Unidad 1. Meeting people -...


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Sesión 1. Introducing myself

Esta unidad de introducción le permitirá al estudiante entender y expresar saludos comunes y expresiones de uso cotidiano para interactuar en su entorno social inmediato. De igual manera, podrá presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información básica sobre su domicilio y de las personas que conoce.

Propósitos de formación:

Se pretende que el estudiante logre iniciarse en el uso del idioma mediante la identificación de mensajes breves de uso frecuente recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales de su propio contexto cultural, de igual manera podrá comunicarse en forma oral y escrita mediante representaciones lingüísticas de complejidad básica para satisfacer sus necesidades inmediatas y relacionarse con su entorno.

Criterios de evaluación:

Para la evaluación de su desempeño se tendrá en cuenta el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas de comprensión y producción oral y escrita a través de la solución de los ejercicios y evaluaciones propuestas en la plataforma.


Sesión 1. Introducing myself

Saludos y despedidas

Presentación Personal

En muchos países angloparlantes los niveles de extrema formalidad han ido desapareciendo incluso en situaciones laborales. De esta manera, se utilizan expresiones sencillas para saludar y despedirse permitiendo un mayor acercamiento y confianza entre las personas que se comunican entre sí. En esta primera sesión iniciaremos con el estudio y práctica de saludos y despedidas a través de situaciones comunicativas cortas y sencillas. De igual manera, desarrollaremos actividades que permitan realizar la presentación personal propia y la de otras personas.

A continuación miraremos algunas formas de saludar, presentarse y mantener una comunicación corta ya sea de manera verbal o por escrito:

Unidad 1. Meeting people

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[ Inglés I - A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]

Read the information about Greetings, Salutations and Personal Presentations

Greetings (Saludos)

• Hi! / Hello! (¡Hola!) • Good morning! (¡Buenos días!)• Good afternoon! (¡Buenas tardes!)• Good evening! / Goodnight! (¡Buenas noches!) • How are you? (¿Cómo estás?/ ¿Qué tal?)• Fine, thanks. (Bien, gracias.)

Salutations (Despedidas)

• Bye! / Good-bye! (¡Adios!)• See you later! (¡Hasta luego!)• See you soon! (¡Hasta pronto! / ¡Hasta ahora!)• See you tomorrow! (¡Hasta mañana!)• Good luck! (¡Buena suerte!)• Kind regards to everybody. (Recuerdos a todos.)• Best wishes! (¡Recuerdos! / ¡Mis mejores deseos!)• Take care! (¡Ten cuidado! / ¡Cuidate!)

Presentations (Presentaciones)

• What is your name? (¿Cómo te llamas?)• My name is... / I’m... (My llamo... / Soy...)• Let me introduce you to... (Le presento a...)• Nice [Pleased] to meet you. (Encantado / Mucho gusto.)

Activity 1:Ingrese al aula virtual y realice la actividad:

Esta actividad está igualmente disponible en el CD interactivo.

Listening Activity 1 Meeting people

Después de escuchar las conversaciones en el aula virtual realice la siguiente actividad:

Choose the correct option to complete the conversations:

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Sesión 1. Introducing myself


1. Gina: How are you?

Mr. Morantes: __________.

a. I`m fine thanks

b.This is Gina

c. How are you doing?

2. Yenni: __________, Claire.

Claire: Morning, Yenni.

a. Good afternoon

b. How are you doing?

c. Good evening

3. Professor: __________, Emi?

Emi: Good, thanks.

a. Great

b. How are you?

c. Fine

4. a. Peter: Good morning, Dave. How are you doing?

Greg: __________, thanks.

a. How are you

b. Nice to meet you

c. Great

5. Samuel: How are you doing?

Rom: Fine, thanks, _________?

Phill: Great.

a. Good afternoon

b. Good evening

c. And you

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[ Inglés I - A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]

Activity 2:Reorder the dialogue and write it with the correct names:

I’m fine thanks, Ben.

Nice to meet you, Alice.

Hi, James. How are you?

I’m American. I’m from Washington D.C.

James, this is Alice. She’s my sister.

Nice to meet you, James. Where are you from?

