in four majorareas: Romance, Finances, Work and Travel. The color chart can help yourecognize the importance of each of these areas in your life during the year as itindicates the strength of this vibration on your life. The higher the strength (on ascale from 1 to 10), the stronger this area of your life will be during the year. Astrength of 10 will be very strongly felt throughout the year, while a strength of 1will be less important to you during the year. Read this section of your reading toget a good overall feel for how your year may unfold and try to keep thesestrength values in mind as you read through the rest of your NumerologyForecast Plus Reading.

OutlookThis summary of youryear is perfect for gettinga quick understanding ofhow your personal yearnumber will affect youthis year. It takes intoaccount all of the majorareas of interest andgives you a shortparagraph on what youmay expect from theyear. Try to revisit thisparagraph often to keepthings in perspective onhow your year is going. Ifyou like you may want to start a journal and note this paragraph at the start ofyour journal for the year. When the year has ended read the paragraph againand see if your Personal Year number covered the major overtone for the year –while some of the other numbers I will cover with you below went into the details.Reflect on how this number had an impact on you, and how you can work withinthe 9 year cycle to make next year a productive and powerful year so that youcan achieve another step toward you life purpose.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 8

notice that it is very accurate. Throughout this book I'll show you ways to discoveryour own cycle’s ups and down and hopefully give you a greater awareness ofhow to make the most of all of your cycles to let them work harmoniously as youwork to reach your true Life Purpose (or Life Path) which should be your ultimategoal.

Your Personal YearThis section lays out in detail your Personal Year and includes a color chartindicating the vibrational influence that the year will have for you in four majorareas: Romance, Finances, Work and Travel. The color chart can help yourecognize the importance of each of these areas in your life during the year as itindicates the strength of this vibration on your life. The higher the strength (on ascale from 1 to 10), the stronger this area of your life will be during the year. Astrength of 10 will be very strongly felt throughout the year, while a strength of 1will be less important to you during the year. Read this section of your reading toget a good overall feel for how your year may unfold and try to keep thesestrength values in mind as you read through the rest of your NumerologyForecast Plus Reading.

OutlookThis summary of youryear is perfect for gettinga quick understanding ofhow your personal yearnumber will affect youthis year. It takes intoaccount all of the majorareas of interest andgives you a shortparagraph on what youmay expect from theyear. Try to revisit thisparagraph often to keepthings in perspective onhow your year is going. Ifyou like you may want to start a journal and note this paragraph at the start ofyour journal for the year. When the year has ended read the paragraph againand see if your Personal Year number covered the major overtone for the year –while some of the other numbers I will cover with you below went into the details.Reflect on how this number had an impact on you, and how you can work withinthe 9 year cycle to make next year a productive and powerful year so that youcan achieve another step toward you life purpose.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 8

notice that it is very accurate. Throughout this book I'll show you ways to discoveryour own cycle’s ups and down and hopefully give you a greater awareness ofhow to make the most of all of your cycles to let them work harmoniously as youwork to reach your true Life Purpose (or Life Path) which should be your ultimategoal.

Your Personal YearThis section lays out in detail your Personal Year and includes a color chartindicating the vibrational influence that the year will have for you in four majorareas: Romance, Finances, Work and Travel. The color chart can help yourecognize the importance of each of these areas in your life during the year as itindicates the strength of this vibration on your life. The higher the strength (on ascale from 1 to 10), the stronger this area of your life will be during the year. Astrength of 10 will be very strongly felt throughout the year, while a strength of 1will be less important to you during the year. Read this section of your reading toget a good overall feel for how your year may unfold and try to keep thesestrength values in mind as you read through the rest of your NumerologyForecast Plus Reading.

OutlookThis summary of youryear is perfect for gettinga quick understanding ofhow your personal yearnumber will affect youthis year. It takes intoaccount all of the majorareas of interest andgives you a shortparagraph on what youmay expect from theyear. Try to revisit thisparagraph often to keepthings in perspective onhow your year is going. Ifyou like you may want to start a journal and note this paragraph at the start ofyour journal for the year. When the year has ended read the paragraph againand see if your Personal Year number covered the major overtone for the year –while some of the other numbers I will cover with you below went into the details.Reflect on how this number had an impact on you, and how you can work withinthe 9 year cycle to make next year a productive and powerful year so that youcan achieve another step toward you life purpose.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 9

Key PointsMonthly highlights will be indicated here. If there are indications of specificmonths holding special value for you in the context of the Personal Year they willbe discussed in this section. Particularly strongly felt events will be included aswell to give you some guidance to your year, but for the details have a look atyour Personal Months which appear later in the reading.

Stay Away From / Watch Out ForJust as the title for these sections indicate; feelings, events or things that youshould try to avoid during the year or stay away from will be explained here. Payspecial heed to this section in the perspective of your Personal Year and thingsshould go fine for you. If you do not follow through on the information here youmay find a harder course of action as you work to achieve your goals during theyear.

Take AdvantageThis may be one of the most important parts of your forecast. It includes veryspecific things that you can do throughout the y ear to help you work ‘inassociation’ with your Personal Year number to help you achieve more and havea better year overall. Take note of the theme for the year (see page 7) and try tokeep it in mind as you go through your year. You will notice how important thePersonal Year number is as the values and indications for its vibration may makethemselves known to you throughout the entire year. Remember that the strengthof the vibration will wane (as the vibration of the next year starts to come in)toward the end of the year (after October), and especially after your Birthday (ifyour Birthday falls during the last three or four months of the year. Even thoughthis is the case, the vibration of the year and the importance of your PersonalYear number can be felt throughout the entire year.

Year in the CycleHere you will learn a little bit about how this year fits into the cycle of 9 years thatwere discussed earlier. Find out a little more about how this year will follow upthe previous year and how your previous year’s actions may be affecting thisyear. There may also be some indication of how this year can prepare you fornext year

ColorsA list of colors are made that may hold special importance for you this year. Youmay want to wear clothes of these colors, or simply meditate on them to get a

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 10

better understanding of how they affect your feelings throughout the year. Thesecolors may hold a special significance for you this year.

