Unit 1 Properties of and Changes in Matter 1. Chemistry Study of matter and its transformations...


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Unit 1

Properties of and Changes in Matter



• Study of matter and its transformations

• Everything is or is made from 118+ different types of atoms, in many combinations


Pure substances

• The simplest type of matter• can be an element

– represented by chemical symbols on the periodic table of elements

– Examples: H (hydrogen), He (helium)– Smallest unit of an element is an atom

• or a compound– chemical combinations of elements, represented by a

chemical formula– Examples: H2O (water), NaCl (sodium chloride)– Smallest unit of a compound is a molecule or formula unit


Describing matter

• Chemical properties• Physical properties


Chemical Properties

• Describe the type of changes matter can undergo

• Become evident during a chemical reaction• Examples:

– A chemical property of metals is the ability to react with acids.

– A chemical property of carbon dioxide gas is that no combustion reaction can take place in its presence.


Physical Properties

• Describe bulk quantities, not single atoms• Observed or measured without changing the

composition• Review of properties


Physical Properties

• Examples: – Color– State of matter (solid, liquid, gas)– Luster– Texture (granular, powdery)– boiling point and melting point– Solubility– Density– Size (mass, volume, length)



• A quantitative observation that includes a number and a unit



– a measure of the amount of matter in an object

– measured using an electronic balance

– Record all numbers on the screen, even zeroes



– a measure of the amount of space occupied

– Use a graduated cylinder for liquids

– Use v = l x w x h for regular solids

– Use water displacement for irregular solids


Physical Properties

• Intensive (also called intrinsic)– INdependent of sample size– Examples: color, state of matter, luster, texture,

boiling point, melting point, solubility, density


• Extensive (also called extrinsic)– dependent on sample size– Examples: mass, volume, length


ChangesPhysical changes• Usually involve small amounts of energy

(compared to chemical changes)• Involve the particles moving closer together

or farther apart

• Don’t change the identity of the substance• Only change physical properties of substance


Physical change examples– all phase changes (freezing, melting,

boiling/evaporation, condensation, depostion, sublimation)

– changing size or shape (rolling out a ball of play-do or cutting a piece of paper)

– warming or cooling (like heating water from 50°C to 60°C)

– Dissolving (sometimes…chemists are still arguing about this)



Chemical changes• involve more energy than physical changes• Result in a different substance than you

started with


Chemical change indicators(only need one, but more than one may be seen)

– Formation of a gas (will see bubbles)– Formation of a precipitate (an insoluble substance)

– Formation of a new odor– Release of light (energy)– Internal temperature change(hotter or colder)– Unexpected color change



• During a chemical reaction, the SYSTEM is everything you are considering part of the reaction. Everything else is part of the SURROUNDINGS.

• An open system interacts with its surroundings and allows energy or matter to enter or leave.



• Ratio of mass to volume• Describes the spacing of the particles

– As the spacing between particles decreases, the density increases



• Which container is more dense?

• Which container has more mass?

• Which container has more volume?





BFigure 11. Which container is more

dense?2. Which container has

more mass?3. Which container has

more volume?4. If you cut sample B in half,

what happens to the:a) Mass of B?b) Volume of B?c) Density of B?



1. Mass of A is greater than Mass of B.

2. Mass of A is greater than Mass of C.

3. Mass of B is greater than Mass of C.

4. Volume of A is less than Volume of B.

5. Volume of A is less than Volume of C.

6. Volume of B is less than Volume of C.

7. Density of A is greater than Density of B.

8. Density of B is greater than Density of C.





Density calculations


Density of water• Density of water is 1.00 g/ml or 1.00 g/cm3

1 cm3 = 1 mL = 1 cc

not drawn to scale!


Density calculations

Find the density of a material that has a mass of 100 grams and takes up 25 cubic centimeters of space.Include: formula, substitution, and answer with units


Density calculations

What is the density of the solution in the container?

Include: formula, substitution, and answer with units

More practice


Density graphCalculate the slope of the line.Include: formula, substitution, and answer with units

Keys to a good line graph:-title-labelled axes-even increments-Use all available space-plot data points-circle each data point-draw a best-fit line through circles-choose 2 points (NOT data points) from best-fit line for calculating slope

Density of water


Metric prefixes

King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk

King - Kilo (K + base unit)Henry – Hecta (H + base unit)Died- Deka (Da + base unit)By – Base – meter, liter, gramDrinking – Deci (d + base unit)Chocolate – Centi ( c + base unit)Milk – Milli (m + base unit)

















Ladder Method

How do you use the “ladder” method?

1st – Determine your starting point.

2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point.

3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction.

4 km = _________ m



How many jumps does it take?