0 Ben: Hi, James. How are you?______________________________________


1 ______________________________________________________________


2 ______________________________________________________________


3 ______________________________________________________________


4 ______________________________________________________________


Activity 3

(Para realizar este ejercicio debe escuchar el CD del estudiante)

Track 1

Listening Activity : Personal Presentation

Listen and read the following presentations. Pay attention to the structures to give your personal presentation :

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Sesión 1. Introducing myself

Hi, I’m Sally Winters. I work at INTEL Comunications. I am a computer programmer. I love music and dancing, and I enjoy being with my friends.


Hello. I’m Emmy Dasilva I’m a saleswoman. I travel a lot, but I really just like to stay at home!

Hello. I’m Laura Arnello. I work for Globe Technologies. My husband’s name is Paul and we have two kids, Maggie and Frankie. I am a graphic designer.

Hi . I am Michael Gutierrez . I am a Chef. I work for an elegant and famous restaurant in Colorado. I love pasta and sea food. I am single and I am very happy!




Activity 4(Para realizar este ejercicio debe escuchar el CD del estudiante)

Track 2

Listening Activity : At the reception of the hotel

Listen and read the following conversation between two people in the reception of a hotel:

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[ Inglés I - A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]


Receptionist: Good morning, I am Sally. Can I help you?Steve: Good morning, I need a roomReceptionist: Yes sir. What´s your name?Steve: My name is Steve. Steve SandersReceptionist: What is your telephone number?Steve: My telephone number is 6487654Receptionist: Sir, Where are you from?Steeve: I am from London. U.K.Receptionist: And what is your address?Steve: My address is 37 Chesham StreetReeptionist: Thank you very much , your room is 303 and welcome to Estelar Hotel.Steve: Thank you very much

Now organize the following conversation in the correct order:

12 Thank you very much

What is your telephone number?

Yes sir. What´s your name?

My address is 45 Wall Street

Hello, I need to make a reservation

My telephone number is 64746203

1 Good evening, I am Peter Jones.Can I help you?

My name is Sally Peterson

And what is your address?

I am from New York

Thank you very much , your table for two is ready.

Sir, Where are you from?

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Sesión 1. Introducing myself

Activity 5La siguiente actividad corresponde a desarrollar la capacidad de comprensión lectora y escritura. Lea y siga el modelo dado, finalmente redacte su propia información atendiendo a la rúbrica indicada . (Envìe su composición a través del aula virtual Sesión 1 Writing activity)

Writing: Writing an e-mail

Read this e-mail :


To: ________________________ From: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Dear ______________, Hi! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


To: jeremyrf@university.edu From: agarcia79@university.edu Date: September 22

Dear Jeremy , Hi! How are you doing? My name is Antonio Garcia. I’m your new partner at the university this semester. I’m from Bogotá, Colombia, and I study Computer Science. I like computers, surfing the Internet and sports. What do you like? See you in February!


Write your composition about your personal information following the model and the rubric.


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[ Inglés I - A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]


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Sesión 2. Around the world

Sesión 2.Around the worldEn la presente sesión continuaremos practicando sobre cómo expresar datos relacionados con nuestra información personal, igualmente revisaremos vocabulario relacionado con diversas ocupaciones y profesiones e iniciaremos con el estudio y práctica del verbo TO BE en sus diferentes formas. Es importante hacer una lectura cuidadosa de los cuadros gramaticales con el fin de poder realizar los ejercicios de manera correcta. Antes de iniciar revisemos el vocabulario propuesto para la unidad:

Revisemos el vocabulario relacionado con números, días de la semana, meses del año, ocupaciones, profesiones y nacionalidades.

Occupations and professions:

ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISHLawyer abogado bookseller librero actor/actress actor/actriz sailor marinero customs officer aduanero doctor médico Farmer agricultor mechanic mecánico Builder albañil miner minero architect arquitecto model modelo consultant asesor instructor monitor astronaut astronauta monk monje air hostess azafata nun monja dustman basurero nanny niñerafireman bombero labourer obrero waiter/waitress camarero/a office worker oficinista lorry driver camionero baker panadero Singer cantante shepherd pastor butcher carnicero journalist periodista postman cartero fisherman pescador scientist científico pilot piloto surgeon cirujano painter pintor Cook cocinero politician político Driver conductor policeman policía accountant contable caretaker portero servant criado teacher profesor Priest cura psychologist psicólogoDentist dentista psychiatrist psiquiatra shop assistant dependiente receptionist recepcionista electrician electricista watchmaker relojero employee empleado reporter reportero