Your Astrological House TransitThis number is unique to the Forecast Plus Yearly Numerology reading. It iscalculated from your date of birth using your age. It provides the additionalcolorings that will shade (or change) your Personal Year based on the year youare in on this cycle. Every person will go through the specific Astrological HouseCycle at the same time, so consider that when reading through yourinterpretation.

Your Astrological House Transit number is a very important effect of coloring (orchanging) the view of your Personal Year. Every facet of your Personal Yearahead will be from the viewpoint of this number, so for example if you are in anAstrological House Transit 5 – the entire year (from your birthdate to the next) willgenerally be about relationships and emotional issues revolving around them. If,on the other hand, you are in an Astrological House Transit 7 instead – the entireyear will be about family issues revolving around your own family and relatives,or that of your spouse.

The Astrological House Transit operates on the cycle that is the same for everyperson (when they are the same age as you). It covers a 12 year period, and

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 10

better understanding of how they affect your feelings throughout the year. Thesecolors may hold a special significance for you this year.

Your Astrological House TransitThis number is unique to the Forecast Plus Yearly Numerology reading. It iscalculated from your date of birth using your age. It provides the additionalcolorings that will shade (or change) your Personal Year based on the year youare in on this cycle. Every person will go through the specific Astrological HouseCycle at the same time, so consider that when reading through yourinterpretation.

Your Astrological House Transit number is a very important effect of coloring (orchanging) the view of your Personal Year. Every facet of your Personal Yearahead will be from the viewpoint of this number, so for example if you are in anAstrological House Transit 5 – the entire year (from your birthdate to the next) willgenerally be about relationships and emotional issues revolving around them. If,on the other hand, you are in an Astrological House Transit 7 instead – the entireyear will be about family issues revolving around your own family and relatives,or that of your spouse.

The Astrological House Transit operates on the cycle that is the same for everyperson (when they are the same age as you). It covers a 12 year period, and

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 10

better understanding of how they affect your feelings throughout the year. Thesecolors may hold a special significance for you this year.

Your Astrological House TransitThis number is unique to the Forecast Plus Yearly Numerology reading. It iscalculated from your date of birth using your age. It provides the additionalcolorings that will shade (or change) your Personal Year based on the year youare in on this cycle. Every person will go through the specific Astrological HouseCycle at the same time, so consider that when reading through yourinterpretation.

Your Astrological House Transit number is a very important effect of coloring (orchanging) the view of your Personal Year. Every facet of your Personal Yearahead will be from the viewpoint of this number, so for example if you are in anAstrological House Transit 5 – the entire year (from your birthdate to the next) willgenerally be about relationships and emotional issues revolving around them. If,on the other hand, you are in an Astrological House Transit 7 instead – the entireyear will be about family issues revolving around your own family and relatives,or that of your spouse.

The Astrological House Transit operates on the cycle that is the same for everyperson (when they are the same age as you). It covers a 12 year period, and

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 11

then starts again in reverse order. Your first Astrological House Transit will be 1,then cycling back to 12, 11, 10, etc. back to 1, when it cycles to 12 again makingit a 12 year cycle. This number covers the overall shading of your year aheadthat runs for the year operating from your date of birth one year, to your date ofbirth next year (birthday to birthday). The cycle always continues in reverse andthen repeats when it reaches 12, so for example you may have be on a 5Astrological House Transit this year. Your next Astrological House Transit wouldbe 4, and this continues until you reach a 1 Astrological House Transit and at thatpoint, the following Astrological House Transit starts the cycle over again at 12and then descending again to 1. See the chart below to get a quick check onyour current Astrological House Transit. You can also look at the last time youexperienced this Astrological House Transit, in the past, or the next time you will,in the future:

Astrological House Transit Chart (look up your age in the chart below, then followthat column up to find the Astrological House Transit you are in this year. Youcan also look at all the other ages in the column to find other ages that you willbe in the same Astrological House Transit.

Astrological HouseTransit 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2Age birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3536 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4748 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7172 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8384 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

Each year you pass through a different vibration, or energy, that reflects theenergy for everyone at that age. The Astrological House Transit cycle is a globalcycle that holds validity and accuracy. You may wonder, is it really possible thateveryone at the age of 54 is going through partnership and relationship issues?The answer is yes, in some way relationships and partnership issues will arise foreveryone of that age – though the details of the area of life these issues occur inwill be indicated by other aspects in your chart: your Magi Transition number,Personal Year Number, your Essence and your transiting letters in yourExcursion Chart for that year all have a subtle influence on how relationships andpartnerships will affect you during the year.

Your Personal Year is the controlling influence over all the other cycles; howeverthe Astrological House Transit is a very important secondary number with

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 12

tremendous influence by coloring the overall tone of the year toward eithercareer/job, friends/relationships, family, relationships, personal ambition, etc. So,though your Astrological House Transit may be 7: relationships and partnerships,if your Personal Year is 4 then expect your job or work to be involved in someway in the relationship / partnership issues that will come up at this time. If onthe other hand you were in a Personal Year 6, it would be more likely that a loverelationship or romance would be indicated. Remember that the influences andeffects of this number will be felt in all areas of your reading, giving a specific‘feel’ to the year ahead.

Remember that the Astrological House Transit has nothing to do with your ownastrological sun sign (or any astrological signs in your chart). It is instead thenumerological interpretation of a 12 year cycle that occurs for everyone and thatis represented by you passing through the 12 houses of the zodiac (or signs) asyou age. The Astrological Housesrepresent the feeling, or vibrationof energy you will feel during theyear, and each has its own specificfeeling associated with it, such asone of family issues, relationships,career/work, etc. The AstrologicalHouse Transit cycle operates on a12 year cycle and it is not at all likethe Personal Year Cycle in that itdoes not follow a specific patternrepresenting your own growth andchange over time.