Starting Point Ending Point




__. = 4000 m


Conversion practice

1. 1000 mg = ________ g2. 14 kg = __________ g3. 1 L = __________ mL4. 109 g = __________ kg5. 160 cL = __________ mL6. 250 L = __________ kL


accuracy• Correctness• Agreement with the

true/accepted value• Check by using a different

method• Poor accuracy results from

procedural or equipment flaws

precision• Reproducibility• Degree of agreement

among several measurements of the same quantity

• Check by repeating measurements

• Poor precision results from poor technique

Accuracy & Precision

• Three different groups of students measure the mass of a medal, with a known value of 5.000 grams. Evaluate each group’s data for its accuracy and precision (low or high):

Trial 1 5.003 g

Trial 2 5.002 g

Trial 3 5.001 g

Trial 1 5.400 g

Trial 2 5.202 g

Trial 3 5.905 g

Trial 1 5.503 g

Trial 2 5.499 g

Trial 3 5.501 g

Group 2Group 1 Group 3

Accuracy ______Precision ______

Accuracy ______Precision ______

Accuracy ______Precision ______


lowlow high



Accuracy and Precision

• Sometimes there is a difference between the accepted value and the experimental value.

• This difference is known as error.Error = accepted value – experimental value

– Error can be positive or negative depending on whether the experimental value is greater than or less than the accepted value.

Accuracy and Precision

• Often it is useful to calculate relative error, or percent error.

Percent error = error x 100%

accepted value

– The percent error will always be a positive value.


Good measurementsRead graduated cylinder at eye level

Record volume at the bottom of the meniscus


Sig Figs and Song

• Any measurement has some degree of uncertainty.

• When recording measurements, always include one estimated (uncertain) digit (place value position). – Example: This graduated

cylinder has markings every 1 mL. You estimate the tenths place.

– 43.0 mL

Significance in Measurement

• Measurements always involve a comparison. – When you say that a table is 6 feet long, you're

really saying that the table is six times longer than an object that is 1 foot long.

– The foot is a unit; you measure the length of the table by comparing it with an object like a yardstick or a tape measure that is a known number of feet long.

Significance in Measurement

• The comparison always involves some uncertainty. – If the tape measure has marks every foot, and the table falls

between the sixth and seventh marks, you can be certain that the table is longer than six feet and less than seven feet.

– To get a better idea of how long the table actually is , though, you will have to read between the scale division marks.

• Measurements are often written as a single number rather than a range. – When you write the measurement as a single number, it's

understood that the last figure had to be estimated. Consider measuring the length of the same object with two different rulers.

Significance in Measurement

• For each of the rulers, give the correct length measurement for the steel pellet as a single number rather than a range

Significance in Measurement• A zero will occur in the last

place of a measurement if the measured value fell exactly on a scale division. – For example, the temperature

on the thermometer should be recorded as 30.0°C.

– Reporting the temperature as 30°C would imply that the measurement had been taken on a thermometer with scale marks 100°C apart!

Significance in Measurement

• The graduated cylinder on the right has scale marks 0.1 mL apart, so it can be read to the nearest 0.01 mL.

• Reading across the bottom of the meniscus, a reading of 5.72 mL is reasonable (5.73 mL or 5.71 mL are acceptable, too).

Significance in Measurement

• Determine the volume readings for the two cylinders to the right, assuming each scale is in mL.

Signficance in Measurement

• Numbers obtained by counting (exact numbers) have no uncertainty unless the count is very large. – For example, the word 'sesquipedalian' has 14 letters.

• "14 letters" is not a measurement, since that would imply that we were uncertain about the count in the ones place.

• 14 is an exact number here.

• Conversion factors are exact numbers and have no uncertainty. – Conversions (3 feet = 1 yard)

Significance in Measurement

• Very large counts often do have some uncertainty in them, because of inherent flaws in the counting process or because the count fluctuates. – For example, the number of human beings in

Arizona would be considered a measurement because it can not be determined exactly at the present time.

Significance in Measurement

• All of the digits up to and including the estimated digit are called significant digits. – Consider the following measurements. The

estimated digit is in purple and is underlined: Measurement Number of Distance Between Markings

Significant Digits on Measuring Device 142.7 g 4 1 g 103 nm 3 10 nm2.99798 x 108 m 6 0.0001 x 108 m

Significance in Measurement

A sample of liquid has a measured volume of 23.01 mL. Assume that the measurement was recorded properly.How many significant digits does the measurement have? 1, 2, 3, or 4?

The correct answer is . . .4

Significance in Measurement

Suppose the volume measurement (23.01 mL) was made with a graduated cylinder. How far apart were the scale divisions on the cylinder, in mL? 10 mL, 1 mL, 0.1 mL, or 0.01 mL?

The correct answer is . . .0.1 mL

Significance in Measurement

Which of the digits in the measurement (23.01 mL) is uncertain? The “2,” “3,” “0,” or “1?”

The correct answer is . . .1

Significance in Measurement

• Usually one can count significant digits simply by counting all of the digits up to and including the estimated digit. – It's important to realize, however, that the position of the

decimal point has nothing to do with the number of significant digits in a measurement.

– For example, you can write a mass measured as 124.1 g as 0.1241 kg.

