UNIFORM & DRESS CODE POLICY - NHS Doncaster CCG...physical considerations must be agreed in...


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Last Review Date December 2019

Approving Body Executive Committee

Date of Approval 19 February 2020

Date of Implementation 25 February 2020

Next Review Date December 2022

Review Responsibility Associate Director of HR & Corporate Services

Version 0.3

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November 2013 September 2017 December 2019

The original PCT document has been revised to:

Reflect the Clinical Commissioning Group Establishment

Reflect the Clinical Commissioning Group workforce

Include Uniform Section for clinical staff

Reflect current job titles

3 year review and refresh. Emphasis on consideration of professionalism, standards required and appropriateness of attire particularly in respect of audience/client group.

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Page SECTION A – POLICY 1. Policy Statement, Aims and Objectives 4 2. Legislation and Guidance 4 3. Scope 4 4. Accountabilities and Responsibilities 5 5. Dissemination, Training and Review 6 SECTION B – PROCEDURE 1. General Principles 7 2. Dress for Work – All Employees 7 3. Non Uniform Staff in Direct Patient Contact 8 4. Uniforms 8 5. Infection Prevention and Control 9 6. Identification Badges 9 7. Compensation for damage to personal clothing 9 8. Laundry Guidance 10 9. Wearing of Uniform whilst not at work 10 10. Changes to uniform in extreme weather conditions 10 11. Compliance 10 12. Right of redress 10


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SECTION A – POLICY 1. Policy Statement, Aims and Objectives 1.1. The aim of this policy is to outline the expectations of NHS Doncaster Clinical

Commissioning Group (CCG) in relation to uniform and dress code. The policy will be implemented to ensure that a positive corporate image is adhered to. All employees are expected to portray a professional image to patients/clients and members of the public.

1.2. This policy acknowledges personal and cultural diversity where this does not compromise the safety of patients or employees, or damage the professional standing of the individual or the CCG. Employees are advised that any proposed deviation from this policy because of cultural, ethnic, religious and physical considerations must be agreed in consultation with the employees Line Manager and advice will be sought from relevant parties, e.g. Health and Safety colleagues, Infection, Prevention and Control colleagues and Human Resources.

1.3. The development of this policy:

Ensures employees are clear on the expected standard of dress whilst at work

Ensures employees maintain a positive professional image

Ensures that where applicable employees comply with infection, prevention and control requirements and health and safety legislation

2. Legislation and Guidance 2.1. The following legislation and guidance has been taken into consideration in

the development of this procedural document.

Equality Act 2010

Department of Health – Religion and Belief guidance

3. Scope 3.1. This policy applies to those members of staff that are directly employed

by NHS Doncaster CCG and for whom NHS Doncaster CCG has legal responsibility. For those staff covered by a letter of authority / honorary contract or work experience this policy is also applicable whilst undertaking duties on behalf of NHS Doncaster CCG or working on NHS Doncaster CCG premises and forms part of their arrangements with NHS Doncaster CCG. As part of good employment practice, agency workers are also required to abide by NHS Doncaster CCG policies and procedures, as appropriate, to ensure their health, safety and welfare whilst undertaking work for NHS Doncaster CCG.

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4. Accountabilities and Responsibilities 4.1. Overall accountability for ensuring consistent application of this policy lies with

the Chief Officer. Responsibility is delegated to the following:

Associate Director of HR & Corporate


Has delegated responsibility for:

Maintaining an overview of the corporate ratification and governance process associated with the policy. Leading the development, implementation and review of the policy.

Providing guidance to managers and employees to wish to discuss a deviation from the policy due to cultural/religious/medical or personal reasons.

Appointing Officers

Have delegated responsibility for:

Ensuring that the policy is implemented within their own area of responsibility.

Endeavouring to maintain a safe and healthy working environment where dress is appropriate to the duties being undertaken.

Addressing any concerns raised by an employee that their personal requirements are not being met.

Taking action where an employee does not comply with the dress code requirements as set out in this policy.

All Staff

Have delegated responsibility for:

Ensuring they are familiar with the policy and procedure and are fully compliant with it.

Dressing in a manner which promotes a professional image and enhances the reputation of the CCG.

Raising with their line manager any concerns that they have regarding their personal requirements in relation to dress.

Staff Side

Have responsibility to:

Ensure they are familiar with the policy and procedure

Advise and represent employees who are members of recognised Trade Unions

Provide guidance and support to staff

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5. Dissemination, Training and Review

5.1. Dissemination

5.1.1. The effective implementation of this procedural document will support openness and transparency. NHS Doncaster CCG will:

Ensure all staff and stakeholders have access to a copy of this procedural document via the organisation’s website.

5.1.2. This procedural document is located on the CCG website. A set of

hard copy Procedural Document Manuals are held by the Governance Team for business continuity purposes and all procedural documents are available via the organisation’s website. Staff are notified by email of new or updated procedural documents.