Because it does not operate on afixed pattern, it is not possible toknow, or get an idea of how thatenergy will change from one year tothe next. But, it is possible to lookat one year in the cycle and see thegeneral (overall) feeling or vibrationthat you can expect during theyear. That will be indicated in thechart below which shows you all ofthe general feelings of the 12 yearAstrological House Transit for eachTransit number. Following the chart we will go over all of the specific sectionsthat are included for each Astrological House Transit and what they mean foryou.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 12

tremendous influence by coloring the overall tone of the year toward eithercareer/job, friends/relationships, family, relationships, personal ambition, etc. So,though your Astrological House Transit may be 7: relationships and partnerships,if your Personal Year is 4 then expect your job or work to be involved in someway in the relationship / partnership issues that will come up at this time. If onthe other hand you were in a Personal Year 6, it would be more likely that a loverelationship or romance would be indicated. Remember that the influences andeffects of this number will be felt in all areas of your reading, giving a specific‘feel’ to the year ahead.

Remember that the Astrological House Transit has nothing to do with your ownastrological sun sign (or any astrological signs in your chart). It is instead thenumerological interpretation of a 12 year cycle that occurs for everyone and thatis represented by you passing through the 12 houses of the zodiac (or signs) asyou age. The Astrological Housesrepresent the feeling, or vibrationof energy you will feel during theyear, and each has its own specificfeeling associated with it, such asone of family issues, relationships,career/work, etc. The AstrologicalHouse Transit cycle operates on a12 year cycle and it is not at all likethe Personal Year Cycle in that itdoes not follow a specific patternrepresenting your own growth andchange over time.

Because it does not operate on afixed pattern, it is not possible toknow, or get an idea of how thatenergy will change from one year tothe next. But, it is possible to lookat one year in the cycle and see thegeneral (overall) feeling or vibrationthat you can expect during theyear. That will be indicated in thechart below which shows you all ofthe general feelings of the 12 yearAstrological House Transit for eachTransit number. Following the chart we will go over all of the specific sectionsthat are included for each Astrological House Transit and what they mean foryou.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 12

tremendous influence by coloring the overall tone of the year toward eithercareer/job, friends/relationships, family, relationships, personal ambition, etc. So,though your Astrological House Transit may be 7: relationships and partnerships,if your Personal Year is 4 then expect your job or work to be involved in someway in the relationship / partnership issues that will come up at this time. If onthe other hand you were in a Personal Year 6, it would be more likely that a loverelationship or romance would be indicated. Remember that the influences andeffects of this number will be felt in all areas of your reading, giving a specific‘feel’ to the year ahead.

Remember that the Astrological House Transit has nothing to do with your ownastrological sun sign (or any astrological signs in your chart). It is instead thenumerological interpretation of a 12 year cycle that occurs for everyone and thatis represented by you passing through the 12 houses of the zodiac (or signs) asyou age. The Astrological Housesrepresent the feeling, or vibrationof energy you will feel during theyear, and each has its own specificfeeling associated with it, such asone of family issues, relationships,career/work, etc. The AstrologicalHouse Transit cycle operates on a12 year cycle and it is not at all likethe Personal Year Cycle in that itdoes not follow a specific patternrepresenting your own growth andchange over time.

Because it does not operate on afixed pattern, it is not possible toknow, or get an idea of how thatenergy will change from one year tothe next. But, it is possible to lookat one year in the cycle and see thegeneral (overall) feeling or vibrationthat you can expect during theyear. That will be indicated in thechart below which shows you all ofthe general feelings of the 12 yearAstrological House Transit for eachTransit number. Following the chart we will go over all of the specific sectionsthat are included for each Astrological House Transit and what they mean foryou.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 13

Summary of Themes 12 Year Astrological House Transit CycleAstrological House 1: Personality, motivation, appearanceAstrological House 2: Self-worth, personal possessionsAstrological House 3: Communication, knowledge, environmentAstrological House 4: Home, family issues, parentsAstrological House 5: Pleasure, love affairs, risksAstrological House 6: Work, health, serviceAstrological House 7: Relationships, partnershipsAstrological House 8: Transformation, inheritance, sexAstrological House 9: Beliefs, educationAstrological House 10: Career, responsibilityAstrological House 11: Community, social life, personal hopesAstrological House 12: Self-worth, personal possessions

Many people, including numerologists, are not aware of the Astrological HouseTransit cycle at all. I’ve found it to be invaluable in finding the overall tone for theyear. This is another cycle that you can track in your own life through past andrecent years. You may also that it is accurate. This is one more tool to help youunderstand all of your cycles and to learn how they work together insynchronicity. If you practice that regularly you will achieve your true LifePurpose (or Life Path) much easier and that should be your ultimate goal.

Astrological House Transit xx – yyyyy for the period from Month Day, Year toMonth Day, YearThis section lays out in detail your Astrological House Transit for the yearindicated (birthday to birthday). Read this section of your reading to get a goodoverall feel for how your year may unfold and try to keep in mind that there will besome ‘overlap’ (with your personal year), unless your birthday is on January 1st or(within 10 days of the new year*), because your Astrological House Transit willchange every year on your birthday, while your Personal Year will change onJanuary 1st each year. This overlap or interlock will be indicated in your readingas well following your overall interpretation. This first section will indicate theAstrological House Transit you are in this year, and give you specific details whatthis Astrological House Transit indicates. *If your birthday falls within 10 days of the newyear, you may notice that the Personal Year interlocks are not correct for the short period of time(either immediately before, or after your birthday), since your birthday falls so close to the newyear. In that case always choose the interlock which is for the longest period of time surroundingyour birthday, and ignore the other interlock.

Astrological SignThis is the astrological sign that is the ruler for this house transit. It follows thebasic astrological principles: each house has a ruling sign and planet. These areindicated here. The traditional astrological sign is indicated, and the astrologicalsign that we recognize this as at TheDreamtime.com. If you are familiar with

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 14

Astrology you may use this sign as a way to get a good indication of the feelingor vibration to expect for the year.

Astrological PlanetsThis is the astrological planets that rules this sign this house transit. This sectionfollows the basic astrological principles: each house has a ruling sign and planet.These are indicated here. The traditional astrological planet is indicated, and theastrological planet that we recognize this as at TheDreamtime.com. If you arefamiliar with Astrology you may use this planet as a way to get a good indicationof the feeling or vibration to expect for the year.

Planets in Astrological ChartThis section is provided for additional information only and it indicates generaloverall interpretations for astrological planets which may appear in your chart atthis house. You will have to get a basic natal Astrology chart interpretation to findthese planets, which you can then lookup for the Astrological House that you arein, so for example if you were in a Astrological House 7 and you see that Venusindicates a happy marriage, then if you know that you have Venus in the 7th

House in your own astrological chart then it will indicate that a happy marriagewould be in store for you at some point throughout your life. To be clear on this,you must first have your own astrological chart which you can use to lookup theplanets in the houses to read these interpretations, if you have any of the planetsin the house indicated. Just because planets are indicated here, does not implythat you have these planets in your chart, in these astrological house positions.Instead, the planets indicated here, are basic interpretations of what it wouldmean if you had these planets in your own chart in this house. There are noastrological calculations done in this reading. If you wish to get a freeastrological chart, we have one available on our website at this link: FreeAstrological Chart. *note: after you draw your chart, then click the checkbox:Display List of Aspects and Positions of Planets, and click the button: [Redraw],to see all of the planets in your chart and the houses that they appear in.

PositivesThis section indicates the positive aspects that you may occur during thisAstrological House Transit. These are general good aspects as they relate to thisAstrological House Transit at this point in your life.

NegativesThis section indicates the negative aspects that you may occur during thisAstrological House Transit. These are general bad aspects as they relate to thisAstrological House Transit at this point in your life.

What To Expect

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 15

This section tells you what you may expect to happen during this AstrologicalHouse Transit. Remember that these are general indications, you must be awareof the Personal Year Number that you are currently operating in (see yourPersonal Year Interlocking section), as well as the other aspects of your char thatmay be influencing you at this time.

Overcome NegativeThis section covers very specific things that you may work on, or do that couldhelp you overcome the negative aspects that may come up during thisAstrological House Transit.

Personal Year InterlockingThis is one of the most detailed areas of your Forecast Plus Numerology readingas it includes very specific information regarding the overlaps (or interlocks) thatoccur when you are in the specific Astrological House Transit that you arecurrently operating in. Remember that each Astrological House Transit operatesfrom your birthday this year, until your birthday next year, and that your PersonalYear operates from January 1st of the year, until December 31st of the year. Thisresults in ‘interlocking’ (or overlapping) periods of time where you will be in thesame Astrological House Transit yet in two different Personal Years, which willgreatly change the overall tone of that period.

Unless your birthday falls directly on January 1st, or very near to the new year(such as December 21st to the end of the year, or up until January 11th of theincoming year) then you will notice these energy/vibration changes occurring

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 15

This section tells you what you may expect to happen during this AstrologicalHouse Transit. Remember that these are general indications, you must be awareof the Personal Year Number that you are currently operating in (see yourPersonal Year Interlocking section), as well as the other aspects of your char thatmay be influencing you at this time.

Overcome NegativeThis section covers very specific things that you may work on, or do that couldhelp you overcome the negative aspects that may come up during thisAstrological House Transit.

Personal Year InterlockingThis is one of the most detailed areas of your Forecast Plus Numerology readingas it includes very specific information regarding the overlaps (or interlocks) thatoccur when you are in the specific Astrological House Transit that you arecurrently operating in. Remember that each Astrological House Transit operatesfrom your birthday this year, until your birthday next year, and that your PersonalYear operates from January 1st of the year, until December 31st of the year. Thisresults in ‘interlocking’ (or overlapping) periods of time where you will be in thesame Astrological House Transit yet in two different Personal Years, which willgreatly change the overall tone of that period.

Unless your birthday falls directly on January 1st, or very near to the new year(such as December 21st to the end of the year, or up until January 11th of theincoming year) then you will notice these energy/vibration changes occurring

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 15

This section tells you what you may expect to happen during this AstrologicalHouse Transit. Remember that these are general indications, you must be awareof the Personal Year Number that you are currently operating in (see yourPersonal Year Interlocking section), as well as the other aspects of your char thatmay be influencing you at this time.

Overcome NegativeThis section covers very specific things that you may work on, or do that couldhelp you overcome the negative aspects that may come up during thisAstrological House Transit.

Personal Year InterlockingThis is one of the most detailed areas of your Forecast Plus Numerology readingas it includes very specific information regarding the overlaps (or interlocks) thatoccur when you are in the specific Astrological House Transit that you arecurrently operating in. Remember that each Astrological House Transit operatesfrom your birthday this year, until your birthday next year, and that your PersonalYear operates from January 1st of the year, until December 31st of the year. Thisresults in ‘interlocking’ (or overlapping) periods of time where you will be in thesame Astrological House Transit yet in two different Personal Years, which willgreatly change the overall tone of that period.

Unless your birthday falls directly on January 1st, or very near to the new year(such as December 21st to the end of the year, or up until January 11th of theincoming year) then you will notice these energy/vibration changes occurring

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 16

near to your birthday as your Astrological House Transit changes on yourbirthday. Keep in mind that unlike your Personal Year number which often has awaxing/waning period of 3 months as the new energy comes in, the AstrologicalHouse Transit does not have this period, and instead often indicates a majorchange, or shift of vibration on or within 2 weeks of your birthday. If you thinkback over time, you may notice how very important decisions and issues oftenarise for you very near your birthday. This is why. *The Magi Transition numberalso operates in this manner, making even more changes likely to occur withintwo weeks of your birthday (either before, or after). Try to keep a journal, or lookin your diary or past journals for important changes that often occurred aroundyour birthday. See if you can identify a few important events for you whichhappened around your birthday.

Your Magi Transition NumbersThis number is also unique to the Forecast Plus Yearly Numerology reading. Itgives you even more details on what to expect for the year (in addition to theAstrological House Transit), and it refines those details to very specific lifeaspects in the major areas of: home, health, romance, love, career, work, job,family and relationships. The cycle originated with the ancient Hebrew andChaldean civilizations and has been mostly lost over the years (as most othernumerologists do not even make use of this number).

We will interpret all of your Magi Transition Numbers, this includes the primary‘overtone’ for the year, and the 6 minor ‘undertones’ that change every fourmonths as you move through your year. The Magi Transition cycle operates fromyour birthday one year, to your birthday the next year, just as your AstrologicalHouse Transit does. As with the Astrological House Transit this indicates thatthere will definitely be two Personal Year interlocking sections, one for the timebefore the new year, and one immediately following the new year. Unless yourbirthday falls within 10 days before, or after January 1st. These calculations andtheir interpretations have been found to be extremely valuable in helping youunderstand the focus of the three major periods throughout the year. Each fourmonth period starts on the date of your birthday and continues until the followingfour month period, also ending on your birthday in that month. *If your birthday fallswithin 10 days of the new year, you may notice that the Personal Year interlocks are not correctfor the short period of time (either immediately before, or after your birthday), since your birthdayfalls so close to the new year. In that case always choose the interlock which is for the longestperiod of time surrounding your birthday and ignore the other interlock.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 17

Your Magi Transitionnumber are extremelyimportant and effective inalso providing a shadingof your current PersonalYear, though theyoperate on a completelydifferent cycle then yourpersonal year (and alsocompletely different thenyour Astrological HouseTransit). Every facet ofyour Personal Yearahead will be from theviewpoint of this number(and the viewpoint of theAstrological HouseTransit as well, bothgenerally hold equal ornearly equal importance),so for example if you arein an Magi TransitionNumber 6 – the entireyear will generally beabout relationships andemotional issues

revolving around them. If, on the other hand, you are in an Astrological HouseTransit 7 instead – the entire year will be about family issues revolving aroundyour own family and relatives, or that of your spouse. This is similar to theAstrological House Transit, but it’s more detailed in the aspects that areidentified. The Magi Transition covers detailed aspects and characteristics whilethe Astrological House Transit is broader in nature.

This number is calculated from your date of birth combined with your birth yeardigit, as well as your age at the current time. The undertones also use the Tarotkey number for your birth date. The Magi Transition operates on a general 9 yearcycle, though sometimes the Magi Transition number jumps up, or down anoctave, so for example you may notice a Magi Transition number of 23 duringone year, and a Magi Transition number of 32 showing up 9 years later. Whilethe final (fadic) digit is 5, and the energy/vibration of that time will be similar,these two numbers hold very different interpretations. An example MagiTransition cycle may go something like this: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27… etc. Notice how the 18/9 was a basic 9 Magi Transition number, whichchanged to its octave 27/9 nine years later. The cycle then usually continues on:28, 29, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and then repeats.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 17

Your Magi Transitionnumber are extremelyimportant and effective inalso providing a shadingof your current PersonalYear, though theyoperate on a completelydifferent cycle then yourpersonal year (and alsocompletely different thenyour Astrological HouseTransit). Every facet ofyour Personal Yearahead will be from theviewpoint of this number(and the viewpoint of theAstrological HouseTransit as well, bothgenerally hold equal ornearly equal importance),so for example if you arein an Magi TransitionNumber 6 – the entireyear will generally beabout relationships andemotional issues

revolving around them. If, on the other hand, you are in an Astrological HouseTransit 7 instead – the entire year will be about family issues revolving aroundyour own family and relatives, or that of your spouse. This is similar to theAstrological House Transit, but it’s more detailed in the aspects that areidentified. The Magi Transition covers detailed aspects and characteristics whilethe Astrological House Transit is broader in nature.

This number is calculated from your date of birth combined with your birth yeardigit, as well as your age at the current time. The undertones also use the Tarotkey number for your birth date. The Magi Transition operates on a general 9 yearcycle, though sometimes the Magi Transition number jumps up, or down anoctave, so for example you may notice a Magi Transition number of 23 duringone year, and a Magi Transition number of 32 showing up 9 years later. Whilethe final (fadic) digit is 5, and the energy/vibration of that time will be similar,these two numbers hold very different interpretations. An example MagiTransition cycle may go something like this: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27… etc. Notice how the 18/9 was a basic 9 Magi Transition number, whichchanged to its octave 27/9 nine years later. The cycle then usually continues on:28, 29, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and then repeats.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 17

Your Magi Transitionnumber are extremelyimportant and effective inalso providing a shadingof your current PersonalYear, though theyoperate on a completelydifferent cycle then yourpersonal year (and alsocompletely different thenyour Astrological HouseTransit). Every facet ofyour Personal Yearahead will be from theviewpoint of this number(and the viewpoint of theAstrological HouseTransit as well, bothgenerally hold equal ornearly equal importance),so for example if you arein an Magi TransitionNumber 6 – the entireyear will generally beabout relationships andemotional issues

revolving around them. If, on the other hand, you are in an Astrological HouseTransit 7 instead – the entire year will be about family issues revolving aroundyour own family and relatives, or that of your spouse. This is similar to theAstrological House Transit, but it’s more detailed in the aspects that areidentified. The Magi Transition covers detailed aspects and characteristics whilethe Astrological House Transit is broader in nature.

This number is calculated from your date of birth combined with your birth yeardigit, as well as your age at the current time. The undertones also use the Tarotkey number for your birth date. The Magi Transition operates on a general 9 yearcycle, though sometimes the Magi Transition number jumps up, or down anoctave, so for example you may notice a Magi Transition number of 23 duringone year, and a Magi Transition number of 32 showing up 9 years later. Whilethe final (fadic) digit is 5, and the energy/vibration of that time will be similar,these two numbers hold very different interpretations. An example MagiTransition cycle may go something like this: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27… etc. Notice how the 18/9 was a basic 9 Magi Transition number, whichchanged to its octave 27/9 nine years later. The cycle then usually continues on:28, 29, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and then repeats.