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[ Inglés I - A1- Unidad 1. Meeting People ]

bank clerk empleado de banco priest sacerdote Nurse enfermero tailor sastre Writer escritor secretary secretario student estudiante soldier soldado chemist farmacéutico shorthand typist taquimeca plumber fontanero taxi driver taxista Farmer granjero technician técnico engineer ingeniero bullfighter torero gardener jardinero translator traductor jeweller joyero salesman vendedor Judge juez vet veterinario

Days of week and months of the year:

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Sesión 2. Around the world

Cardinal Numbers:

Carcinal numbers from 1 through 1,000,0001 One 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one2 Two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 40 forty3 Three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 50 fifty4 Four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 60 sixty5 Five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 70 seventy6 Six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 80 eighty7 Seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 90 ninety8 Eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 100 a/one hundred9 Nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 1,000 a/one thousand

10 Ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 1,000,000 a/one million


Country Nationality

Argentina Argentinian

Australia Australian

Bolivia Bolivian

Brazil Brazilian

Britain British

Bulgaria Bulgarian

Canada Canadian

Chile Chilean

Colombia Colombian

Costa Rica Costa Rican

Cuba Cuban

Ecuador Ecuadorean

Egypt Egyptian

England English

France French

Germany German

India Indian

Italy Italian

Japan Japanese

Mauritania Mauritanian

Mauritius Mauritian

Mexico Mexican

Moldova Moldovan

MonacoMonégasque or Monacan

Peru Peruvian

Poland Polish

Russia Russian

Scotland Scottish

Spain Spanish

Switzerland Swiss

United States of America (USA)


Venezuela Venezuelan

United Kingdom (UK)


Country Nationality

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[ Inglés I - A1- Unidad 1. Meeting People ]

Activity 6:

Match the pictures with the corresponding professions and occupations:















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Sesión 2. Around the world

a. Computer programmer

b. Fireman

c. Doctor

d. Lawyer

e. Housewife

f. Waitress

g. Stylist

h. Baker

i. Actor

j. Actress

k. Flight attendant

l. Nurse

m. Waiter

n. Engineer

Verbo TO BE y su conjugación en tiempo presente simple:

Lea la siguiente información acerca de la conjugación del verbo TO BE en el tiempo presente simple. Tenga en cuenta las estructuras en oraciones afirmativas, negativas y en la forma de pregunta:

Look at this information about the verb To be:


Affirmative sentences

( + )


I am I’m I’m here.

you are you’re You’re busy.

he is he’s He’s a friend.

she is she’s She’s a doctor.

it is it’s It’s cold today.

we are we’re We’re hungry.

you are you’re You’re beautiful.

they are they’re They’re asleep.

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[ Inglés I - A1- Unidad 1. Meeting People ]


Negative sentences

( - )

I am not I’m not I’m not thirsty.

you are not you aren’t / you’re notYou aren’t here. / You’re not a cat!

he is not he isn’t / he’s notHe isn’t there. / He’s not at home.

she is not she isn’t / she’s notShe isn’t a mother. / She’s not a mom.

it is not it isn’t / it’s notIt isn’t warm. / It’s not hot today.

we are not we aren’t / we’re notWe aren’t asleep. / We’re not sleepy.

you are not you aren’t / you’re notYou aren’t tired. / You’re not at work.

they are not they aren’t / they’re notThey aren’t here. / They’re not at work.

(+) Short Answer (-) Short Answer

Questions ( ? )

Am I correct? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Are you tired? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. / No, you’re not.

Is he asleep? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. / No, he’s not.

Is she here? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. / No, she’s not.

Is it warm? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. / No, it’s not.

Are we students? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. / No, we’re not.

Are you thirsty? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. / No, you’re not.

Are they here? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t. / No, they’re not.

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Sesión 2. Around the world

Ahora repasemos todo lo visto en la presente sesión. Es importante tener en cuenta las estructuras y el vocabulario sugerido para poder realizar los ejercicios propuestos:

Activity 7:

Complete the sentences using the verb TO BE in affirmative(+) , negative(-) or question (?) form.