5.2. Training

5.2.1. All staff will receive direction regarding dress code from this policy,

their line manager, team briefing and through induction. 5.3. Review

5.3.1. As part of its development, this procedural document and its impact on

staff, patients and the public has been reviewed in line with NHS Doncaster CCG’s Equality Duties. The purpose of the assessment (see Appendix A) is to identify and if possible remove any disproportionate adverse impact on employees, patients and the public on the grounds of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act.

5.3.2. The procedural document will be reviewed every three years, and in accordance with the following on an as and when required basis:

Legislatives changes

Good practice guidelines

Case Law

Significant incidents reported

New vulnerabilities identified

Changes to organisational infrastructure

Changes in practice

5.3.3. Procedural document management will be performance monitored to ensure that procedural documents are in-date and relevant to the core business of the CCG. The results will be published in the regular Governance Reports.

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SECTION B – PROCEDURE 1. General Principles 1.1. It is important that employees dress in a professional manner that avoids

provocative and suggestive messages that may cause offence or embarrassment to others with whom they come into contact. Clothes with logos/advertisements which may be regarded as offensive or go against the organisation’s ethos should not be worn.

1.2. It is recognised that what may cause offence or embarrassment to one individual may not have the same impact upon another. Where there is any confusion or doubt regarding appropriate personal presentation guidance should be sought from the Senior Management Team.

1.3. Some employees employed in a clinical capacity may choose to wear their uniform at all times or when applicable to the duties they are undertaking. Where such staff choose to wear ‘non-uniform’ dress they must ensure they have access to their uniform at all times.

2. Dress for Work – All Employees

2.1. Where a uniform is not a requirement for the role it is important that employees wear smart business or smart/casual clothing that is clean and in a good state of repair. The following should be avoided:

Very casual trousers or jeans

Shorts or short skirts

Strapless, strappy or low cut or cropped tops

Flimsy or transparent clothing

Excessive jewellery

Other items that do not project a professional image

2.2. Hair should be clean, neat and tidy. Long hair must be tied back when

undertaking any repairs to equipment such as a photocopier/printer, for example to remove jammed paper. Uniformed staff must have their hair tied back if longer than shoulder length. Staff are responsible for maintaining a professional image in the workplace and be mindful when considering extreme hair colouring or styles. Unconventional styles or colours may not be deemed appropriate. If employees are in any doubt as to what may be deemed appropriate they should speak to their line manager before making any changes to the appearance of their hairstyle.

2.3. Jewellery must not be excessive and detract from the professional image. The CCG will not be liable for any injury sustained by an employee caused by the wearing of jewellery or for loss of or damage to jewellery. Employees may be asked to remove or cover jewellery worn through body piercings other than ears or nose where it may be construed that this is detrimental to their professional image. Uniformed staff must observe the principles of ‘bare below the elbow’. Any piercings or jewellery which may cause an infection

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prevention and control hazard must be covered or removed. The wearing of necklaces is prohibited. Employees whose religion requires them to wear a religious symbol may do so provided that they are discrete and comply with infection prevention control and health and safety policies.

2.4. Shoes must be clean and suitable for the work task. Employees who choose to wear high heels, open backed or open toed shoes do so at their own risk. Uniformed staff are required to wear shoes that give adequate support to the foot, that are non-slip and are strong enough to prevent any damage to the toes should anything be dropped on the feet.

2.5. Neck ties/scarves must be removed when undertaking any repairs to equipment such as a photocopier/printer, for example to remove jammed paper.

2.6. The organisation reserves the right to request an employee to cover up visible tattoos that are in conflict with a professional image. Any visible tattoo that could be deemed as offensive must be covered at all times.

2.7. On days where the normal dress code policy is relaxed, e.g. dress down days, employees must ensure they dress in clean, tidy, non-revealing and non- offensive clothing.

3. Non-uniform Staff in Direct Patient Contact

3.1. Employees who wear their own clothes rather than a uniform when working in

a care/clinical environment should adhere to the general principles and

standards set out above. In particular they should ensure that their clothes

and shoes and permitted jewellery do not pose a potential hazard to

themselves, patients/service users and other employees from both an

infection prevention and control and a health and safety perspective.

4. Uniforms

4.1. All employees who are required to wear a uniform are required to wear the uniform provided by the CCG. Employees are required to wash their own uniform as detailed in paragraph 8.

4.2. Employees will be provided with an adequate number of uniforms by the

CCG. The uniforms provided will meet infection prevention and control and health and safety requirements and replacements will be made available as and when required.

4.3. Uniforms must be clean, ironed and presentable and employees should have

access to a spare uniform in case of accidental contamination. Employees must presume some degree of contamination following a shift and should therefore change out of their uniform promptly at the end of each shift. A clean and freshly laundered uniform should be worn for each shift where there is a requirement to wear a uniform.

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5. Infection Prevention and Control

5.1. All employed engaged in a direct clinical role must apply the ‘bare below the

elbow’ principles:

All wrist and hand jewellery must be removed, except one plain ring with

no stones

No false nails, nail varnish or nail adornments

No long sleeves below the elbow

6. Identification Badges

6.1. Employees should carry their identification badge at all times whilst on duty

and are required to wear it when on official CCG business outside of the CCG headquarters.