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This cycle runs completely separate from the Personal Year, but also interlockswith it. So, you may find that even though the Personal Year does not indicate agood time for marriage, the Magi Transition number will see that a marriagepossibility presents itself. From here on, it is your destiny that allows you tochoose which path you will take. If the Personal Year indications, or AstrologicalHouse Transit are indicating a bad time for marriage, the marriage maycommence now (as indicated by the Magi Transition), but may in the futureterminate or end as indicated by the other aspects. Either way, you can see thatthe Magi Transition is very important number in determining how things maycommence within the Personal Year (and Astrological House Transit) broadercycles.

You must still think of your Personal Year number as a number that holdsinfluence you’re your entire year. If your Personal Year indicates it is not a goodtime for Love, or Finances, or any other part of your life, then take heed and waitfor a better personal year cycle to arrive, if you can. Or, you may find that you aregoing against your true nature. Either way, the destiny / results of your decisionswill still be indicated.

Many professional numerologists are not even aware of the Magi Transitioncycle. Similar to the Astrological House Transit I’ve found it to be an invaluableguide to finding overall (characteristics), and details (specifics) for the year. Aswith the other cycles (Personal Year, and Astrological House Transit), this isanother cycle that you can track in your own life through past and recent years tolook for, and find patterns of similar events throughout your life. As with theothers, this is yet another tool to help you understand your cycles and to learnhow they work together. If you practice that regularly you will achieve your trueLife Purpose (or Life Path) easier and that should be your ultimate and true goal.

Magi Overtone xx - in effect from Month, Day, Year to Month Day, YearThis section lays out in detail your Magi Overtone for the year indicated (birthdayto birthday). Read this section of your reading to get a good overall feel for howyour year may unfold and try to keep in mind that there will be some ‘overlap’(with your personal year), unless your birthday is on January 1st or (within 10days of the new year*), because your Magi Transition will change every year onyour birthday, while your Personal Year will change on January 1st each year.This overlap or interlock will be indicated in your reading as well following youroverall interpretation. This first section will indicate the Magi Transition Overtone(yearly overtone) that you are in this year, and give you specific details on whatthis Magi Overtone indicates. *If your birthday falls within 10 days of the new year, you maynotice that the Personal Year interlocks are not correct for the short period of time (eitherimmediately before, or after your birthday), since your birthday falls so close to the new year. In

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 19

that case always choose the interlock which is for the longest period of time surrounding yourbirthday, and ignore the other interlock.

Personal Year InterlockingThis is another detailed area of your Forecast Plus Numerology reading thatincludes very specific information regarding the overlaps (or interlocks) that occurwhen you are in the specific Magi Transition Overtone that you are currentlyoperating in. Remember that each Magi Overtone operates from your birthdaythis year, until your birthday next year, and that your Personal Year operatesfrom January 1st of the year, until December 31st of the year. This results in‘interlocking’ (or overlapping) periods of time where you will be in the same MagiOvertone yet in two different Personal Years, which will greatly change theoverall tone of that period.

Unless your birthday falls directly on January 1st, or very near to the new year(such as December 21st to the end of the year, or up until January 11th of theincoming year) then you will notice these energy/vibration changes occurringnear to your birthday as your Magi Overtone changes on your birthday. Keep inmind that unlike your Personal Year number which often has a waxing/waningperiod of 3 months as the new energy comes in, the Magi Overtone does nothave this period (though it may have a 2 month lead up time). Often a majorchange or shift of vibration occurs on or within 2 weeks of your birthday. If youthink back over time, you may notice how very important decisions and issuesoften arise for you very near your birthday – or certainly within the two month

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 19

that case always choose the interlock which is for the longest period of time surrounding yourbirthday, and ignore the other interlock.

Personal Year InterlockingThis is another detailed area of your Forecast Plus Numerology reading thatincludes very specific information regarding the overlaps (or interlocks) that occurwhen you are in the specific Magi Transition Overtone that you are currentlyoperating in. Remember that each Magi Overtone operates from your birthdaythis year, until your birthday next year, and that your Personal Year operatesfrom January 1st of the year, until December 31st of the year. This results in‘interlocking’ (or overlapping) periods of time where you will be in the same MagiOvertone yet in two different Personal Years, which will greatly change theoverall tone of that period.

Unless your birthday falls directly on January 1st, or very near to the new year(such as December 21st to the end of the year, or up until January 11th of theincoming year) then you will notice these energy/vibration changes occurringnear to your birthday as your Magi Overtone changes on your birthday. Keep inmind that unlike your Personal Year number which often has a waxing/waningperiod of 3 months as the new energy comes in, the Magi Overtone does nothave this period (though it may have a 2 month lead up time). Often a majorchange or shift of vibration occurs on or within 2 weeks of your birthday. If youthink back over time, you may notice how very important decisions and issuesoften arise for you very near your birthday – or certainly within the two month

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 19

that case always choose the interlock which is for the longest period of time surrounding yourbirthday, and ignore the other interlock.

Personal Year InterlockingThis is another detailed area of your Forecast Plus Numerology reading thatincludes very specific information regarding the overlaps (or interlocks) that occurwhen you are in the specific Magi Transition Overtone that you are currentlyoperating in. Remember that each Magi Overtone operates from your birthdaythis year, until your birthday next year, and that your Personal Year operatesfrom January 1st of the year, until December 31st of the year. This results in‘interlocking’ (or overlapping) periods of time where you will be in the same MagiOvertone yet in two different Personal Years, which will greatly change theoverall tone of that period.

Unless your birthday falls directly on January 1st, or very near to the new year(such as December 21st to the end of the year, or up until January 11th of theincoming year) then you will notice these energy/vibration changes occurringnear to your birthday as your Magi Overtone changes on your birthday. Keep inmind that unlike your Personal Year number which often has a waxing/waningperiod of 3 months as the new energy comes in, the Magi Overtone does nothave this period (though it may have a 2 month lead up time). Often a majorchange or shift of vibration occurs on or within 2 weeks of your birthday. If youthink back over time, you may notice how very important decisions and issuesoften arise for you very near your birthday – or certainly within the two month

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 20

lead up time to your birthday every year. This is why you may notice a differentfeeling occurring near your birthday every year. *The Astrological House Transitnumber also operates in this manner, making even more changes likely to occurwithin two weeks of your birthday (either before, or after). Try to keep a journal,or look in your diary or past journals for important changes that often occurredaround your birthday. See if you can identify a few important events for youwhich happened around your birthday.

Magi Undertone xx - in effect from Month, Day, Year to Month Day, YearThis section lays out very specific details regarding your Magi Undertones (thereare six undertones operating throughout the year). These undertones work infour month periods (trimesters) which start and stop on the date of your birthdaybut on four month periods throughout the year. Your undertones come in twovarieties – Experience Undertones (broader and more general indications), andCharacteristic Undertones (detailed indications).

All undertones that occur within the major Magi Overtone for the year will beinterpreted for you up to the end of the year for the year ahead. Remember thatthese are nuances and shadings that may change the overall feeling duringspecific four month periods throughout your year. As with the other cycles – ifyou keep an eye on these cycles over time, you may notice that they follow apattern. This pattern may help you understand more about yourself and youroverall experiences and what you may expect ahead based on previous MagiOvertones (and Undertones) in your life.

Your Current Essence and Excursion LettersThese numbers will give you great detail on how your year will unfold in thecontext of your Personal Year number. They are very valuable numbers to know.The Essence number is a total of the three Excursion Letters. The Excursion iscreated by assigning the numerological values for each letter of your name andthe letters operate for that number of years over your lifetime. The name listed onthe birth certificate is used and the first name indicates the physical/mentalvibration for the year, the middle name indicates the emotional vibration for theyear and the last name the spiritual vibration for the year.

A full excursion chart is left for another reading, but you can see an example ofhow one would look below (birth name: Susan Joyce Elliot, born in 1964)Year | First | Middle | Last | Essence1964 s (1) j (1) e (5) 71965 u (3) o (6) e (5) 14/51966 u (3) o (6) e (5) 14/51967 u (3) o (6) e (5) 14/51968 s (1) o (6) e (5) 12/31969 a (1) o (6) l (3) 12/3

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…. … … … …The excursion would continue from here for another 60-90 years. The Excursionletters are calculated for you to the current year and then added together to giveyou your Essence number for the current year, and for next year.

Your Essence Cycle xx for the period Month, Day, Year to Month Day, YearThe Essence cycle runs from birthday to birthday, so you will likely have twodifferent PersonalYear numbers duringyour Essence cycleunless you are bornon January 1st. Yourdouble-digit Essencenumber is interpretedfor you in this section(if you have a twodigit Essence numberat this time). It goesinto a finer level ofdetail (or nuances)that can be feltthroughout the cycle,however the overalltone will be determined by the single-digit Essence number for the period.

Read through your Essence numbers while keeping your Personal Year numberin mind as it will hold a strong effect (or overtone) that will be felt as well. If youhave a strong emotional Personal Year number expect an emotional time, but ifthe Essence number also indicates emotional upheavals be prepared for somereally difficult emotional issues that may arise during this cycle.

Read your Essence number and keep in mind that this will affect you for theentire one year period from your birthday until the cycle reaches an end at yournext birthday. If the Essence number stays the same from one birthday to thenext that means that you will feel this vibration for two years, or more dependingon how long the Essence lasts for your personal calculation.

Your transits from: Month, Day, Year to Month Day YearNow going to an even finer level of detail we take each letter of your name thatyou are experiencing at this time and look at them at an individual level.Remember that we used the three excursion letters and added them to createyour Essence Cycle (above). The transits are the individual letters that aretransiting for you at this time (in your overall Excursion Chart). Each letter

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 21

…. … … … …The excursion would continue from here for another 60-90 years. The Excursionletters are calculated for you to the current year and then added together to giveyou your Essence number for the current year, and for next year.

Your Essence Cycle xx for the period Month, Day, Year to Month Day, YearThe Essence cycle runs from birthday to birthday, so you will likely have twodifferent PersonalYear numbers duringyour Essence cycleunless you are bornon January 1st. Yourdouble-digit Essencenumber is interpretedfor you in this section(if you have a twodigit Essence numberat this time). It goesinto a finer level ofdetail (or nuances)that can be feltthroughout the cycle,however the overalltone will be determined by the single-digit Essence number for the period.

Read through your Essence numbers while keeping your Personal Year numberin mind as it will hold a strong effect (or overtone) that will be felt as well. If youhave a strong emotional Personal Year number expect an emotional time, but ifthe Essence number also indicates emotional upheavals be prepared for somereally difficult emotional issues that may arise during this cycle.

Read your Essence number and keep in mind that this will affect you for theentire one year period from your birthday until the cycle reaches an end at yournext birthday. If the Essence number stays the same from one birthday to thenext that means that you will feel this vibration for two years, or more dependingon how long the Essence lasts for your personal calculation.

Your transits from: Month, Day, Year to Month Day YearNow going to an even finer level of detail we take each letter of your name thatyou are experiencing at this time and look at them at an individual level.Remember that we used the three excursion letters and added them to createyour Essence Cycle (above). The transits are the individual letters that aretransiting for you at this time (in your overall Excursion Chart). Each letter

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 21

…. … … … …The excursion would continue from here for another 60-90 years. The Excursionletters are calculated for you to the current year and then added together to giveyou your Essence number for the current year, and for next year.

Your Essence Cycle xx for the period Month, Day, Year to Month Day, YearThe Essence cycle runs from birthday to birthday, so you will likely have twodifferent PersonalYear numbers duringyour Essence cycleunless you are bornon January 1st. Yourdouble-digit Essencenumber is interpretedfor you in this section(if you have a twodigit Essence numberat this time). It goesinto a finer level ofdetail (or nuances)that can be feltthroughout the cycle,however the overalltone will be determined by the single-digit Essence number for the period.

Read through your Essence numbers while keeping your Personal Year numberin mind as it will hold a strong effect (or overtone) that will be felt as well. If youhave a strong emotional Personal Year number expect an emotional time, but ifthe Essence number also indicates emotional upheavals be prepared for somereally difficult emotional issues that may arise during this cycle.