1. I _________fifteen years old 2. We ________ Spanish. We’re Argentinean.

3 He _________from Rome. 4. They __________ American. They’re British.

5 Rome ____________________ in the center of Italy.

6 He________________ from Spain. He’s American

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[ Inglés I - A1- Unidad 1. Meeting People ]

7. A: ___________ John from South Africa?

B: No, he __________________.

8. A: _____________ they actors?

B: No, they ________________.

9. Ted and I ___________ twenty years old. 10. _________ I your new neighbour?

Complete the lists with the correct word in front:

Example: two, four, six, eight nine eight ten

1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, __________ Saturday Thursday Friday

2. thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, ________. forty sixty fifty

3. sixty, seventy, eighty, __________. one hundred one thousand


4. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, __________. Wednesday Friday Tuesday

5. fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, __________. thirty thirty-five thirteen

6. seven, eight, nine, __________. eleven ten twelve

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Sesión 2. Around the world

Complete the columns with the corresponding country or nationality

Example: Japan Japanese

1 the United States ___________

2 Germany ___________

3 ___________ Italian

4 France ___________

5 ___________ Chinese

6 ___________ Brazilian

7 Colombia ___________

8 Peru ___________

9 ___________ Spanish

10 Canada ___________

11 ___________ English

12 ___________ Irish

13 Switzerland ___________

14 Mexico ___________

15 ___________ Egyptian

Activity 8:

Ingrese al aula virtual y realice la actividad. Esta actividad está igualmente disponible en el CD interactivo.

Listening Activity 2 Personal Information

Activity 9:Ingrese al aula virtual y realice la actividad:

Reading Activity: Studying in U.K.

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[ Inglés I -A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]

Sesión 3. Describing people


• Descripción de la hora

• Descripción física

• Adjetivos Demostrativos

En inglés, existen dos formas para preguntar la hora: al estilo Americano que es la manera más utilizada y al estilo Británico, las dos formas tienen reglas claras y precisas que determinan la manera de comunicarse según el lugar y la cultura en la que el hablante se desenvuelve:

• What time is it? (American Culture)

• Have you got the time? (British Culture)

Para contestar a esta pregunta, los angloparlantes siempre contestan en singular teniendo en cuenta siempre los mismos patrones:

British Time:

What time is it ?

It’s (a) quarter past five. It’s twenty past five.

It’s half past five. It’s twenty- five to six It’s five to six

It’s five o’clock.

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Sesión 3. Describing people

American Time:

What time is it ?

Activity 10

Write the times in both American and British forms:

0 . It’s a quarter past ten_ _It’s ten fifteen

1 5.

It is five o´clock It is five fifteen It is five tweenty

It is five thirty It is five thirty-six It is five fifty-five




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[ Inglés I -A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]



Describing physical appearance

Revise el siguiente vocabulario antes de realizar los ejercicios de afianzamiento.

* These words describe physical appearance. Add them to the table below.

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Sesión 3. Describing people

Imágenes tomadas de: http://elpweb.com/materials/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/L1%20L&S%20supp%20mats%20unit%201%20Physical%20appearance.pdf

Activity 11

Read the following paragraph and say who is... Mike, Spike and Terry:

Mike , Spike and Terry are brothers but they look very different. Mike is tall and slim, he has short and blond hair. Spike and Terry are medium-height and chubby. Spike has brown hair and has glasses, and Terry has short and blond hair.

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[ Inglés I -A1 - Unidad 1. Meeting People ]


I have two brothers Jim and Nicole. They are very different. Jim is 16. He is a student. He is tall and thin. He has blue eyes and short and blond hair. He has glasses and his skin color is light brown. But my sister Nicole is very different, she is 25. She is a teacher. She is pretty short and chubby. She has long, black and curly hair. She has black eyes and a big mouth.

Mike: ____ terry:____ spike:____

Activity 12

La siguiente actividad corresponde a desarrollar la capacidad de comprensión lectora y escritura. Lea y siga el modelo dado, finalmente redacte su propia información atendiendo a la rúbrica indicada .

Reading and Writing Activity

Read this physical description :


A. B. C. D. E. F.

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Sesión 3. Describing people

Write your composition:

Choose two family members and make a description about them following the model and the rubric:



I have ____ brothers.... _____________________________________