– Moving the decimal place doesn't change the fact that this measurement has FOUR significant figures.

Significance in Measurement

• Suppose a mass is given as 127 ng.– That's 0.127 µg, or 0.000127 mg, or 0.000000127

g. – These are all just different ways of writing the

same measurement, and all have the same number of significant digits: THREE.

Significance in Measurement

• If significant digits are all digits up to and including the first estimated digit, why don't those zeros count? – If they did, you could change the amount of uncertainty in a

measurement that significant figures imply simply by changing the units.

• Say you measured 15 mL– The 10’s place is certain and the 1’s place is estimated so you have 2

significant digits• If the units to are changed to L, the number is written as 0.015 L

– If the 0’s were significant, then just by rewriting the number with different units, suddenly you’d have 4 significant digits

– By not counting those leading zeros, you ensure that the measurement has the same number of figures (and the same relative amount of uncertainty) whether you write it as 0.015 L or 15 mL

Significance in Measurement

• Determine the number of significant digits in the following series of numbers:

0.000341 kg = 0.341 g = 341 mg 12 µg = 0.000012 g = 0.000000012 kg 0.01061 Mg = 10.61 kg = 10610 g

Significance in Measurement

• Any zeros that vanish when you convert a measurement to scientific notation were not really significant figures. Consider the following examples:

0.01234 kg1.234 x 10-2 kg

4 sig figsLeading zeros (0.01234 kg) just locate the decimal point. They're never significant.

Significance in Measurement0.012340 kg

1.2340 x 10-2 kg5 sig figs

Notice that you didn't have to move the decimal point past the trailing zero (0.012340 kg) so it doesn't vanish and so is considered significant.

0.000011010 m1.1010 x 10-5 m

5 sig figsAgain, the leading zeros vanish but the trailing zero doesn't.

Significance in Measurement

84,000 mg8.4 x 104 mg

2 sig figs (at least)The decimal point moves past the zeros (84,000 mg) in the conversion. They should not be counted as significant.

32.00 mL3.200 x 101 mL

4 sig figsThe decimal point didn't move past those last two zeros.

Significance in Measurement

• When are zeros significant?– From the previous frame, you know that whether

a zero is significant or not depends on just where it appears.

– Any zero that serves merely to locate the decimal point is not significant.

Significance in Measurement

• All of the possibilities are covered by the following rules:

1. Zeros sandwiched between two significant digits are always significant. 1.0001 km 2501 kg 140.009 Mg

5, 4, 6

Significance in Measurement2. Trailing zeros to the right of the decimal point are always significant. 3.0 m 12.000 µm 1000.0 µm

2, 5, 5

3. Leading zeros are never significant. 0.0003 m 0.123 µm 0.0010100 µm

1, 3, 5

Significance in Measurement

4. Trailing zeros with no decimal are not significant.

3000 m 1230 µm 92,900,000 miles

1, 3, 3

Significance in Measurement

– How many significant figures are there in each of the following measurements?

1010.010 g32010.0 g0.00302040 g0.01030 g101000 g100 g

7, 6, 6, 4, 3, 1

Significance in Measurement

• Rounding Off– Often a recorded measurement that contains

more than one uncertain digit must be rounded off to the correct number of significant digits.

Significance in Measurement

• Rules for rounding off measurements:1. All digits to the right of the first uncertain digit

have to be eliminated. Look at the first digit that must be eliminated.

2. If the digit is greater than or equal to 5, round up. • 1.35343 g rounded to 2 figures is 1.4 g.• 1090 g rounded to 2 figures is 1.1 x 103 g.• 2.34954 g rounded to 3 figures is 2.35 g.

3. If the digit is less than 5, round down. • 1.35343 g rounded to 4 figures is 1.353 g.• 1090 g rounded to 1 figures is 1 x 103 g.• 2.34954 g rounded to 5 figures is 2.3495 g.

Significance in Measurement

Try these:2.43479 rounded to 3 figures 1,756,243 rounded to 4 figures 9.973451 rounded to 2 figures


Significant figures

When using or evaluating someone else’s measurements, you need to understand the following significant figure rules:


Sig fig rules

1. Non-zero digits and zeros between non-zero digits are always significant.

Example:145.6 grams has 4 sig figs10405.6 has 6 sig figs


2. Leading zeros are not significant.

Example:0.001456 has 4 sig figs0.000000000742 has 3 sig figs


3. Zeros to the right of all non-zero digits are only significant if a decimal point is shown.

Example:993.000 has 6 sig figs993,000 has 3 sig figs


4. For values written in scientific notation, the digits in the coefficient are significant.

Example:4.65 x 108 has 3 sig figs4.650 x 108 has 4 sig figs


Scientific notation


Scientific notation

Expresses numbers as a coefficient multiplied by a base raised to a power.Example:456 = 4.56 x 102

Positive exponents indicate that a value is greater than 1.

0.00456 = 4.56 x 10-3

Negative exponents indicate that a value is less than 1.