Read your Essence number and keep in mind that this will affect you for theentire one year period from your birthday until the cycle reaches an end at yournext birthday. If the Essence number stays the same from one birthday to thenext that means that you will feel this vibration for two years, or more dependingon how long the Essence lasts for your personal calculation.

Your transits from: Month, Day, Year to Month Day YearNow going to an even finer level of detail we take each letter of your name thatyou are experiencing at this time and look at them at an individual level.Remember that we used the three excursion letters and added them to createyour Essence Cycle (above). The transits are the individual letters that aretransiting for you at this time (in your overall Excursion Chart). Each letter

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 22

represents an area of your life, either: Physical/Mental, Emotional or Spiritual.Note that if you have two middle names that the letters may be split up differentlyand you would have four excursion letters instead of three (the first name beingPhysical, the first middle name Mental, the second middle name Emotional andthe last name Spiritual).

You will see a chart here indicating the 3 (or 4) letters that are transiting for youat this time, the category they are in, and the vibration of that letter, as well as theoverall vibrational type (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) of that letter in yourname. Refer to the sections below which cover the details of the transit letters foryou in each area.

Physical/Mental Transit Letter: x (x) Emotional (Active) – x of x years in cycleBecause each of the letters that are transiting for you at this time will have theireffects felt for the same number of years as the vibration, you will notice it willalso indicate which year you are in, in the cycle for that letter. As an example ifyou have a ‘R’ in your name which has a vibration of 9, and therefore lasts for 9years, you may be in any year of the cycle, from the 1st year through to the 9th

year. This will be indicated as such: 8 of 9 years in cycle next to the actual transitletter.

Read through the interpretations of each of your transiting letters to get a betteridea of each area of detail for your Personal Year. Try to keep in mind that eachletter indicates a specific area, either Physical/Mental, Emotional or Spiritual andthe effect that it will have on your life in that area. If the interpretation isdiscussing emotional issues, and the letter is a Physical/Mental transit then theinterpretation of the emotional issues should be applied more to thePhysical/Mental areas of your life.

Go through each letter and take a personal inventory of how you may be affectedfor the entire year based on the transiting letters in your name at this time. Lookat how the transits may change, or stay the same when you reach your nextbirthday and see how this may affect you at that time. Record your impressionsand feelings in a journal if you like to help you remember and take action on anyspecific information you find here.

Your Current Four Month/Monthly CyclesThis is the most detailed part of your reading and it includes the overall fourmonth (trimester) cycles as well as your personal monthly cycles. Theseinterpretations are done based on a combination of Numerology and Tarot and Ihave found them to be very valuable in their unique ability to indicate detailedevents, as well as an overall coloring (for the four month cycle).

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 23

Your Four Month Cycle from: Month, Day, Year to Month, Day, Year (xx)This is one of the most detailed sections of your reading and it uses the 4 monthcycles (sometimes called Trimesters). The Four Month cycles always begin andend on your birthday and there are three of these cycles every year. The firstcycle (which starts on your birthday) will always be the same number and it couldindicate some type of karmic debt that you are working on during this lifetime, asit will continue to come up every year for the first four months after your birthday.Pay special attention to the Trimester if it is the first four months starting on yourbirthday. The interpretations are made using Tarot/Numerology and the numberfor the cycle will appear immediately after the dates of the cycle in the heading,notice the (xx) above.

The Four Month Cycle number is interpreted for you and it will hold a strongvibration over everything that happens during that four month period, though thefollowing Monthly Cycle interpretations will include even more details on whatcan be expected for the period. Pay close attention to how the Trimester cyclesmay color your monthly cycle interpretations and then place those in context withyour Personal Year number (at the beginning of the reading) and your Essenceand Transit numbers which will also be the undertones for the year ahead.

A outline of the importance of each of these numbers is outlined belowPersonal Year Number (overtone for the year)

Astrological House Transit (for the year)Magi Transition (overtone for year)

Essence Number (undertone and details for the year)Magi Transition (undertone for year)

Personal Transit Number (nuances/details of Essence Number)Four Month Cycle Number (overtone for the 4 month period)

Monthly Cycle Number (details for the month)

The cycles on the outer edges will color those cycles that are indicated as beinginside of the outer cycle (for example the Personal Year number holds thehighest overtone, or vibration for the entire year, followed by the EssenceNumber and the Four Month Cycle Number, etc).

Your Monthly Cycle for the month of Month, Year (xx, xx)Like the Four Month Cycle number discussed earlier, the Month Cycle numbergives even greater detail about your monthly cycles and what to expect duringthe month. Read your current monthly cycle and one month ahead. Look aheadfor possible trends and try to understand any lessons that appear for each newperiod. Make a reminder to yourself now to look back here often. When you doyou will notice even more opportunities for personal growth, awareness andcompletion as you work with and read your reading.

Copyright © 2013, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com 24

The Monthly Cycles are part of your toolbox for growth and change. Study themon the weekend before each current new month to learn more about what mayfollow for the month ahead and to get a good grasp on things you can do, or forthe tone you may expect for the coming month.

Ending DiscussionThat wraps up our detailed explanation for getting the most from your personalForecast Plus Numerology reading, but it doesn't end the discovery, growth, goalachievement, and change that is ahead for you as you progress along your pathof self-fulfillment.

For more information check out some of our other detailed readings which canprovide information which is not part of this reading. Our ProfessionalNumerology Readings go into great detail on your Life Path (true life purpose) aswell as charting your Personality, Inclusion and Karmic Lessons. OurCompatibility Numerology Readings provide details about your relationship withsomeone else, and they also go over your Fate number and the one majorlesson to be learned during this lifetime. Our Life Purpose Readings fill you inwith all of the details of your strengths/weaknesses available to you, as well asworks with you to help you write your own life purpose statement.

I wish you much success on your journey and hope that I have provided you withanother powerful tool for clearing your vision to see the goals and lessons thatmay lie ahead of you in this lifetime. Good luck, peace and fulfillment onachieving your destiny.

Please feel free to contact me personally at TheDreamtime.com if you havefurther questions, or comments about this report. You can contact me using ourContact Us page located at:http://www.thedreamtime.com/Astrologer-Contact.html