6.2. Other badges such as professional organisation or trade union badges may also be worn along with badges that support national campaigns at the time of the campaign.

6.3. If the badge is worn around the neck on a lanyard, the lanyard must have a quick release clip and should be plain blue or black with no text unless NHS or trade union approved.

7. Compensation for Damage to Personal Clothing

7.1. Employees are required to adopt a common sense approach with regard to the clothing, jewellery, glasses etc. that they wear to work in terms of expense. Employees must ensure that articles are appropriate to the type of work that they carry out and must also be mindful of any potential for damage to/loss of personal property, which may arise as a result of carrying out their duties.

7.2. Employees are discouraged from coming into work in overly expensive or designer items and where employees chose to do so and subsequently make a claim for damage to/loss of such items the CCG reserves the right to impose an upper limit of the amount of compensation it will reimburse.

7.3. All claims for compensation for damage to/loss of personal clothing will be reviewed by the Chief Finance Officer and will be considered in line with this policy. Employees will therefore only be compensated for damage to personal clothing/property that was worn in line with the requirement of this policy.

7.4. All incidents where personal clothing/property is damages or lost whilst at work must be reported on an incident reporting form. If a request for reimbursement is to be made this must be clearly documented on the incident reporting form and receipt(s) for the damaged items attached where available.

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8. Laundry Guidance

8.1. Employees who are required to wear a uniform will be provided with an adequate number of uniforms and managers will ensure that uniforms are requested correctly. Employees should presume some degree of contamination even on uniform or clothing that is not visibly soiled. A clean uniform should be worn for each shift where there is a requirement to where uniform.

8.2. Uniforms should be washed separately from any other items in a washing machine at the hottest temperature suitable for the fabric. A wash for ten minutes at 60 °C removes/destroys most micro-organisms (DOH 2007). Hand washing of uniforms is not acceptable. Uniforms should be dried quickly and ironed.

9. Wearing of Uniform Whilst Not at Work

9.1. Where changing facilities are not provided the uniform must be covered discretely for the journey to and from the workplace, between visits and on allocated breaks where the employee is off site.

9.2. Uniforms must not be worn in any retail or recreational premises whilst not on duty. Although there is no evidence of a risk from such activities, this ensures a professional image is maintained at all times.

10. Changes to Uniform in Extreme Weather Conditions

10.1. There may be circumstances where the wearing of all, or part of, the uniform may cause difficulties to the employee, for example in extremely hot or cold weather. Changes may be allowed at local level following discussion with the employees, managers and ensuring that no Infection Prevention and Control issues are raised within this process.

11. Compliance

11.1. In the event that a line manager considers an employee to be in breach of the

principles contained in this policy this will be discussed with the individual concerned and may, if necessary, require the individual to return home in their own time to make appropriate adjustments.

11.2. Repeated breaches will be viewed as misconduct and will be addressed in

accordance with the Disciplinary Policy. 12. Right of Redress

12.1. Should any employee object to expectations set out in the policy or in any

supplementary guidance issued at department level, this should be addressed in accordance with the Grievance Policy.

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Equality Analysis Form

Subject of equality analysis

Uniform and Dress Code Policy



Policy √


Business case

Commissioning service redesign

Contract / Procurement

Event / consultation

Owner Name: Lisa Devanney

Job Title: Associate Director of HR & Corporate Services

Date November 2019

Assessment Summary

Give a brief summary of the area you are assessing: Update and review of the CCG Uniform and Dress Code Policy in line national legislation and Agenda For Change Terms & Conditions. EIA reviewed simultaneously to assess the impact of the amendments and identify potential action required.



Staff √

General public

Service users




Data collection and consultation

What data is available to you to support your analysis? Has there been any consultation to inform your analysis? Policy has been reviewed in line with National legislation and Agenda For Change Terms and Conditions which have been agreed following review and consultation at NHSE/NHSLA. The policy has been consulted on locally and reviewed at the CCG Joint Consultative Committee which is attended by Union Representatives.

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Protected characteristic

Positive Neutral Negative Negative: What are the risks? Positive: What are the benefits / opportunities?









Religion & Belief


Sexual Orientation


Gender reassignment


Pregnancy & Maternity


Marriage & Civil Partnership


Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion


Conclusion & Recommendations

including any resulting action


The policy is applicable to all employees and adheres to NHSLA Standards, statutory requirements and best practice and makes all reasonable provision to ensure equity of process for all. The aim of this policy is to outline the expectations of NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in relation to uniform and dress code. The policy will be implemented to ensure that a positive corporate image is adhered to. All employees are expected to portray a professional image to patients/clients and members of the public. This policy acknowledges personal and cultural diversity where this does not compromise the safety of patients or employees, or damage the professional standing of the individual or the CCG. No action is required as the Policy applies to all employees with no adverse impact detected on the basis of a protected characteristic.

Review date November 2022

Please return the Equality Analysis Form to the Corporate Governance Manager:

